A city without slums and a Board of Health that really functions are two important reasons given for the low death rate in one city in Ohio. The report says:â€"“A full time health ofï¬- cer laid the foundation of health work which has been continued and expand- ed. The enforcement of quarantine in contagious and venereal diseases has been very efï¬cient. Mostly mod- ern school buildings help keep down Remarkable advance has been made in the prevention and cure of disease‘ during the past few years. This can[ be attributed in large part to the gen-a eral improvement in sanitation and; knowledge of the science of healthful! living. As compared with the death rate of 1880, a million and a half livesl were saved in the United States last! year, according to ï¬gures just issued! by the census bureau. l Wide differences in the death rate, In some cases a little short of tragic, are shown, while in other cases there is a healthful condition of affairs. Here and there geography may ac- count for the differences but in others nodsuch explanation seems adequate.“ Very similar conditions prevail throughout the cities and rural dis- tricts of Ontario. In some cases the general death rate is high, in some cases the infant death rate is high. Reverse conditions are found in other communities. Some are teethed on a. silver spoon, With the stars strung for a rattle; I cut my teeth as the black raccoon, For implements of battle. For some godfather and goddame The opulent fairies be; Dame Poverty gave me my name And Pain godfathered me. Some are swaddled in silk and down, And heralded by a. star; They swathed my limbs in a. sackcloth gown On a. night that was black as tar. Death cut~the strings that gave me life, And handed me to Sorrow. The only kind of middle wife My folks could beg or borrow. â€"â€"Countee P. Cullen. For I was born on Saturday, “Bad time for planting a seed." Was all my father had to say, And, “One mouth more to feed." Winterbyâ€"“That's right; but do me a. favor, old man. Don't let her wear her new costume. I don't want my wife to see it. just now." The Only Reason. Bingoâ€"“I'm going to bring my wife round to call on you to-night." Bingo (grimly)â€"-“Why, that’s just what we are coming for." INSIST! 'Unless you see the “Bayer Cross†on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy- sicians for 24 years. which contains proven directions Handy “Bayer†boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles 9f 24 and lOOâ€"Druggista Aspirin is the trade mark (mustered 1;: Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- )cetlcacldcster or Salicylic-cm Say “Bayer Aspirin†Or. madman will be and ‘0 an through um column. Ctuoent. Toronto. HEALTH EDUCATlON Saturday’s Child. Folks who want the very best 11: RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Accept only a Bayer package Provincial Board death rate, ES 99 39M ma made children’s diseases. Probably one fac_-. tor in our health standing is the phyï¬i- s can cal examination by large rubber in- , ldustries of all prospective employeesl ' gaerï¬ii'n connection with employers’ liability lthful‘laws." Another city with a low death ‘ death rate has this messagezâ€"eThere are no ‘ lives slum districts or squalid tenements ‘ . lastlfrom one end of the City to the other. 5 d ; Pure water, pure milk and pure food_â€" ssue those are the things which count in our favor. In every case of low mor- raie! tality rate the reasons given are prac- raglcv tically the samezâ€"“Vigilance of the there Health Department, and its result on falrs' pure food, the city clinic, the baby hos- y 3" pital, the water supply, a constant ’thers educational campaign, the serv1ces of late‘. lpublic health nurses and similar meas- revafl ] ures.†Measures that have been given I 56258 l d‘s' credit for keeping down epidemics, ’5 the“especially water-borne diseases, .m- s‘Pl'negclude the system of health inspection hlghvin the schools, strict quarantine regu- Other ' lations among adults, the work of the .antiâ€"tuberculosis society, food inspec- er of tion. and well-enforced sanitary reguâ€" 3 two lations generally. Added to this, and 9 low of great importance, is the medical The fraternity of the cities concerned, 1 ofï¬-lwhich co-operates whole-heartedly, work and a public which sensibly recognizes pand-ythe value of precautionary health mtine measures. Board a! Health. Onnrlo answer duo-Lion: on Public Health an Address h!- u Guam Home. 89“ These points are worthy of consid- eration if health work is to be really effective in any community. ~ Nothing is more common in child- hood than indigestion. Nothing is more dangerous to proper growth, more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to danger- ous disease. Fully nine-tenths of all the minor ills of childhood have their root in indigestion; There is no medi- cine for little ones to equal Baby’s Own Tablets in relieving this trouble. They have proved of beneï¬t in thous- ands of homes. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Lunette, Immaculate Conception. Que, writes: “My baby was a. great sufferer from indigestion, but the Tab- lets soon set her right, and now I would not be without them." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. ’ It was not uncommon 1n the days of Queen Elizabeth for men to carry pocket sundials for the purpose of time-telling. Dials of all kinds were common then, though previous to that time they had been little used in this country. One of the oldest, erected about the time of Edward the Confessor, is still to be seen over the south door of Kirkdale Church, in Yorkshire. England. It bears the inscription: “This is the sun’s marker at every hour, and Hay- ward made me and Brand the priest.†The fashion for dials began to spread until the whole countryside, particu- larly in the North and in Scotland, was dotted with them. We see them to- day in interesting forms at St. An- drews, Melville House, Hoflyrood Castle, Dundas Castle, and many other places which are popular resorts of slghtseers to England. The legends engraved on some of these old dials are very quaint. One, humble in its opinion of itself and mankind. announces: "Shadows we are, like shadows we depart." In China and Japan small dials made of boxwood are still carried and consulted by their owners. note Mlnard's Llnlment for Rheumatism. He who receives a good turn should never forget it; he who does one should never remember iLâ€"Charron. CHILDHOOD INDIGESTM it was her birthday. “Dearest,†his ‘te read, “I'm sending you a rose for ch year of your life.†Diplomatically. he ordered the flor- t. to deliver but twenty roses. When he had gone the florist said himself, "Well, Biimpson is a good lstcmer. I'ii add another ten for good Pocket Sundials. Spoiled. 63!: use A story that is characteristic of Lord Leverhuimeâ€"â€"for has he not him- self made good owing to his dogged perseveran007â€"reiates how a certain dogged and persevering commercia? traveller worried the manager of a business, in the most praise-worthy way, (or an order. The manager, however. wzis one of those nasty, soullesa creatures. and those nasty. soulless creatures. and turned the traveller away every time. Finally, he went still further and had the poor man thrown out. The traveller picked up his hat, and also himself, rush-ed upstalrs again, and hailed the manager. "Look here, sir." he panted. "Joklng apart, what about that order?" Common Errors About This Trouble Into Which People Fall. Many people so far misunderstand the digestive system as to treat it like :1 machine; neglecting lt untll it works nlugglshly. then irritating lt lnto work again by the use of purgatlves. The stomach needs help at all times, but a study of the process of digestion will Show that purgatives, as commonly taken, are seldom necessary and often harmful. To safeguard your digestion the diet must be controlled. Over-eating is al- ways"harmful, but one must assimilate enough food to supply the needs of the bltmd. Remember, the blood has to carry nourishment to all parts of the body and find fuel for its energy. Hence when the blood becomes weak and fails to do its work, indigestion arises. Therefore the sure remedy for indigestion is to‘ build up the blood. It you suffer from any form of indiges- tion choose your diet carefully and take wholesome nourishment. Above all, start building up your blood by taking a course of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Then under the influence of the new blood supply, your digestive sys- tem will respond naturally, your ap- petite improve and your food will do you good. So begin to improve your digestion by starting to take Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills now. You can get these pills from your drugglst or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil‘llams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Aquarlum Too Small. Mr. Youngbrideâ€"“Now that you have your water spaniel, dear, how are you going to keep him?" Mrs. Youngbrideâ€""I'm glad you asked that, loveâ€"our aquarium is al- together too small. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in ï¬ve thousand ofï¬ces throughout Canada. Two brothersâ€"call them William and Henry, although being good busi- ness men, were absolutely ignorant in so far as hook-learning goes, not even being able to tell the time of day, so that a clock being entirely useless to them, was not among their posses- sions. However, the idea of having a good watch took their fancy. and so one was purchased to be owned jointly and carried by each on alternate weeks. One hot afternoon as they were weeding the corn, Henry paused and, wiping the moisture from his face, observed, "Wonder what time 'tis." William, whose week it was to carry the watch. leaned on his hoe handle and, producing the glittering timepiece, held it out toward his brother with a flourish saying, "Well, thar she be.†“Darn if she ain‘t," reâ€" plied Henry, whereupon they took their customary glance at the sun and l resumed work. The optimist is a barometer stuck “set fair"; the pessimist is a baro~ meter stuck “set stormy." No sensible man would pay Sixpence for either. â€"â€"Dean Inge. TRIALS 0F belHIS'IION Snip your Cream to us and ob- tain the best results with high- est rice for number one quahty. Dai y returns. cans sup lied, and express charges paid. Vrite for cans now. BOWES CO., Ltd. - TORONTO Deservcd to Succeed. Useful Watch. duIy. 10 Diner. Bur “Attempt not to direct a married woman in her house when thou know- est_ that she is a perfect housewife. Say not to her: ‘Where is that (1.9., such-and-s-uch a. thing)? Bring It to us;’ when she has put the object in Its proper place." This was not written in AD. 1924, but round 4,000 DC. It is one of many similar sayings of Egyptian sages that go to prove that the great brother- hood of married men had the same problems and the same tribulations in the days of the Pharaohs as in the days of King George V. These sayings are contained in the Moral Papyrl, which have been collect- ed by Sir Ernest Wallis Budge, the famous Egyptologlst, and are. now be- ing published in book (arm. Other gems from this hmsbands’ “Goldlen Treasury" are: "If thou wouldst be wise or prosper: ous, get married." The interfering man only sets con fusion in his house." “Undertake nothing as the result of having drunk beer. For if thou dost, words which can have a second mean- ing may come forth from thy mouth without thy knowing it. When thou tallest down and breakest thy bones, there will he no one there to put out his hand to help thee. Thy boon com- panion will stand up and say: ‘Away with this drunken beast!‘ " Qulte Reepectable. “I hope,†remarked his mother to llttle Willle, who had been to a party in her absence, "that you washed your hands before tea." “I dldn't have time to wash more than one,†he confessed. “but I ate with that and kept the other ln my pocket." CLEAN SEED GRAIN Fanning Millsâ€"I supply screens, wire cloth, zinc, repalrsâ€"Chatham Fanning Mills and other makes. Incubator supplies; Thermometers. MANSON CAMPBELL. Chatham, Ont. Euro-Phosphate feeds 'the nerves and old people need it to make them 'feel and look younger. It's the one best nerve builder for weak, nerve-ex- hausted men and women and that is why druggists guarantee it; Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co, 26 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. This stunt is invariably success- ful if it is performed in a matter of fact, straightforward manner. Observe. while shuffling the cards which card is on the bottom of the pack. This can easily be done, and will excite no suspicion as the trick does not immediately follow. Borrow a business card. write the name of the card you observed on it and seal it in the envelope. Before doing this. place the pack of cards. face down. on the table. Ask the spectator to cut the cards Into two parts in the usual manner. Place the envelope on the packet which was the upper packâ€"or ask a spectator to do this and place the other packet on the envelope. The rest of the trick consists of showing. in as Impressive a manner as possible, the "fact" that before the cards were cut that you wrote the name of the card at which the spectator cut. (Clip this out and paste It, wlth other 0/ the series. in a scrapbook.) For pain, stiffness, or inflammation apply Mlnard'a and rub it in. Rub It In! Royal Ontario ququm EASY TRICKS WHEN IN TORONTO VISIT THE The Cut Foretold Brothers of B.C. nml 'h Sundl)‘ Arrhu LINE“ Opel “In Mortgages purchased. Reynolds, 511.]? ARM LOANS MADEâ€"3' "2‘77 Victoria St., Toronto. Silkworan live on a particular sort of Mulberry leaves. from which they extract a substance known as cellu- lose, digest it, and afterwards spin 1!: cut into threads of silk. Science, however, has discovered that the cellulose can be dlgested by. chemical means without the aid of the worm. Furthermore, there are substances other than mulberry leaves which conmln ths cellulose. Pinewood, for instance. contains it, the extract being treated in one of several methods all resulting in much the s‘mle way, the artiï¬cially "digest.- ed" cellulose being converted mm a treacleâ€"like liquid capable of being drawn out into threads. These threads are then hardened and set. afterwards being spun into the "5113†which either alone or in combination with other materiay makes artiï¬cial silk stockings. Nothing Less Than a Mllllon for Thls Little Girl. The perfectly absurd inflation of the German currency has been the source of some humor along with a great deal of wretchedneea. So the Berlin paper Ulk tells of a little German girl who in- formed her father that she 'could count. "Wonderful!" exclaimed her father. “Begin then!†Mlnard’s Llnlmenl 'Relloven Paln. "One million, two million, three mil.- lion,†said the child importantly. fear Mighty. Ruler. Teacher â€" "Now, Tommy. which ruler inspired the most respect and Tommyâ€"“Please, 5g, the one on your desk." URINE _ IEYES M19191 3." CICOMMENDED OVEOVLB BY DRUGGLSTS a OPTICIANS m. '05 'RII IYI Cï¬ll DOCK MUM"! CO.‘H1‘AOO.UM SUNWI'NDIDUSI éCINDEBS Letter from Mrs. Ayars Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Helped Her T0 EXPECTANT MDTHEHS Spring Valley, Sask.â€"“I took the' Vegetable Compound before my last conï¬nement, whenI got to feelxng so badly that I could not sleep nights, m back ached so across my hips, and gould hag-d1)! do rny work duringflthe day. Inever had such an easy conï¬nement and this is my sixth baby. Iread about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound in the ‘ Farmer’s Telegram ’ and wrote you for one of your books. We have no druggist in our town, but 1 saw our medicine in T. Eaton's catalogue. {am a farmer’s wife, so have all kinds of work to do inside and outside the house. My baby is a nice healthy girl who weighed Lnine pounds at birth: i am feeling ï¬ne after putting in a large garden since baby came. gShe is as good as she can be.) Yours is the best medicine for women, and I have told about it and even written tomy friends about it. " â€" Mrs. ANNIE E. AYARS, Sp'ring Vra‘lle‘x, ‘S'ask. _ ‘1 A _ A L _ LI - fl-.. Lydqla E. Isinkham’s Ve etable Com- pound is an excellent magicine for ex- pectant mothers, and should be taken during the entire period. It has a gen- eral e ect 00 strengthen and tone up the entire system no that it may work in every respect as nature intends. All drugï¬im sell this dependable medicine. Give t a trial. 0 Artiï¬cial Silk Stockings. 9n Keép The Hair Live And Glassy With Cuticura On retiring, gently rub spots of dan- druï¬and itching with Cuticura Oint- ment. Next morning shampoo with a suds of Cuticura Soap and hot water. This treatment does much :0 kcep the scalp clean and healthy and promote hair growth. Snap]. Etch Fm by Hall. Addresn Claudia! D: or: " Cu‘lcun, P, 0‘ Box 2616, “entranf Pr ce Son 54:. Oinlmzntï¬ mdwc. Talcum 25c W ry our new Shaving Slick. MONEY T0 LOAN |SSUE No. 36â€"‘24