School Supplies ---This Ofï¬ce We wish to express our ti. ’ those who generously com to ‘ fIOWers for the decoration of fl-d the Canadinu National Exbxt' floral day parade, on Saturday! Also to say that, the parade was , succelsful from a. spectacular st, point. the large number of magnim floats and the interest shown making the day one of the nu accelsful of Lbe Week. On behalf o§_th_e Cnmmugity. Assuciation are up". Downy 5. S. of Sunday School ï¬ling fora Uuuncil on \Veduesdny ufle, 9’5 Mid Ofï¬cers September 1'1. hm‘md evening, Methodiv‘ Church)?th Brook senior) will be givelhe afternoon work. under the dl‘.HUum Dept.‘ Lainie. of the head rum 0' Miss‘ followed by discussior‘S O-R.E.C., ! subject will be "Ten!" Waning? the speaker, Rev. Ernestmce†and ' will show the absolu’fqnï¬. W113; Government control (34110"! of,l Quebec and British Columned) in cordially invited. All are 10-11 Ml“. ï¬n; and theirlgisi'nf and Mrs. 11.â€. latives. rehned week, after v holiday at no dean had Lb3)1‘ largest buss L; the Park duril‘s‘ weighed 5; pu inches. _V_‘__ It has been reported on us that. at least. two fumihes on Church sum-v hawe had their gardens of cnrn and other vegetables almost completely de- stroytd by a cow that is allowad to wonder around the streets in the night- In all probability, the cow‘s consciï¬ce dnes not trouble her, but the oner ought to feel ashamed of] himselt r f1 out of Mr. John H. Dunlup was one ol speakers at The Toronto Exhibi luncheon on Flower Day. A city p: stated that the splendid floats 5a dpy night helped to transform E mon City int-o a floral fairyland, were Witnessed by 25,000 penole fxmxtnf than ' > . _.. “nun†mum raiser of E‘d'g'eley/ Vaughan Township. was awarded first prizefor his handsome little Jersey calf. "Silver Star," ac the Tommo National Exhibition 1.... mm... czar," at, the Exhibition last w marriage of September. Norman Bxlggs‘ of Mr. James E cattle {wiser of The South :ue engagement is Winnifred (Ted) younger d of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Aiken! Douglas, only son of Dr. m C. A. Gilchrist. both of Turnnl n... n...†unnoun xxâ€" The Women's Instit thnse whn su genen flowers for the \V Dept, and Tea. Room National Exhibition. there, the flowers v hJSpiLHL Lorene. less, uf l0 Lï¬ke tember. Mr. and moud Hm 9f their . One ot the Ca missing and On very grateful in would tum sam Capt. Belt. Grunt eing accounted 1 A mvetin 7‘ that, had the Charge at M. Uuumn') on; evening next Busine“; .quuPuI was 300» in and 173 in the High Mr. Morrison, acti: Sterling Bank. has leave. and was rclie ordcn, the former Richmond Hill Iev lime Tuesday Iunrm' Some of our citizens to emly rising they that the Town Bell \v "e‘Upcucd f I‘Ullnwut w and 173 in l Mich.†memnr lute M. CARD OF THANKS Misq Dm awarded firsL x'ivnte motor Rational on but “Mrs. Liltleï¬eld, of Toronto, 1‘ and daughter Mr. - lrry Endean, and other re- rebned the latter part, of the 519‘ very pleasant ten day M ‘zunquin Park. Mr. En- d th‘fleusure of catching the 355‘“ .Len from the Waters of (‘nI-I :L ,V “W, ,uunger daughter v. and Mrs. J. R. Aikenhead, to as, only son of Dr. and Mrs. Silcbrist. both of Toronto. The ya to take place thelattur m" Mr. and Mrs. \Val family of Sharon, spn home of Mr. and Mus Elgin Mills. Both the in Mr. unrdï¬ )1; Pickering Villa the week end w 'UnL. Newman mx l'illu fu dollar. 1. H. DUNLOP, Cha'itman. ,,__ ~vgnuhv Ill all probability, the co' dnes not truuble her, I ought to feel ashamed lccounted for, E Grand §tund lIll. announce we r youngest dang tn Mr. Cvcil Ev Richmond Hill. t place the third x Mr. and Mrs. : me on a two w u\he season 039. and I: Mr zetipg of a; u. W. Law. of Gr is erecting a m‘ y uf his father and -. and Mrs. Ahmm L th k' Gilda; ,he niackexkie Markham. “ Chamber hr Wer ’3 Institute wi‘ ’ generously 1 the \anen‘ _ .n. . .vu v, and measured 22 “WWI‘ car at, On Saturday, same in Dmothy ï¬rst prize f. Is, 8 years of age. son Buggs, a Well-known l: "J, - -- ,.......uuc : Ines ls Capt. Mordeu would be if the Cadet having’same mum in n‘ A" I Id Mrs, R. Ranki'; { Villugr’ Saturday end with POL-(ï¬ves. oronw Exhibition ‘ "NV ‘...\ ul Lut for this 'us relieved by ‘ foxmer Branch “Mic angthg EsGay morning. 300 in the Pub! High School. ,_ n...“ The en- lc schorl :85 Iu xeverted Ln standard gum-ning of this Week. foï¬unty s_ s ; dnughle}, oViolet eci! Everett Sharp- Hill, the marriage, third Week in Sep- Itute wish to thank arously contributed Women’s Institute :1) up The Canadian . After doing duty were sent [0 the (licking '“5 got so no hey seemed ‘11 Would um u ...... - I at once to Cadet; flU Stores are now miniature an inns committees _. n. ,Spunt Sunday .. n 11 Lu 'ge 'Smith‘ Rich announced of ’uuncil Syeeuu Waters of | The fish :ie Kng picnic in will meet in the here Thulsday 1 Lu wind up [be alter Browning , H. Sanderson 1) 9113 visit to Lend 0 been absent W Grand Rapids, a monument, in .and mother, the mu Law. people ih Citylpapel' manager of the Engagement. uh mmduy at. the and 05le Ralph Widemun, Mr. H 1 Mr. carrots 311'. G1 Dunlap was} r hm. "hm - 7 Dunlap was r hesL decorated 2 The Canadian Rankin we It‘d to think never ring. Safu r- accustomed of the HighWSChnol Minn will mf. September 5, Exhi- . and has ‘struck its 43 mills on the Mr. um; I manage], lifles is to London WHH‘. to 10 spend Fune‘ml Tue. Forest Lawn M‘ Char esp son Mfll‘garet Glow Tomat", in his‘ Funeral Tuem to st» Luke.s ‘ Ontario, ASHERâ€".A t Glengrove SNInERâ€"At Elia, August 31, 1924. Funeral Wed: Cemetery. BRUMH'ELL‘AC t1 s_un. W. J_ Rm and I v V...“ wanes must be ‘m [ the afternoon of Tuesday tn the Enpnes of "Grafting on Fruit (special prize No. 13) should he on Monday. Resident. Gen Secretary, Mary Humo mun-mm mnuly note. It is the aim n cf the sucioty to make this the largest and best, flower show ever held here, hence each member must cu-opernte l to his or her utmost hy bxinglug pro- duce of every class available to swell the exnlblts. Please read "Rules and Heguhtions"on Prize List and cure- fully endeavour to {ullow Illeu). Eschially noteâ€"time to make entries, No 12; time to bring exhibils N1) 3: and rules governing the above Nos. 7 I and 11. Also these rules likewise cou- tml special prize list. Exhibiturs { supply vases elc..~for [hm'r ;|\:ln L--» Farm," LOL "i Township, on 1924. Harriet 1 Mt?" John Bru year. , H - -A_y MIKVSE the exnibits. Ple‘ 9gl11.«tions†on P‘ fully endeavour Esppcially note â€"ti‘ No 12; time to bri and rules guvernim A...‘ 1- IVE Memhers kindly cf the sucioty to m and best, flower sh ence each memh to his or her utmo: dues of everv nlnex Juvenile fol-k dlld-El’léil. tu inviLed to n’cloclg p‘m' r row: TW‘K The Elevant} Slit-WM the R; tum] Society W noon and en. Sept. mm, in [h IVIr. and MI Jnr‘ctiun, 2213!} Mrs. 51mm}- M 1‘ Damn thanks; Mr. A much en Mr. Nil Mr. G _ ‘vu-u '- Mary Hume Eleventh Annual of the Richmond J Society will he held And 7 ' -_ Mums; E15311 cucumbers, veg. mu: Hulme. bag apples Durham, Jeffor ts and beets. Gush'n, carrots and ;. Bennett, flowers. ‘L flower show ever Iach member mum :- her utmost by by every class availnh his late residencp, 83 avenue west. Toronto. on . , _..u, LU wn Mausoleum. t the Hospital for Sick on August 815:, Edward snn cf Beverley and Gluver. 595 Luusdowne. 1 his ZLb year. al‘l'ilnq‘lng nations Bl‘umweu' , widow in he: entries must Ste!)th and Mr I, clothing. Shepherd, cherries" ebster, apples. PHIL, Amara, 40 n At the residence rumwell, "El ‘C 1. Con. 2, Ma on_Sunduy, Au: Elia. Ont 1924, John eanSd-dy_ 'r 0n Hem fr‘. Annual Flower DEA T]! S *ujnyed x'ichnlls Goslim day. September 2nd. cemetery, Thornhill. Vening the new friends ‘attend ‘ u '3’. 0.. ‘for tho“. plates‘wm be JOIN Ved. Alum-a, 40 pillow Elgin Milk, put 3, veg. man-ow. ‘ag apples. lewnrenu. Towns- ]ds me most cordi- nd between 3 and 9 to Sept, 2nd 'PCEiVE 'I on Sunday, Hejll‘yï¬nider. twee, ( omuns Jéffcréon uvuc {uHow them to make entries. exhibils N1) 3: we above Nos. 7 Iles likewise cun- r. Exhibitnrs thvir own ex- will be provid- ""Retabies “Ed crate of T'Wlm‘p Sclu " “79 princi- CHH and re. "5 the show Aug‘ he ‘made on 1108 of her "Elmhurst Markham . w arrange Pdnesday Fruit Trees" LUB- 31515, “W of the her 87le Show I Fall Flower Hill Hm’licul- [ on thu an?“ Wednesdav, he made Gel). Gee- _the score. gaggle; Onions. 5. canot onions ï¬x.“ Porter’s Drug Store RICHMOND HILL mmâ€; HM FEVER q11"whorrie: “ in "mu . t0 turnips Osborne 1m be'rg CASES atoes Box Browniuï¬8‘2fl5 up dulogmplzi: Browniuâ€"SPJO and Regular Meetings Village Council, lst Monday Board of Educa ï¬rm, Ist Monday Bum-Si of Trade, 2nd Monday < y, 3rd Tuesc Public Iil: 4 wryâ€"Open ’I‘uesdav atmda)’ evenings fmm '7 M n 'A‘ fully Pleas “Wed hug and futhe mmd Hill “NFL-.1 Frid’U’. :11 RAZ-M For Sate by Porter's Dr R12 up Slnrn Will spoil your su: your company dist] friends unless you g Get a box of RAZ-M people feel better fro our drugglst will re! ifa $1 box does not b: solutely harmless. G for 4c in stamps. 'I I \v('d nosdu y nrge 'Y- at 3.31 “ml: CenmLe declined. 29 Lnsho, I husband Miller of I )x of RAZ-MAH today eel better from the ï¬rs tgg'ist Will rernd your w I, . . . "nu" rul SncietyiBrd Tue. wryâ€"Open ’I‘uesdav nings fwm 7 to 9 0’6 Jku 1nd of‘MyrQL'A. H of B. H. LiiShL‘I‘, (:1 fmn) 3.31 ) Sept 130 up thul lbrwe m., [0 Flower "‘ ‘- uluney bring relief. Ab- enerous Sample Templetons, To. 312 3rd Tuesduv Drug Store "I' Md. 1924 80 years. ("a Richmond. Your money relief. Ab- lav and o’clock, 2 (China, Cut ï¬rst 32);; and make ,. » to your It will be about time for you to 1 your fall clothes. Perhaps your overc ing, or turning. Your tall suit ma) Now is the time to have them ï¬xed up for suits and overcoats on hand. lddrvss, Mnun! ? grate- See Our New Stock of Colors, from Sue. up. Decorated Teapots~Lustre Bud Vases, 60c. Lustre Rose Bowls, $1. Cut Glass Water Sets, 3 ' ’Sherbets, from 40c. up. Also Heavy Cut Glass E Kitchen Ware, Mxxing I MouIdS. Flinnnlc A Inwlpy' f Rich- [CLEANING AND REPAIRING Ordered suits Ready-to-wear suits R. FORTNER O .- Semi-Porcelain C Yonge & Centre Streets THANKING Y QUALITY 'are, Mlxing Bowls, Bakers’ 1 ie Funnels, etc., etc. :Iain Cups and Saucers, from om: MOTTO ELadies and Gents’ r suits from $16.00 up from $35.00. eapots â€"~ Various prices TO obtain maximum ; ed Seed Grain. T may require ï¬qancial a: Extending accommodat importan; phase of Stan 'c ' Glass, Gr: Onfections STAND‘égï¬ BANK MILLINERY Manage;- YOU for Luu [or your past Jnce we will be reac with a full range of . ters. Your Insnecl , 7 pieces, from $1 Berry Bowls, from . 00. . each. SATISFACTORILY Pitchers, you to by thinking about: .ur overcoat needs repair: suit may need repairing! Ch~J " A Coma/t Hummugu ror such 1 of Standard Servxce‘ Mull our local ï¬laxagu' Groceries and IYIBECIS You needt‘ I0 Purchase gem assxstance 1011 for Decorated Richmond Hill New fail goods past patronage, We ready on and after 2 of Felt and Velvet :pection Invited. Phone 95 .uu need to sow Test- hase good seed you '9 n $5. 50. ‘Udding Bowls; DOD NEII= purposes is