Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jul 1924, p. 3

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uuu f. .. nearly five thousand wounded. Four thousand of the allied forces were killed, and the total number of their wounded was twenty-two thousand. At the time it was considered a very dear victory; hutrit is, perhaps, one of the most famous and important of all time. It has gone down into the glori- ous history of our comtry, carrying with it an ever-living memory of our great countrymanâ€"Wellington. 0â€"“... The highest peak, in New Zealand is 12,350 feet high. Stocking Lakes in Jasper Park. To facilitate the stocking of the lakes in Jasper National Park, a num- ber of troughs were recently set up in the basement of the Arministration Building at Jasper, Alberta. They are at present carrying Loch Leven trout eggs, and further shipments of other varieties will be furnished by the De: partment of Marine and F‘isheri-es‘ from time to time and the resultant fry distributed in the waters of the park. The British casualties on the field were fourteen hundred men killed and nearly five thousand wounded. Four thousand of the allied forces were killed, and the total number of their wounded was twenty-two thousand. At the time it was considered a. very dear victory; but'it is, perhaps, one of The Battle of \Vhterloo was fought by eighty thousand French and two hundred and fifty guns, against sixty- seven thousand English, Hanoven‘ans, and Belgians, assisted by a large num- ber of Prussians, who came in at the last moment. "It is a great day for England," said William “I. as he lay on his death’bed on June 18th, 1837, and listened to the guns firing for the anniversary of the ‘Battle of Waterloo. If your dealer does not keep these pills you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. \Villiams' Medicine Co., Brockvine, Ont. If your heath is poor; it you are: pale, nervous or dyspeptic, you should i give Dr. Williems' Pink Pills a fair; trial. These pills act directly on thel blood, and by enriching it give new! strength to worn out nerves. Men and women alike greatly benefit through the use of this medicine. If you are weak or ailing, give Dr. Wil-l liams' Pink Pills a fair trial and you. will be pleased with the beneficial re- sults that will speedily follow. 4‘ SM PWWARE Apart from accident or illness due to infection. almost all ill-health arises from one or two reasons. The mistake that people make is in not realizing that both of these have the same cause at the root, namely poor blood. Either bloodiessness or some other trouble of the nerves will be found to be the reason for almost every ailment. If you are pale, suffering from head- aches, or hreathlessness, with palpi- tatiofl of the heart, poor appetite and] weak digestion, the cause is almost always poor blood. It you have ner-g vous headaches, neuralgia, sciatica' and other nerve pains, the cause is exhausted nerves. But run down nerves are also a result of poor blood, so that the two chief causes of illness ‘ are one and the same. i Why Busy Women Want Almosi' Always Due to Weak and Impoverished Blood. Busy women want SMP Enameled Ware because it will bring food to the boil almost twice as fast as all-metal utensils, and com- pletes the cooking sooner. A woman can wash SMP Enameled Ware utensils faster than utensils that have to be scrubbed and scoured. Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of early-grey enamel inside and out. Diamond are, three coats, light blue and white out- side, White lining. Crystal Ware, three coats, pure white Inside and out, with Royal Blue edging. THE CAUSE OF SICKNESS IfmUS/‘fie/(een's 'was 3 Famous Victory." Serve Mus/arc, WIT/2 al/ meafs MSHEET METAL PRODUCTS Co Mustard nanâ€"{rakes the richne§s of fat foods and makes them easier to digest. _M_ystar§l eqablleg Iyou Eoenjpy - -__..,.n uleuu .--.â€".,-._. ._ and assimilate foédnwhicin othemfisé would burden the digestive organs. , _.. cvl‘hlq‘ o [a considerable amount of goitre .northern Sections, the percenta; ‘ong school children being from ltwenty-five per cent. Examir ‘Of the iodine content of various (supplies in the province are at 1: Ibeing made, and these, no doub fished further light on this subjec ,freedom of maritime countries ’goitre is due to the presence of 'cient iodine in the food and dri: i311 requirements of the thyroid iThe sea is the great l‘Pxorvr v... .. mu. nca‘ water and seaâ€"foo‘d (animal or vege- M, , golcre Is one to the presence of suffi- cient iodine in the food and drink for all requirements of the thyroid gland. The sea is the great reservoir of iodine; iodine is oresenf‘. in the sea- --_‘A‘_ â€"nJ ~77 " ,,_-.,“,.u.., uavl: HHS I0 jsay of it: “Simple goitre has been deâ€" monstrated to be a deficiency disease lman race, horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, Icats, rabbits and fish also being af- lfected. ' Goitre is of world~wide distribution, 'but: most common in inland countries, especially on high plateaus and in mountainous regions. It is Very prev- alent in Canada, being found in On- tario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Ala berta, Saskatchewan and certain sec-J tions of British Columbia. Goitre, seems to be fairly common in New Onâ€"’ tario and also in the north-eastern ‘part of old Ontario where the surface ‘drainage contains very little iodine.‘ ‘It is also prevalent al‘out the Great! Lakes. ‘ Rough surveys of the province ap- pear to Show that ingeperal there is .. nA_~.'.J.\...\L14 H goitre is. A day seldom pass out one noticing a person on t or car with a swelling on t This is particularly notiu young girls and older ones 1 go about with their throats e What is the nature and < goitre? Marine. and Kimb ....L-.l .7 'acfiicallry everybody Provlnollll Beard of Health, Gnurlo '. MMdleton mu 5. Had to answer quuuazu an Put ton through this column. Addrou hln as India Mat. Toronto. HEALTH EDUCATION OF CANADA ‘ Lan’lD _......_,\.\.u. L uc miritime countries from day §eld<§;n with cent. Examinations BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Jon percentage am. 70f goitre i-z; son on the street ng on the neck. arious waterl‘ re at present ) doubt, will! subject._The[ not iceal Iouu‘ame m nes too, who its exposed. knows \vh'xt ten to Minard's Liniment Relleves Pain. "No, the rep] "Ah spells it wit a. G, not "Oh, possibly an abbrc 'General,’ ” said the tourist it 7" "Gen." f6r Short. A â€" man travelling in the Unite States, meeting a little Negro boy, 11 quired his name. “ ‘Gen,’ Bah,” was the reply. " Jen’? That's a girl's name, lsn The safe way is by Dominion Ashanti is a tone drummers have two d: and a "female”‘set in and on them>they can only the number of word, but the arbitrar) signed to each when S] suit. is a kind of music: drums are “talking.” The drums cary a mile or more, and in very favorable circumstances they can be heard as far as -Lhree miles. Messages can be sent hundreds of miles m a remarkably short time. But the same system could obv 1y not be applied to English, so a tempt is being made to work ou adaptation of the drum-talk to Morse code. After trying V8.1 plans, the most promising method been found to be the use (iguc the tones) of spacing only, each or dash being i'epreeented by beats. ' When you are righfisfiyou can afford keep your temper. When you are 'ong you can’t afford to lose it. us‘ness answer fl 1119‘ Washington C 115 me 'Gen’ for st Experiments are n with the object of a‘ anti drum-language t( of messages in Englls the use of Boy Scouts Cholera Infantum is one of the fatal ailments of childhood. It is a trouble that comes on suddenly, especially during the summer months, and unless pmmpt action is taken the little one [may soon be beyond aid. Baby’s Own ‘ Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward- ing off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus prevent all the dreaded sum‘ mer complaints. Concerning them Mrs. Fred Rose, South Bay, Onto, says:â€"~“I feel Baby's Own Tablets saved the life of our baby when she had cholera intantum and I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Iodine can be given in the drinkin - ' water or by the use of iodized tab e -lsalt but the most effective way is to Hgive it in the form of sodium iodide or in an organic form of iodine done ‘ up in a chocolate tablet. The dis~ agreeable taste of the sodium iodide ‘makes it an ineffective preparation in that children simply won’t take it for anylength of time,‘ and if taken in this form it should be once a week in three~grain tablets during the entire school year. It can’t be done. The children refuse to take it. To overcome this objection, a choc- lolate-coated tablet containing five to lten milligrams of iodine (one tablet 'each week) has been prepared. This is the best method yet devised. Durâ€" ing the period that the iodine is being ladministered the patient should be ‘ under medical supervision. CHOLERA INFANT UM The best way to overcome this dis- ease is by the administration of iodine, and the most effective way of giving iodine is internally. One can admin- ister iodine by inhalation or by ex- ternal application, but both these methods are more or leSS unsatisâ€" factory? table). It is also present in the air, ‘due to the sea spray. Salt. obtained from sea-water and not highly puriâ€" fied contains sufficient iodine for the proper functioning of the thyroid ngand. Unfortunately, however, at the [present time, salt is not prepared i‘from sea-water, but from inland salt deposits which are often deficient in :iodine or have the iodine removed by the process of manufacture. Plants {growing on soils which contain iodine :will take it up and pass it on to the [animal consumer. but if the soil is deficient in iodine they are not able to furnish a source of supply to the ani- mal, and goitre results. Statistics show that the disease is generally more prevalent in women than in men in the proportion of three or four to one. sah Making Drums Talk XXX “Much. on Public Health ” ml at India: Home. 8m t the arbitrary toe-quality r each when spoken. The re- kind of musical speech. The or the drum-talk to thé le. After trying various most promising method has Ma talking.“ ii! to send money by mail Express Money Order. are now being made : of adapting the Ash- age to the conveyance English, especially for for me two drumsâ€"a "male" ho-'nough naz tone language_ The stem could obvious sh G. not a J, sab.” abbreviation of tourist. the 1156 (ignoring ngusn, so an at. to work out an different tones. reproduce, not syllables in a In ti ut de United boy, in- ac’h (lot by two net “mm: 15 me Canada) of Ba, aceucacidestez- o: Handy “Bayer” gorge of Also bottles of 24 and 100- i 3 â€"_ which contains proven directions My Feet Sore Say “Bayer” - Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds Compulsory Home Tralnlng. At Auckland, New Zealand, when giving evldence at the inquiry into social problems, Mr. Pownton, a magistrate, suggested conscription for girls for thorough domestic training as likely tremendously to benefit the home life of New Zealand. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of {m series. in a scrapbook.) A duplicate coin is used and this is in the bag all 0: the time. This coin is put in. the corner of the bag and pocketed by a. few stitches of thread. One end of this thread is knotted with a rather large knot. The bag may be held upside down and shaken without fear that the coin will (all. The trickster, holding the bagâ€"~flrst showing his hands to be emptyâ€"gets hold of the knot While the bag is being tied and pulls out the stitches. In this way the duplicate coin joins the other. V â€"r‘vvâ€"l.vl' need not know that. A bag or flannel or other rough cloth is produced and half a dozen coins are shaken out of it. The bag is held upside down and shaken. so it is obviously empty after the coins have been taken out. One of the coins is taken by the spectators and the remain- ing flve counted by a spectator and put into a bag. To prevent trickery the spectator ties the mouth of the bag with cord and puts it In his pocket. he trick- ster causes the remaining coin to vanish by any means he desire: and is able to use. The bag is opened and the coin is found to have joined the others. The beg may be examined without fear of disclosing 1he secret. "is mad Ega?’ need not more methods of causing a coin to vanish by sleight of hand or other trickery. Here is an easy method of completing the trick by a mysterious reappearance of the coin. Unfortunately, it is not the same coin but the apectatora VIth _»A r Most tricksters know Fine, brisk flavor! the tnde mark (registered in Bayer Hnnurlcgure or How u. no u-..__.., . EASY TRICKS Blllcyllcncld 11 with Minard’s inflammation. soc The Coin Bag boxes of 12 tablets and lOOâ€"Dmggista brisk flavor! Best of all in the ORANGE: PEKOE QUALITY 1“ " Accept only a __.t__ Bayer Eackage one or Allen, Ala’béiha. ' _ Women who sufi" benefit. It has relieved .my pains an gives me strength._I recommend it an give you ermisslon to use my testi: menial let -r."-â€"Mrs. IDA RYE, Glel A 111 .~ A ‘_L A... A .V.~_ van.“ vvlhuuuk unuca Glen Allen, Alabama.â€" "1 have beg eatly benefited by taking Lydia inkham’s Vegetable Compound (0! bearing-down feelings and pains. I wax troubled in this way for nearly four years following the birth of my first child,and at times could hardly stand on my feet. A neighbor recommended th Vegetable Compound to me’ after I ha taken doctog’s mecllcineg without much L_-Acl v _ rfirvâ€"v- -v- “mum- unv a friend induced me to try L dia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoun . Since taking the Vegetable Com and weakness has left me and t e ain 111 back has one. I tell all my rlends w o are troub ed with female weaknesl to take Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Ye etablo Compound. for I think it is e best medicine ever sold. You ma advertise my letter. ”â€"â€"â€"Mrs. GEORGE CROUBI, Hemfotd, N. S. My First Child Hemford, N. S.â€"-“I am the mother of four children and I was so Weak aft? my last baby came that I could not my work and suffered for moqthgunga . £_l-_.) 3, V Recommends Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound to Other Mothers MOTHER 0F » LARGE FAMILY Ehe common 110-volt electric current ls harmless to a. person on a dry floor. but may mean instant death to one who touches an electrlc light as he stands in a. bath-tub. Warm weather is not always too healthy. and July in Rome was tro- quently a. month of epidemics and high mortality. The Romans connected 1 this with the rising and setting of the star Caniculaâ€"ethe Little Dosâ€"in coin- cidence with the sun, and talked of the period of July 3rd to August 11th as the Dog Days. The Little Dog no longer rises with the sun during this period, but the name of the Dog Days and something of their sinister reputation still per- sist. Even in modern Britain, magis- trates have been known to order dogl in towns to be muzzled about the be- ginning of July. Mlnard’s Linlment for the Northern Hemisphéreignd Its heat led to an old Roman superstition, which has left its mark on our own speech. July is usually considered to be tho wormes-t month or the year all over 4LA ‘v .. Write Murine C33. Chic £5 3’ Keeps EYES £1?qu Bright and Beautiful Imple Blah Pm by HAIL Add: I Canadl gcpoc: "Outlcnn, P. O. In: I“ . lama . mo 80925:. Ointmencgilnnd‘mcsl‘dtqm " My face was full of blackheads which later became um: pimples. They were scattered overmyfaceandltched and burned,and when I sex-sucked them they became worse and left scars. I was trouble!“ with ‘hem for about ‘ three or four months when I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I: helped me so I purchased more, and now I am completely healed." (Signed) Miss Esther L. Ball. Manltou Beach. Michigan. Uae Cuticura for all toilet pmposea. TROUBLE] WITH ITCHY PIMPLES ts Peculiar t07W6m-EH Difference Scattered Over Face. Cuticura Healed. a suffer should write to th( 1am MedicineCo..Cobour I afrge cgpy of Lydia 'ry our ncwrsilgrrév‘ljli;suck. 'nvate Dampness Makes 31â€"‘24‘ ago.forEveCateBook Rheumatism. :9“ “P017

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