Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1924, p. 3

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Milk is not the sole salvation of the underweight child. It is popularly supposed that milk and eggs are the chief hope of the undernourished, but a recent investigation of various.foods administered as a mid-morning lunch to several groups of underweight children demonstrated conclusively that there are other nourishing foods as well as milk. The experiment was conducted under (he supervision of gargaret S. Chaney, M.A._. in Berkely, alifornia. The tests were made through two test periods of eight weeks each, one during the autumn months and one during the spring. 0f the groups of children compared, one group was given milk and two graham crackers as a mid-morning lunch; anâ€" other group was given either an orange of the freshly extracted juice of one orange; a third group was given one glass of bottled orangeade. The surprising result was that the orange group showed the greatest gain in weight, the orangeade group the sec- Cautious Horse. Harris prided himself on a thorough knowledge of horses and their habits, and so he was interested when, on a visit to the country. he saw a farmer having some trouble with his mount. reply. Is he balky?" “No. But he’s so afraid I’ll say ‘Whoa!’ and he won’t hear me that he stops every once in a. While to listen." It would start, amble along slowly for a short distance and then stop. Then the farmer would have great dif~ ficulty in getting it started again. Finally Harris approached the farmer and asked kindly: "Is your horse slick?” “Not as I know of,” was the short valnolll Bell-d of Health, om". t. mam will be [M In mwor caution on Public Health a. “I! through an. column. Add”.- him a Imm- Bone. and“ flufflfi 200d tea? and extra good is the HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON 7- a â€"â€" , it's not just custom that ma! take mustard with their mea ard aids digestion and helps late (he meats. it is a goo acquire. Mix it freshly for e I bRANGE PEKOE QUALITY Lalllc Au u.” u. One point considered is that the under-nourished child frequently. has an indifferent appetite, and the milk produces a satiating effect, so that he does not care for his regular noon meal when it comes. The orange, on the other hand, while it has some food value, is tonic and appetizing in its effect so that the indifferent appetite is stimulated rather than satisfied, and the child eats more heartily at regular meal times. tame in tHird Oranges contain nature’s most bene- ficial natural acid, which, strangely enough, is alkaline in its effect. Never sweeten oranges very much, as the sugar tends to ferment in weak stom- achs, and the individual then blames the orange for the acid condition thereby produced. Orange juice in its fresh, natural state, is easily digested even by very young babies, and no- thing surpasses it as a child tonic and laxative for old and young, strong or feeble persons. 0nd best rgairn, while the milk group Was Not Making Out. Auntâ€"“How are you making out, Dot? Having a good time?" Dotâ€"“I ain't making out, Aunt Li] â€"I is having a good time!" meals. ‘e‘ps to assimi. good habit to for every meal‘ 163 l Minard's Liniment Relieves Paln. A SPLENDID IIAXA'I‘WE FOR THE BABY Mothers should constantly be on guard to keep baby's. bowels working freely and his stomach sweet, for nineâ€" tenths of the‘allments from which lit- tle ones suffeltereeeused by derange- mentS' of theistomach and bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are a splendid laxative for thebaby. They are mild but-thorough; contain neither opiates nonn'areotics, and are absolutely guar- anteed to be safe and efficient for either the newborn babe or the grow- ing child. By their action on the bowels and stomach they drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make the dreaded teething period easy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers orb-y mail at25 cents a box from The Dfi SYilliains’ Medicine 00., Brockvllle, On‘ ” ’ A Musical Creed for Canadian Music Lovers. Here is a musical creed worthy of the attention of all Canadians. We believe that: 2. Every child has an inherent right to a. musical education 3. Utility through music is a means to civic improvement. 4 Patriotism is developed by music. 5. The spirit of comradeshipâ€"re- gardless of race or creed, is induced by music. ury. 6. Music is the most useful medium in constructive work in any com- munity. Inferior plaCes of entertain- ment are being rapidly abolished, there must be established in their stead places of clean amusement. 7. Music tends to encourage a high- er form of citizenship. 8. Music is a powerful curative for mental, moral and physical ailments 9. Every city of 10,000 or more should build a memorial community club house, as the founmin head for branches of music, and social activity for the entertainment of the peoples of that locality. And in these serious days of un- rest, it is well to remember that by giving greater encouragement to music, much of the present discontent, now existing among the masses, will be done away with; More music and kindlier co-operation between the vari- ous sections of our communities will make Canada the envy of the world. Smart Boy. The teacher was explaining the nouns of multitude. “You say,” he said, “a flock of sheep, a flight of birds, 3 shoal of fishes, a school of whales, 3. covey of part- ridges, a herd of cows. a forest of trees, a bro-0d of serpents, and so on. Now can any boy give me some other examples?" “please, buffaloes Rem Order. money The ability to make shadow- graphs. shadow pictures of famil- iar objects. by properly holding the hands between a light and the wall is not difficult to acquire. The illustration shows how easy it is to make a shadowgraph of a swan. A little experiment is nec- essary to get the exact position of the fingers and the angle at which the hands must be held. The swan should be made to move its neck in a manner as nearly nat- ural as the trickster can manage. (Clip this out and paste it. with other of the series. in a scrapbook.) Music is a necessity, not a lux ex; EASY TRICKS Oriental Debt Beavers Did the Work A Shadowgraph OS‘t 0 sir Dominion Express Money |S‘t or stolen you get your yes; an ancient order c ying Day Year‘ “Me?” said Bill in astonishment “Why, I thought you were drivin’.” Phonograph Size of Watch. A Hungarian engineer has invented a phonograph no larger than an or- dinary watch. There is room inside for ten discs, giving a repertoire of twenty selections. By placing the instrument in a water glass the sound is amplified sufiiciently for an ordinary-sized room. “Bill,” said Henry, “I wancha to be very careful. First thing ya know you'll hav us in the ditch.” At the conclusion of the wedding ceremony the responsibility of the bureau for the financing of the newly married couple ceases. ' lrresporisiblllty. Two gntlemen were uncertainly fliv- vering their way home from a party. The bureau will register the names of those who express the desire to be married, and will act as go-between to arrange satisfactory matches. A stock of handsome kimonos will be pur- chased by the bureau and lent to the prospective brides and the services of an officer to perform the ceremony and a hall to hold the ceremony will be donated without charge. Japanese Capital to Aid Newly Married Couples. Mlnard‘s Llnlment for Rheumatlsm. “Since taking Tanlac, I feel so fit it sometimes seems like a dream for there was hardly a. day in 20 years that I did not sufier," is the striking statement of Geo. L. (“Les”) Booth. 271 Perth St.. Brockville, 0nt., one of the best known farmers in Ontario. "For 20 years, up to three years ago when I took Tanlac, I suffered from rheumatism in my arms. shoulders, back and hips, so bad at times I could not lift my arms to put my coat on. I Couldn’t even write my name and I “Les” Booth Finally Got Re- lief Through Taking Tan- lac. Fearing race suicide among the poor- er classes due to the high cost of get- ting married, the Social Works Bu- reau of Toklo municipality proposes to establish a matrimonial intelligence bureau. BRBGWELLE FARMER SWFERED 20 YEMS Aspirin is fine trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture or 349110- lceucacldester or Sallcyllcncld Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Druggists 5 V Accept only a Bayer package which contains proven directions Say “Bayer” - Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds HUNTERS 'linard‘s ak 1“ made-to-measure Breeches, Shirts. Mackinnws. Best sellers. ‘Send for fine sample outfit. Royal Outfitting Co., 152 St. Lawrence St., Montreal. F ARM LOANsiMADEâ€" Mortgages purchased. Reynolds, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. just limped about like a cripple. Many a night it looked like I would not live to see daybreak. and once I was laid up six months unable to hit/a lick of work. -'~ “Imperial Art.” Best known selec- tion. Want men and women in every town to solicit orders in spare time. Representatives making $2 per hour up. Newest designs. Lowest prices. Samples free. British Canadian, 122 Richmond West, Toronto. "Money could not. buy the good Tan. lac has done me. It ended every sign of rheumatism and built. up my weight 16 pounds, and since then I have not had a rheumatic ache or pain. If any- body wants to know about Tanlac. just let them see Les Booth." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gls’cs. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Manila. is so situated geographically as to become the big trading centre of the Far East. A population of 126,- 000,000 dwells within a radius of 1,700 miles Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills for constipation. 98 out of eyery 100 Women reported benefit from Its use in a recent canvass among women users of this medicine. 0, Port Greville. Nova Scotia.â€"“I took your medicine for a terrible pain in my side and for weakness and headaches. I seemed to bloat all over, too, and my feet and hands were the worst. I am the mother of four children and I am nursin my babyâ€"the first one of four I coulg nurse. I took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound before the baby’s birth, so on can see how much it helped me. cannot praise it too highly for what it has done for me. I took all kinds of medicine, but the Veg- etable Compound is the only one that has helped me for any length of time. I recommendit to any one with troubles like mine and you mag use my letter fora testimonial.”â€"â€"Mrs. OBERTMCCULLEY. Po_rt AGreville, Nova _Soot_ia.r M any. many letters are received giv- ing the same sort of experience as is given in this letter. Not only is the mother benefited, but these good results pass on to tile child. I No harmful drugs are used in the preparation of this medicineâ€" just roots and herbsâ€"and it can be takeninsafety by the nursing mother. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound 3. Dependable Help for Mothers Before and éfterchild-birththe mother will find Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound a blessing. MISERABLE AND ALWAYS IN PAIN 'PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS “Tmhnrinl Aw} ” Dani» bun...“ "AL". [I] U Keeps EYES glean Bright and Beautiful Wm: Murine Co..Chic:go.forEye Careéook WWW/NE: Keeps EYES i Cuficura Heals 1 Itching Eczema On Arms and Face ARN $15 DAILY SELLING OUR “ My trouble began with red blozches and itching and burning on my arms and face, and than eczemn broke out with a rash. My face was disfigured and my clothing aggravated the breaking out on my sums. I could not put my hands in water, nei- ther could I do my regular work. At night I lost my rest on account of the irritation. “The uouble lasted about a ‘momh. I began using Cuticum \Soap and. Ointment and they hclped me and nftcr using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and [Wu boxes of gmpla Falls . Vt V_, “H mm. E Try oiirfiow Shutting Great Trade Centres MONEY TO LOAN SSSUE No. 37 ‘ticurn Soap. Ointment and "or all mile: purposea. Frog ‘7 Add”: Mcm P. 36': Sue ic‘ UiutzceHVHIndMe. gned) Mrs. VLcon Atkins $1., Bellows ,7 Ifwhtll." Tan:- 75: Slick

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