Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Aug 1924, p. 4

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Geo. Caldwell, Lorne Paterson Visits Maple and Teston Monday. \Vednesday and F1 iday afternoons and evenings each week NOTICE CALDWELL & PATERSON Representix (“a Mutual Life mm Company of New York INQUIRIES SOLICITED BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP Drop a card or phone Hudson 1802 1031mm) STREET. Rxcamoxo HILL NOTICE OF REMOVAL firms LUMBER c0 PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES ( REV.) A. F. MACKENZIE Corner of Yonge & Richmond QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. \Vish to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and wagon work, Automobile wood work and rubber tires at the Trench Works. Satisfaction and reasonable prices assured. Give IMBROSE L. PHIPPS mfimlnd Hill Phone 861; J. W. Wellman GENTS’ FURNISHINGS W, J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAI FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2nd. Write to-day for Catalogue and arrange to enterat Fall Opening. Strictly first-class in all Depaxt- meats. This School is time tried and truly tested and the ad- vantages offered here are un- excelled in Canada. DOCTOR OF. CHIROPRACTIC Has moved to its new home at. Corner Yonge 8.: Alexander Sts., Toronto. Centre Street East Hardwood Flooring Pine Lam D Cedar Shingles 5 oofings GYP‘ Tar paper Rough and Dressed Lumber 167 Belsize Drive, Toronto Jersey â€" Consultations Free :â€" Boys running line of Oxford shoes. Special prices Pants Boots and shoes, with a good line of Oxfords and Ladies us a trial and be convinced ELLIOTT Enter any time. 3 running shoes, caps, 5y sweaters all at very reasonable prices. Building paper and Shirts. Doors Sash G y prock Wallboard in Khaki r“ - J - The Victoria Square girls baseball team crawledc out of the tall timber, Where they have been in hiding continuously since their humiliating defeat at Markham on )uly the first, to register an easy Win from the Milliken beauty squad, at the local diamond on Friday night. The remarkable feature of the evening was, that at no stage of the game did either players or spec- tators display the least sign of becom- ing antagonistic. .- .I‘, By winning, by a comfortable margin. from Richmond Hill. at, the local grounds on Wednesday night. The local lads have captured first place in the second half of the Hills-Square League. Darkness however halted the game in the fifth, just as it began to prove interesting. \Ve hope that at lame ea'rly dnte 'I‘homhill and Rich- mond Hill decide by a playâ€"off, or if that be too hazardous and the possu- hility of friction too great, then by mutual agreement, just who holds the pennant for the first, half. Weather conditions were unable to damp the spirit of Mackenzie King supporters, Who invaded the Fair grounds at; Markham on Saturday. A truck load of enthusiasts left the Square; also several tumors. Every- one enjoyed the afternoon, despite the repeated attempts of Jupiter Pluvius. togpoilihe day. .n SATL‘RDAY. SEPT. 6~Aucti0n sale of unfinished pwperty in the town of Weston. in the matter (If the Mechanics’ and \Vage earners Iien.‘ Sale at 11 a. m., daylight saving time. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. Now~a days, it is a rare thing to see a man making the least: dis- turbance at; such places. And, yet, we occasionally talk to men with a family of boys growing up, who will say “let us have a change because the present. law is not strictly en- forced.” Everybody knowsâ€"if he will ad- mit itâ€"that what; is true in Simcoe is true in Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Markham Villagmoodbridge, and other towns where fall fairs and other gatherings are held. Formerly those places were scenes of drunken brawls. million dollars. But; the "wens" in- sisted upon testing public opinion. So everyone who does not want the bar back or something worse, such as they have in some “government control” provinces, should make the verdict as decisive as possible in favor of prohibition." Old bovs’ reunions throughout Ontario meant a lot of unpleasant work for the police in the days be- fore prohibition. Nearly every large assemblage was boLhered with the maudlin antics of intoxicated men. The transformation has been such a. happy one and is supported by so many evidences of the permanent; benefits of the U: T. A. that it is sur- prising that the province should think it worth while taking a vote on the liquor question at a cost of half a Under the above heading the Toronto Daily Star, which is always sound on the temperance question says editorially. "Simcoe was en fete all last week, yet not a single case of drunkenness was reported. Multitudes took in the celebration. One night was given over to a pageant, followed by a masquerade in the business. section. Dancing went on until daylight” But not an accident or a brawl marred the occasion. At a garden party at Port Credit last Saturday Mr. J. A. McCausland, M P. P., for one of the 'l‘oronto Ridings, who spoke on the Ontario Temperance Act, said that if the Act ls rescinded on the 23rd of October, the Ferguson Government would introduce “a wise and sane measure Wlllcll he believed Would appeal to the people." But, Mr. McCauslaI-d, would it not be fairer to tell the electors what that “wise and sane measure" is before they cast their ballots on the 23rd of October ? Are won a Subscriber‘. DR “WHAT THE 0. T. A. DOES" VICTORIA SQUARE Auction Sale Register Save 1/3 to 1/2 Your Corn” You lose from 1/5 to % the food value of your corn by feeding it to your caule on dry fodder. 5 Corn stored in a TORONTO Wooden Slave Silo will give an l00% of the value. Good enailege will improve the health of your cattle and will increase the quality and quantity of your milk returns. Good silage must be made in an air-right lilo. . The TORONTO Silo is made of selected spruce. double (ensued and grooved to exclude the air. and specially healed with creosote to lengthen its life. l5% extro capacin with the TORONTO Hip Roof. Let me show you how to save on forage. and increase - the health and value of your herd. information and 5-, full particulars gladly given. J. Lunau,Agent, Richmond Hill Phoue73J I August, 1924 such lust mentioned date the said Adininisti-atl'ix will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and the said Administratrix will not be liable for the said assets m‘uny part thereof to any person or persons of l whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 0R SALEâ€"Buff Uocbin Bantams. . year-old hens and spring chickens. Apply REAY HOPPER. Rose- v1ew Ave., Richmond Bin. 8 ESTERN OATSâ€"On baud whole, chopped, crushed or re-cleaned. Also mixed chop and tankage. BRUCE BROS. Phone 3602, Stnufi’ville. 8-9 VUREANT TREESâ€"Sturdy young black curmnt trees. four for $1. PHILPOTT. Stop 24, Yonge St. 7 10 IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of OSTâ€"In the village. Monday, a ring with a. number of small keys. Reward, Liberal Office. 8 "‘0 RENTâ€"Six room house, electric lights, cellar. hen house, small garden with fruit trees, hard and soft water, on Colborne 8b., Thornhill. R. nAnwr v 8-9 CABELY. OR SALEâ€"Davenport, oak frame, mission, upholstered in tapestry. opens into double bed. MRS. A, MARTIN, Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. 8 Travel by The Fastest Route The special Harvesters' trains of the Canadian National Railways from an Ontario points as advertised will make the fastest time to Winnipeg, operating t-off. the .via the new Longlac cu shortest mute between Eastern and \Vestern Canada. Harvesters travellâ€" ing by this route will. asaconsequence he first in the field. The first train leaves Toronto one min te after mid- night of August 213b, 2.01 a. m,, August 22nd). The fare is a flat rate of $15 to \Vinnipeg and half a cent a, mile heyund. Returning the fare is a. half 11 cent per mile into Winnipeg and $20 hack to starting point. Through solid trains will be operated ‘ to Winnipeg without change, consist; ing convertible (berth). Cnlnnisl Cars of latest design. Lunch counter cars will be attached to trains serving food and refreshments at reasonable prices. Purchase your ticket to Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways no matter whether your final destination is a point on the Canadian National or not. For fares. train servicr’. etc., apply to] ‘- *‘ ‘ A 77 n o A\Il. uu-vu. v nearest, Canadian‘Nutiobal Ageixt}. 85 Richnu Sulicitor f Dated at ' late of the Township of Max khan], in the Uounty of York. widow. Deceased. NOTICE I§HHEREBY GIVEN. WILIY-aOn August 15th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Wiley, 47 West Lynn avenue, Toronto, 8. daughter. ‘ Millhrook papers please copy. PATERSONâ€"On Monday, Aug. 18, 1924, 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paterson, Richmond Hill, a. sonj Sunday school at 10 a. m. Church services at II and 730 o’clock, con- ducted by Rev. A. McNab. 18,000 Men Wanted to Harvest Western Canada’s Crops NANCY ANN HORNER WILLIAM COOK, 816 Federal Building. Presbyterian Service: md St. \Vest, Tan-onto. :'m- the Administratrix‘ Toronto this 16111 day ant AdS. The Fastest Route iii be operated ithout change, consist, (berth). Cnlnnisl Cats I. Lunch counter cars [to trains serving food ts at reasonable prices. ticket to Winnipeg via. 131 Railways n9 mnpter BIRTHS STRAY HORSEâ€"Came to the premises (:f the undersigm-d, Int 52. Yonge St., Elgln Mills, a sun-e1 horse. Owner may have prnpvlty luv preving property and paying expenses. 0. TOPPER. Elgin Mills. 7-9 OR RENTâ€"Hump on Elizabeth street for rent. Apply to J. E. WIGMORE. 3-tf F OR SALEâ€"Comfortable frame I house; lot, 40 x 140 feet. Anplyi MRS. A. ENDEAN, Centre SLLWest,1 Richmond Hill, Phone 61 w. 7-9 I RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. A demonstration will be arrang- ed at your convenlence. THERE is only one way you can be convinced of Star Car quality and performance--- and that is to try this car your- self. TheSTARCar ‘ P. C. HILL Dealer, Richmond Hill, Ont. ant. Ads. THE ARISTOCHAT 0F LOW-PRICED CARS Snug Comfort for Four Passengers HE Chevrolet Four-Passenger Coupe is a personal closed carâ€" Comfortable and efficient; it is easy to 'drive; easy to handle in traffic; easy to turn around or park. On city streets its convenience is appreciated by experienced drivers and novices alike. Yet this car will accom- modate four passengers comfortably on long drives. .Tourists will like the luggage compartment under the rear deckâ€"â€"a convenient place to put suitcases, club bags and parcels. The woman driver will appreciate the beauty and fine appointments of the Four-Passenger Coupe. The man will like its power and enduranceâ€"its low upkeep expense and its complete equipment. Like all other Chevrolet models, the Four- Passenger Coupe may be bought on easy terms. Ask us about the G.A.M.C. deferred payment plan. PUMP FOR SALE-All cmnplete.I gnud us new. with 50 ft. of pipe. J Apply . F. SUMMERS, Newtun Brook. HOUSE r0 LETâ€"Six moms. Apply L. B. FINCH, Elizabeth Street. Richmond Hill. 2 tf Hades; $10 blades. bal J. A. ROSE. BARGAIN In all stoves and lawn mowers: 3 hurm-r nil stave, with oven, $34.00. 4 burner nil stove. with oven, $39.00. Lawn mowers 12 in.,3 'hlac‘les, $8.50. Lawn mowers 14 in., t $10.50, Lawn mowers 16 in; 4 ball bearing $13.50. Apgly ("‘1

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