Dated this 12th day of September, All, 1924 All appeals must he ï¬led lN DUPLICATE and must he signed ny lne person appealing ON THE PRESORIBED FORM. These fol-ms may be ob- tained from the Municipal Clerk. After being ï¬lled out. the appeals and dup- licates must be given to the Clmk of the Local Municipality, 01‘ left for him at his address as stated dbOVQ. on or before the last. day for tiling appeals as above indicated. ' l. M. BAIRD. Room 107, City Hall. Toronto (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- an-y College. All clases of animals treated. Day and'night culls prompt- ly attended. 3 Ofï¬ce and residence north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13, Ring 2. Cll\\In-.- ‘1. _., 9 name of any person enuueu [U u . mes of any persons the same. or that, the na fore the date men- on m- be. nin,or appeal to have his cmovvd from the List nA‘u A u-.-..-_,, plain that; his name or th spid List, has been omitted fiom who are not entitled to be voters therenn. may, tioned in the fourth column above, apply, cmnpl name or the name of any other person entered on 01' 1' for the Municipality in question. I A _L LA ‘1‘V his address, Council Chamber Bircbcliï¬e ’ AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals mu NOTICE IN \VRITING IN THE PRESCRIBED FORM. signed h} plaiuant IN DUPLICATE and given tn the local Municipnl (Elm-k. L - - - ~ A - “anâ€: “kmâ€; nn m~ before the date indicated. Council Chamber Richmond Hill I Such Sittings will commence an un: uur until the closing time indicated or until the appe AND FURTHER_TAKE NOTICE that: ,._‘.. “AI-=l\n . Council Ghmnber Stouffville Council Chamber Markham Council Chambr-r W'illowdule Council Chamber Bammnn Ayenue Public School Louside Place of Sitting places indicate-d below. ar address appear below) wi concerning his Municipali before the date appearing TAKE NOTICE that Sit hearing complaints or appvnls V the Plehiacile held under The District of EAST YORK. will Voters for the various Municm and that His Honor J UDUrE 0' The Ontario Victoria Hall, Unionville Yards .' MACDONALD, B. v. Sc Aw“ ~ ~ There are dollars lfring about your farm in waste wood which a Toronto Saw wil readily turn into coal-saving fuel. It's one of the best money-makersl know of and lean recommend it highly as a proï¬table solution of your fuel worries. All-steel constructionâ€"strongly bracedâ€"built to last. Will operate best with aTORONTO Engineâ€"built to run efï¬ciently on gasoline or Sittings \vill kerosene . he Toronto Saw is only one of the many money-making proposi- tions in the Toronto Farm Equipment line. Let's talk over the others when you're 1n town, or write to me for literature. NOTICE The Solution ‘To Your Fuel Worries held for the various ‘nted below. and the Clerk of mu )em- below)will act as the Rev his Municipality, and all such up lulu Humming in the fourth uolu lgs will he INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPEAL Markham Towp§hip ngs will commence at the time time indicated or until the appea 0F SIT'I n HSS Markham Villgge 31L. 1|uu b . . ‘ M . , , stated above, on or before the EAST YORK that Sittings of the ppeuis wiyh rwgard [or The Ontario Ten LK. will be hPid tr Municmulilies comp York Township (East September 30th 10 a. m. September 29th 10 an]: T'I mus 0F ELEGTOHA September 10 a.m September 20th 10 a.m. September 25th 10 a.m. Date and Time September 24th A. '1 October 2nd 10 a.m. October lst 10 a.m. Stouï¬ville Scarboro EMERSON COATSVVOKTH, Chairman of the for the Cuu Voters’ Lists Leaside EGSNELL of Yonge Street) 11301' 27th H- D' Richmon 1.141.; ~.».- any person entitled to be entered on the asame, m‘ that the names of any persr'ms , ‘LA (‘niu nunn- F REVISING OFFICER IN THE AL DlS'l‘RICT 0F “’Hlu u; u.“ ., o Temperance Act, 1924. 31d to hear complainls » éomprised in the said E 'ELL will he the Revisin f the Revising 0“ ‘géird lo the \"OtE ,_.A,\ An} Ofï¬ce Advertise in the Liberal] as MunicipuliLies rach Municipumy evising'Ofï¬cer‘s C xppenls must he [i rlumn bolnw, 0mm Dr. L. R. BELL time. indicated, and will coniinue npeals shall have been disposed uf. A ‘. Hume J Ricï¬mond Hill John Urquhart Stouï¬'villeï¬ W. D. Annis Seen-bum H. E. Godard Sammnn AVE- Mumcipal Yard DENTIST Trench Block. two doors north of Standaxd Bunk. HoursQaJn. [n 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 A_ M_ Dnvison Uniom‘illd \ny voter “'110 , P. Graham Markham ; and must be signed by the M. These fol-ms may I‘m ub- _ D. Gonde Lansing J. M. BAIRD, Clerk of the Election Board for the County of. York Clerk Godard n of the Electinn Board the County of York opposite hi wet for ‘he purpnse n: 5’ Lists in bu u<ed :I 1924. for the Elvclorï¬ ims as to the Lists (v mid Elvctmal Distlict es at the than and Lily (“hose nanw and s Clerk for :11] appenh e tiled with him un or )eals must be by signed by the comâ€" ul Clerk. 01- left for ising Ot‘licex Friday. ; Sept. 261b, 1924 @336 Thursday. . Sept. 25th. 1924 Sept desires to com- entered on 9118 '12 Last day fox Filing APPC" Saturday. cpt. 27th, 192‘ \Vednésdn )pt. 24th, 1 Monday. in. 22ml, 1924 Monday. ;_ 29H}, 1924 Tuesday numt d,'1924 1924 d at, oral SATURDAY, SEPr. 20~Credit sale of farm stock, impiements. furniture, harness etc., lot 31, con. 3, Markham, the property of Isaac Nigh. Sale at 1 (Ya-luck. Terms 12 months. Silver- sides & Farmer Auctioneers. THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 â€" Auction sale of cf 18 milch cows, 10 young cattle, 26 sheep and lambs, Int 31. con. 4. 'Scarhoto. Prentice & Prentice, Aucls. SATURDAY, SEPT. 27â€"qu‘m stock and implements, lot 7, con. 6. Markham, the property uf the late Leslie Arm- strong. Sale. at 1 o’clock. Terms 12 months. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. THOMASâ€"At Maple on Thursday. Sep- tember lth, 1924. Elizabeth Bailey, widow of the lute William Thomas, in her 76th year. ‘ Voters’ List. {924 mGovernment control; in the view of the government, does not mean a system of sale such as in Operation in Quebec and British Col- umbia. It means that the govern- ment will make all sales and that the people will be given opportunity, as expressed by their votes at the polls, of purchasing beer and liquors under strict; regulations.†my ofï¬ce Septemh eut ily for Members of Parliame Municipal Elections, and thz remains the: e for inspection That Part I of saiaj list co names of those persmis emit at both Municipal Electinns tinns to the Legislatin Asse QUEBEC AND B. C. LAWS NO’T POPULAR Members of the Moderation League for some time past; have been prais- ing the Government Control laws gf Quebec and British Columbia. Evi- dently Premier Ferguson thinks it wise to tell the electors that the Government does not propose to frame a law such as in operation in those Provinces. The following paragraph is taken from Premier Ferguson’s statement to the press: Under the above H. Burnham, ex-NLI the foLlowing letter Monday Iï¬oming. w} to bear on the quest on on the 23rd of Oc‘ VTVFr‘uVï¬Ã©irall fl'dm the residence of her sonâ€"iu-law, W. T. Cook, on Saturday, September 13th, to Maple Cemetery. CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST \‘OTERS' LIST NOTICE is hereby given unplied with section 10 u: isls Act and that I ham 1 A: TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN COUNTY OF YORK “ PERSONAI fth Auction Sale Register DON’T BE ENVIOUS Municipality of the people say DEATHS ale. Sept. 15‘ J. B. McLE 111 ay the Temperance to the poor man. rich men in Rose- fashionable centres ‘ well stocked with the poor men are :ncial glass because LIBERTX AN. 1 Township. d to vote nd Elec- micip and pert“ I have Voters [7 up ir ns the ‘ means around it does M h list the Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton‘s Old Stand, Yonge St. MCLAUGHLlN-BUICK SPECIAL SIX Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS GEO. KIDD LOSED car comfort need not be costly. The Star Coupe offers all of the essential comfort features to make all- Weather motoring a pleasure-u yet its price is surprisingly low. THE new Special Six is a car you will enthuse over. The Business Coupe, for instanceâ€"the smart lines, the beautiful, quiet-toned Duco ï¬nish and handsome equipment, give it an 'air of smartness and style that is equalled by few cars, regardless of price. Moreover, what you would expect from a car outwardly so beautiful, will be more than fulï¬lled by this Coupe’s performance. The 50 HP. valve-in-head engine provides more than enough power for the hardest going in mud and sand. The sturdy chassis and cantilever springs, together with Low Pressure Tires, afford unusual driving ease and comfortâ€"even on the roughest roads. The increased safety of Four-‘Nheel Brakes adds much to the driver’s peace of mind and enjoyment. THE ARISTO Clx’A 1 DAVID HILL, Dealer Richmond Hill, Ont. 01‘ Bvltnn . . . . . Bulrie . . . . . vamulket Gurukstown. Oi'mizt . . . . . . Ailistnn . . . . Mnlkham SchL-mhex- Wundlu-id Brudfold OH Dates of Fall Fairs lln’ , . . . . Sept. 22, ‘2“ ....St‘pt. 24, 26 ...Sept. 26. 27 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 . . . . . . , Oct. 1, 3 . . . . . .Oct. 2. 3 ..()ct,. 2 .Oct. 9, Oct. 10. Oct. 14. t. 26. 27 0, Oct. 1 Oct. 1, 2% Oct. 2. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 2, 4 )ct. U, 10 10 ll