Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Sep 1924, p. 1

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We can also supply your wants an Furnace repairs and pipes. General Agents for Farm Machin- ery. Pumps, Etc. ' J.R.HERRINGTON TELEPHONE 11 M If you are considering the furnace question come in and let us show you our lines. No House too large. No House :00 small. We have a size and model for every oneâ€"and the prices are nght. TEETZEL BROS. C. M. PALMER & SONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that George Thomas GI-igor, of lhe City (If Toronto, in the County uf Yonk, in the Province of Ontario, Bonk-Binder, will apply to the Pulliument of Canada, at, the next. sessinn thereof fm‘ :1 Biilof Divorce from his wife Mary Grignr, of the suid City of Ton-into, 0n the grmmds ofaldultery and desel-riup. ' DATED at andnto lhis 30th day of Auggsj. A. D. 192}: > First-class building lot 50 feet honi- alge on Richmond Street and through m Centre Street. \Vili sell at a bar- gain. Easy terms. gain. Easy terms. Rough cnst house stable and 115- acres on Mill Street. A bargain. A good cheap Brick L‘lud House and three acres on Lucas Street. Beautiful residence and grounds, in first class shape, all convenience, town water, Richmond Street. Notice of Application for Divorce ‘. To Rent â€"â€" A Seven roamed brick house, all conveniences, furnished to a small family. Small house and good sized lot on Rumble Ave., great; bargain, small payment down, monthly after, See me about a house and lot on Oak Avenuo. The House and Lot on‘fonge St. formerly owned by the late Mr Hughes, for sale on easy terms. Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL DEALERS FOR Dodge Bros. Motor Cars WilIys-Overland Motor Cars Willys -Knight Motor Cars. VOL. XLVII. H. A. Nicholls OFFICE .' CHURCH STREET GEORGE THOMAS GRIGOR. Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W FURNACES AND REPAIRS Real Estate Insurance Investments The Real Estate Man MUR'PHY & DONALD 302 Bay Street, Toronto. 50 per annum, in advance. by hiarsnliviun‘s RICHMOND HILL 11-15 lO-lf r six rnnuwd house; electf'ic Ugh}, fmnmzn, with or without, nine acres eXcPllent garden land. Apply J. R. HERRINGTUN, Church St. Richmond Hill. 12-13 FARM FOR SALEâ€" One hundred HCIG‘S mme 01' less, lot 24, con. 6. Vaughun. Brick hnusP, two burns and 01 her (ml buildings. Apply GEO. JULIAN Woudhridge R. R. 2. Phone Maple. 15 OR SALEâ€" Oak dresser and din- ing chairs. kitchen cabinet. brass bedslend. mattress, rug. Also hens and chickens. BROWNLIE, Stop 24. I3 0R SALEâ€"Garden tn'ols, window sashes. 2vin9gar jugs, coal oil cans,caal scuttle, 1 hand truck, egg crates. chick drinking fountains, pots. idonsand handles, spray pumps. car- pet sweopm; electric fixture-s and radio apparatus, gristrmill. 2 coaster wagons lament], lamps. book-cusp, wheel har- mw. watering cans bench box. M ust he sold. Evel-vthing cheap. Apply A. MAHONY. Centre St. 13.. Richmond Hill, 13 F01: SALE~â€"A Fmdsun Tractgr, plow and disc barrows, all com- plete. Bux 213. Aurora. 12 TRAYEDâ€"From the plemises of E. G. MIDDLEBROOK, lot 20, con. 9, Markham. a black and white cmv, dehnrned. in full flow. Phone Mark- ham 4601. 11-12 Commencing Sunday. September let. 1924, the new Time Table will be effective and all cars will operate on Standard Time. Hydro - Electric Railways TORONTO & YORK DISTRICT 11 (‘n (‘enlxe St. East ’l‘uos. HOPPER, Gentle ml-IHI Hill. ‘HE FOLLOWING CARS MUST I BE SOLDâ€"1, 1917 Chevrolet, newly painted, $86.00; 1 1921 Chevrolet, $275.00; 1, 1916 Ford warning, newly p:ni|1LPd,.$93.00: l, 1918 Fund [on truck, $145.00. The above cars have all been overhauled. 1 Bell cutting box, will sell Che-up or rent; 1 Frost 65 \Vood tractor cultivator. Terms arranged. HILL .MOTORS, Richmond Hill. ll-tf. ]‘ cutlagn. note of ground, and poultryhullm». (m Rmnhle Ave. Apply JOSEPH HELMKAY, Yunge Sn, Rich- W. R. ROBERTSON Gen. Supt. moud Hill. 5519, Int. 57. con. MCNAIR. Jeffersnn. OP. SALEâ€"Demnched house on Rnseview, LuL 50x14”, fruit trees, gnnd Cellar and fun-wee, electric light. $1.000 cash ; balance arranged. Five room flame bungalow with one half now had, gund slnfxle and gang", $1.500 Cash ; balance arranged. Apply J. R. HEmuNG'rox, Richmond Hill. IU-Lf iOR SALEâ€"Pureâ€"bred Holstein _ bulls from good dams. No. 1,8 months old. N0. 2. 3 month old. No. 3, 2 months old. Nu. 4. 1 mnnth old. REDMAN Rnos, Concord. _ 11-12 OR SA LE â€"â€" Comfortable frame hOUSP, lot 4!) x 140 feet. Apply MRS. A. ENDEAS. Centre Street West, Richmond Hill, Phone 61 w. 11-14 OR SALEâ€"Nearly new 3 burner coal oil stove, Peal] Oak heater, (self feeder), The D. Moore (30,, Selkirk Treasure Range, with Warming closet and pipe. Wash tub stand and “Winger combined. Childs White enamel cot. Apply J. RUSSELL, Centxe Street Wesltfi 11~ .. NOTICE TO PATRONS WIGMORL‘ IDER MILLâ€"The Cnx-rville Cider Mil] will be open every week day until the ISth of Nch-lnbt-l'. A. WILSON, Pmpl-ietor. 11-14 r‘ EED \VHEATâ€"A quantiin of seed 3 when}; Ameriqun"Surprisv, for 0R RENTâ€"Cmufm‘tahlé '3; house. Centre Street “fest J. RUSSELL. re Change of Time and Time Table 0 USE FOR RENTâ€"Six room house OK» RhN'l‘â€"_Af Stop 29 Hydro Ry RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. SE OR RENTâ€"HUUSPVUII Elizabeth street for rent. Apply tn J. E. HIORE. 3-tf OR SALE OR '1‘0 LETâ€"3-loom ‘V'ant Ads. R, Gentle West: ‘ Riel}- 12.14 U In Essentials, Unity,- in‘Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity U. L. \VILsox, Superintendent Vrméhan, Appm :0 momed r Apply: 10-12 1111'3 lO-tf The R'chumnd Hill‘High School are ihulding their Annual Field Day on Friday. Sept. 26, in the Town Park. Refreshmvnt hooth on the grounds. [Your patronage is solicited by the [ pupils. 683;."2iEdTiie'1â€"{ééf Iiiâ€"BTCEa'ube-é'fl . H AND TU}; ER veteran of83yeals, gave a short nd- . dress. as 5150 (iii) Rev. F. C.‘ Stpphen- ' 378 Barresm"! AW" “95': Torontc‘ son,‘M.D.. B. c. Hockeu, M. P., Mn! PM“ “mm” 0072- Jumes Simpson. and Mr. Richard: Leave Orders at Glenn’s Drug Store, Plewmanf Dr. Stephenson made Richmond Hill, special re erence to the pioneer won-kl , ,_ done by Mr. Plewumn in his j( urneys ! TWENTY’FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE into the Thihetan bmder. in piaces All mail orders will receive promp whexe nu \vhxte man had pericusly attention. The Home and School Club will meet in the Public School at 8 o’clock on Tuesday, Sept. 80. All’whomeinterest- ed in this splendid work are C(H‘dlillly invited to be presen’t. Come and en- joy a sflncial hour 0n Tuesday Vevening, Representatives from Mmkham. Vaughan, NeWuuu-ket and Richmond Hill met in the Council Chamher here Thursday evening to wind up the business in connection with the North York picnic and demonstration held’ in Markham Village on the 16th of Aug- ust. Mr. Duncan Marshall. Liberal Organizer, who was present, thanked the committee, on behalf of Premier King, for the splendid reception given their member, and for carrying out the pmgrumme of‘ he day so IHCCPSS- fully. Tn‘e committe purposes making this Demonstration‘an annual event. "Serpt‘. 30th. On Sept. 8, after a brief illness, Aamn Oster, a life long resident of Concord, passed into eternal rest. Mr. Oster {VHS :1 son of the lute Michael Oster and his wife Mary (nee Glaik) Oster. the third genemlion of pioneer stock. The funeral took place on \Vednesday, Sept. 10. with a. brief ser- vice at his late home and a full service at the Lutheran Church at Sherwood where the deceased was a life-long member. The church was crowded to the doors, a. visible testimony to the esteem in which Mr. Oster was held. The Rev. P. S. Buringer officiated. The deceased was a Past. Master of Concord L. 0. L. 135, and an ardent. advocate of the principles of the Ornngemen’s Order. Politically Mr. Ostei- was a staunch Conservativv. On Thursday of last Week, Elizabeth Bailey. widow of the late Wm. Thomas, passed away at the home of her Son- ilx-l:e\v,.Mr. W. T. Cook. The deceased was well-known and highly respected, and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. The remains were borne to their last rest- ing-place on Saturday afternoon by six of her nephews, and laid beside those of her late husband who pre-de- ceased her on December 29th of last year. Mr. Oster is survived by his Widow, Mrs. Robecca (nee \Vhit.e) Ostel'. and two sisters, Mrs. McDougal of Toronto. and Mrs. Keysyf Woodbridge. AfLer a. couple of hours spent in re- newing acquaintances and in a lively game of baseball Lhe guests partook of the bountiful repast provided by the hostess, following which Mr. R. M. Yeomans was appointed chairman and called on a number of those present for short addresses. interspersed by the singingof old familiar hymns and songs. Two former pastors, Rev. A. (‘. Crews. DiDu eflitor uf_S._S. publica- One night last week the Maple Creamery was entered and about three hundred and forty pnunds of butter stolen. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keys visited friends in Weston several days last week. A re-union of unusual interest took place last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. AB. Plewmun. Richmond Hill. when old friends to the number nf sevemy-five gathered in honor of Mr. and Mrs. T. Edgar Plewman who recently arrived home on furloughnfter sixteen] years on the mission field in \Vest China. Most of those present were asswiuted with Mr. Plewumn m Choir, Sunday Schcol and League wwk of Parliament St“. Methodist, Church twenty-five or thirty years ago._ _ The monthly meeting (If (he \Vnmen’s Institute was held on Wed- nesday of Inst Week at the home of Mrs. T. H. Keys. A short programme was gi‘ven after which refreshments were served. Home and School Club R. H. H. 5. Field Day Re-Union of Friends Business Meeting MAPLE Obituary travelled and which brought him the honor of being appointed a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London, A very interested and interesting visitor was Mr. Liu Dze Ru, 3 prnmin- ent business man of Chungking, Chin", who has taken an active part in the extension of Christianity in his coun- try. Mr. Liu is at present making a tour of the world, and expressed great pleasure in participating in the wel- come tn Mr. Plewman. His address given in Chinese and translated by Mr. Plowman was listened tn with in- tense interest. He extended an invi: tation to all to visit him in his home in China where he might have the opportunity of reciprocating the hot- pitality now being shown to him in the Dominion of Cnumda. Morning“ Theme : l "The Ardent Temperament in Rellgion.” The sub~ ject of the evening discourse : "Has GQQ a Plfm for Every Life ?” The minister will preach at both segyiceq 11 3:3). and 7 p.l1_]_.‘ A sample set of Fall and Winter Salt: and Overcoat Samples. We save you from $10 to $15 on every suit and overcoat by having no overhead expenses, and you reap the benefit. Telephone 49 W. AUTO LIVERY SERVICE RICHMOND TAILORS WRIGHT RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND TAILORS WRIGHT STREET Richmond Hill Teacher of Piano Playing Pupil of J. E. Newton, and B. H. Carman Pupils successfully prepared for Conservatory Examinations Studio â€" Centre 51-. West. Phone 88 Richmond HUI. 12-24 We welcome you to our services. Pressing and Cleaning 3. specialty Motor truck for general work and long distance hauling. Corner Arnold and Yonge Streets IU-lf JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Miss Verdella Doner METHODIST CHURCH Phone 1 1 \v JUST ARRIVED {WVâ€"rm 1rnn=nr~fr~d by “9â€"1: far from being a one- sldml business. On the one hand, we receive depositsâ€"â€" “mu: we undertake to ropuy on demand; and for which we provide alpiaco of security. 0 . 0n the other hand, we loan money to responslble firms whosn finances and conservative management are In keep- mg with our own. It is through following such a policy of conservatian that we have advanced to our present stable position. "EM Smwm 18. I924 Twowfiided Business OF CANADA Office hours 10 to 12 run. and 6608p.m. COURTESY Office and residenceâ€"Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone No. 24. ~ NORTH YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF._ ()tfice hours 8 : 10 a.m. and 6 :8 pm DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF: QUANTITY iA High Grade Schoolfl ’- @ELLIOTA‘Z V Save Money :(Jm'ner Yonge & Alexander Sts., Toronto. 0. l. RUDDELL, D.C. Ph.C. (diseases of women and children.) Office hours] :3 p. m. Phone 100. DR. M. B. WELLWOOD Invites the patronage of those who desire to get the best training for choice business \V OFFICE Hou rs Hours: 2 m 5 and 7 to 8 p.111. Except \Vednesduy PHONE 117 Consultai inn Free at the Offim PALMER CHIROPRACTOR DR. J. P. WILSON By Buying under Wholesale Prices (at the Elevator) your Oflicgâ€"Centre St. West RICHMOND BILL Phone 83 Office Hours: 10-12,- 6:8 Lump Threshing Coai JUST ARRIVED DRS. LAN GSTAFF I. D: Ramer ‘. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAI [Single copies, 3 cts. WRITE TO-DAY FOR CATALOGUE. ELLIOTT Enter any time. ABOVE DAVIES STORE positions CAR OI (‘LEANLINESS NO: SERVICE

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