Messrs Frank Ourcis. Wilkie Dixon and AlLerL Uober. all frnm Gormley district, leave to-night for the wheat fields of Alberta. wnere they hope tn do some work and see some of the western country. Mrs. \Villiam Jones, of Richmond Hill, was awarded first prize at the Mackenzie King Picnic, held M, Mark‘ hum last Saturday. fur the oldest Liberal woman on the grounds. Mrs. Jones is in her 91% year. The Canadian National Exhibition, ‘I‘oroulo, has the largest and most costly building on any permanent fair grounds the wmld overâ€"the Coliseumâ€"which cost; $1,500,000 and bus 8; acres under [‘00 . Tux-(unto Symphony Orchestra, which promises to be in bands what the Men- delssohn Choir is in its special sphere of activity. will give a concert at the Coli- seum, Canadian Nutinnal Exhibition, Thursday evening, Sept. 4. The Richmond Hill Women’s Institute has been asked to send“ flowers to decorate the Wing in the' Women’s Building, Aug. 28th, that the Canadian National Exhibition have as- signed to the Ontario Women’s Institutes. Any one wishing to help the Institule by donation of flowers will kindly send them tn Mrs. Mylks, on Wednesday evening, Aug. 27th. A month organ contest will be one of the features of Music Day at the Can- adian National Exhihilinn. There me three classes. boys 12 and under, boys under 16. and an open class. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Diwsion Unurb Ulerks’ Association of Ontario will be held at 2 p. m.. next Wednesday, in a. ConuniLLee Room, City Hall. Toronto, A supply of cut slabs and dry cut hardwood in fowl lenth all sizes, also the best Anthlaoite con]. Prices lIke'y to advance Sept. 1. Older now at the Elevator. Rev. W. A. Fortner and Mrs. Former. and two sons, Lieut. Gl-J‘dstone and Albert of Olean, N. Y. visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Former this week. Mr. M. D. Brown, of the Kardix CDV.. has been trunsfered to London officu where he will be district, muuuger for the (Joy, for \Vestern Ontario. Principal Stewart has received word from the Education Department that the High School Departmental leaults will not be availdble for a few days. Six rinks from Markham came out Thursday evening and played friendly games with the home rinks here. The visitoxs won four out of six games. The girls team which visited Sunny. aide last. night made a. cxeditahle show- ing against. Suprenwa, scoringï¬ xuns to their opponents l2. Misses Elizabeth and Ruth Mnyls- of Didsbury, Alberta have been visiting relatives in the village and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Vm. Cook have been visutiug with Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Sanderson, in Pickeling. Rev.J ing a 1 Former. The opens week. MCLAUGHLlN-BUICK SPECIAL SIX 25-25 Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, Saturday of this J. C. and Mrs. Speer are spend- tew days with Mr. and Mn. HE New Special Six is essen- tially McLaughlin-Buick in character and performance. The same body lines, the same motor and chassis construction, the same mechanical excellences that characterize the McLaugh- lin-Buick Master Six are embodied in this Special Six, while the Master Six is longer and larger the two models are identical in mechanical design. Four wheel Brakes and Low Pressure Tires, of course. The handsome Duco ï¬nish ac- tually improves with use. c1716 DAVID HILL, Dealer Richmond Hill, Ont. There will he no changes in High or Public School books during the coming school year. The Education Depart- ment has given notice that after Sept. 1, 1925, the following books; will give place to newer publications: Public School Hygiene, Spellers, Third and Fourth Renders. Ontario High School English Grammar, Arthmetic, German Grammar, and German Reader. Maple will hold its Civic Holiday and Old Boys’ Re-Union on Saturday of this week. The programme includes men's baseball. ladies baseball, football and foot races for all ages. The evenâ€" ing programme consists of a concert. followed by a. dance. Music by McDonald‘s orchestra. Admission to conwert 40 cents; children 25 cents: to dance gents 50 cents. ladies free. Ad- mission to grounds 25 cents. Meals will be served for 35 cents. For prizes and full particulars see large, hills. or J. Uarl Saigeon, President; W. 0. Mc- Donald, Treasurer: or J. G. Routley, Secretary. Fastest Harvesters’ Trains Will be by Canadian National Railways The special Harvestel's' trains of the Canadian National Railways from all Ontario points as advertised, will make the fastest time to Winnipeg Operating via, the new Longlac cut-off, the shoxtest route between Easteln and Western Canada. Harvesters travell- ing by this route will, as :l consequence be first in the field. The ï¬rst. train leaves Toronto one minute after mid- night, of August 2180, (12.01 a. in. August 22nd). The fare is a flat rate of $15 to \Vinnipeg and balfa cent a mile beyond. Returning the fare is half a cent per mile into Winnipeg and $20 back to_starting pniut. Comfortable, roomy. convertible (berth). Colonist; cars of latest design and lunch counter cars serving food and refreshments at, reasonable prices will be attached to trains. Special cars will he provided for women. Purchase your tickets to Winnipeg via. Canadian National Railways, no matter whether your final destination is a point on the Canadian National or not. Consult with your nearest Agent for train s:rvice. etc. 7-8 A bad cave-in occurred a“! o’clock Friday morning at the subway under the Canadian National Hnilwuy trucks. :1 mile south quuroru. The Provincinl Highway (Yonge Street.) runs under the subway, and workmen were about to lay the radial tracks in position, the mudway having been paved when the cave-in occurred. No one was hurt, but, three lengths of big sewer pipes which had been laid were lost in the disaster, and no amount, of searching could find them. Where they got to is a. complete mystery. Rev. Ben. Spence, oï¬Toronto, will preach in the Methodist, Church next Sunday morning on behalf of the Ontario Prohibition Union. Mr. Spence will also preach at, Victoria Square in the afternoon at 2.30. There should be larsze congregations at every service. No Changes in Text Books Field Day at Maple Another Cave-In 91616 Cara leave Toronto Terminal at 11.30 p. m. for Newmarket und intermedi-_ ate points. Schomherg nnd intermediate points. Car leave-s Toronto Terminal on \Vednesday. Sept. 31d at, 11.30 pm. HYDRO - EyECTRlC RAILWAYS T. & Y. R. District DE NT ' ST' Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two doors norlh of Standard Bank. Houx-s9n.m. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 Canadian National Exhibition W. H EWISG N HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. EXTRA CAR SERVICE Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Molt people feel better from the ï¬rst done. Your druggiat will refund your money its $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- lolutely harmless. Generous sample for 4a in lttm)‘. Templeton. To- ronto. In: RAZ-MAH Box Browni::â€"â€"$2.05 up Folding dutograplxic Browniesâ€"$9.30 up. That’s one-half the story. The other half is that they make these good pictures easily. From our complete stock your youngster can select just the Brownie he wants. ' Here also is the ï¬lm to ï¬t the Brownieâ€"for we have depend- able ï¬lmâ€"Kodak ï¬lmâ€"in a. size to ï¬t; any camera. Will Ipoil your summer and mull. your company distressing to your friends unlcu you get relief. Brownies maize good pictures HAY FEVER C. L, WILSON, Superintendent. Sept. 1st to Sept. 6th 1924 For Sale 'by Porter‘s Drug Store Summer Asthn'na Dr. L. R. BELL Porter’s Drug Store RICHMOND HILL IN CONNECTION “'ITH i Bonds The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Onmpany, Lt’d, have on hand for sale. Cement drain Lile‘. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load or n car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. LOUSINS. China, Cut Glass, _Grocer1es and Confectlons Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick See Our New Stock of Pitchers, Decorated .and Plain Colors, from 50c. up. Decorated Teapots â€"â€"Various prices. Lustre Bud Vases, 60¢. each. Lustre Rose Bowls, $1.00. Cut Glass Water Sets, 7 pieces, from $I.3o up; Sherbets, from 40o. up; Also Heavy Cut Glass Berry Bowls, from $5.50. , Kitchen Ware, Mixing Bowls, Bakers’ Pudding Bowls. Jelly Moulds, Pie Funnels, etc., etc. w. c. BEDFORD, Richmond Hill It will be about time for you to be thinking about your fall clothes. Perhaps your overcoat needs repairg ing, or turning. Your tall suit may need repairing: Now is the time to have them ï¬xed up. New fall goods for suits and overcoats on hand. As Fall is Drawing Near J. & M. STEIN In piece goods we have some good value "no seconds†in Voiles, Crepes, and Ginglmms Nainsooks, and Cottons, Tea Towellings, Table Linen and Sateen In ready-made wear, we are giving some special prices. in House and Street; Dresses, also Children’s Dresses Special prices in Blouses and Sleeveless Sweaters: Lady Ramsey Wool in all shades and P. K. Knitting in silk and shades. Full line of Hosiery always on hand. Corsets and Long Brassieres wool in new Crompton Agents for Bruce’s Chocolates and Ice Cream Trench Block Semi-Porcelain Cups and Saucers, from 15c. up. CLEANING AND REPAIRING SATISFACTORILY Ordered suits Irom $35.00. Readygtcgwear suits from $16.00 up Yonge & Centre Streets QUALITY SHOPPE :E. R. FORTNER -:- OUR MOTTO â€" “QUALITY AND SERVICE†SUMMER SPECIALS THIS bank provides special facilities for than]. and purchase of Government and other bondt Investors are invited to consult our local manager. who will be pleased to arrange any such transactions. STAN BAN K Mrs. Norman Batty RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, Ladies and Gents’J Clothier and Tailor; Manager or CANT“ THE Special attention given to sales of every descrlption. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at;- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostapproved methods. Patronage solicited. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Advertise in the Liberal. 415 Balliol St“, Tm‘nnto. Phone Hudson 1347 W Richmond Hill reu (Lice Phone 53 Phone 95 DONE Manage;