Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1924, p. 3

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Ree; Cana "Buy a package at my Asthmador, try} it,‘and if it does not afford you immedi- ate relief, or if you do not find it the best remedy you have ever used, take it'back to your druggist and he will return your money, cheerfully and without any question whatever. Af- ter seeing the grateful relief it has afforded in hundreds of cases whichl had been considered incurable. and which had been given up in despair, I know what it will do. I am so sure that it will do the same for others that I am not afraid to guarantee it will relieve instantaneously. Drug- gists, anywhere. handling Asthmador will return your money if you say so. You are to be the sole judge and under this positive guarantee absolutely no risk is run in buying." Persons pre- ferring to try it before buying will be sent a free sample. ' Perhaps she sees a petal on a brook- l-et in the park lTossing in jeopardy: she hears with: 1 out a reason The horror of a ship’s bell olattered in the dark. ,She is very foolish. Men there are aplenty \Vho carry their umbrellas and like a cozy life. lthy should her heart cry seaward. ‘ like a petrel, like a shearwater? So she never can become. a calm, contented wife. ‘ 'Shepherds, charcoal burners, moun- taineers and sailors All have watched the sun rise on strange sights alone. She is very foolish if she loves a sailor, Addres§ R. Schiffman 1734 N. Main, Los Ange 5, fame: gm tea" “I have arranged with all druggists here, as well as in all other towns of Canada. that every sufferer from Asthma, Hay Fever. Byonchial Asthma onditficult breathing In this locality can try my treatment entirely at my risk,” Dr. R. Schiffman announces. He says: Would Scrap Scrapping Wives. Friendâ€"“What do you think of scrapping wives?" Mr. Meektonâ€"“I’m for it! When’s it going to begin?” i'walenceiin'f‘a disease known as beriâ€" beri,»1'h"the far East. For some time the relation of this disease to food has been known and recognized. In certain countries of the East the staple food of the people is rice, and the polished rice, evidently because it looks nicer and cleaner, is preferred, or at least seems to be oftentimes used. Now in polishing rice the vita- mine-containing kernel is largely reâ€" moved, so that a population whose chief diet is rice is liable to develop beri-beri, and the disease is actually prevalent in some countries due to this very use of polished rice. What is the reason for the use of polished rice? It is largely custom, because the polished variety looks nicer and probably is more palatable to the w'ould. soon; disafapeg‘rf' but often‘ it does not.‘ Why? One reason is that‘ when scientific knowledge runs comm-1 ter to custom, the mandates of, science are not put into practice as readilyx’ as they should be. Custpm and habitl are Wo'wmful things. They are; somefimeé"‘1f§'e‘£u1' and sometimes just‘ the reverse. Anihstance in practicali ‘illt‘istraflon is afforded by the _pre-i When the discovery of adequate means to prevent a disease is found, 0r}e_v:vould suppose ‘thgji the Qiseage The best of m malatable. Tr1 Asthmador Guaranteed to Relieve Asthma. But 99 Next. time ‘try the finesfitwgrade~ HEALTH EDUCATION out ( Provlnolal Board of Healthomnrlo Kldeoton will In glad to answer caution. on Public Health II. “a through this column. Kddreu hun It amm- Houu. amu- Ora-cont. Toronto. Small Hope Ind C k“/ uth fifi\ ‘ 5/ BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON RED ROSE OR'ANGE PEKOE les 3., Proprs Calif. der M'mard's Liniment Relieves Pain. There is no more peace for herâ€"she has given the sea a hostage, Perhaps she sees a petal on a brook- l-et in the park Tossing in jeopardy: she hears with-,- out a reason The horror of a ship’s bell olattered in the dark. The summer months are the most dangerous to children. The com- plaints of that season, which are cholera lnfantum, colic diarrhoea, and dysentery, come on so quickly that of- ten a little one is beyond aid before the mother realizes he is ill. The mother must be on her guard to pre- vent these troubles, or if they'do come on suddenly to banish them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers during hot weather as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the stomach and bowels and are absolutely safe. Sold by medicine dealers orby mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wilâ€" liarns' Medicine 00., Brockville. Ont. She is very foolish if she loves a sailor. In the night a little wind can blow her lids apart, Or if a norther rattles like a crazy man at the shutters The hours of his anger drive straight upon her heart. Progress often experiences unenâ€" pected difficulties, as is evidenced in such cases as have already been men- tioned. There are many others that one may think of, but in every case the remedy is sthe same, and that is e‘ducation of the public. Coercion fails to bring the desired results in a country accustomed to democracy. Education seems to be the most prom- ising measure of defence against hid- den dangers. It is usually a slow process in which the educator needs constant e‘couragement and support lest be ane}: from sheer weariness or despair. Medical history afi’ords elo- quent testimony of‘tnr .7 GUARD BABY’S HEHIE’H . IN THE SUMMER taste. There does not seem to be any other reason for its use except that 1t is the custom to use it. In thiscountry the use of iodine in proper 'quantity is'very effective in the treatment of goitre, yet goitre is still prevalent. One wonders why this is so, and yet it simply means that peo- le a_s a rule do not take enough iodine ni their food or as a medicine. Iodine is' not “palatable and so its use is largely confined to those who have been educated as to its beneficent qualities in the treatment of goitre. Besides, 'I-iodine' must always be ad- ministered under medical supervision. 11y should her heart cry seaward, like a petrel, like a shearwater? So she never can become a calm, contented wife. ‘ utting Water in the Water Melon. taineers and sailors have watched the sun rise strange sights alone. ; very foolish if she love ppeued u1 Vain Counsel. man th 18.5 a wonderful gar ws water-melons. 1t lever meant to; H eknown. â€"Marian Storm Blue of the dawn divine, Blue of her-eyes!â€" fie there to bless when old she falls asleep, Smiling and wise. South Americaâ€"Alongside a huge restaurant was a little Chinese chop- suey restaurant. The big place put out a. gigantic electric sign, “We never close." The Chinaman hung out a card, "Me wakee, too.” AbekeelLâ€"“To let, a. good shop in the Amusing specimens of national huâ€" mor in adverti‘Sements have been col- lected by the “Canadian Digest," which says of them that “some are conscious, some unconscious, and some merely stunned. Some of the examples are:â€" Irish.â€"“Hay, srtraw, bran, oats, and dripping sold here, and the fiddle taught after six o’clock.” French.â€"Inscription (or epitaph) on a tin of imported sardines-z “The oil is guarantee. The fish she is very small.” If)‘ Blue. color of the deep Of distant hills benea part Of womanhood Green, color of the leaf, or woodland pathway, sun and shadow kissed, Green of the daisied turf, Green of the lake, Be there in shining dreams when June, Red of the ripened vine, Red of the blood, Be thou aglor when first she plays her White, coldr of the pearl, Of April petals and of morning mist, White of the foam and surf, White of the snowâ€" Be thine the hue above thisi_baby girl, So tender now. Red, color of the heart, ‘~ Of damask roses when the world’s at doubt and grief Her spirit shake. These pills are sold by all dealers in ‘mvdicine, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Dr. Williams’ Pink -Pills act directly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles and awakens to normal activity the glands that supply'the digestive fluids. This is shown by an improved appe- tite, and soon the effect of these blood enriching pills is evident throughout the Whole system. You find that what you eat does not distress you, and that you are vigorous instead of irritable and listless. If your appetite is fickle, if you have any of the distressing pains and symptoms of indigestion, you should at once take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and profit by the better con- dition in which they will put your blood. Wfien gathers whistling .‘roupg, “the, " yard'and noticing-the sky, And Grandma puts her knitting down and saysâ€""It will be dry;" When mother's pagking baskets full and auntle’s hélping‘ too; Then I can run _some errafids ‘for there's lots of things' to do. Thin blood is one of the most com- mon causes of stomach trouble. It affects the digestion very qnickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fluids are diminished in their activity, the stomach muscles are weakened and there is a loss of nerve force. In this state of health nothing will more quickly restore the appetite, digestion and normal nutrition than good, rich, red blood. When brother's vypvrk'ing a} the car'and makes it fairly 'shin‘é," And lqoks ., the fishing tackle up and tes'ts' eéiCh‘J rod and “new ‘ It 'soi’néhdw’ seems the nicest world, ‘ and how could ‘one feel sad? _ It's picnig time 'a-t our-house, and oh, but‘I‘am‘ glad! - ~ It Usually Disappears When the Blood is Made Rich and Red. STOMACH TROUBLE DUE TO THIN BLOOD aston (M Advertising Laughs moon, the To a Baby Girl. â€"Lawrence Alma-Tadema My I Picnic Time. dise hills beneath the setting tacle". Keep off a good shop in! 'E the gra the Navy Alix vThorn Ni *ass eed My Women’s instinctive dread of rats and mice is said to be due to the fact that they knew that rat fleas were the chief carriers of plague. whichcontains proven directions Hindy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and looâ€"Druggists Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manutncture of Mono- lceucacidester ot Salicyllcadd Accept on] a 5 V _ _y - Bayer flkgge ASTHMA "my health has undergone such a wonderful improvement that I must say Tanlac is an unusual medicine and tonic,” states Harry Granfleld, 153 Havety St., Toronto, Ont. fl'FOI' two years past I have been troubled with indigestion to such an extent'that I felt unfit for anything. My nerves became all undone and my sleep was unsound. My energy had about all left me and I would tire an easily. - ‘ “Since.taking Tanlac I have a won- derful appetite and my stomach never Say “Bayer” - Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds HARE? GRAWEE. EIVES mmc HELL QREDIT Teaching parrots to talk provides New York woman with a living. ' The trick is largely in the en- velope. This is prepared, really two envelopes being used. One envelope is pushed into the other and the flaps are pasted together. If this is neatly done the envelope will not seem to be prepared. Be- fore the flaps are pasted together, a card is taken from the pack and put in the outer envelope between the second envelope and the front of the first. The selected card goes into the inner envelope. The flap is sealed down and most or the trick is done. The trickster names the card he put in the en- velope in the first place and Opens the envelope by tearing a hole in the front. While the card is be- ing examined he absentmindedly puts the torn envelope in his pocket. There he exchanges the torn but prepared envelope for one which is torn but not pre- pared. As all eyes are on the card this will. pass unnoticed it done deliberately and as it thoughtlessly. The trickster asks a spectator to shuttle a pack of cards and to select a card. holding the cards face down so that neither he nor anyone else can see which card he selects. Without looking at the card, he puts it face down in an envelope which the trlck§ter seals. The trickster holds the envelope at arms length and de- clares that, with X-Ray eyes. he will look through the envelope and name the card within. He names a card and opens the en- velope to disclose the card he named. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series. in a scrapbook.) EASY TRICKS Take half a ard’s in syr X-Ray Eyes While good eyes were a requisite to the safety of primitive man, to-day, with all our artificial aids and pro« tectors, good vision is even more a part of safety than‘ in those centuries TellsWomenHowShe Was Restored to Perfect Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound There are multitudes of people who have splendid business ability and a. great message for the world and yet they are playing marbles much of the time, doing things much of the time that are not worth while, that are im- worthy of them. If backing up the best thing In you with all your might will not bring suc- cess, certainly the backing up of your second best, can't bring successâ€"O. S.M. long a'go mg my work mending such seeing me be: me now, can E am only too I: testimonial.’ - troubles me any moke. My sleep is sound and restful and I get up morn- ings with renewed energy and really feel like active worklor the firststime in two years. '1 am strong for Tanlac." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- glsts. Accept no substitute. Over 40 Million Bottles Sold. WinniFeg; Mamâ€"“I cannot speak too high y o f what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound has done for me. I was a nervoul wreck and I just had to force myself to do my work. Even the soundof my own chil- dren [iwlaying made me fee as if I must scream if they did not et away from me. could not even speak right to my ' ' husband. The doctor said he could do nothin for me. My hus- band’s mother adviseg me to take the Vegetable Compound and I started it at once. I was able to do my work once more and it_ was a pleasure, not a bur- You can’t afford to lend your time, your effort, your energies, to anything but your best. What would you think of a. man at the head of a. big business who would go out on the sidewalk and. play marbles during business hours? MRS. DAVIS NERVOUS WREGK den. Now I have a fine bouncing baby and am able to nurse her and enjoy doo ing my work. I cannot help recom- mending such a medicine, and any one seeing me before I took it, and seein me now, can see what it does for me. am only too pleased for you to use my testimonial.’ â€"Mrs. EMILY DAVIS, 721 McGee Street, Winnipeg, Man. Lydia E. Pihkham's Private Texfr Book u on “Ailments Peculiar to Women ’ will be sent you free upon request. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine 00., Cobourg, Ont. This book contains valuable information. 0 Mlnard’a Llnlment for Rheumatism. Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for constipa- tion, are recommended by the manu- facturers‘v'and distributors of Tanlac. Write Mfirine Co..Chlcngo.forEye CEchook miJRl/NE; W?” FY55 Sump]. Etch Fun by Ms“. Addrau Canadiln Depot: “Cancun. P. 0. Box 1616, Hound) PriceI 803;) 25c. Oflntmentfianq 50c. :I'flcgnn 25c. Cudcura Soap, Ointment and Talcum promote and maintain skin purity. skin comfort and skin health. The Soap to cleanse, the Ointment to heal and the Talcum to powder. " Eczema broke out on my hands in a rash of red pimples. It ltched and burned causing me to scratch. I could not put my hands‘ in water, and I could not do my work very well. The trouble lasted about two months. I read an advenisement for Cuticui'a Soap and Ointment and sent {or a free sample. After using it I got relief so purchased more, which completely healed me.’ ' (Signed) Miss Sarah Shulman, 255 Manning. Ave., Toronto, Ontario. » EUZEMA IN RASH 0N HANDS Backing Up Your Best. (71/ a 70; you»: EYES Refreshes Tired Eye's ltched and Burned. Cuticura Healed. iSSU E No. 33--'24. fry Vblir new

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