H. PATERSON W. HEW! SON HOUSE PAINTER, 'lazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Visits Maple and Teston Monday. \Vednesday and Friday afternoons and evenings each week HOUSE PAINTINGIAND PAPER HANGING Phone 124 J AUTO PAINTING Pllon e 6 S Representiw The Mutual life [um Company Geo.Caldwell, Lorne Paterson Drop a card or phone Hudson 1802 j. ICHMOND STREET. RICBNOND HILL NOTICE CALDWELL & PATERSON (REV.) A. F. MACKENZIE AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Give us a trial and be convinced. \Vish to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and wagon work, Automobile wood work and rl‘bber tires at the Trench works. Satisfaction and reasonable prices assured. DOCTOR OF. CHIROPRACTIC BOOTS AND SHOES ‘ OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP ‘ QUICK SERVICE Work done‘while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES of New York INQUIRIES SOLICITED Cartier of Yonge 81 Richmond 167 Belsize Drive, Toronto -- Consultations Free - Centre Street East Richmond Hill Phone 86} J. W. Wellman Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Rooï¬ngs G yprock Par paper Wallboard Special prices in Khaki Pants and Shirts. Boys running shoes, caps, Jersey sweaters all at very reasonable prices. shoes. Boots and shoes, with a good line of Oxfords and Ladies GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Building paper in Khaki The Richmond Hill Ladies baseball team failed to leu‘ieve their lost fortunes in baseball. when they played the return game with the Victoria. Square ladies, at thelauers grounds, on Friday evening. Although Lhescm-e card developed a lup-sided appearance, a fine sporting spirit was displayed to the finish. Not satisfied with their win on Friday evening, the ladies assayed to go to Buttonville, Saturday. In this The baseball aeasan is fast drawin'g to a close. Even-yune here wonders just, when the game will be played that will decide definally the winner of the pennant for the first. half of the Hills- Sq_l{areischedule. Two young ladies recently came to this community on vacation. We would hasten to make them welcome, but hesitate, knowing that two young gentlemen are ucquitting lhemsflves valiantly. \Ve fear however that the re opening of school will terminate mg? lil‘tlc plea'sanlaries mt her abruptly. Sunday, August 30th was undoubted-f ly the warmest dlly of the summer.‘ But notwithstanding this fact. and the ; torrid nature of the atmosphere in the Methodist Church here on that date, Merton B. was able to maintain a Cheerful smile throughout the entirel service. I system would be a. good innovation in a printing oflice. Of course printers are not all the same, but we can honestly say our experience has been that the great majority of printers are strictly loyal, and to offer them a bonus would seem like an insult to men who al- ready are doing their best. N 0, Mr. Publisher, we do not think the bonus The Country Publisher, a. monthly published in Winnipeg, is a welcome visitor in many printing oflices and as a rule the advice given printers is particularly helpful. Its article, however, in the September number, recommending a bonus system, in our opinion would not be wise. The editor of that paper contends that "rewards for increased effort make loyal workmen" â€"â€" “Promise him ‘ something additional for increasedl performance and you arouse his energy to do his best." Another death has been reported from the eating of mushrooms or toadstools, and another family sad- dened by the work ‘of the poisonous fungi. An evening paper has given ‘a number of rules in order to avoid certain forms of fungi which contain deadly poison. One of the rules reads thns: "Avoid all mushrooms which are distinctly acrid or biting‘ or have a bitter taste.†In other words, eat the mushroom to ï¬nd out whether it is poisonous or not. Better advice would be to have nothing to do with the rubbish. Liberals won both by-electious in Quebec constituencies on Tuesday. In Rimouski the Conservative candi- date was defeated by nearly 2000 of a majority, and in St. Antoine the Liberal was returned by over 1,000. The result is considered a victory for the Robb tarifl' policy and the Mack- enzie King Government. As a rule the Province of Quebec inclines to Protection, but evidently the electors in the above ridings think that the middle course is preferable for the country as a whole. In a speech before the Orange Luncheon Club a few days ago in Toronto, Rev. Frank Norris, of Texas, paid a tribute to the K11 Klux Klan for its opposition to the Roman Catholic Church. The speaker pro- phesied that in the next presidential election the issue would be Catholic vs. Non-Catholic. The sentiments expressed by the Rev. gentleman were scarcely in accord with those feelings we generally hear from a public platformâ€"brotherhood and good-will. - I as UCLODCI‘ 2"). Mil: Lllllt: nu tclnulb{ All nrmngmnonts me being made. the vote is dangerously near. _ . , fur the annual oxlillnt 0t ilowels and fl vegetables in connm-tinn with the Thm-nhill Horticultural Society, next evening The The Premier 0i. canflda has Chal’ Saturday afternoon and exhibition will he held at the Public longed the Leader of the Oppositi ill to make good the charge that 1000 Submit»! where there will be a. ladies factories have closed in consequence “Em!†ï¬â€œ_“r“i".“‘eâ€"il mm“ “‘51 "flows «me man said King as aw: inï¬nite St. Catharines “1 don't believe Mr. body invited. I Meighen has a list of 100 factories." I m I Mr. King says he expects criticism, l but any government is entitled to VVant Ads. fair criticism. I r‘ ARAGE wantingâ€"Apply 9“. it. “THE BONUS SYSTEM†as October 23, the time 1'0 the vote is dangerously neal lgec time, I am going to sit down and thidk them out, I am going to keep my promise." An interested public is anxious to know the date, as October 23. the time for mixing plebiscite questions be available the public ?†replied, “Just as 300 lgec time, I am going to sit d‘ _,Premier Ferguson when asked on 'Juesday “When will the O. T. A. VICTORIA SQUARE n as WIGMORE. URRANT TREES:STLW black cum-ant trees. four for $1. PHILPOTT. Stop 24, Yonge St. 7 10 U pears. Apply on the Nexuisé; E. NICHOLSON, Langscaff. $110 D it," good pine lumber. Apï¬iyï¬w: GOULD. Richmond Street. 9-11 shop. ANTEDâ€"Girl for general house work. Other help kept. Apply MRS. E. T. STEPHENS, Stop 23 Yonge Street. 9-10 OR. SALEâ€"Detached house on Roseview, Lot .5le40, fruit; trees, gnnd cellar and furnace, electric light. $1,000 cash : balance arranged. Five ronmframe bungalow with one half acre laud, good stable and gar-ago, $1.500 cash ; balance arranged. Apply J. R. HERRINGTON, Richmond Hill. lU-Lf DSTâ€"Airedale Terrier. Illillf';a1~0 Fox Terrier, white, black muzzle, tan spot on back. Reward given for infommtium and return. BERT BARRET‘S Hotel, York Mills, Phone Hudson 2511. 10-11 LOSTâ€"0n Tuesday morning, bethen {he High School and snnthFrn Church Street, a silver Evmsharp pencil. Reward at LIBERAL OFFICE. {‘ EED \VHEATâ€"A quantity uf seed D wheat, American Slll‘pl'iSP, for sale, lot 57, con. 2, Vaughan, G. MCNAIH. Jei’fex'sun. lO-tf Woows, due to calve this weak. J. GAGE. BwukSIde Road. Elgin Mine. 10 0R SALE OR '10 LETâ€"3400") cottage. acre of ground. and Poultry house, on Rumble Ave. Apply JOSEPH HELMKAY, Yonge St, Rich- mond Hill. 10-12 0R RENTâ€"nuns;oxfénmbeth street for rent. Apply to LB. v..- -v..--.‘â€"u A A on nxu Dulu- “Thanks to your skilful handling we do not anti: cipate any bad results. But for your prompt aid Johnny ' ht have bled to death.†'3 . Section ineman G. M. Farel of Montreal the other day saved a fainting woman from falling to her death from a high balcony. Cableman J. Ager at Kitchener revived a swimmer who had been rescued unconscious from the water. Section lineman Archie Bryant at London’ plunged into a burning house and saved a baby from death. Inspector Frank P. Bone at Montreal staunched the flow of blood from a severed artery for a hotel employee who had fallen through a skylight into a dark shaft. Lineman Daly of Sundridge rendered ï¬rst aid to a man and his daughter whose vehicle had been struck by a train. driving them to the nearest doctor. At Exetcr, lineman Hatï¬eld by timely ï¬rst aid to victims of an over-" turned automobile saved the life of a boy occupant. - M_ALL BARN FOR. SALEâ€"16 x 24 OUSE TO RENTâ€"0n Church St. Apply to TED GRAINGER'S Barber 1p. RUHARD $03 SALEâ€"Applesrami end in Toronto instancc however, some, evil rumor lnusl lmve preceded thum,ns several of Buttonville’s ladybaseballfumluos remained descreetly at, home. The reâ€" sultâ€"nn game. Miss Ethel Morlsmx spent the weekâ€" ARAGE F( WRIGHT. FOR RENTâ€"Apply O. L. T. Wright, Street. 10-11 THORNHILI First Aid to the Rescue Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand, Yonge St. GEO. KIDD RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. We will be glad to explain how it works. ’I‘HE Star Car has the cele- brated Tubular Backbone which enhances its long-Wear- ing and easy-riding qualities. Only Durant products have this exclusive feature. TheSTAR Car oyee wno glad xauen through a skylight into a dark shaft. nan and 1115 daughter whose vehicle had been struck by a lineman Hatï¬eld by timely ï¬rst aid to victims of an over- THE ARISTOCA’A ’1’ OF LOW-PRICED CARS n...... -v .. v “"5 u. many Lives Here, little Johnny Jackson has been taken in hand after having fallen while on his way home with a bottle of milk. The broken glass made a nasty gash, and Johnny’s mother in a. grateful letter to the telephone boys :9th rendered First Aid said: It is not only telephone men who beneï¬t by the care; In] training they undergo in First Aid methods; Time and again it has happened that accidents to all sorts of people have occurred when quick-thinki linemen were working near by and they have taken charge of the situation to the saving of many lives. Ila-n Inâ€- YAL_..__ v, ,v . . . . _ Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug. ‘23, Sept. 6. Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 24, 26. Newman-ket . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 26. 27. Cookstown . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 30, Oct. 1. OrElIia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 1, Alliston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 2, 3. Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 2, 4. Schomherg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ct. 9. 10. Bradford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 14, 15. Dates of Fall Fairs