J.R.HERRINGTON C. H. B1’A3I AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA TELEPHONE 11 M The Protective Association of Canada. and The Dominion Gam‘antee and Accident ()0. (Veterinary Surgeon) Reqent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary college. All clases of animals treated. Day and night culls prompt- )y attended. Ofï¬cwnnd rosideuce north side Richmond Stn-et. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13, Ring 2. ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle 1 i Artisr, Teacher in Literature, I Expression, Reading, Dram- ‘ atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems, Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. \ ‘ Address Miss Marguerite. Boyle. Studio ‘Homewoodl Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf i If you are considering the furnace question come‘ in and let. us show you our lines. N0 House too large. N0 House too small» We have a size and model for every oneâ€"and the prices are right. We can also supply your wants an Furnace repairs and pipes. General Agean for Farm Machin- ery. Pumps, Etc. ‘ TEETZEL BROS. ‘ The Liberal for School Books R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. OFFICE ; CHURCH STREET Real Estate Insurance Investments FURNACES AND REPAIRS Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W XLVII. STERLING BANK BUILDING IR. ALLISON, L.D.S., DDS. Consultation and Diagnos per annu’m, in advance.] THURNHILL VILLA E RH‘HMOND HILL Dental Surgery 7101! OPEN: EVENINGS To Rent â€" A Seven roamed brick house, all conveniences, furnished to a small family. The House and Lot on Yonge St... formerly owned by the late Mr. , Hughes. for sale on easy terms. th- e MULHOLLAN D 8; SMYTH Province of Ontario Bonds 4 1-2 p.c., Due 1944 Phnno 11 M First-class building lot 50 feet front- age on Richmond Street and through t-n Centre Street. \Vill sell at a bar- gain. Easy terms. Rough cast house stable and 1% acres on Mill Street. A bargain. in Small house and good sized lot on Rumble Ave., great bargain, small payment down, monthly after, See me about a house and lot. on Oak Avenue. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL NOTICE ‘TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of pursuant to Section 56 of The Trustees Act, R. S. 0. 1914». Chap. 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of the said Nancy Ann liorner, who died on or about the 26th day of April, 1924, at the Township of Markham. in the County of York. are required, on or before the 22nd day of September. 1924, to send by post. prepaid,ur de- liver tu Adeline Horner, Gurnrley R. R. 2, Ontario, the Administratrix of the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames. addresses and de- scriptions. the full particulars, in writ- ing. of their claims. a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, it any held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after AND TAKE NOTICE that after such lust mentioned (bite the said Administratrix will pruceed to dis- tribute the assets of the shit] deceased among the parties entilled thereto, having regard only In the claims of which she shall (lien have notice, and the said Adminislmnix will hot be liable for the Said assets orany part thereof to any person or persons of whosé claim notice shall not have been recehed by her at the time of such distribution. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. Tummu Office : 2498 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3408. 26-6") WILLIAM COOK, 816 Federal Building, 85 Richmond St. West, Tmonto. Solicitor for the Administratrix. Dated at Toronto this 16th day of August. 1924. 8-11 Pxice $96.75. yielding over $4.75 RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. SEPT- 11. 1924 H. A. Nicholls latte (If the Township of Markham in [he Uuunty of Ym-k. widow. Decmsed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Opening of a . R. HERRINGTON Are .vou a Subscriber ? The Real Estate Man NANCY ANN HORNER Ga sVorIExtrm RICHMOND HILL PHONE:761 In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†The Richmnnd Hiil firemen mm] the Richmond Hill girls Sannyside soft, bull team will take part in but}: tnurnamonts ntv Newmm-ket nn Wednesday afternoon noxl, September 17th. Both leamq should give a good account, of themselves. Anniversary services will beheld in the Methodist Church here, on Sunday, September 14. [he afternoon service at 230 will be taken by Rev. J. W. McIntosh, and the evening service at. 7 o’clock; standard time.“ Rev. 1. Luvelle Smith W111 be In charge of the evening sex-vice. At a meeting of [Ike Public Library Bnald held ’1‘ue%day evening, the chairman. Reeve Tlench. presiding, it Was requesth that. residonts hand the names nf any books suitable for A Public Library. to [he LihmI-ian. Mr. A. L Phipps; also the name of the publisher Such hnuks will be con sidm'ed by the Board, and,if approved, will be purchased. The Village Council has had notices printed drawing attention to an Act to prevent the spread of nnxious weeds, the first. paragraph of which reads as follows: "Every occupant of land. or the owner, if land is unoccupied. shall cut down or destroy all the Canada thistles. (ix-eye daisy. Wild oats, mg- weed-burdock and all other noxious Weeds gruwingthereon." The minimum ‘ fine for neglect to obey the nrder is $5. ‘ Numewus complaian have liecn made to the Cnuncil with regard to weeds in the Village. Sincere sympathy is felt, for the family of Mrs. Daniel Stong who passed away Sunday Inst. following her husband who waslaid to rest in the Village Cemetery on the 12th of July. The funeral sex-vice Tuesday afternoon was conducted by Rev. H. S. Warren, whn spoke foulinglv of the 1095 sustained. Deceased is survived by two daughtersâ€"Mrs. J. A. Green: and Mrs. J. \Vigmm‘e. and one son, Louis, all of Richmond Hill. ASE The Board of Education held a meet- ing in the High School Monday even- ing. The following,uiemhers were presentâ€"Dr. Langst’iï¬. (chairman), G. H. Duncan, G. Cowie. J. P. Glass, Gen. Gee, W. A. Wright,Geo. Sims. J. Atkinson, Dr. Wilson. Minutes of last, meeting were read and confirmed. A large number of accounts were read. and payment ordered. Representatives from several firms were present introducing a new frame for Window blinds, new desks. seats and tables. and electric lights. An order of 80 desks and seats was given M r. Adams, and an order for teachers desks and chairs for the new High School building [,0 he opened the latter part;of October. “'as given to a firm in Preston). Mr. Harper, Principal of the Puhlic school. reported that the rooms were full, and that no more outside pupils 1 could be admitted. Next Sunday afternoon we are going to be favoured with special music given by the \Vnshington Choir at the Methodist church. We hope theie will be a large attendance. . Mr. Miliiard Brown and Mr. Charles Read bme stated that the Toronto Exhibition this*’year was the best in years. Mrs. \Villiam Mortson. of Felix-light, Sash, has returned home after spend- ing a. couple of months visiting re- latives and friends here. Mrs. Ida Nichols, Miss Winniffl’d and Miss Mortley took tea with the Misses Hugerman last Sunday aftex- noon. Miss Mae Meek attended the wedding of her friend. Miss Doris Taylor, Toronto, last Saturday afternoon. Threshing is the chief occupation of the farmers at present and a splendid yield is i-epqrted in every case. The family of the late Mrs. D. 9 who passed away Ins} Sundayl \vi On to Newmarket Hand to Librarian VICTORIA SQL'ARE Not Long Partod High School Board CARD 0F THANKS Cut the Weeds CarrviJe NOTICETO PATRONS Commencing Sunday. September 2lst. 1924. the new Time Table will be effective and all cars will operate on Standard Time. Hydro - Electric Railways W. R. ROBERTSON, U. L. \VILSON. Gen. Supt. Snperjntendent RICHMOND TAILORS Announces a large Stock of Fall and Winter Ladies’ Coats etc , at extraordinary low . prices. re Change of Time and Time Table WRIGHT STREET Richmond Hill A sample set of Fall and Winter Suit and Overcoat Samples. We save you from $10 to $15 on every suit: and overcoat by having no overhead expenses, and you reap the beneï¬t. RICHMOND TAI LORS WRIGHT ST. RICHMOND HILL. Telephone 4‘) W. ' Mrs. F. Flaxman Also a great variety of Hats including Children’s Beavers. A good assortment of Child- ren’s School Dresses. Note the Address: 3 Doors south of Richmond Hill Public School. AUTO LIVERY SERVICE TORONTO 8c YORK DISTRICT Presng and Cleaning 21 specia'my Motor truck for general work and¢ long distance haUling. 13110118: 11 xv M. PALMER & SONS Corner Arnold and Yonge Streets JUST ARR IVED 56 ill e Liberal. 10-tf A High Grade School!‘ mELLIOTT/J M \_.; Ofl‘ica hours 10 to 12 mm. and 6608p.m. Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phnne No. 24. NORTH YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILI DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. acorner Yonge & Alexander Sta, To: onto. Ofï¬ce hours 8 :10 a.m. and 6 :8 p.111. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFH (diseases of Women and children.) Office hours 1 :3 p. m. Phone 100. By Buying under Wholesale Prices (at the Elevator) your BRAX. SHORTS, OATS, CORN- )IEAL, SCRATCH FEED, BREAD and PASTRY FLOUR QUANTITY Save Money DR. M. B. WELLWOOD 0. I. RUDDELL, D.C. PILC. who desire to get the best Invites the patronage of those training for choice business W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAI OFFICE Hours DR. J. 1?. WILSON BREAD Oï¬ice:â€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12; 6-8 PALMER CHIROPRACTOR [Single copies, 3 cts. DRS. LAN GSTAFF l-‘FICE : ABOVE DAVIES STORE] Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.111. Except Wednesday PHONE 117 ousultatinn Free at the Oï¬ice Lumi ‘VRITE TOâ€"DAY FOR CATALOGUE. . D. Ramer Enter any time. JUST ARRIVED p Threshing Coal pvsitions AR No. 11 ('LEANLINESS SERVE