Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1924, p. 7

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only by the strictest adherence to quarantine regulations can dangerous communicable diseases be kept at a minimum. Those abusing the com- mon welfare are public nuisances and Shgy‘ld be prosecuted as such. The vast majority of people are willing and anxious to assist the Health Department in observing quar- antine laws, but there seem to be a few persons scattered throughout every district who have no health con- scienceâ€"that is, they do not seem to realize the importance of any pre- ventive or quarantine measures to pre- vent or curtail the spread of communâ€" icable disease. Just recently I met a peculiar, but alas, all too common type of individual whose daughter had contracted scarlet fever. He was not at all willing to keep her isolated after the actual fever had passed away, his reason be» ing that she had got the disease from somebody else and somebody else again could get it from her. A mest despic- able attitude, you will say and yet knowing that such people are about. can you wonder at the unsatisfactory results obtained sometimes even when the health authorities do their best to First Sunday School Founded by a Woman. Sunday School Day, which has just been observed by more than 30,000,000 scholars and teachers in England, is a celebration that contrasts with the humble beginnings of the movement. Sunday schools were formally found- ed by Robert Raikes, 3. Gloucester printer and publisher, who, in 1780, noâ€" ticing some urchins playing in the street on a Sunday morning, collected 8. number of them and formed them. into a. class for private religious in- struction. His account of the innovation, pub- -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"§â€"â€"~ lished in the Gloucester Journal, was Uncertain- copied by the London press. and in Teacher in the geogr; this way the great Sunday 8011001 SYS- “Johnny, how is the eart tem was launched. A statue of Raikes Johnny (who reads is on the Thames embankment. news)â€"â€"“Don't know; I But it. is wrong to credit him with the papers this morning Provlnolll Board of Health. Onurlo a. llddleton will be [Ind to answer qua-non: on Publlo Health ‘ (I!- through um column. Address him at 59mm Bonn. 8m Ctuoent. Toronto. Roas te dandp HEALTH EDUCATION SaYS the Hostess Order a case from yoyr grocer. Keep a few bottles in your ice box. iii «ng effe Sh» R. Youm eif‘ Drink BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON educate the public as to the dangers of commufiicable diseaSes, and try to get public support and co-operation in carrying out measures that are neces- sary for the public we_1f_211:e. L __..._ A few days ago in a Michigan town two cases of scarlet fever were reâ€" ported by a citizen. When the state medical inspector arrived on the scene he actually found six cases. This state of affairs showed a gross laxity on the part of somebody. and as a result an epidemic of scarlet fever is now threatening that district. The despatch states that the blame for the situation in this Michigan town can be traced to abject carelessness on the part of the local health officer. But for the efforts of a .former health officer, the schools would probably have to close their doors. Quarantine has been very poorly observed in the municipality, and on one of the persons disregard- ing it, a fine of fifteen dollars has alâ€" ready been imposed. It seems incon- ceivable that such vital things as health regulations should be disreâ€" garded in this day and age. If ignor- ance is bliss, then bliss is short-lived if the ignorance concerns itself with health matters. being the sole originator of the idea. The honor rightly belongs to Hannah Ball. of High Wycombe, who opened a Sunday class in 1769. in Great Britain and Ireland there are approximately 51,000. Sunday schools, 690,000 ofllcers and teachers, and 6,670,000 scholarsâ€"in all, 7,360,000 persons. From these figures it would appear that one in every six or seven of the entire population of Great Bri- tain and Ireland .attends Sunday school. Teacher in the geography class)â€" “Johnny, how is the earth divided?” Johnny (who reads the foreign news)â€"“Don‘t know; I haven’t read The present membership shows a decrease compared with that of- ten years ago of about 900,000. day in airtight titans BABY’S OWN TABLETS ’ ALWAYS KEPT 0A HAND Mrs. David Gagne, St. Godfroy, Que, writeszâ€"“I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my three little ones and have found them such an excellent medicine that I always keep them on hand and would strongly advise all other mothers to do 'the same thing." The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which quickly relieve consti- pation and indigestion;'break up colds and simple fevers and promote that healthful refreshing sleep which makes the baby thrive. They are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. The only visit that Robert Louis Stevenson paid to the bookshop of Mr. Walter T. Spencer, in Loud-on, made a. lasting impression on the owner. In Forty Years in My Bookshop Mr. Spencer thus describes it: Always I remember the night when Robert Louis Stevenson came into my shop. It was in the year 1885 that he made his one call came, during a break in a journey from Edinburgh to Bournemouth. The day had been very wet, and he sat down wearin in a chair in my shop parlor to examine some pamphlets that he had inquired about. He told me that one of his shoes leaked, and I suggested that he take it off and allow it to be dried. I thought Mr. Stevenson would be in- terested to see a catalogue that I had just issued in which the first edition of his New Arabian Nights (two vol- umes, published in 1882) was listed at 8s. (id. in the original cloth. A moment earlier he had been depressed by the sight on my shelves of some sixty copies of the bookâ€"a library surplus that I had purchased for a shilling a volume. I can see now the change on his face as he looked up from the cata- 1 logue. Ben Loban, once a Winnipeg news- boy, who has just com leted three years scholarship at the oyal Academy of Music, London, where he won two bronze and two silver medals as well as the final certificates of merit. This he accomplished in two and a half years, six months less than the usual time. Loban is 22 years of age, and has played before the Prince of Wales and Princess Louise. He commenced his studies at the Columbia Conservatoire at Winnipeg. The photograph was taken as he boarded the Canadian Pacific S.S. Montrose on his way home to Canada. Winnipeg Newsboy Wins Honors “But, Mr._ Spencer,” he said Wis-t- fully, “no one asks about first editions of my books. do they?” Prepared for the Worst. Jones had found a slip of paper on his lawn. It was an accurate and de- tailed plan of his private office. The exact position of the stairs was noted. Notes showed which doors swung in and which swung out. Even the win- Mlnard's Llniment Relieves Paln. dow The Modest Stevenson. daug alarm way i‘fié‘éifiafi W "For years before I learned of Tan- lac I was In such an awful rundown condition that at ‘tlmes I would get so weak and nervous I couldn’t do my house work. I was down to almost a skeleton and still .losing weight all the time. Headaches nearly drove me Glasshouses and forcing frames covering three acres are hidden away in the centre of Hyde Park, where all the bedding plants are grown for the flower-beds in London’s central parks. '9 You Came; am. a 0’? New Eyes \' ~ But you can Promote I _ / nu.-- n‘_ch..Pnn4:llr “The more I km more I feel like pr Samuel Shelly, 56 Ont, Canada. "I when I begin to f Five of the eight largest liners in the wnrld, the Majestic, Columbus, Leviathan, Olympic, and Mauretania, were all in Southampton during the same four days recently. Ont., Canada. "I always when I begin to feel run has met my health needs three years. When Cupid hits his mark he gen- erally Mrs. it. Mlnard‘s Llniment for Rheumatism. When ordering gbcds by mail send Dominion Express Money Order. Draw on a large sheet of paper the design shown at the left. Place in each square (except the middle one) three coins, matches, buttons or other counters. Call to‘_ your friends’ attention the fact that no matter how the counters are counted. there are nine counters in each row. The problem is to take away tour counters and rearrange so that there are still nine matches in each row. The second‘ problem is to return the tour and four more and rearrange again to get nine matches in each row. The third problem is to add four more counters and again rearrange to get nine in each row. The illus- tration shows the method. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series. in a scrapbook.) Insect Bites! Say “Bayer” - Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds n [A AAccept onlla ll But you can Promote a Clean. fleallhyCondilEcu E Ute Murine Eye Remedy "nght and Mommg." Keep your Eyes Clean. Clear and Healthy. Write for Free Eye Care Book. Harm In mm Cone final one Sflcwcmcagg Sufi whichcontains proven directions Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Druggiats Aaplrln is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manurncture of Mono- acetlcacxdestet 0t Sullcyllcacm 5'55'3'14'1'4' EASY TRICKS Minard’s takes of them. Take it Nine In A Row 3] l I 'now about Tanlac the praising it,” says Mrs. 56 Wood St., Toronto, 'I always take Tanlac feel run-down and it 2.52. :EEETS 'FEST fig WEB 3 YEARS flown and it for the past mad and I had a sickly plexion. “Tanlac has increased my weight 14 pounds, and has given me a wonderful appetite. My nerves are steady. I sleep well and have health and strength that makes life a pleasure." 'I‘anlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills for constipa- tion; made and recommended by the manufacturers of Tanlac. CH E A P, ON EASY TERMS, only $500 down or secured, bal< ance at 7%. Im roved farm, 125 acres in Township of kfrid, County of Mid- dlesex; mixed soil, sand and clay loam; brick house with frame outbuildings. About a mile west of Middlemiss. Ad- dress: M. J. Kent, Box 419, London, Ontario. The great manufacturers are not those pOSSessing vast mechanical knowledge, but rather those who have visions and dreams, the men with courage and hopefulness.â€"Roger W. Toronto‘ 0 MATTER HOW SMALL OR large the place you live in you can make money as our Agent. Ten to Twenty-Five Dollars weekly for any lady with a few hours to spare. One dollar for sample outflt starts you in business. Resident Agent wanted in every town and village to take or- ders for Ladies' House Frocks, Porch Aprons, etc, direct from Manufacturer to Wearer. We deliver and collect. Send One Dollar for sample outfit and shake’ hands with success! W. R. Jarmain & Co., Manufacturer of House Frocks, Porch Aprons, Wash Dresses, etc, London, Ontario. B abson HITS HEALTH AND VIM INT So Says Mrs. MacPherson of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound Brantford, Ontario.â€"â€"“I was always tired and the least exertion would put me out for a day or two. I had a pressing pain on the top of my head, pain in the nape of my neck. and when stooped over I could not get up with- out help, because of pain in my back. I did not sleep well and was nervous at the least noise. I keep house, but I was such awreck that I could not sweep the floor nor wash the dishes without ly- ing down afterwards. A friend living near me told me what Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVegetable Compound had done‘ for her so I began to take it. With the first bottle I felt bri hter and got so I could wash dishes an sweep without having to lie down. Later I became re lar again in my monthly terms. I ave taken ten bottles all told and am now all better. I can truly say that your wonderful medicine cannot be beaten for puttin health. and vim into 8 W0- man.”â€" rs. JAMES H. MACPHERSON, 309 Greenwich St., Brantford, Ont. If you are suffering from a displace- ment, irregularities, backache, or any other form of female weakness write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine 00., Cobour , Ontario, for L dia E. Pink- ham’s $rivate Text-Boo upon “Ail- ments Peculiar to Women.” 0 ARM LOANS MADE, MORTGAGES purchased. Reynolds, 77 Victoria, FACE BROKE OUT WEE}! PEMPLES “ My face broke out wkh pimpies that looked terrible. They ware very hard. red and large, and they {ce- tcred and scaled over. The pimples itched and buxned somexhing ter- rible. My face looked terrible and I hated to go any place. The troub lasted over a year. - Miss Gertrude ‘Nagner, Rt. 5,'Bri1 ain Avc., chon Harbpr, Mich Sept. 10, 1923. ' clear and healthy w I}; .a;;;;;'§.;‘a;;'s'a;£ Hard, Red and Large. Itched and Burned. Cuticura Healed. AGENTS WANTED MONEY TO LOAN ISSUE No. 35â€"‘24‘ FOR SALE. lcura Soap. Ointment and aily and keep your skin u by Max. Addreu Cmad4 an, I. 0. Box 2016. Manual. Ointment Sud 50c. Inlcum %( allow com-

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