Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Sep 1924, p. 8

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Denton, Macdonala a: Denton SAMPLES FREE. PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306, King. Call by phone JOHN R. CAMPBELL 434E COR Full stock of npnirs on hand. Look over your machinely and let, us know before- lhe rush starts what your requiremean will be. TheRICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE ;v‘uv- .“ -. Ban-18:2“. Solicitors, Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg. Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sts.. Toronto. Teh-phnne Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK \. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday COMMISSIONER, afLex-noun. MacNaug' Barristers. Solictors. &c. MANNIgG ARCADE. KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN 31L Cable Address: “Dedo rthur A. Macdonald Frank Den‘ton Laura. Denton. B. A. Artistic Charm Commissioner, Uonveynncer, I Insurance and Real Estate REAL ESTATE Massey-Harris Repairs I‘DWARL) FRANCIS 4 . “ OTARY 11113le VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhil]. L. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. RICHMOND HILL Thornhill. See our stock of ties, from 75 cts. to $1.50 The latest in silk and wool mixtures. Men’s socks for spring, from 50 cts. to $1.50 We have the Holeproof Hosiery for men. Men’s Oxfords in the latest spring style, from $5.50 to $7309 Also hats, shirts, gloves, underwear, and etc. For Women and Children we have spring Oxfords and Pumps. M. PALMER ARNOLD & YONGE s'rs éhton & Campbell or othex-vvlse promptly CONVEYANCE AND INSURANCE on hand R- Etc ETC 378 Berresfm-d AVe., \Vest Toronto. Phone Function 0072. Leave Orders nt Glenn’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive promp attention. Phone 109. Advertise in The Liberal. Pbrlne 87 j are leady to leceive applications for an agency of their well and favorably known Nursery Pm- ducls. such as Fluit Trees. Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses and Ferennials. Quality Lhuacw u...“ - -.-._,.., first. Satisfaction _guara‘ntee(i. Address as above at once. BROWN BROS. COMPANY NURSERYMEN, Limited BROWN'S NURSERIES. ONT. SK unyhrndy about Us. We‘le not. ufruid of th- unswer. They Will tell you our plicea :lm xeasonablé and that our lnnbw lives up to its stmdy leputuliun. It doesn’t, gn against the grain fur a gentleman to do husmess with us. Potatoes Bought and Sold. Farmers Produce Taken to Market. Furniture Moved. Trucking of all description. Service unexcelled. hone 109. RICHMOND HILL PLUMBING AND TINSMITHID HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER TRUCKING L'. INNES & SONS C. H EN DERSOI‘ M. J. BURKE Yonge Street Richmond Hill Rink Justifies Challenge A rink of Richmond Hill howls-rs de- scended on the Kew Beach Club Friday night and took away the Williams Shoe Company’s Trophy, presmited to the Brmupbun Club and won by H. H. Williams of the Kew Beach Club shine time ago, The cup is a. (hilllm'ge trophy, and the Richmmid Hill lmwl rs made gnud their challenge,defeaunv Mr. Williams’ rink by one shut, H. game requiiing an extra end. Richmond HilL Kew Beach A. E. Savage '1‘. H. Shier. J. McLean J. Grant. G. Moody Chris. Ellis. AE. Glass. sk. ‘21. H.H. Williams, skip 20. made gnud their challe Mr. Williams’ rink by game requiling an extra Richmond HilL A. E. Savage J. McLean G. Moody A.E. Glass. sk. ‘21. l Mrs. Stephens, W. Irene Mrs. N. Glasg, G. Moodie Richmond Hill Rink Justifies Four games were played on the bowl- ing green here. in the afternoon and evening nf Labor Day. in a local tournament. Several of the contests were close, and no rink won all the games. The weather was perfect, and all enjoyed the sport. Refreshments were served by the ladies about 6 o'clock. after two of the games had been played. The following are the winning teamsi Firstâ€"Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Glass, FVE’llillg InsL-ulsu In a gund m'unmng hv their girls' hall team; we hate to mention the score. Follow the Richnmml Hill Gills‘ Sunnysido soft-hall lea m and the Rich- mond Hiil file-f ghlm-s to vamurker on \Vednesdny :IfLPI-lumn, September 17th, the duy uf lhn firemen's lulu-na- menu Both Len ms will no donbl give 51 good “count, of themselvvs, as did the girls when they played Snpremes. the Mnjnr League girls, at Sunnyside u few weeks ngo. The young Lidies nf the hall team Wax-(I henlul tn ice-cream and cake by [he Victm in Square people on Friday evening lushâ€"also tn 3 gnud drubbing v... mun. "h-le' hall team: we hate to The local mixed tnui namenc for the Silver Cup presented by Councillme A. Gleene. resulted in a victory for Mr. P. C. Hill's rink. The. Win alsu gave Mr. Hill's rink first prize. FIRbT SECON Miss McLean Mrs. Jnck 'n Mrs. W. A. Wxight R. Endean H Murphy Mrs. Glenn RC. Hill.skip. J.R‘ Herrington,skip. 'IHIRD Mrs. Stephens, \V. Trench Mrs. N. Glass, G. Moodie, skip. "lll‘Ii-x-‘é-tâ€"iMr. and Mrs. N. J. Glass, 27points. Secondâ€"Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Greene, 201)} :_i 1138. _ - "v n . __ “IA Mun Yam- Mrs. (Ht-m) Lady Bowlcrs ' Two rinks 0f Indy bowlers went to [he Oily last. Thursday and played lrlendly gumvs with the lzulivs hf Nullh 'l‘umnln. 'l‘lw Ri:-l\lm~nd Ilill links \vele successful in huthgames. Thr- visiting players wwe: Mrs. N. ]. Glass, Mrs. J. Palmer, Miss M. McLean. Miss Gibson. skip. Score 24â€"]. _V __ ' Two rinks of Ir [he Oily lust. TI h-Iendly games Nullh Tun-mu. links \vexe succt’ Thr- visiting playe LU punt-.5. Thirdâ€"Mr. “'v-llmnn and Mrs. Kers- will. 20 points. Fourthâ€"Mr. :1 nd Mrs. A. G. Savage. 192mm}. -7,|_ L-A on nlnv an Mr. Greene's rink extra. two-end gune with Mr. Welln. 1n. A conferenrv of the Sunday School workers of Nm ' 11 York will take place in the Newton Brook Methodist Church, Wednesday, September 17Lh. There will be twn sessions‘ 2.30 and 7 p. m. Supper will he provided by the ’ ‘ ' " I ‘n ,1 7 4L "an" . p. In. Hurry. ..... ladies of Newton Brook at nominal charge for those who Wish to stay from afternoon to the evening sessions, and enjoy the round table conference. The subjects of Rev. E. R, Young's sermons next Sunday, September 7th, in the Newton Brook Church: In the morning. "Going to School to Christ," and inl the evening: "A National Spiritual;Exhibitionâ€"why not ?" Re- member thc hours of service. 11 a. m. and 7 p. m, daylight, saving time. Voters’ ‘List, 1924 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 10 of the Voter-3' Lists Act, and that I have posted up in my office M. Unionville on the 28th day of August. 1924, the list of all persons nntitled tn vote in the said Mnnicipnlitv for Members of Parliament and at, Municipal Elections, and that such list remains therejot: inspection. ,_‘L-:_.. n... DLIUIAo vv -uu ...‘,..._ That Part II of said contains the names of those entitled to vote at Muni~ cip_nl gleptioas only. . III ,2 _ .::I:AL .u._6n€_n u-u . I And I hereby call upon an voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated at Markham, Aug. 28th. 1924. G. A. M. DAVI_SON,_ l‘l‘luulua hllCLU Iv. I..- -_.,., That Part. I of said list contains the names of those persons entitled to vote at. both Municipal Elections am} Elections to the-Legislative Assgm‘u‘h‘. VIPI'I vnu...v.... v... And that. Part Iii of said list contains the names of Chase entitied to vote at elections to the Legie'litive Assembly only. 7 _ ‘ ‘,,_L_ 10-11 M rs Percy Wins Greene Cup we local mixed tnulnamenb er Cup presented by Conn Gleene. resulted in a Net Sporting“ Nines TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM COUNTY OF YORK C,I Km‘swoll. Mrs. D. Wa R aninglnn. Mrs skip, Score 12â€"9. NE“. TON BROOK LIIIEEpIIâ€"lily of the h". A. N. Day noun, Cierk of Markham Township. l Scotch Baubles s rink had to play an \ zune to break the tie l Hill Gills‘ md the Rich- ,Newnml-ker 1, September uen's tourna- m doubl give D_ Watsnn SATURDAY, SEPT. Gâ€"Auctiun sale of unfinished ploperty in the tmvfi of Weston. in the mutter of the Mechanics’ and Wage earners lien. Sale at 11 a. m_, daylightsnving time. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. Res. Phoné Ii“. 5048 Offices \Valter S. Jenkins and Markham Bring Your Business School Books at The Liberal Office MAXWELL MAKEâ€" 1 H. & 1’., liegl 1 HOME WASHERâ€"Regular $1 1 CHAMPION WASHERâ€" Regular BEATTY BROS.PIAKEâ€"l 1900 Gr: DEALERS FOR Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Willys-Ovejland Motor Cars Willys -Knight Motor Cars. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 85 Richmond St. West. fflcea Toronto. Naugbton Block, Aurora. Solicntm- for: Aurora and Richmond Hill. - The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch T. H. HARBWARE &. SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 - Thornhill,0nt. Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service M. PALMER 8: SONS NAUGHTON 8. JENKINS RICHMOND HILL ronto Gnin Grinder on your farm; Think of how much quicker Km've no idea the time saved with a Toronto Engine and a un enging win do the work whgn attacked amour pulper. EEuESmem. fanning mill or 'purnficâ€"‘H‘s i ready wor er. require: little attention. opentes econo y on cmsene. With a Toronto Grain Grinder. too; you'll ave hour- on my: tflp‘ to the mill. l know it will fill our needr. either for com or fine am efficiently and mmé. All built with em “pudty. ) Auction Sale Register WASHING MACHINES Reduced In Price Dollars in Your Pocket ‘ Through Time'Saved FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. We Are Known In All Lines of Insurance Lunua, Agent, Richmond Hill, Phone 73] SAVAGE, General Agent J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 {Eâ€" 1 H. & P., Regular $27.00; Sale Price, $23.00 WASHERâ€"Regular $21.50; Sale Price. $18.00 f WASIIERâ€" Regular $21.50; Sale Price, $18.00 MAKEâ€"1 1900 Gravity Washer, with Wringer; Regular $30.00; Sale Price, $26.00 to Me and Get Service BV ()ur 10 {1’ TH E POST-OFFICE BUILDING A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128- r 12 SIMEON JOYCE, L.C .A.M. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Toronto Office, 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmnntfirb‘rt’n‘eet. West Richmond Hill Office ‘ uiDBfR‘ Office), every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternnun‘ Woodbridze. Saturday forenoon. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING Now accepting pupils. Phone 94] for information CHOIR-LEADER AND ORGANIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH] Pupil of Josef Lhevinne‘l anJ Frank S, Welsman Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Fortner': Tuilm- Store. PHONE 95 PLATE GLASS AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY and GUARANTEE OF BONDS MO n 01 [at Current Rate PELHAM CUAFFEY WILLIAM COOK PIANO and THEORY No Charge for Advice I'll be glad to saving equip- mentâ€"at any tinne. 0r let some I Stature r nny olncl 'oronto labor- IVC X9“

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