Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1924, p. 8

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' Call by phone or otherw1se promptly The RIBHMUN HiLL FURMSHENG SWRE SAMPLES FREE PAINTING. DECORATING G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Phone 306, King. Denton, Macdonald a Denton 600* PHONE 93 . 0.. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Richmond Hill, Friday and For information Phone Mus. MYLKS. From tho Tux-onto Gnnsvrvatnry of Music. will accept a number (If pupils ir. Piano, Vucal and nu, A , . Adelmo Melecm and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. D FREDERICK \. A. Mr. Unmplwll will ‘ue Office. Riclunhml Hill. afLm-noun. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Offives â€"5 GOP. Jordnu COM MISSION El MacNaughtoxySz Carppbell TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Gable Address: “De-do l-thur A. lecdonald F.-ank Dentan Laura. Demon. B. Commissioner, Uonveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate Wall Hafngings _ O - Artistic Charm KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. RICHMOND HILL NORMAN J. GLASS . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers. Snlictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. C. N. COOPER OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION IS QUALITY We have a full new line of men’s Felt Hats ‘ at from $3.50 to $4.00 All kinds of. Sweaters and Sweater Coats at from $2.50 to $5.50 ‘ Men’s good grain cow-hide W ork Boots, all solid leather, $4.50. Everything for men, and Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for women and children The fall and winter flobberlin samples are in, with prices greatly reduced Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. nesâ€"Suité 5H MrKinnnn Bldg“ ordun and Molindat 813.. Toronto Tule-phnne Main 361“. SAKIERONT MACNAUG HTUN EDERIUK \. A. CAMPBELL . N. COOPER Tar and Building Paper Always on Hand Haying and Harvest tools always in stock Come in and look them over. -Pi'zll;(), Vucal and Theory. -:- CONVEYANCER. and Suturd hone 110. It; The Liberal :vol'v Tuesday ay ‘l‘( 373 Berlesfum Aw” “'(ut Tomntv. Phone lunction 0072. Leave Orders at Glenn’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive promp attention. Phone 109. ! builder in town agrees upon and than is that. we handle nothing but. :1 stock of well milled; properly cured timber. Now ifyou know anything abom lumber walk around here and satisfy yourself as to the truth of this statement. Phone 87 j are ready to Ieceive applications’ for an agency of their well and favorably known Nurseny Pro- ducts. such as Fruit Trees, Small Fruits. Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses and Perennials, Quality first. Sathfaction guaranteed. Address as above at, once. ‘NURSERYMEN, Limited BRO\V‘.\"S NURSERIES. ONT. Potatoes Bought and Sold. Farmers Produce Take-n to Market Furniture Moved, . Trucking of .111 description. Service unexcelled. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AXD GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL. ONT. out THING oN' WHICH we ARE AGREED-- we HAVE THE :LUMBERTHAT YOU NEED '3‘ JOHN T. ANDERSON TRUCKING BROWN BROS. COMPAN 3 RICHMOND HILL L. INNES & SONS M. J. BURKE PIANO TUNER . HENDERSON RICHMOND HILL Ynnge Street VOTERS' LIST. om l [CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRS'J I I mu u-VJ is berghy give‘ I com lied with section 10 c “l Lists Act and that, I have my office at Unionville on of August. 1924, thelisti entitled to vote in the said fm‘ Memhr-rs nf Parlinn .l Municipal Elections, and 1 l remains there for inspecti‘ | That Part I of said list names of those persons en I at both Municipal E] ; Elections to the Legirlati ' That Part II of said list names of those entitled to ‘ Icipal elections only. I And that Part III of sail the names at those i'ntitl IPIQ‘CIIOIIS to the liegisliti only. l And I hereby cnll npuu ‘ tnke immm’lidte proceedi amv errors or omissions l ' . ‘cm'dmg to law. ‘ Dated at Markham, Au G. A. M. DA ,E‘ll, ,|_|__ 0.000000000000000” WOOM _.... n. VOters’ 'List, 1924 m is hereby given that ‘:.have complied with section 10 of the V' {ex-5' Lists Act and that I have posted ['0 in my office at Unionville on the 28th ‘ay of August. 1924, the list of all persi ‘15 entitled to vote in the said Municipuligv for Members of Parliament and 1.. ‘ Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. That Part I of said list contxins the names of those persons entitled to vote :le holh Municipal Elections and StephensnnmCornellLOn Wedlnw- day. August 27Ih, 1924, at herhm..e. in Newton Broo’k, Miss Gladys J-l:l Stephenson was united In marriage 0 Mr. Joseph Grant Cornell, of Deer , Mich. The ceremony was perform-(l by the RP“. b). R. Young. in the presence of immediate members of the family. The house was preltily decorated with flowers, handsome gladioli occupying the prominent place. Many’ beautiful and valuable presents attested to the popularity of the bride, amongst them being a charming silver service presented by the pupil“, stall’ and trustees of the Forest. Hill school. wheieMiss Stephen- son taught. for some time. The testimonies that accompanied the gifts most heartily commended her for the charm of her personallty and sterling worth of her ability, It was only be- cause she was enteringr the marriage e'state. that thr y were prepared to see her leave. Simil r beautiful expressions of affection anm xppreciation come also from her fellow vorkers in the Newton Brook Methmn. t church. Miss Edna. Stephenson \\ - bridesmaid, and Mr. W. J. Collins, x' For-onto, was grooms- man CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST PL 13mm; or VOTERS‘ LIST. ~~-‘...\-J . Anyone wanting any more literature 01' photos of the machine, (ll-up a line to ]. Lunau. Richmond Hill. m- H. Arnnld, (ion-mley. To see the machine in upmutinn at my burn, dmp me a line and I am sure yuu will not go away disappointed. ‘ ~ II’A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that George Thom u Gx-igm', of the City of Toronto, in the County uf Yoxk, in the Province of Ontario. Bonk-Binder, will apply to the Pallimnent of Canada, at the next session then-60f for a. Bill of Diyox-co from his wife Mary Grigor, of the said City of Tmuntn, nu the gl-nunds of adultery nnd desm-tiun. DATED at, anonto this 30th day of August. A. D. 1924. for we oné I purchased. I also think LhuL Lhismavhine hug Come in an the righL Lilll£},;lsl,h1'i'eal'e so many growing Sivoet, clover to put nili‘ngen in the 5m]. huL have had cun- Ridei'umv Ll‘l'lllfle with it on nccnunt nf the coarse sLalks. This nmchine has sirlved the troulvln, as it \v11|giinditin- to meal and I think lhele will hea great deal mole sweet clown and alfalfa gx-uwn when thPy get u few moxe of these machines installed in the country. ' r, , IZL Notice of lication for Divorce the st” opwl'uLiu Inn lt- y. Eh: “ugh Dezn' Sir:â€" In In null called the» J (linger Mill. 1 snppm’ originated through the To The Editor of The Richmond Hill Libel The‘ New Agricultural Ptssibilities ’éiiibfiG’E' THOMAS GRIGOH TOWNSHIP OF MAPKHAM COI'NTY OF Y0} K I had [Jel‘ll H d hiIVt' gullml , will lhrwh gx sth and HIE lLilHl. In suin MUR’PHY & DON ALI) 302 Bay Street, Toronto. at Markham, Aug. 28th. 1924. G. A. M. DAVISON, Clerk of Markham Township. Mufiicipamy of the NE\\'TON BROOK hy hisfiglh'iLUIS- 312E rt, HI "1155 H. ARNOLD aid list contain tive Assemth st, contains the ) vote at; Muni- y-Betu the mi nventu 1L 11-15 IIIH‘I School Books at ~The Liberal Office Office Tre C. M. PALMER & SGNS \Valter S. Jenkins Res. Phnne Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephoue Adelaide 2108 ' 85 Hichmund Si... \Vest, 0fflces<t 'l‘omnto. Naughtun Block. Aurora. Sulimtm' for: Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch and Markham. I\ Dr. L. R. ELL HI]. 5048 MAXWELL MAKEâ€"1 H. &\1‘., Regular $27.00; Sale Price, $23.00 1 HOME WASII’ERéReguIar $21.50; Sale Price, $18.00 1 CHAMPION WASHERâ€"Regular $21.50; Sale Price, $18.00 BEATI‘Y BROS. MAKEâ€"1 1.900 Gravity Washer, with Wringer; Regular $30.00; Sale Price, 9326.00- ’n‘ing‘ Your Business to DEALERS FOR Dodge Bros. Mthor Cars Willys-Overland Motor (Jars Willys -Knight Motor Cars. £5, MEQWARE & SfiPPHES Limited ? Phone 33 - Thornhill, Ont. NAUGHTON & JENKlNS A. G. SAVAGE, General Agent DENTTST Trench Block; t'vo (1001's north of Stundaxd B‘lllk. Hours 9 mm. to 5.30 p.m. 'I't'lt‘phnne ‘ RICH MON D I] 1 LL it’s Important to Cut Silage at the Right Time If silage is cut too greenâ€"or after the frost has taken hold of itâ€"it won’t make nearly as good or profitable feed-‘ ing as if cut at just the‘right time. That's where one of my "Toronto" Ensilage Cutters proves‘ its worth. Makes you independent of a hired outfitâ€"ean ables you to cut at the right time. Enables you to refill after shrinkage, tooâ€"a feature which helps pay for the Cutter in a short while. And it will cut your: straw in the winter. A small gasoline engme will operate this efficient Cutter. Let me demon- strate its quality features to you or ask me for free literature. rompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service WASHING MACHINES Reduced In Price Phone 33. We Are Known In All Lines of Insurance FIRE PLATE GLASS LI FE AUTOMORILE ACCIDENT - BUR'HARY SICKNESS and GUARANTEE OF BONDS SICKNESS HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED J. Hurry Naughton Res. Elgin Mil!s Res. Phone 44.4 Agent, Richmond Hill, P} Me and Get Service. lO-lf 3 v () lu- TH E POST-OFFICE BUILDING rinkage, tooâ€"a feature . Jtter in a short while. aw in _the winter. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRIs’th. SOLICITOR. NOTARY E'rc Toronto Office. 816 Fedvml Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Ve-sr Richmond Hill Office . moerai Office), every Thursday fnrenoun. Maple, Thursday :LfteI-nnun Wooth-idqe, Saturday fnwnnnn. Mum y to [mm at Gil-rent Rate SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.1\/1. SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128- r 12 A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL ANII UNIONVILLE WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers Now accepting pupils. Phone 94] for information Studio: Over Mr 'l'nilur Store. PE LHAM CI I AFFEY CHOIR-LEADER AND ()RGANIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Thornhill, Ont. TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING WILLIAM COOK Pupil of Josef Lhevinne“ {11.41%qu S \Velsmnn PIANO and THEORY No Charge for Advice hone THOMAS DELANY l. thwr PHONE 95

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