A meeting of the \V. C '1‘ v . held at the home of Ml‘s..A..[EIPYlliu 5-8 on Tuesday, Saptember 16th 3} 3 pint); The members are asked to maké at; eflort to attend this meet“; as for most importauc work “gill b51355? cussed. South York County Sunday School Association are arranging for a Work- ers Council on Wednesday, Sept. 17. in the Methodist Church, Newtonbrook. Afternoon session begins at 2.30 with Devotional Service followed by ad dress on Home Department. Work and Conference led by Miss Lawrie. of the head ofï¬ce of 0. R. E. U The evening session will be entirely on "Tempei- ance." and the speaker. Dr. Ernest, Thomas, who with charts and dim rams shows us plainly the fallacy of ‘overnment control. Sup er will be served at a. low price to :11 visitors. The executive committee of Vaughan S. S. Asscciatiou will meet between 5 and 7. Come give us your help and take part iu the meeting. Two riqu from the Richmond Hill Bowling Club tnok part in the Globe Scotch Doubles competition, played in Toronto lust week. In the first round Ur. Willis and A. E. Glass defeated J. Craig and J. B. Ball, of the Toronto Thistles by a score of 15 to 1‘2; and G. Moodie and J. McLean defeated Shaw and SteWnrt. at" London, Ontario by 24 Lo 7. The trophy was finally won by Oakwood. The farmers of York County are leaping a bnunliful harvest. As a rule haw, grain and roots are more than an average crop, and fruit has been plentiful. The min during the week has retarded hauling in, but a week of sunshine would see most of the harvest in the bums. Frost. in two orthree nights has been dangerously close, but little damage has been reported. The \Vouwn's Institute will hold their opening meeting at the home of Mrs. Ira Rainer. on Wednesday, Sept. 17th at 3 p. Ill. Miss Elnin Guest will uddiess the meeting on "How to make an efficiency study of youxself and your Community.†All ladies of the Village are cordially invited to attend. Mr. James McLean has been Invited through the Ontario Department of Agricultune to give :1 demonstration on the strong puints in the. judging of plowing next, Mondny. The demun- stration will take plact- nn the Weldon Farm, in cunnectiou with The Fanuers Advocate near London. Ontario. Down Cake Fluur nt Stein’s store. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 11th. 12th, and 13Lh. A sebof measur- ing spoons Valued at 45 cents, given with every packet of flour purchased during demonsLmtion. See our window. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lehman and daughter Grace, M 1'. and Mrs. N. Eber Lehman, of Unl'lislo, Pm, unived Friday noon by motor, covering 470 miles in a day and a half. They are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. 0. L. Heise, Victoria Square. Orangemen to the number of 200 paraded through the streets of Union- ville last, Sunday, preceded by L'ninn- \‘ille Cornet Band. Members were pleseut fl‘um Markham Village, East Toronto, 'Cedaxdule. Richmond Hill, ’l‘hurnhill and other places. The Directms of the Turonto National Exhibition are to he can- gl‘atulutvd on reaching their objective in attendance which “as :1 million and a. half. The turnspiles showed 19.000 more than the 1% million. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. \V. Baker and children, and Mrs. Sidney Baker. of Arthur. attended the Toronto Exhibition. visited 18- latives in Richmond Hill, and motored home on Sunday. The Cbnil‘ nf the Presbyterian church, Richmond Hifl. have decided L0 hold their annual Iowl supper and concert, (in lne\e\'ening of Wednesday, October 22nd. Keep the date in mind. The Albion and Bultun Agxicultul :11 Society will hold their Fnll Fair Mon- day and Tuesday. the 22nd and 23nd of September. Bulum Fair has one (If the best, stock shows in the vaince. LVH‘. r..u. rollett, the piano soloist of the last concert, of the Presbytel inn church choir, is forming a. CHISS hvx-v. Further pul-liculzns will be announced san. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stephens, Fah- riew Farms, Yonge Streel, are staying at the Chuteth L;ll)|iPl'. Ottawa, while attending the OLtnu‘a Fair. Mr. and Mrs. John Powell and Miss Powell, of Buffalo, N.Y._ who attended the Nuiimml Exhibiliun in Thmnto, spent the weekend with friends 11019. Toronto will go hack to stnndmd time Sunday manning. Spptmnlwrfll. The Metropolitan Railway changes x110 same day that Tun-unto does. Uunnm- \velc H. A. Nicllnlls We are m) Ric Mr. Jam :1 plowing Frontenac yesterday. Mu l'k ’s The Liberal value for thc Read on [his Mr. F. M. Pollett, the NOTIL The I JDS Elle denmnslmliou of a muving our lrï¬im hnmnd SL: \V'esL new adv page. I mes A" J. D. (humor, let-tor of St Church, BlllSSt‘lS, and Mrs were guests of Mr. and Mls lfâ€"fillil TO OUR CUSTOMERS McLean “(-1 e mntch held ()nunty, no.- Mel HM)! T. Stephens, Fail- Streel, are staying anier. Ottawa, Ottawa Fuir. Pmt "D ilill nts Pan Bum Kingstun the Swans Jlll 9 Mill Innes lnist su All friends of the Congretation are Cordially Invited The Presbyterian Congregation of Richmond Hill Will celebrate their 107th Anniversary -:- ON -:- Sunday, September let Porters Drug Store School Supplies ---This Ofï¬ce Toronto Ministers will preach: 11 Bey. G.Wa_llace, D.D., SATURDAY, SEPT. 20â€"Credit sale of farm stock, impiements. furniture. harness etc., lot 31, 0011.3, Markham, the property nt' Isaac Nigh. Sale at l After an illness extending over' several umnths Mr. Andrew RUSSEily passed away at his home at C=ll‘l'\'lll“, . Vaughan Township. Saturday morn- ing, September 6. Mr. Russell was one uf the best kumvu men in the Town- ship. He was for a numlveruf years prominent: in municipal life, havingi bren Reeve (if the vanship. and Warden of the County nf York. He was the last surviving brother of the Russell family who were widely known as successful breeders of Slmthm-n cattle. The uther brothers were James I and William who sold their 301) acre I'm-m to the Oily of Toronto forthe Industrial Farm. Alexander, of lfninn- vine, and John, a barrister in Winnipeg. Deceased is survived by his widow nnd two sisters, Mrs. Iaaacs and MN. Lalldér. The funeral lo the Richmond Hill Cemetery Tuesdav afternoon was largely attended by relatives and friends. The service was conducted by Rev. J. Kell Smiles and Chuckles Chocolates always Fresh, 600. lb. Just received shipment of Riley’s English Toffee, 60c. lb. O’clock p. m, 'J at both services _Special music. all Rev. P Annun Sunday, Servh Zion’s Ev. “The Onlnri 1 n’dlnck. Terms 12 mnnlhs. Silver- sides & Farmer Auctioneers. 7 RM. Rev. N.A. MacEachern A FEW OF OUR SPECIAL PRICES A Special Offering is requested Ind of Bonar Church. Minister-Emeritus, Bloor St. Church of Stephens Ink Enos Fruit Salts, 63c. and 97C. 10cc Toilet Paper, 4 for 29c. one year, 87C, 1 Pint Paraffin Oii, 69C. Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 39C. Fruit Jar Rings 2 dozen, 15C. Vinolia Castile, 6 cakes, 23C. Large Bath Soap, 3 for 29C. Penholder Free with 10c. bottle Death of Andrew Russell Hot Water Bottles, guaranteed for Auction Sale Register ,3. S. Hiring Ml Harvest ,SPptember 'l’ at, 11 u‘ p. m. The Preabyterian Services Temp fFl utheran Church, Sherwood MCI! MICE Cordial invitation lo Show in né clock a. m. and Pastor will prom 14L :loc tush will pH. Mcznimz ’l‘l' Hem 51mm L’nstnr. Services nench l‘heme ion iSSU ach H) it for 4c in stamps. Templetoxiéf'fc‘): ronto. R12 RAZ - MAE-l HAY FEVER For Sale by Porter’s Drug Store Summer Asthma See Our New Stock 01 Pitchers, Decorated and Plain Colors, from 50c. up. Decorated Teapots~ Various prices. Lustre Bud Vases, 60¢. each. Lustre Rose Bowls, $1.00. Cut Glass Water Sets, 7 pieces, from $1.30 up: Sherbets, from 40c. up. Also Heavy Cut Glass Berry‘Bowls, from $5.50. Kitchen Ware, Mixing Bowls, Bakers’ Pudding Bowls, Jelly Moulds, Pie Funnels, etc., etc. China, Cut Glass, Grocerles and Confections GRAND CONCERT AT NIGHT Bolion Richmond Hill It will be about time for you to be thinking about your fall clothes. Perhaps your overcoat needs repair- ing, or turning. Your tall suit may need repairing} Now is the time to have them ï¬xed up. New fall goods for suits and overcoats on hand. As Fall is Drawing Near ’ SPEEDING PURSES: :15 Class $200; 2:30 Class $200 Agents for Bruce’s Chocolates and Ice Cream CLEANING AND REPAIRING SATISFACTORILYéDONEï¬: Semi-Porcelain Cups and Saucers, from 130. up. SPECIAL FEATURES Baby Show â€"- Auto Driving Write Secretary for Prize List MONDAY AND TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 22 AND 23 Trench Block Ordered suits Irom $35.00. Ready-to-wear suits from $16.00 up :E. R. FORTNER“ -_:- Yonge & Centre Streets wili carry have for 5 Quarterly. Sheet free BEST STOCK SHOW in the Province Mrs. Norman Batty All the latest; in Millinery now on display Ladies and Gents’i ClothieréandflTailorJ DRY GOODS . STEIN Richmond Hill LADIES’ WEAR Phone 53 Phone 95