Mr. O. A. Roe. foreman in the Free- holder printing establishment. Uorn- wall, Om,†called on a. number of old friends here lush Sntuxdny. Mr. and Mrs. Roe and Miss Gludys M'c visiting in Toromo a couple of Weeks. On Sunday afternOun at 3 o'clock, daylight saving time. there willbeheld at the Richvale Community Church, a special Cradle Roll promotion service. Miss Laine of Tm-ontn. will be the lspecinl speaker. Everybody wolcome. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Rowe and children left, Monday eVeniug, for their home in Stmcbmore. Alberta, after a pleasant. two months' holiday in Rich- mond Hill and other places. A note from Dr. Langstuï¬ states thus the family are having a fine holiday and a good restat Uurdun Bay, Muskoka, but they expect to be home Wednesday. the 20th of August. Do not. fail to meet Premier King and Federal Member for ibis Riding, on Saturday of this week. at the Picnic in Malkham. Take your bankers and have a sociai time with your family and friends. Those who have cars, and can Lake friends to bhe Mackenzie King Picnic at Markham on Suturdny. will kindly give their names to Mr. W. A. Trench or Mr. I. A. Greene. A little decoration on the car will also add (A) the effect. The Canadian Nationnl Exhibition Board have given the 0m nrio Women's Institutes a wing in the Women's building, and have asked the Richmond Hill Institute to supply the flowers for decoration, on August 28th. Any members of Institute or others who will donate flowers are asked to com- municate with Mrs. Plewman. Full announceman will be made later. MIG. Biownrigz. of Montreal, formerly of Richmond Hill, and u [rand-son Master George Mclnnes visited friends here on Saturday. Aurora will celebrate ite Wellington Street. pavement w-morrovv. Friday evening, by games, mces, tug-ofâ€"war, and dancing. Band concert; by Auroxa Citizens Band. Exhibition plant is placed at, 311,000,000. made up of $6,000,000 in buildings and $6,000,000 in grounds. There are 80 permanent buildings and over 300 tempm‘ary structures at: Fair time in Exhibition City, Toronto. auuuuuucluuuu \VIII UU UIKUC lubcl'. Bun will leave Markham on the The Government Building at the Cap. Fem“ “i? E“ the comlm 9f SPON‘ udiun Nauunux Exhibition should again mg events, 111 the evemug. Rev. Alfred Brown, brother of the late John Brown, visited the Misses Brown on Tuesday. Mr. Allen Armstrong. Jr" is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W]. A. Duncan, at their summer cottage, Muskokn. Miss Grace Pratt, of Snult 8L0. B’larie, visited friends in the village over the Week-end. Mrs. J. T. Brown, of Aberdeen Club, Tomato. has been visiting me Misses Brown this week. "Richmond Hill" Pennants, vm-iouï¬ colors, at. The Liberal Smre, 25 and 40 cents. 6-6 The value of the Canadian National er-in-head engine~ DAVID HILL, Dealer Richmond Hill, Ont. 011 mus€see Vibgoursell? Comfortable, roohiy. convertible (berth). Colonist; cars of latest design and lunch counter can-s serving (and and refreshments at reasonable prices will be attached to trains. Special cars will he provided for women. Purchase your tickets to Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways, no matter whether your final destination is a point on the Canadian National or not. Consult with your nearest Agent for train service. etc. 7-8 H0, FOR MARKHAM Saturday, August 16, 1924 wm leave Richmond Hi“ and follow the Auto Parade to Markham on Saturday for the MacKenzie King Demonstration. Return Fare 75 C E N T S The special Hurvesters‘ trains of the Canadian National Railwaya from all Ontario points as ndrertiaod. will make the fastest, time to Winnipeg bperatinp via the new Longluc cub-off, tho shortest route between Eastern and Western Canada. Harvesters tmvell- ing by this rnute will. as n. come-quencc be first; in the field. The first, train leaves Totonto one minute after mid- night of August 215b, (12.01 a. In. August 223d). The fare is a flat rate of $15 to Winnipeg and half a cent a mile beyond. Returning the fare is half a cent per mile into Winnipeg i1an 820 bagk tn_starting pniut. Fastest Harvesters' Trains Will be by Cundim Naiioml Rnilwnyu Official Visit Capt. Nichhls, staff officer, Military District No. 2. was the guest of Capt; Barty Morden on Saturday last. The cadot stores and equipment were ofï¬cially inspected, after which the cadet 'corps at the Orphanage was also ofï¬cially visited. After the in- spection Capt. Nichols addressed the boys. giving them usplendid talk on "Haw boy. should play the great game of life.“ Espey’s Bus be one Of thehmoal interesting structm as i on the grounds. Among other exhibit- to he made by the Ontario Government ' will be a sectinn from the Provincial game preservu containing two beaver ‘ dams, one of which will have 1-5 of ihe I industrious little animals at, work; Bears, deer, mome Ind other live speci- mens will also be shown; I 01616 ‘ .Will epoil your hammer and nuke your company diutrensing to your triendl unleu you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Halt geople feel better from the ï¬rst done. our druggist win refund your money I if: 31 box does not bring relief. Ab- ' lohtely harmleu. Generous umplo {or u in than. Templetonl, To- ronto. ‘ In gRAZ-MAH ’H‘A‘v FEVER Aâ€"â€"._.- A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept, 3-1; the above. places RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE Ofï¬ce Trench Block. t-vo doors north of Standand Bank. HoursQ mm. to 5.30 pm). Tait-phone 3‘ Phnne 82 w J. F. Burr HOUSE PA INTER. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers andiEmbaImers That’s one-half the story. The other half is that they make these good pictures easily. From our complete stock your youngster can select just the Brownie he wants. Here also is the ï¬lm to ï¬t the Brownieâ€"for we have depend. able ï¬lmâ€"Kodak ï¬lmâ€"in a size to ï¬t any camera. Brownies make good pictures Box Brownies-$2.05 up Folding Autograpbic Browninâ€"S9JO up For Sale by Porter’s Drug Store Su'mmer Asthn’wa THE MILL Dr. L. R. BELL AH line-s hf Stock and Poultry feeds. Cm- nf Oats and car of Standard Smepnings in st‘nre. Delivmies TUESDAY and Fm- : DAYS. Porter’s Drug Store RICHMOND HILL DENTIST! Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, Lt‘d. have on hand for sale. Cement, drain ï¬le, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gx‘avelsold by the load or 11 car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. ‘ . T. LOUSINS. China, Cut Glass, Grocerles and Confections Cut Glass Water Sets, 7 pieces, from $I.3o up: Sherbets, lrom 40c. up. Also Heavy Cut Glass Berry Bowls, from $5.50. Kitchen Ware, Mlxing Bowls, Bakers’ Pudding Bowls, Jelly Moulds, Pie Funnels, etc., etc. QUALITY SHOPPE Be Warned See Our New Stock of Pitchers, Decorated and Plain Julors,’ from 50c. up. ° Decorated Teapots ~ Various prices. Lustre Bud Vases, 60c. each. Lustre Rose Bowls, $1.00. '. c. BEDFORD, It will be about time {or you to be thinking about: your {all clothes. Perhaps your overcoat needs repair-Z ing, or turning. Your fall suit may need repairing} Now is the time to have them ï¬xed up. New fall goods for suits and overcoats on hand. As Fall is Drawing Near Richmond Hill In ready-made wear, we are giving some special priccs. in House and Street Dresses, also Children's Dresses Special prices in Bionses and Sleeveless Sweaters, Lady Ramsay Wool in all shades and P. K. Knitting in silk. and wool in new shades. Fun Yme of Hosiery always on hand. Crompton Corsets and Long Brassieres In piece goods we have some good value “no seconds" Crepes, and Ginghams Naineooks, and Cottons, Tea Table Linen and Sateen Trench Block Agents for Bruce’s Chocolates and Ice Cream Semi~Porcelain Cups and Saucers, from 150. up. CLEANING AND REPAIRING SATISFACTORILY DONE! Yonge & Centre Streets . & M. STEIN Ordered suits irom $35.00. Readyetoâ€"wear suits from $16.00 up -:- R. FORTNER r "r --_, â€"~vâ€"r, Irv-luv 1‘ and other vahubles at home until they at stolen or destro ed by ï¬re, instead of renting a Safety Deposit x, is on a par with “ locking the stable door after the horse is stolen.†Don't procrastinate! Rent I box today It thin Bani. nu KEEPING your insurance papers, deeds, bonds and nuns! vn‘u-klu a! LAâ€"s‘ “.L'l LL--- OUR MOTTO â€"- “QUALITY AND SERVICE" SUMMER SPECIALS Mrs. Norman Batty STANDAï¬â€˜D BANK Ol‘ CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, Ladies and Gents: Clothier and Tailor._‘j Manager 415 Balliol Stâ€. Toronto. Phone Hudson 1347 w LICENSED AUCTIONEER [ion COUNTY 02 YORK AND ONTABIO Special attention given to sales of every description. Farms and farm, stack sales specialty. Farms bought» and sold on commission. Allsales ab- iended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostapproved methods. Patronage solicited. Advertise in the Liberal. Richmond Hill condu" in Voiles, v, Tea Towenings, Phone 53 ren Lice Phone 95 Manage: