Ir. L. ,B. Heine returned last week, after whip of nearly two months through news of the Western States, visiting friends and assisting in [Inventing on the 3,- section [arm of his brother A. J. Heine. of Hamlin, Kansas. He reports that threshing operations have begun with a yield of as high as 40 bushels per acre of full wheat and an estimated crop of one hundred and thirty million hulhels for the State of Knnsaa. Rev. Dr. J. W. H. Milne, of Ottawa, who has been visiting his canineâ€"Hr. A. D. Bruce. M Markham, and Mr. J. 8. McNaii-, uf Vaughanâ€"called at the Manse to see Rev. J. W. McIntosh nu Friday. The publisher of this wiper is Also pleasnd to acknowledge a friendly cal’. the Dr. being remembered M one of his bright pupils in the Temperance- vilio school. more than half a century ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lloyd and sun, Oyrenius. of \Vilkio Sash. near Battle» lord, nre making a visit ntJef‘Eeraon with Mrs. Lloyd'n sisters. the Mine. Gorman. They motored all the way, about 2,100 miles. and came by way of Duluth. Detroit mad Niagara Falls. '1‘th will return during the first week of the Toronto Exhibition: Don't forget the Lennnx Picnic tu l 0 held at, Island Grove. on Monday next, Aug. 4th. Amongst the Ipenkers will he the Right Hon. Arthur Meighel, ll. 9., and the programme will 0‘ m- prin. six brass hands, boxing. wrest- ling, baby ahow. dancing, “hippet races. ladies baseball, etc. He!!er Gillilpie & Nngent Wish to intimate the changc of time in the meetings which they are holding in the Gospel Tent. Richmond Hill, namaly, Sunday at 7.30, Week nights except Saturday at 8.30. Come and hear the old old story. lxpress-Heraldâ€"T. Herbert Lemuel: I. 0., has succeeded the late H. I. Dawn-t, K. 0.. us r-ouusd for ï¬rm. Peter Smith, who wil face trialthil Autumn in connection wiIh charges ll‘ising out, of the Provincial Treasury investigations conducted last winter. Heretofore North York has been much below the unit of population (or Parliamentary purposes. The new additions me now Vaughan and Mark- ham townships and the villages of Markham. Richmond Hill and Wood- Bridge. With .tants, blankets and othpr Articles necessm-y for n camping outï¬t, u number of mar citizens left friday evening for 3 Wm weeks' outing, along the French River. The party consista of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Sloan, Dr. M. B. Wellwood. Mr. J. W. Bowman and Misc Muriel Park. Next Mnnday being Civic Holiday. Vaughnn Council 'will meet next Tuesday instead of Monday. the Eegulur date. One o'clock p. m. is Ibo our. Remember the Union Picnic on St. Mary's (R.U.) Church mounds Satur- day of this week. Supper from 5 Lo 8. Good sports \und midway. Concert. at ao’clock. Poor "Jiggs" is in trouble again. After lecturing his daughter 1’. 1‘ her style of ham dressing, he ï¬nds "Maggie" before the mirrurcombiug her own bobbed hair! See the splendid Silxer Cups in N. J. Ghss' window. If you dn not. belm g to the Richmond Hill Bowling Club. join and win one. Mr. David Harper. former Principal of Harriston subunl, has been uppni ‘lPd Principal nf Hichmnnd Hill Public school. in place of Mr. Wat-mg, resigned. All youngladies and gills are invited to take part In the bull practice at the Town Park to-Ium-row (Fliduy) even- ing at. 7.15 shur p. Rev. J. W. McIntosh left on Monday evening for hi» vacstiou, which he expects tn spend in Glenyauy and at. Sturgeon Point. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. “Night, and Laverne, are visiting at Midland, after lpending three weeks at 010 Station. Mr. James McLean acted us Judge of field Urops. ul, Ailsu Claig. Fridrny and Sunrdny, llderbon, Monday and Tuesday. Next Monday is Civic Hnliday in Richmond Hill. Let. everybody close up shop und enjoy Fleld Day in the Pal k. Advertise in the Liberal. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ross. of Stnp 32. Yonge Street, are spending their vacation an the Georgian Bay. Mrs. Herrington and hnlyy, and Miss McDonald, of Melville. Basin. are guests of Mr. And Mrs. J. R. Harrington. “Richmond Hill" Pennants, varinng colors, at The Liberal Store, 25 and 40 cents. . 5-0 Mr. W. A. Glass, B. A., Principal of nris High School, is spending part of his hlllidflys here. A car each of Shares and Glutin feed I Zion’s E . Luther: Chm at The Elevsfbr. Special price by the I v n Cb' Shaw“. Sutton . . . . . x . . Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . Burie . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nowmarkot . . . . . . . . Oonkstown......... 0 illia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alliabod . . . . . . . . . . . . Markham . . . . . . . . . . ‘ Schomberg . . . . . . . . . Bradford . . . . . . . . . .‘ Dim oi Full Fain .....-~.:..---. It n..........Sep o:..a--. on...- 7- ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug.8,9. .. . . . . . . Aug. 2!. 38ft. 6. ............Sept.2,2d. .. . . . . . . ...Sc t. 20. 27. ........Sept. ,OctJ. . . . . . . . . . ......Oct.. 1,3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct.2. I. ...... Oct. 2, 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct.9,lo. 14, 15. DATED It Toronto this 18th day at July. 1924. WILLIAM 000K 816 Federal Building. 35 Richmond Street West, _ Toronto. Sohcito: for the said Executors. 4-7 AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Executor! will proceed to distribute the asset. of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regnrd only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that the Said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or EETSOBS of whose claim notice shall not ave been received by them at the time of such distribution. late of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of York. Retired Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Seclion 66 of the Trustees Act, R. S. 0., 1914, Chap. 121. that all creditors and others having claims or demends against the Estate of the laid Alexander Mslluy, who died on or nbout the 18th day of February, 1924, at the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, are required on or be- fore the 25th day at August, 1924. to send by post, prepaid. or deliver to N. A. O. Mallo and Lawrence Malloy, Maple, R. . No. 1, Ontario, the Executors of the said Deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full pnrticulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any held by them. At least 40,000 harvesters will be re- quired to garner the VVeslern Canada Wheat Crop this season. nccording to information received at general head- Quarters of lbe Canadian National Railways this afternoon. Of this number spprnximutPly 20.000 will ban a to be secured from Eastern Canada, it being thought that the rema'nder can be supplied by the the three Prairie Singles in the Tennis Tnurnnment have been set for Monday. Watch the tennis courts. "Play up, play up. and pl_a_y {be game. 40,000 Harvesters Will b. Wunted in the West DENTIST’ Oï¬ice Trench Block. t~vo doors north of Standuld Bank. HoursQn.m. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 Phone 82w J. F. Burr The Joy Bells Bible Class held a business meeting Wf'dmsday after- noon. and decided to how a gaxden party on the 3rd Saturday of August, an the Church lawn. ' Next, \Vednesday we shall havesome pictures on the Life of Christ. with s eciai reference to His sacrifice on I, e cros, preparatory to the Sacramental sprvice on Sunday morn- ing next. Remember both services in your prayers and he sure to be in attendance next Sunday morning, The pastor was culled away Saturday to a former circuit, to bury :1 fine ynum? man, just 30 years of age. He had spent three years in bed. Clul-ence Walker was a good boy and a manly may, with a high that; yvasjtriumphqm. The Quarterly Administration of tho Lord‘s Supper will take place in the Newton Bruok Methodist Chum-h next Sunday morning. The nfficiul Board meeting will be held on Tuesday even- ing. following August (m... at the pm-sonagu. A full amend ince ufol‘h'cers and truateeu is dashed, as the mutter of having a, new parsonage is m be con- sidered. Some of the Newton Brook young people attended the District League picnic at, Centre Island on Saturday. The weather man thought they were out. for a. swim. This little miscalcu- Intion caused the young folks to miss having a real good ije. Better luck next lime. Th9 young Indies frvm Lansing came to Newton Brook for a basket ball game on Fridny evening. but the Newton Brookets were to fasL and clever for them. anle’s team of ant hall players keep on winning. They won another game from Hope at the Hope garden fete last night (\Veduesday) by u acme of 16 to 7. This is the first. service oh the return of the Pnstor; after a vacation spent. in the States. IN THE MATTER 01“ the Estate. of ALEXANDER MALLOY Rev. 1'. S. Baringer, B. D., Pastor. Evening service and sermon at 7 o’clock. NOTICE TO CREDHORS A cordial invitation extended to all. THE MILL Dr. L. R. BELL All lines of Stock and Poultry hedn. Car cf Oats and car of Standard Screenings in store. Delivelies TUESDAY and Flu- DAYS. Mlple Girls Win Another NE“'TON BROOK I A fmtl‘ er meeting is: to I)? held ' ahnuf AnguM 2n! in Winnippg to de- cide upon the dltn when the special lrall fares: for hanpslm-a Wm guinm ) «affect. This dam will be govprnoil by l the linw Whun the farmers ; are prepared to accept I arveltera. .' Representatives of Oumd'an Numnal Railways were asked by the Gnvern- ment Ofl‘iviala to stat? hmv wvll [ht-V were pwpared to handle this traffic and thry were told that, the National Railway System has npprnximatply 400 cars, of the may lulpst t,pr nf mlnnist pquipment hnld in rmdinvsw fnY' the handling of the excursinn. In addition ‘thnrp ms- ready for senicc on lhpse trains a nuthr of sneniullv deniqnnd I lunch countpr cans, all 1! lhem larger and Lettpr equipped thm any other ' cars of this type in the country. 1 This info: In- um ‘ u mmw of a. more on» he'd :1! Winnipeg It)ng hr. : nvoun Rnnrpnpnlativvs‘ uf Canadian ' National Railways. Plnvinr'ial and FPdnral Gnvernnmnts nnd the Labor Boards. It “I! "1:0 brong‘mt out at .this nwmvinz tha‘ hurt-pslinz is ex- p ‘ctpd tn commenwin Manitoba about, AugustZPth and in Saskatchewan and i A‘hnrm ahnm August, 25th. The Special Meetings still continue each night except Sat- urday, at 8.30; Sunday at 7.30, We preach what Moody, Spurgeon, Wes- ley, Knox, and others preached, viz: the GOSPEL of the grace of God, whereby sinners can be saved. Come and hear for yourself. HOUSE PA 1N TER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. in the GOSPEL TENT Yonge & Richmand Sts. Prqvince and British Columbia. W. HEWISON Bax Browniuâ€"S‘2.05 up Folding dummy/xi: Bmwnmâ€"WJO up. I That's one-half the story; The other half is that they make these good pictures easily. From our complete stock your youngster can select Just the Browaie he wants. Here also is the ï¬lm‘to ï¬t the Brownieâ€"for we have depend- able 6lm-Kodak ï¬lmâ€"in a size to ï¬t any camera. Brownies make good pictures Will spoil your summer and make your company distressing to your friends unless you get relief. Get I box of RAZ-M AH today. Most people feel better from the ï¬rst dose. Your druggist will refund your money if: $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in Itampl. Templetons, To- ronto. n12 RAZ - MAH HAY FEVER This info: In For Sale by Porter's Drug Store Summer Asthma Porter‘s Drug Store RICHMOND HILL ‘ Richmond Hill See Our New Stock of Pitchers, Decorated and Plain Colors, from- 50c. up. Decorated Teapots â€"â€" Various prices. Lustre Bud Vases, 60¢. each. J Lustre Rose Bowls, 81.00. Cut Glass Water Sets, 7 pieces, from $1.30 up; Sherbets, from 400. up. Also Heavy Cut Glass Berry Bowls, from 05.50. Kitchen Ware, Mlxing Bowls, Bakers' Pudding Bowll. Jelly Moulds, Pie Funnels, etc., etc. ' n: NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or deliveied to the persons mentioned in sections light and Nine of the Ontariu "Vuters’ List. Act" the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant, tn said Act of all persons appearing by the last; Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for China, .Cut Glass, _Grocer1es and Confectlons w. c. BEDFORD, All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to ï¬t you free of charge. Odd trousers from $3 .50 up; Ladies blue serge skirts made to order from $7.50 I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goods, either in ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right Here, No Factory Work. New Spring Suits' Courteous Service THE courteous attex 0f the bank’s ska VOTERS’ LIST, 1923 Municipality of the Yilligg of J. & M. STEIN u v Table Linen and Sateen In ready-made wear, we are giving some special prices. in House and Street Dresses, also Children’s Dresses Special prices in Blouses and Sleeveless Sweaters, Lady Ramsay Wool in all shades and I’. K. Knitting in silk and wool in new shades. Full line of Hosiery always on hand. Crompcon Corsets and Long limssieres I'n piece goods we have some good value "no seconds" in Voiles, Crepes, and Ginghams, Nainaooks, and Cottons, Tea Towellings. Agents for Bruce’s Chocolate. and Ice Cream‘ RICHMOND HIIZL Semi-Porcelain Cups and Saucers, from 15c. up. Trench Block Ladies suits of blue serge madeoto-order $35.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE} Yonge & Centre Streets QUALITY SHOPPE COUNTY OF YORK OUR MO'I‘TO â€"â€" “QUALITY AND SERVICE†SUMMER SPECIALS 'l‘HE courteous attention extended by member! of the bank’s staff where you keep your ac- count, adds materially to your satisfaction in con- ducting your banking business. Standard Service is essentiafly courteou_s service a. rendered by every branch of this Bank, from the Manager to the latest recruit on the staff. Mrs. Norman Batty RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, . R. FORTNER Ladies and Guts" Clothiel‘ and Tailor} 0? CXETDA THE _-_ ...ur.v..vnu. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if anv omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to blV. the said errors corrected according to law. Members uf the Legiulative Assembly and that. the said List, Was first posted up in my office at the Village of Rich mond Hill on the 19th day ufjuly. 1924, and renmins there fog inspection. Advertise in The Liberal. A. J. HUME, Clerk of the said Municipulity. Dated this 34th day of July 1924. 4-5 Richmond Hill Phone 53 Phdne 5 Manage: