121 In DERS SUPPLIES EMS AND snoas OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP ,__,‘-â€". Geo.Caldwell, Lorne Paterson Visits Maple nnd Teston Monday. \Vednesday and Friday afternoons and evenings each week â€"- Consultations ‘Free - VVV_ QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. BUILDERS “ï¬sh to state they are} to do all kinds of carri wagon work, Automobi work and rubber tires Trench works. Satisfac (REV.) A. F. MACKENZIE Drop a. card or phone Hudson Give us a trial NOTICE OF REMOVAL aELl-QUflA‘AVx Centre Street East Representix Thu Mutual life mm Company of New York hardwood Flooring .P'me Lam D cedar Shingles ‘ ooï¬ngs Gyp Wallb< DOCTOR OF. CHIROPRACTIC 167 Belsize Drive, Toronto Rough and Dressed Lumber xcnnoxn STREET, Excaxoxn HILL Boys J erseY Boom and shoes, line of Oxfords Has moved to its new home at; Comer Yonge & Alexander Sta, Toronto. FALLTERM OPENS SEP’I‘.2nd. Write to-day for Catalogue and arrange to enter at Full Opening. Strictly first~class in all Depart AMBROSE L. PHIPPS meats. This School is time Lried and truly tested and the ad- vantages offered here are un- excelled in Canada. reasonable INQUIRIES SOLICITED vial prices in nun-u '5 and Shirts. s running shoes, caps, 3y SWeanera a“ at very reasonable prices. Building Paper state they are prepared kinds of carriage and 011:. Automobile wood ELLIOTT ~ PRINCH’AI Enter any time. mes, with 3 Km crds and Ladies ober tires at the Satisfaction and prices assured. and be convinced. Doors Sash Gy prock Wallboard Khaki 1802 J. W. F. unclean, m. L. w. _-, York, generally referred to as Dean I Egg‘ge "y of the House of Commons, received Everirhody the congratulations of a number of Mackenzie K friends last Sunday when he reached Saturday- his 70th birthdav, Mr. Maclean was the Pm“? first elected to the Honse of â€"- Commons in 1892, and has repre- ‘8’000 M‘ lented one of the York Ridings since wlane that time, He was born August 10, 1854. Travel b Some people argue temperance laws are 1 bootleggers, the law sbc pealed. "7..-..- ,. The farmers are Wearing an anxious frown these days in place of their usual sunny smile. Rainy weather in the alsack season doesn'L tend to make one cheerful. Miss Molly Collard, who has been spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. H. Mormon. has returned to Chicago to resume her training in the Michael Reese Hospital. Miss Sadie Gee entertained her Victor-ii! Square friends on her lawnI ' ~A 'I‘L.‘ lnmn AVIUuLv The ti'ustees nt‘ 8. S. No. 6 have en- gaged Miss Mortrey, of Grey County. as teacher for the_f9)lquix3g yegr. â€"A--â€" at as lcuuucl' AU!» uuu. ........... Everybody is delighted to hear of the steady progress in Mr. Warren’s recovery. His many friends will be glad to have him among them again, M Icuntu L‘ccuc .A\lflr|yu--. Miss Sadie Gee entertained her Victoria Square friends on herlawn. on Friday evening last. The lawn being electrically lighted, night was turned into day. and the guests took full advantage of the change. and en. joyed themselves immensely. Mr. Douglas Fry and Mr. Joe Fry, meant the week-ehd with friends in 1 1922 Six Cylinder Oakland Touring. This car has only been driven about seven thou- , sand miles. A real buy. Come in and see it 2 1923 Ford Light Delivery Cars 1 Late 1923 Roadster with starter, like new 1 1920 Roadster 1 1918Ton truck _With stake body and cab ; new tires on rear 1 1921 Touring car w_ F, unclean. M ï¬ï¬‚ï¬win‘dmill. Th “Toronlo†Tower will gland for a lifetime Because I! is the hwvlesl. mental ï¬at-braced one built a"The Greatest Service-â€" The Least Attention VICTORIA SQUARE i5 USED CARS FOR SALE VIZGB Var; broken by the law should be re- All cars in good mechanical condition Terms if you wish and prices right. Ford Dealers '. c. BALDOQK, LIP.- P, for South There's no piece of farm equipment that gives so much service ova so long a period With so little attention as a good windmill. Thot's why I recommend the Toronto Selfâ€" '01ling Windmill so highly. Lots of Toronto Windmills have given from eighteen to twenty years' service with practically no attention outside an occasional oiling end are still operating satisfactorily r every day. Q n the Toronto Self-Oiling Windmill all gear: eoperate in a bath of special oil y- effect by; neither heat or cold-every bearing t oroughly and automatically lubricated. New oil is required “only once a year." b If you elreedy own 1 Toronto Windmill. l eon give you thin selfâ€"oiling feature by merely inter chan in; the heed and using your praent wheel. Most Toronto Windmills. too. cm be mode lbwlutCly self-regulating in operation. that as J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill PHONE 13 J. IIIVCI v’ ...- ,,, The special Harvesters' trains of the Canadian National Railways flom all Ontario points as advertised will make the fastest time to Winnipeg, operating Via the new Longlac cut-off. the Shortest route between Eastern and Western Canada. Harvesters travell- mg by this route will. aamonsequence he first in the field. The first train leaves Toronto one minute after mid- night of August let, (12.01 a. 111.. August 22nd). The fare is a flat rate Of $15 to \‘Vinnipeg and half a. cent a. mile beyond. Returning the fare is a half a cent per mile into Winnipeg 3nd $20 back to starting point. . .. . L,,,,:_- mm hp nnerated Vâ€"v v“-.. , Through solid trains will he to Winnipeg without change ing convertible (berth). Colc of latest design. Lunch cox will be attached to trains set and refreshments at reasonal Purchase your ticket to Win ,:I_..._m although 1 taken by Through suuu luau-o _ 7 _ to Winnipeg without change, consist- ing convertible (berth). Colonist Cars of latest design. Lunch counter cars will be attached to trains serving food and refreshments at reasoneble prices. Purchase your ticket to Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways no matter Whether your final destination is a point on the Canadian National or not. For fares. train Service. etc._ apply to nearest Canadian National Agent. 7-8 SATURDAY. SEPT. Gâ€"Aucmon sun: m unfinished ploperty in the town of Weston. in the matter hi the Mechanics‘ and Wage earners lien. Sale at 11 a. m., daylight, saving time. .1. T. Saigeon, Auct. UMP FOR SALEâ€"All complete, good as new. with 50 ft. of pipe. Apply J. F. SUMMERS, Newton~ Brook. 7-8 URRANT TREESâ€"Sturdy young black curnmt, trees. four for $1. PHILPOTT. Stop 24, Yonge St. 7 10 Are vou a Subscriber ? 18,000 Men Wanted to flu Wanem Canada‘s Crops Travel by The Richfnond Hill SELF -OILING WINDMILLS ' Audion, Sale Register his work has been 7 Mr. Purim. 0‘ ly in talking King picnic It Can we cam Gâ€"Auction sale of rty in the cowl.“ Fasten Route king about the la n Markham on capture some of an very lbly of Victoria Harvest W , s ‘VANTEDâ€" Woman, to clean, ant Ad ‘ l weekly. MRS. MECREDY, Stop 0R SALEâ€"Comfortable {rune ‘29, Yonge St, opposite Orphanage. house; lot, 40 x 140 feet. Apply | Telephone 43 ‘26. 7 MRS. A. ENDEAN, Centre St., \Vest,‘ Richmond Hill, Phnne 61 w. 7-9; A BARGAIN m a†stoves and lay-n STRAY HORSEâ€"Game Ln the premises of the undersigned, lot 52, Yonge St., Elgm Mills, n. sorrel horse. Owner may have properly by proving property and ï¬aying eXpenses. C. TOPI‘ER. Elg'm Mills. 7-9 UUSE ‘1‘0 LETâ€"SIX rnoms. Apply L. B FINCH. Elizalwth Street, Richmond Hill. 2 cf. WIGMORE. The Car THERE is only one way you can be convinced of Star Car quality and performance--- and that is to try this car your- self. A demonstration will be arrang- ed at your convenlence. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. OR RENTâ€"Huuse on Elizabeth street, for rent. Apply to jkE; THE ARISTOCRAT OF LOW-PRICED CARS P. C. HILL Dealer, Richmond Hill, Ont. How Much Must You Pay For Style TOO frequently people assume that style and smart appearance can only be obtained in high-priced motor cars. 'A comparison of Chevrolet with many, of the higher-priced cars will convince you that Chevrolet really offers “qual- ity†at a low price. For instance, there are such features as Fisher-built bodies, Ternstedt window regulators, velour upholstery. LYou can be proud to park a Chevrolet anywhere. Chevrolet quality, however, goes much deeper than outward appearance. Ask any owner about Chevrolet perform-s ance and Chevrolet economy. ' Chevrolet may be bought on easy terms. My†f 3-tf BARGAIN m all staves and lawn 1 luuwels; 3 burner nil stove, with oven, $34.00. 4 burner (1“ ’stove. with oven, $39.00. Lawn mowers 12 in.,3 blades, $8.50. Lawn mowers 14 in.,‘ blades, $10.50. Lawn mowers 16 in., 4 blades. ball bearing $13.50. Apply J. A. ROSE. 5-9 N UST SELLâ€"House 5 rooms, acre land. stable for coWs, horse and chickens, fruit. Small payment down. $10 monthly. See this lmruain. APPLY M. L. TOWNSEND. May Avenue, Stop 2!. Yonge St. 7