Geo.Caldwell, Lorne Paterson Visits Maple and Teston Monday. \Vednesday and Friday afternoons and evenings each week NOTICE CALDWELL & PATERSON Representirg The Mulual life Insuran’ci: Company of New York Drop a card or phone Hudson 1802 ICEMOND STREET. RICENOND HILL BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP NOTICE OF REMOVAL AELLIOTT/J M y; ( REV.) A. F. MACKENZIE iONEs LUMBER c0 PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. \Vish to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and wagbn work. Automobile wood Work and rubber’lires at the Trench works. Satisfaction and reasonable prices assured. Give us a trial and be convinced. AMBROSE L. PHIPPS kichmond Hill Phone 86 J. W. Wellmzm ï¬FNTS’ FURNISHINGS DOCTOR OF. CHIROPRACTIC Write to-day for Catalogue and arrange to enter at Fall Opening. Strictly firstâ€"class in all Depart- ments. This School is time tried and \truly tested and the ad- vantages offered here are un- excelled in Canada. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Has moved to its new home at Comer Youge & Alexander Sts., Toronto. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2nd Centre Street East INQUIRIES SOLICITED Pine Lam Cedar Shingles Roofings l‘ar paper 167 Belsize Drive, Toronto Rougf â€" Consultations Free â€"- Special prices Pant D Jersey' sweaters 5 shoes. Boots and shoes, with a goon line of Oxfords and Ladies GENTS BOYS gh and Dressed Lun Hardwood Flooring Enter any time. Building paper 'easonable prices running shoes, caps ’ eweaners all at very and Shirts Gyprock Wallboz‘u‘d th :1 good umber Khaki Doors Sash ‘ Rev. P. S. Baringer, B.D., Pastor. Evening seu'ice and sermon at 7 o’clock. Zion's Ev. Lutheran Church, Sherwood ' Tb‘eflAnnual Harvest Home services will be held on Sept. 14th, services at 1141. m. and 7 p.11}. ‘1. n pré‘gï¬rersigiinribe erectién of Mr. Stan. Smith's new house. Methinks, Stan. I hear the distant Linkle of wedding bells. Mr. Stanley Boynton IS wearing a broad grin these daysâ€"u daughter. Mrs. Stephen Lawson and little grand-daughter, of Manitoba, und Mr. and Mrs. MacNeill, of Toronto, motored to Mr. W. F. Nichols’ on Sunday. spending her vacu has returned home and Miss Marion Agar. spent: last Sunday with Mr. and Mgs. John Wipdmsi, White Rose. ‘nu ‘ The Young Ladies ofthe“Snnshine Class†conbemplalc giving an ice cresz social on Friday evening. Cake also will be served. Come and help the class along. .......... n. Miss Medley. of Tomnto, has been spending a few weeks with lelatives and friends of this place. Miss Mae Flavelle, wlgg hu_s been!) "x, The V. S. Baseball Gills motored to Richmond Hill last Monday night to play against the Richmond Hill team. It; was a keenly contested game. and we are pleased to repair, the score was 16-18 in the visiting team’s favour, Congratulations, girls! We are looking forward to the return game which is to take place on Fiiduy evening of this week. g... v..v..v .. , Tumpemnce (muse-3' missed some first hand iufm-matinn’ if they did not hear Rev. Ben Spence, last, Sunday after- noon. Mr. Spence is an eloquent speaker and those who heard him feel more competent to vote in October. \Ve “‘lSh him success in his missior‘). No doubt, it would he an improve- ment to have the members elected by the people for a term ut‘years, but even then they would vote Liberal or Conservative, as they do now, in order to assist their Own particular party and hamper their opponents. legislation passed my u Commons. But: why n members of Parliament for any measures that; ma; to be hasty ? At the pres Senate is holding up up A cordial is extended to all other. Abo forward in f it may ac with that how part of whom to work dom other. About l’remk n his Canadiar word “re All those intexestedrin the “Gr; Special for Gene Week With the Stro'ngest Tower Builti It's the "Toronto" Self-Oiling Windmillâ€"~requiring "oil only once tyear". a All gears operate in a bath of special oil affected by neither heat nor 'coldâ€"every bearing and working part thoroughly and automatically lubricated. If you have a "Toronto" Windmill now. you can obtain this selfâ€"oiling feature by interchanging the head and using your present wheel. Most Toronto Windmills, too. canbc made absolutely self-regulating in operation. The "Toronto" Tower will stand for a lifetime become it is the heaviest. strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. See t_h_is new! Mlâ€˜ï¬ minâ€"ï¬r set my booklet. « j. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill Puoxrzm SELF-OlLlNGâ€": SELF-REGULATING a VICTORIA SQUARE I‘HI DAVID HILL 8: CO. TOD}! NC urtio'u in New Lowell, 30 X 3 1-2‘ TIRES Non-Skid (Firsts) All Wrapped ' $6.95 \vson and little It AGAIN 0011111100 at; MONDAY, SEPT. 8, 1924 The next meeting of the Council of the’ Municipality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellm'e, on Vaughan Council - MALL BARN FOR SALEâ€"16 x 24 ft“. good pine lumber. Apply W. GOULD. Richmond Street. 9 11 ABY CARRIAGE; Seepnd-hand buhy carriage for sale 01- to rent. Apply Liberal Ofï¬ce. 9 ANTEDâ€"Girl fur gener work. Other help kept MRS. E. T. STEPHENS, b‘Lop t Sheet. shop and enlivened Lhe proceeul their music. An excellent sn served by the ladies (f M vicinity in the Masonic 112‘ netted n gqnd sum. The Community Hall was at the concert. and dance. muted that $300 \Vlll he ale: this will be used towards the of :1 field for a park. 0R SALEâ€"Acme cook stove for sale cheap. MRS. JAS. LEVEY. \Vl‘ight, St. Phone 99 J. 9 HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING 13110110 124 J AUTO PAINTING Phone 68 the plensule (II Ine uuy shower in the afternoon the people scnmpm' (:fl' Sports. Visitors came f: and fiom all the snriuun and tho committee can lul'ed on the snccvss uf {In Field Day and Old Boy The sports begun at 1 p, I until dark. In squ-hnl twenty-two enuies, and f were occupied at, nine ti finals the Bolton gii'ls’ tee Maple by a score 0f14-1 between Bolton and Kim teams has yet, to be plnyu [00 dark to finish the gait Three football teams cor King City won in the fi St. (Hairs, by 30. In botl the 100 yards races, D. M first; prize. The prin for race was a beautiful Silvpr :‘INJâ€"ERANT iiREESâ€"S‘llt‘dy young black curl-ant trees. quL‘fOI‘ $1. Huron, Stop 24, Yonge St. 7 10 M RU HARD FOR SALEâ€"Apples and pears. Apply on the premises. NICHOLSON, Lungstuï¬'. .0. ll) OUSE T0 RENTâ€"0n Church St. Apply toTEI) GRAINGER’S Bax-her 0,1“ . PATERSON pleusme of the l 391- in the nfLerm people scnmper Ls. Visitors can» from all the sum: the committee (- on the success nf Day and Old 1 sports begun at 1 MAP VV ant Ads. at 1 o‘clock p. m. J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk 1‘ h (- PLE cmc HOLIDAY AND FIELD DAY tun nish the gamv. e all teams competed, when on in the final from the 30. In both the 200 and l races. D. McMillan won The prizv fnr tlw 200 yard lutyiful Silver Service pre- . A. J. H. Eckardt, of po ular and well-known ,. LIx-s. Parsons won the non's race, and Jessie :ingle ladies’ race. The ‘om Lansing was present I the proceedings with An excellent supper was e ladies of Maple and w Mnsnnic llall which :coss nf the first. annual i Old Boys’ Re-Union. m at 1 p. m. and lasted 11 squ-lmll them were lies, and five diamonds at, «me time. In the m girls‘ team won from nrp of 14-13. The final 113’ team wo‘ of 14-13. Th d Kinghm-n nlzwed as itl undil m be 'l'he 51 (whim ,1 but; 1. whi E the eneml house HI crowded It is esti- u'ed, and purchase Chg! Apply fonge 9-10 l1) 6 9.10 HS it} WIGMORE. STRAY HORSEâ€"Came to the premises of the undersigned. lot, 52, Yonge St», Elgln Mills, :x SUK'H‘] horse. Owner may have propnly by proving property and paying Pxpemes. C. TOPPER. Elgin Mills. T-SJ OR SALEâ€"Cmnfmmlvlv frame house; lot, 40 x 140 feet. M|ply MRS. A. ENDEAN, Centre St, \‘Vest, Richmond Hill, Phone 61 w. ' ‘ 7-!) RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. ’E‘HE Star" Car has the eeie- brated Tubular Backbone which enhances its long-wear- ing and easy-riding qualities. Only Durant products have this exclusive feature. We will be giad t0 expiain how it works. TheSTARCar R RENTâ€"Housp on Elizabeth street for rent. Apply to LE. W ant. Ads. P. C. HILL Dealer, Richmond Hill, Onta TI! What would Chevrolet average over a period of months in every-day service? How economical from the other phases of upkeep? Here are the answers -â€"supplied by owners everywhere in Canada:â€" The cars on which these mileage averages were based have travelled anywhere from 1,500 miles to over 36,000. Some of the cars were used for plea- sure, others for business. Almost a third of these cars are giving economical service in the taxi business. Chevrolet’s remarkably low upkeep, together with its low ï¬rst cost, make it the world’s greatest motor, car value. Canada, Limited, put on a unique gasoline economy contest, open to Chevrolet owners everywhere in Canada. 9 YEAR ago the Chevrolet Motor Co., of It was then that a Canadian-built Chevrolet Sedan, under oï¬icial observation and conditions, estab- lished the world’s mileage record of 55.4 miles per gallon. The grand average of all the contestants in every province in Canada was 34.1 miles per gallon. The Most Economical Car in the World to Operate Ask us about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan. Average miles Average mila Average cost of per Gallon of per Gallon of Repairs per thousand mile. Glsoline. Oil. 7(not including tires). 29.5 11 1,420 l I / BARGAIN In all stoves and lawn : mowers; 3 burner oil stove, with l “Vt-n, $31.00. 4 burner nil stow, with . m‘en, $39.00. Lawn mowers 12 in., 3 ‘ blades, $850. Lawn mowers 14 in., 4 blades, $10.50. Lawn mowers 16 in., 4 1 blades. ball bearing $13.50. Apply 3]. A. Hosp. 5.9 r1‘0 RENTâ€"Six room house, electric lights, cellar, hen house, small gufden with fl uic Laws, hand and soft; water, on Colborne SD, Thornhill. R. CASELY. 8-9 UUSE 1‘0 LETâ€"SIX rooms. Apply L. B. F‘Ixcn. Elizalwth |‘. Ricbnmnd Hill. 2 tf 78 cents jar Lamath 7mm Chevrolet 7 ‘ilre Passenger; 'ouring Calf