Comer of Yonge & Richmond Sail/d JONES IguMBER C" HONE 27 BOOTS AND SHOES OF . ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR G001) WORKMANSHIP A__-n“ Geo.Caldwell, Lorne Paterson v-.â€" QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. Visits M‘s Monday. We afternoons and Wish to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and wagon work, Automobile wood work and rubber tires at the Trench works. Satisfaction and reasonable prices assured. Riv.) A. f. MACKENZIE Give us a trial Centre Street East Drop a card or phone Hudson Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring line Lam Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Rooï¬ngs G y procls Tar paper Wallboard Pants and am Boys running Jersey sweaLcI “(CHORD DOCTOR OE‘CHIROPRACTXC 167 Belsize Drive, Toronto Yonge From now until Sepb.2nd, when our Fall Term opens. First-class Instruction in all Departments, Accounting. Stenogruphy. Type- writiug. Secretarial, General Improvement, Banking Oom- mercial Teachers’, and Business Courses. AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Write to-day for free catalogue. 2y sweaters an at reasonable prices. A SUMMER SESSION! ls Held in the Popular impair/hf oi New Yuk INQUIRIES SOLICITED Building paper and Shirts. Consultations Free . ELLIO’IT 5 Maple and Teston \Vednelday and Friday and evenings each week & Charles Sts., Toronto Smun'r. newton!) HILL Bepresenï¬â€˜ Enter now. and be convinced. shoes, caps! Doors Sash Gyprock Wallboard PRINCIPAL very 1802 J HEAR PREan mi“. _ All roads wiii lead to Markham Village. on Saturday, the 16th of August. That is the date when the new constituency of North York will give a demonstration and picnic in honor of its worthy representative, fine weather the visit of the Prime constituency will Minister to the new doubtless bring a gathering of peopie of ail shades of politics that will do credit to Canada‘s First Statesman. litics the electors will m we]â€" mme to the Premier 0 ' ral Government of office for the past two years. Come out and hear the great questions of the day disâ€" cussed on the 16th of August. Seldom is a man IULluu mo ...... political party who will come out openly, and champion the Canadian Senate. It is generally admitted that l thi; body ‘ is as paitil 2n 1 as is the House of Commons, and that its mission is to help its own party out of difficulties, and to put stumbling ‘ blocks in the Way of opponents. Wallace Nesbit, K. 0., however, is a great believer in the the Senate, and says that the Premier, MacKenzie King, will make the mistake of his lli‘e if he ventures to interfere with it. Mr. Nesbit says that England made a great mistake in weakening the House of Lords, and warns Canada against making a similar mistake. l Mr. Nesbit admits that the electors are against the Senate, but he looks upon the popular voice as “only mob clamor. †HAPESâ€"At the resid-nne of his sismr, Mrs. Thomas Frisby, Victoria. Square, on Sunday, July 27, 1924, C' 3, anes. . . n_l.‘-. um l‘.on\ptprv. Although in his 86th year, the sud- den death of Dugald McDonald, a life-long resident of this place. on Monday of this week. came as a sur- priae. Deceased had been tax collector for the west, purl; 0f the Township of Vaughan for nearly 30 years. The funeral to Maple Cemetery yesterday wanlnrgely attended. On the casket were several floral tributes including a SOUL! from Vaughan Council. a spray from Ice cream and cake will be served on St. Stephen's Uhurch, anlv, on the evening of August u. Please accept this an an invitation. _ ‘ " r Jâ€"nl LnlA Any-“10 Hill as an luvunuu... At the Beach OaruiVa-l held during Part: 81 ins old Home week. July 20, 2|! Rupert salmon. of Maple. won the 100 yard open for all race. Concert 3nd Dance in Community Hall. Maple, Wednesday exeuing, the 6th of August. The artists will include that Gambliu trio; the two Bobs; James Kelly and Little Hickey. the Juvenile Comedian. Marian Horrigton, pianist anti vocalist. Concert at 8 p. 11)., dance lt 0. ' CHAMPION 0F Luv --‘ .‘V_ “ranged ‘ sever-l Demonstrations to week of August My, 'l‘ne uupm umuw -- __a,, “ranged sever-l Poultry Culling Demonstrations to be held during the week of August (th, in York County. People who are interested in Poultry would be well advised to attend one of the demonstrations. A poultry'expert will be in attendance and after the lecture on Culling. will take up some of the troubles of Poultry Raisers. Beluw is a lht of the sluts at which demonstrations will he 191d: l Willmot Riddell, Vachell, Georgina, August. I, 3 p. m. Percy Wood, Belhnveu, North Gwillimbury, August 6, 3 p. :13. Jacob Smith, Queensviue, East, Gwillimbury, August 6. 7 p. m. John Gillies, Laslay. King, August 7, 9.803.113. Jack McNeil, Vellore, Vaughan, ‘ August. '7, 2.30 p. m. Roy Brillinger, Gormley, Whltchurcl, August, 1. ’1 p. m. Paterson Bros, York. Scarboro Towuline. August. 8, 10.30 a. :11. Geo. Pearson. Dicksnn's Cornea, Etobicoke. August 8, 2 30 p. m. R. .l. Romans, chreientutivo to: York County The Departmen‘t Poultry the Premier of this great 1. The Liberal Government the reins of office for the years. Come out and hear r nnngï¬ons 0f the day disâ€" PREMIER KING a man found in either y who will come out 1ampion the Canadian generally admitted that ‘ is as paxtil an r- nr nnmmons, and that DEATHS Culling De-onlmï¬ons MAPLE Vellum THE SENATE ogAgriClllLure has n u- , Hill Cemetery. the sud i TRAYEDâ€"Frnm the premises or we unday night, July undersigned, M 28. a black mm“, aged. Finder plvase ISAAC Humans: ‘commnnicace with râ€" -- -. PhnnP. a OR SALEâ€"4- _ pantry for S CBARRONER. JOh Thornhill. HOUSE TO RENTâ€"â€" u back kitchen, 1] pump nnd good Water. Apply on !he premises, Hunt Avenue. 7‘4â€" A mowers: 'd mu-un h- _ oven. $34.00. 4 burner a“ stove. with 0W". $39.00. Lawn mowers 12 in.,3 blades, $8150. LaWn mowers 14 in., 4 blades, $10.50. Lawn mowers 16 in., blildeS. ball bearing $13.50. Apply I. A. ROSE. 5-9 wow SI)". Ulll 5‘--., I“ mond Street, veniences. Apply A) RTICLES FOR SALw A Oxford coal range. 1 ‘ l ngrobe, 1 rooms, at r premises W. CURTII, "The easoname I'vuv. uuu . Appw ‘on the or Thursday. Mns Hermitage.’ ' 4-! Street. Apply L. B. F Richmond Hill. UUU UBLV Lawâ€"u m“ ,, 6 years old, big enough to Work. Good in all harness. Strawberries for sale. fresh daily. A. E. JONES, Elgié) Mills, Phone Richmond Hill, 12713 f -L . HERRIES For solicited. ADP‘ . Richmond Stâ€! BARGAIN OOMS 000 DRIYEBT: Iii-Markham; RAMME OF SPORTS. A COMPLETE FROG (1 Spend the Afternoon Everybody Invited. Come an Addresses will be delivered by â€" - - nrrn‘ VV 3 n t. PLENTY OF MUSIC and do honor to Canada’s P of Liberal Government in C2 RENT- __._...â€"f ~8-Roomed cottage and or sale; i-um‘e 10‘. MRS. John Sc.,’l‘hnrnhill. 5 f‘ ~I in all st0°93 3 burner on s1 4 burner 0“ 5‘ Law“ (“OWEX'1 #03. SALE â€" Apply MRS. W. ‘St., Richmond .ENTâ€"me rooms and ‘chen. bu‘f acre of iand, water. Electric lighted. emises, Mas. LENDRU M, 5-6 |_._Bunga.loW ESTâ€"Five on six reasonable rent. and man Annw on the or Phone. et, central. 0 er 0“ stove. with mowers 12 in. 3 mowers 14 in†4 ; mowgrs 16 in. Ads. unw. v. :hmnndï¬ill. 4.5 A ("3"?!- for sale, n Lâ€"U"‘ ' chu, Elizabmh LE _. 1 Gurney ,_ 1 Oak heater 1 Washâ€"stand 1 Wilton rug- fltv of nilcl0_tb. HON. bio-rm. 4-5 u WORK h_v :itv. box 2" Six ropms. and TM)?“ Ordel s H ARRI- 'Vo no L1. â€"..- Leader of Libem Part); {n of the Rich- Prime Minister of Canada and in Canada. MCGIVERN, DON’T think that a low cost Car can’t give satisfaction. The Star car is one car you will admire, no matter What your ideal car may be. C AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVERYBODY. Como" Prime Minister, and hear of the achievements of two years RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. MME OF SPORTS. A Reception to Meet the Premier. Spend the Afternoon in Markham. . SINCLAAIR, M31313. THE ARISTOC'RAT 0F LOW-PRICED CARS Ask us to demonstrate; {hie Ontario Legislature L. H. REESOR, of Ottawa Chairman of Commitk e6