Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1924, p. 4

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W. HEWlSON HOUSE PAINTER, Glaziei‘. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Geo.Caldwell, Lorne Paterson afternoons NOTICE CALDWELL & PAL BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. Drop :‘ The Mutual life Iusurm Company of New York Corner of Yonge & Richmond HOUSE PAINTINGiAND PAPER HANGING (REV.) A. F. MACKENZIE mmmxn STREET. Wish to state «they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and mobile Wood wagon work, Auto at the work and rubber tires Trench works. Satisfaction and reasonable prices assured . mvp us a trial and be convinced. Give us Richinomf Hill Phone 251 ' J.W.Wellman GENTS” FURNISHINGS Visits Maple and Teston Monday. \Vednesday and Friday Lei-muons and evenings ouch week AMBROSE L. PHIPPS DOCTOR OF. CHIROPRACTIC 167 Belsize Drive, Toronto BUILDERS Centre Street East . PATERSON h and Dressed Lumber R’oug Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Roofings \\ Gyprock Wallboard I‘ar paper Phone 124 J AUTO PAINTING Phone 68 167 Belsize INQUIRIES SOLICITED Boys Jersey Specia Pants shoes. -â€" Consultations Free line Boots :: and or phone Hudson a trial reason: s and shoes, wl 31 prices If and Shirts. § Building paper Representix ‘of Oxfc running shoes, caps, sweaters all at very asonable prices, 3rds and Ladies SUPPLIES Rxcumuxn HILL PATERSON Doors Sash Gy prock Wallboard in Khaki sh a good 180 J unuun... ...... The r'll‘ownship's of Markham and Scarborough. that portion of the Township of York lying east of Yonge Street, that part of City of Toronto, which was formerlsy the town of North Toronto, and that part of Ward Num- ber 1 of the said City. which lies east of the centre line uf Woodbine Ave, and its production northerly and southerly to the City limits, the Town of Leaside. and the Villages of Mank- ham, Richmond Hlil and Stout't'ville. Funeral from his late residence, on Tuesday, September 9th, to Rich- mond Hill Cemetery. STONG-At Richmond Hill, on Sunday, September 7. 1924, Lovica A'nn, Wife of the late Daniel Stong. in her sixty- my: year. _ . n ; n u--.“ Board of Education, lst Monday Board of Trade, 2nd Monday Horticultural Society, 3rd Tuesday. Public Libraryâ€"Open Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7to 9 o'clock. The figures given by the Mail and Empire are, no doubt, strictly cor- rect. The sad part about it is that Canada has no control over the high protection put on by the United States. But can farmers not see that they lost their great opportunity in 1911 when they rejected the offer of the United States of a free market in all the above named products. “Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are theseâ€"it might have been.” RUSSELLâ€"At Uul‘l'ville. Ontario. on Saturday, September 6th, 1924, Andrew S. Russell. ;‘ uvuuu A coa'iial greeting extended to all who have no Church Home. "I; before the higher duty was added, the exports from Canada to the U. S. amounted to more than $120,000,000, and in 1924 the amount was only 26,000,000 3. re- duction of $94,000,000. Under the heading "Freer Trade” and the Farmer, the Mail ‘and Em- pire’s leading editorial on Monday dealt with the great reduction of the exports from Canada to the United States since the latter placed a higher duty on farm products enteriné; that country. The products dealt with are cattle, eggs. potatoes, beef, pork, sheep and wheat. ' L ,_ ,]._l__ A great deal is being said these days about the impossibility of en- forcing the O. T. A. Mr. J. D. Flavelle, who was chairman of the Ontario License Board for six years says it is quite posmble to enforce it. At a. recent meeting Mr. Flavelle said:“It is quite possible to enforce the provision of the Ontario Temper- ance Act and believed that within a reasonabie time this law would be reasonably enforced as any other difficult law on the statute books of the Province. Machinery for the taking of the plebiscite on the 231d of October has been set in motion by the Attorney- General, Hon. W. F. Nickle. K.C., who has sent a letter to the members of the House, asking them to submit names for the position of returning officers in each riding in the Pro- vince. Mr. Nickle says that only ex- perienced men will be considered ful‘ the positions. There seems in be a limit to the strength of the strongest (1‘ people. Sir Adam Beck, Chairman of the Provincial Hydro- Electric Com- mision has been ordered by his physician to retire to his home in London, and take a rest. Sir Adam was taken ill in Toronto last week. He suffered from a lingering indi=po- sition during the past summer. -“li‘-I::aeral"1'uesday. Sept. 9, from her daughter’s residence. Yonge St. (Rustic Inn.) some time Village Council, Isl; Monday Board of Education, lst, Mo 111*. J. J. Morrison, secretary or the United Farmers of Ontario, stat- ed Mondny that the Association has ceased to exist asa poliLical organiza- tibn. The U. F. 0., Mr. Morrison declared, is out of politics in accord- d at the ance with a resolution passe last meeting held in Mas§oy Hall Mr. J. J. Moms the United Farmers ed Monday that the ceased to exist asa r, METHODIST CHURCH LOST OPPORTUN ITY Regular Meetings 320 DEATHS East York of the 35.32% Now is the Tlme Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. Llcensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Special attention given to sales or every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company, LL'd, have on hand for sale. Cement: drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tile 12, 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement, Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load or n car lots. 0R RENTâ€"Comfortable 51'oomed house, Centre Street West. Apply J. RUSSELL. 11-13 0R SALEâ€"Nearly new 3 burner coal oil stove. Pearl Oak heater, (self feeder), The D. Moore 00., Selkirk Treasure Range, with warming closet and pipe. Wash tub stand and wxinger combined. Ohilds white enamel cot. Apply J. RUSSELL, Gentle Street Vr'eslt. 1â€" 2 FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO OR. SALEâ€"Detached house on Roseview. LOL 50x140, fruit trees, good cellar and furnace, electric light. $1.000 cash ; balance arranged. Five mainframe bungalow with one half acre land, good stable and garage, $1.509 cash ; balance arranged. Apply J. R. HERRINGTON, Richmond Hill. lU-Lf D m. good pine lumber. Apply W. GOULD. Richmond Sheet. 9-11 4 0R SALEâ€"Pureâ€"hred Holstein _' bulls From good dams. N0. 1, 8 months old. N0. 2. 3 month old. N0. 3, 2 months old. N0. 4. 1 month old. REDMAx Rnos, Concord. 11-12 0R SALE â€" Comfortable frame house, lot 40 x 140 feet. Apply MRS. A. ENDEAN. Centre Street West, Richmond Hill, Phone 61 w. 11-14 IDER MILLâ€"The Cari-ville Cider Mill will be open every week day until the 15th of November. A. WILSON, Proprietor. 11-14 "OR RENTâ€"Hnuse on Elizabeth street for rent. Apply to J. E. WIGMURE. 3-tf Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick DSTâ€"Airedale Terrier. mule; also Fox Terrier, white, black muzzle, tan spot on back. Reward given for information and return. BERT BARRET'S Hotel, York Mills, Phone Hudson 2511. 10-11 OR SALE OR ‘1‘0 LETâ€"3-room cottage. acre of ground, and poultry house, on Rumblta Ave. Apply JOSEPH HELMKAY, Yonge St., Rich- mond Hill. 10-12 (‘ EED \VHEATâ€"A quantity of seed 3 Wheat, American Surprise, for sale, lot 57, con. 2, Vaughan, G. McNAIR.]ef1"erson. lO-tf ‘HE FOLLOWING (JARS MUST BE SOLDâ€"1; 1917 Chevrolet, newly painted, $85.00: 1 1921 Chevrolet, 275.00; 1, 1916 Ford Lourning, newly painted, $95.00; 1, 1918 Ford tun truck, $145.00. The above cars have all been overhauled. 1 Bell cutting box. will sell cheap or rent; 1 Frost 86 \Vood tractor cultivator. Terms arranged. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS, Richmond Hill. ll-tf. TRAYEDâ€"From the plemises of E. G. MIDDLEBROOK, lot 20. con. 9, Markham. a black and White cow, dehorned. in full flow. Phone Mark- ham 4601. 11-12 ‘OR SALEâ€"Registered Leicester Ram from Imported Ram and im- ported ewe. A real show ram. Priced to sell. -].A.SNIDER,DUW1’ISViPW. 11 For Fall Planting for Spring or Winter Blooming. No. 1! stock just arrived from Hol- land. Five varieties and all colors to choose from. Price l l 4 cents each; $3 per hundred. I B. VAN VLIET I Care of J. H. Elliott Richmond Hill, Ont. R.R. 1 Phone 4611 TULIP BULBS ‘ ARAGE FOR RENTâ€"~App1y 0. L. J \VmGHT. \Vright Street. 10-11 J. 131. Prentice MALL BARN FOR SALEâ€"16 x 24 LICENSED AUCTIONEER 415 Balliol St.. Toronto. Phone Hudson 1347 w I. T. SAIGEOlN Maple Patronage solicited S. T. (,OUSINS. To‘Order Manager 11-1‘2 Boot and Shoe Repairer (if: All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanshxp Prompt Service Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand, Yonge St. MCLAUGHLlNâ€"BUICK SPECIAL SIX 25-21 RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. GEO. KIDD LOSED car comfort need not be costly. The Star Coupe offers all of the essential comfort features to make all- Weather motoring a pleasure--- yet its price is surprisingly low. ThESTARCm‘ Economy Meet Where Luxury (L‘i i35â€" THE ARISTOCIBAI’ 0F [INF-PRICED CA DAVID HILL, Dealer Richmond Hill, Ont. EAR in mind that this Special Six Double Service Sedan embodies all the refineâ€" ments in appearance and per- formanceâ€"all the niechanical excellences that has made McLaughlin-Buick known as Canada’s Standard Car. The handsome Fisher-built body is upholstered in high-grade and very- Hurable automobile plush. The rug- ged chassis, powerful valveâ€"inâ€"head motor, Four-Wheel Brakes, together with the unusual riding qualities made possible by cantilever springs and low pressure tires, make this the ideal car for business or pleasure use. The price is considerably less than you’d expect to pay for a car so fine. Ban-i0 . , . _ ‘ Newmzu'ket Cunkstown. Orilliu . . . . . . Alliston.... M:ukham.. Svhvmhex-g Bladfmd ,, School Books at the Liberal Store Dates of Fall Fairs ...,Sept. 24, 26. . . .Sept. 26. 27. Sept. 30, Oct. 1. . . . . . . . OCL. 1, 3. . . . . . . . Oct. 2. 3‘ . . . . . . . Oct. 2, 4. z . . . . . Oct. 9, 10 . . . . . Ucb‘ 14. 15 0-1816

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