WWW “WWW†ThBRIBHMflNB HILL FURNISHING STBRE G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Phone 306, King. SAMPLES FR RE Denton, Macdonalu c: Denton H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC VETERINARY SURGEON. ’l‘hornhill . Call by phone or otherw1se promptly JOHN B. CAMPBELL .i 43-tf COR. ARNOLD & YONGE STS Commissioner, Unnveyancer, Etc Look over your machiner nnd let, us know before the rush starts what your requiremean will be. rthur A. Mncdonald annk Denton Laura Denlon. B. A. A. CAMERON M’AcNAUGHToN FREDERICK \. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will Em at, The Libel Ofï¬ce. Richmond “in. every Tuesd‘ afternoun. Wall Hafngings _ O _ Artistic Charm MacNaughton & Campbell Barristers. Solicit’ors. Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg†001‘. Jondun and Melinda 8w... Toronto Telephone Mnin 3631. KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA NORMAN J. GLASS RICHMOND HILL Full stock of repairs on hand PAINTING. DECORATING 3M Insurance and Real Estate Massey-Harris Repairs REAL ESTATE ANI Barristers. Solictm‘s. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dedo N01 See our stock of ties, from 75 cts. to $1.50 The latest in silk and wool mixtures. Men’s socks for spring, from 50 cts. to $1.50 We have the Holeproof Hosiery for men. Men’s Oxfords in the latest Spring style, C. M. PALMER Thornh \h 11 will he at, The Liberal “.nd Hill. every Tuesday Eli. Advertise in The Liberal. Phone 109. Phone Iunction 0072. Leave Orders at Glenn’s Drug Store, 1 Richmond Hill. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive promp attention. Potatoes Bought and Sold. Farmers Produce Taken to Market Furniture Moved. Trucking of all description. Service unexcelled, are leady to xeceive applications for an agency of their well and favorably known Nursery Pm- ducts. such as Fruit Trees. Small Fruits, Ornamentzils, Shrubs, Roses and Perennials. Quality first. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address as above at; once. Phone 87 j NURSERYMEN, Limited BROWN'S NURSERIES. ONT. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL. ONT. 378 Berresfm'd Ava. \Vest Toronto. Agents Wanted HEN it, Cannes tn rh-livering the goods on timv \vc‘n- there, that's all. For Mg inhs or small jobsâ€"lumber sawed tn the proper length and wishhâ€"lumhvr for every practical purpose prac- tically priced. « A. C. HENDERSON TRUCKING BROWN BROS. COMPANY JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER L'. INNES & SONS M J. BURKE RICHMOND HILL Yonge Street \Vest York Conservatives anticipate a. record atttendamce at a banquet and reception which they are tender- ing to Premier Ferguson and Hon. IDr. Fnrbes Godfrey, Minister of} Health, West York’s representative in the Legislature, on the night. of Friday, S September 26. [924, at the Palais ‘ Royale, Sunnyside. I ) Besides the Premier and Minister of 'Healtb, the following, with their wives. have accepted invitations: Attorney-General Nickle. Hun. Dr. {Learning Carr, Hon. John Cooke, iHon. Lincoln Goldie, Hon. G. 5.! Henry, Hon juhn S. Martin; Hon. “7. H. Price. K. C.. W. Irelrmd (Con-i \V. H. Price. K. 0.. W. Irehnd (Cun- servative Whip), F. H. Keefer. K. O , T. Kennedy. M.P.P., Russell Seshitt, M.P.P., Fred G. MacBrien, M.P.P,, A. M. Rankin. )I.P.P.. E. B. vak- man, M.P., Thomas L. Church, M.P.. Sir Hemy Dmyton, M.P,., and “\Vell.†she laughed, “that's certainly funny. You are poor guessers, all of you. The fact is, I’d been out to the country overnight, and I was asking my husband if it rained here last evening"- A few minutes later the lady herself appeared and they told her of lbeirdis- agreement. “\Vell.†she laughed, “that’s Said Mrs. C: I think you are both wrong. It; seemed to me they were discussing music, for she said “a trained ear-i very distinclly._" _ Said Mrs. A., one of the over hearers; "They must have been to the Zoo, bacause I heard her mention in trained deer.’ †Said Mrs. B: “ No. no, they were talking about going away and she said to him, ‘Find out about the train, dear.’ †The liquid refreshments at the feasts of Ahusuerus and Belshazzar. were all fermented. 70!! years before the com- ing of Christ tl -- tribe of Ephraim had become so sod en with drink, we are tcld that; even “the priests and the prophets were swallowed up of wine: they err in \ ~ion; they stumble in judgment. D-un through the ages secular historx shows society riddled by the [I busing, destroying influence of (lamented drinks. If Alexander thw Great had not been conqueled by wine, he might, have conquered tht- world. Rome in the middle ages value to ruin through drunkenness and lust. The descriptions of Roman feusLs are unreaduble The above league comprising 4 tear - uf local players (men), has fur the in ‘1 year commenced their schedule and . p to date 3 games have been played. '1 lle league has been of great interest mzmi. fested by the crowds attracted to x ur diamond. The teams axe kmm :1 under the following names: Kilbies, manager flex-l). Hooper. Giants, manager Saunders Findley. Braves, manager \Vilfrcd Dean. Tigers, manager Bill Hopper. Sr. Standing of League Won Lnst The last, games in the, local tourna- ment for the- bih‘cr Cup donated by Mr. W. H. Legge, were played Mun- day evening. Mr. James McLean's link were the Winners. who ulcn \VPI'“ uWarded first plize. Second pl ize w won by Mr. J. H. Naughtun’~ :ink; and third by Mr. Gee’s rink. The fullmving are the players: FIRST SECOND Mrs. G. Ker-swell Miss McLean mmkz'l \Vwinvsdav, Auglwl 20, was an un unlilird SHt‘t-vss. ’l‘wvnlyâ€"night Pin 5 C(Impethâ€"fmm Aurora, Brad- f-n'd. Allemlalo. Banie, Richmond Hill. Oshawa, Tutteuhnm, Toronto, New- mux-ket and Uxbridgv. The green was in excellvnt conditinn, and [he puticipnnls thnrnnghly (Injnyed the sport. The filaf. pnze and lb" silver cup, donated by Hun. E J. Davis, were won by in Richmond Hill rink, made up of J. K. Agnew, J. McLean, Rev. F. Bultersby, and G. Mnodie. skip. The presentatiun of the cup was nmde by Capt. Aubxey Davis. Tigers Giants Kilties Braves P. C. Hill H/ Murphy Mrs. Glenn st. Herringtnn J. Mcl‘ean, skip J.H. Naughton, skip THIRD \V. H. Pugsley, J. K. Agnew Mrs. Greene, Geo. Gee, skip. Soft Ball, Thornhill Village League West York Conservatives Prepare Banquet to Leaders owing rm w axvm (led English as it Sounds “Wine is a Mother†rinks Sday (If anli he Davis'Cup Ca‘me Here howling Motored Silver Cup Won HI) ; Boston Transcript to Georgetown vent Ln Gem; )Ul'l ickle. Hun. Dr. n. John Cooke, 9, Hon. G. S. S. Martin: Hon. W. Irehnd (Con- 11;! men A ugtwl N0: Gem'gpt and low!“ Inn-mt. ,ichmund venving. at (9.30 ‘ a win Mn “V I1 ' 85» Richmond St, \Vest. Oflices { Tomato. Nuughton Block, Aurora. Solic1tor for: Aurora. and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King, VVhitchurch and Markham. I will submit plan or sketch of your wants without obligation to you. l’ONGE 81‘. North end of Village, East Side P. 0. BOX 88 Will quote you prices on all build- ing work. Houses, Bungalows, re- modelling. additions and repairs. W» BRAYBON SATURDAY. SEPT. 6â€"Auctiun sale of unfinished pmpm-ty in the town of \Vesum. in the mxtter uf the Mechanics' and \Vnge earners lien. Sale at 1121. 11)., duylightsuving time. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. SATURDAY, AUG. {SOâ€"Auction sale of a number of frPsh milch cows and springers, at Queen’s Hotel, Union- villo, the property of M. and J. Patton. Sale at ln’clock. TelmsG mnntlls. J. H. Prentice, Auct. May’an Doughty. James and Flynn, of Mimic“, New Toronto and VVestun. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR MAXWELL MAKEâ€" 1 H. & }’., Regular $27.00; Sale Price, $2300 1 HOME WASHERâ€"Regular $21.50; Sale Price, $18.00 1 CHAMPION WASHERâ€"Regular $21.50; Sale Price, $18.00 BEATI‘Y BROS. MAKEâ€"1 1900 Gravity “’asher, with Wringel‘? Regular $30.00; Sale Price, $26.00 Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 Bring Your Business to NAUGHTON 81 JENKINS ' On any farm of average size at least one hour a dayâ€"36% ten hour working days a yearâ€"are spent in the irksome, wearying task of pumping water. 36% days which one of my Toronto Windmills will give you for profitable work, rest or recreationâ€"besides supplying running water wherever you want it. The one bothersome task. that of oiling the windmill in all-kinds of '. weather. is overcome in the Toronto Self-Oiler, which requires fresh oil only “once a year." Friction and wear are practically abolished." annnfn winrlmill- Mu:- ran kn man'n aLMJ..t.. "J! ......L;:.... s. ML ï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜im Phone 33 Toronto windmills, too, can be made absolutely selfâ€"regulating in; dï¬eration. The “Toronto†Tower will stand for a lifetime because it lithe? heaviest. strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. Let me explain why I believe this is one of the biggest convenience: 1 you can have. A. G. SAVAGE, Genera} Agent Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Pmmpt Service ' RICHMO ND HILL When and Where You Want It Auction Sale Register T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. WASHING MACHINES unua, Agent, Richmond Hill LI 1» «. Arcmmm SICKNESS Reduced In Price Are Known in All 53%â€; £91,. SEJPPLEES Hmiied Me and Get Service TH E POST-OFFICE BUILDING Toronto Ofï¬ce. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce ‘ lumen) Oflice), every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday ufternnun Woode-idue, Saturday forenoon. Monpy [0 Ivan at Current Rate F. Gummy Com: THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. Soucm‘on, NOTARY E'rc SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.M. SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 428- r 12 A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL. THORNHlLL ANE UNIONVILLE Pupil of Josef Lhevinne] am) Frank S. Welsmun studio: Ové’r Mr. E. R. Farmer’s 'l‘uilm- Store. PHONE 95 TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING Now accepting pupils. PhnneQ41 for information CHOIR-LEADER AND ()RGANIST PRESBY’FERIAN CHURCH WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers Thornhill, Ont. PELHAM CUAFFEY and GUARANTEE OF BONDS WILLIAM COOK PIANO and THEORY of Insurance PLATE GLASS AUTOMOBILE UR‘W. \RY Phone 73 J No Charge for Advice