Established-1710 V Old Established Wompanies with Good Records. ; LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, AUTOMOBILE. PLATE GLASS, BURGLARY, ETC. Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada J.R. HERRINGTON Government Bonds and Other Securi- ties. OFFICE; CHURCH STREET TELEPHONE 11 M RICHMOND HILL SIMEON JOYCE, L.C .A.M. C. H. BYADI AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA Toronto Ofï¬ce, 816 Federal Building, at 35 Richmond Street. \Vest FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, PLATE GLASS ETC . Maple, Ont. Phone 232 Richmqnd Hill Ofï¬ce .- “metal Oï¬lce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday uft-ernnon. Woodbridqe. Saturday fox-enoon. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E'rc The Protective Association of Canada. and The Dominion Gaurantee and Accident Co. If you are considering the furnace question come in and let us show you our lines. No House too large. No House too small. We have a size and model for every oneâ€"and the prices are right. We can also supply your wants on Furnace repairs and pipes. General Agents for Farm Machin- ery, Pumps, Etc. TEETZEL BROS. VOL. XLVI I. Now accepting pupils. Phone 94 J for information CHOKE-LEADER AND ORGANISC PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Money to Loan on First Mortgages} The Sun Fire Insurance Co. ot‘Loqdpq, Eng. Pupil of Josef Lhevinne and Frank S. Welsmnn Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Fortner’s Tailor Store. PHONE 95 J. R. ALLISON, L.D.S., D.D.S. PELHAM CIIAFFEY Money to loan at Current Rate $1.50 per annum, in advance. FURNACES Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W TENOR TEACHER 0F SINGING WILLIAM COOK AND REPAIRS PIANO and THEORY STERLING BANK BUILDING Consultation and Diagnosis Free Established 1869 THORNHILL VILLAGE f - II- Amzounces the Openmg_of a Dental Surgery OPEN EVENINGS in ducted by A:_W;.ztsl()n. of Toronto. s_eryic¢_zs_'at._11 anj 7.307-07'Vcrl-Otiï¬ig-n‘l'; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McDonald, 45 Highcroft road, announce the en- gagement, of their daughter. Jedn Alma, to Mr. Royal Frederick Moul- ton, of Stratford. the maniage to take place the first Week in September. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Haggai, of To- ronto. announce the engagement, of their youngest daughter, Aimes Marâ€" garet. to Mr. Adelmo Melecci youngest son of Mus. Rita. Melecci and the late Louis Melecci. of Newark, N. J. The marriage to take pluca shortly. Death came suddenly to Mr. Henry Winger- nt his home farm. near Gun-ville. Vaughan, Monday afternoon of this week. Although not feeling in the best of health for sometime, the death was a. shock to his relatives and friends. He was working in the hay mow when the call came. Deceased was 65 years of age. Interment, will take place in Coher Cemetery. In order to allow relatives fxom distant parts to be present the funeral will take place on Saturday of this week. The Sutton Hoxse Show and Fair held last, inday and Saturday, was a real triumph. There were 114 horses entered in the different classes, their quality was of a high class. including the best. blood from the Old Country. The perfnrmances of the animals attracted the deepest interest. The. Fair was officially opened by Premier Mackenzie King, who went; to his home cons ituency to enjoy the day with his personal friends MULHOLLAND & SMYTH Rough cast; house stable and 1g acres on Mill Street. A bargain. A good cheap Brick Clad House and three acres on Lucas Street. To Rent â€"â€" A Seven roamed brick house, all conveniences, furnished to a small family. The House and Lot; on Yonge St.. formerly owned by the late Mr. Hughes, for sale on easy ’terms. First-class building lot 50 feet front- age on Richmond Street and through to Centre Street. \Vill sell at a. bar- gain. Easy terms. Beautiful residence and grounds, in first class shape, all convenience, town water, Richmond Street. Small house and good sized lot on Rumble Ave., great: bargain, small payment down, monthly after, See me about a house and lot on Oak Avenue. Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL Su_nday School at 10 a. m. Church RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, AUGUST l4.- 1924 BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. Toronto Office : 2498 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3408. 26-6m H. A. Nicholls ANTEDâ€"New wheat at, The Ele. vutor. Highest prices paid. 7 The Real Estate Man Henry Winger’s Death Presbyterian Services Su' ton Horse Show Gas forzEact-raction Engagements PHONE: 61 “In Essentials, Unity,- in NonoEssentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†DEMONSTRATION In Honor of Canada’s Premier PIC-‘NIC Immediate and plucky action on the part of Thomas Knight, 190 Hamilton street, truck driver for James Uridland & Sons, butchers, saved his employer nearly $400 in cash Thursday night, when he foiled an attempted hold-up two miles north of Richmond Hill. At about eleven o’clock that night. Knight was driving home, haw- ing finished his north Yonge street route and was packing a. well filled pouch, the receipts of his sales for the day. When about two miles north of Richmond Hill, a very dank spot where the roadway is built up and is very narrow, two men leapt from the low ditch; one on either side of the truck. The one nearest to the driver struck him on the chin and the man on the far side cried "grab his pouch.†Knight struck back and succeeded in knocking one man from the car. The driver stepped on the gas and the mher bandit becoming flightened dropped from the running board just before another car arrived from lit-hind. Neither of the would-be hold-ups, who I. are thought to be amateurs, carried a. 'gun or wore masks. Both of the young desperadoes, who appeared to be in their early twenties, made good their escape. County Constable George Thompson, of Richmond Hill. was immediater notified and the neighbor- hood was thoroughly searched until ' early Friday morning, but no signs of the pair were seen. Arrangements are now about com- pleted for the meat Demonstration and Picnic to he held at Markhmn, Saturday of this week. With favorable weather this notable event should he an unqualified success. Elaborate preparations have been made in the form of a great procession several miles long, with music by five or six hands. The parade from the north will form at Newmarket. at 12 o’clock with the contingent from Georgina, North Gwillimbury, East Gwillimbury, and Holland Landing. headed by the 48th Highlanders Band, proceed down Yonge Street through Aurora, to be oined by decorated cars from King Vaughan and Woodbridge, southward to Richmond Hill, and at Langstaff side-road will meet the procession from Toronto and all along the line, starting from the King Edward with the Right Honorable Mackenzie King. Other bands will be from Sharon, Aurora, Richmond Hill, Stoutfville and Markham. The programme of sports will start at one o’clock, everything to be run on standard time. The sports Will include men’s baseballâ€"Stouffwlle vs Millikan, lsb 850, 2nd $204 Mens hop. step and jump, high jump, broad jump. Girls soft-ballâ€"teams from North York. Football~Vaughan vs King Township. Large cash prizes in every class. Prizes also for Oldest iiheral on the grounds: largest family, best decorated dwellings. best den-“rated business places etc., etc. Four large arches are being erected on lhe roads leading intn Markham Village. At 2.30 the Village and Township will extend a reception to the Premirr, after which short addresses will be given by Mr. King. H. B. MLGiverin, M. P., ard W. E. N. Sinclair, Leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario. After the speeches. at 4.30, there will he a reception in front of Grand Stand, after which the spurts will be proâ€" ceeded with, the days enjoyment; to close with a Promenade Concelt at 7 o’clock. W. L. MACKENZIE KING Attempt at Hold-Up â€"ANDâ€"- mm. The undersigned is now ready to make Men‘s Suits, Overcoats etc.. at prices that will astonish you. Call and see our stock of goods. . Thirty years experience in the best shops in Canada and the United States. ‘r Pressing and Cleaning 3 specialty. RICHMOND TAILOR J. A. 'G RE E N E MERCHANT TAILOR Richmond Hill I E employ millmen whose W expert knowledge of himâ€" ber enables us to buy the best; what it is worth and give our customers a shade the best of it. Let us look over your speciï¬cations amj give you an estimate, Mr. Builder. Phone 87 j I] 033831.13 residence north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Teiephone 13, Ring 2. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night culls prompt- lngteuded: -1__.__ _--LI_ -ijA OUR EXPERT MILL MEN KNOW THE\RTRADE--OUR LUMBER’S >0: Tm; BETTER GRADE !,_ are ready to receive applications for an agency of their well and favorably known Nulsery Pm- ducts.‘ such as Fruit Trees. Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses and Perennials. Quality first. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address as above at once. NURSERYMEN, Limited BROVVN’S NURSERIES. ONT. Agents Wanted WRIGHT STREET BROWN BROS. COM PANY . MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. L; INNES & SONS Yonge Street Ofï¬ce hours 10 to 12 a.m. and 6t08p.m. Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"Centre and ghugih Streets Richmond Hill Phone 0. .. NORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL. DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. Office hours 8:10 gun. and 6 :8 p.m. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFt‘ From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept, a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. Adelmo Melecci and MiS§ Rosalind Bush L T. C. M. Lxcensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice; and at reasonable rates. QUANTITY By Buying under Wholesale l’riees (at the Elevator) your BRAN. SHORTS, OATS, CORN- MEAL, SCRATCH FEED, BREAD and PASTRY FLOUR COURTESY SERVICE I. D: Ramer Save Money DR. M. B. WELLWOOD (diseases of women and children.) Office hours 1 :3 p. 111. Phone 100. 0. l. RUDDELL, D.C. Ph.C. OFFICE: ABOVE DAVIES STORE DR J. P. WILSON Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.11). Except Wednesday PHONE 117 Consultation Free at the Ofï¬ce Oflice:â€"-Ceutre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12; 6-8. PALM ER CHIROPRAOTOR DRS. LAN GSTAFF Lump Threshing Coal JUST ARRIVED [Single copies, 3 cts. I. T. SAIGEOIV Patronage solicited Maple (‘LEANLINESS OF No.7