Christmas is cumin In Porter’s ad. on 1 ready for it. Take nntic ing appeals Saturday. S Newman ket Eruâ€" Tyndall. nf Richrm uncle and aunt, MI for the week end. remrm Highlm studio at front 01' I will tenc McMahon wvm Vjiidges m) ‘childron's _\vork at the Horticultural Exhibition n Aurora. nn Satmdily. Woregret that, owing to large ad- IeI-tisellxvms re Voters“ List; in um papa-this WPek, some regular :1d\'s., report, of Flower Show. aux, are crowded out till next week. Al tho speriul son’ic tel-in!) Church on Sn Aylimz will sing “1‘1 Light." He will be his good Work in the'( The 1 making opvmze tion$ :u': ily, driV Mr and Mrs. Dmid Ada Flnndors. of N. H Mr. :1 m1 Mrs. Arthur Rn“ I'I-bnrn hnme st. Arlhm “red with H Bulfnln. Th" f0] be :uns‘wp ‘23I'd of U uzmce Act 2*" 2â€"“Ar9 you in favor of the sale as a. beverage (If beer «11d spirilunns liquor in sealed packages lukder government. control ?" Sleeve lengths of 100 average custom. eraâ€"Your sleeve length is diï¬crent from {but of your neighbor. so tun is the nwasux-ement across your Sillluid- 91‘s.:md so too am the most if the measurements ()f your apparel. If you want to be well dressed and lnnk your bestat all times you should therefore 1:0 to E. R. Further who specializes in individualized tuilnring for both wom- en and men. He will give you a tailor hand-made . garment. N0 factory work. Toronto and the R 'ay revert. back t ext. Sunday. Mr. A. M. Pollétt, has Mrs. Mu Mrs. A. In. Phipfls and Special Services commemorating the 107th Anniversmy of the founding of Congregation. Preaclwrs fur the day : 111ml]. Rev. \V. G. Wallace. D.D.. Minister-Emeritus;Bloor Stu Church, Toronto. 4“. v...“ 7 [uni-Rev. N. A.1\1:IcEachern. M.A.. Bonar Church, Toruntn, All friends of the Congregation are invited to these seL'ViCL-s. 130 Sunday School. 2.30 Evening Prayer. Rev. R. B. Patterson, M.A.,. Rector of \Vood- lu-idgf.‘ ‘ nnu, A._...._l [Iu‘uvntf Friday. Supt Thanksghiug The Rev. T Simone. The Newton Brook Ladies Aid met at, the home of Mrs. Hurry Smith. \Veduesday of last; week. There was at good turn out. and a programme nf wm-k for the coming fall was well mapped out. The ladies gave a good supperut the Sunday School Confer- ence lust, evening, and will give a sup- per and onlertuimuent on Tuesday, the 7th of October. after the Halvesr Home Sunday. -‘ 74â€" uâ€. 'I:nn Home Sunday. On Thursday afternoon the Zion Ladies' Aid met ut the home of Mrs. Wilkinson. A dozen or more enthusi- astic ladies were in attendance, and much Work was arranged. Zion Hur- vest Home Services, afternoon and evening, will take place on Sunday, Sept. ‘28, and on the Monday following the Ladies Aid will give a supper and entertainment for which the Petch Concert Company have been secured. There was a full attendance of trus- tees and some. lidies at a. meeting to discuss the best plans for the future. It was decided to repair the parson- age, and at committee was appointed to carry out the needed repairs forth- with. The kindness. attention and M ammunnn nf thrâ€" trustees is greatly A splendid musical programme was rendered by the \Vnshingtou Choir of Scarboro, in the Methodist chuer here on Sunday. The congregation ' ed every selection. The mem- bers of the \Vasbington Choir are to he congratulued upon the excellent, Miss Evelyn Gee Bigwiu Inn, after weeks. 7 ‘ul\1\-_I The Hull Sunday 6.30 Sunday Si-hool. 7.30 Evening Prayer Thursday Sun'ice ut Ll Park. L the 11mm of Mrs. lhe Presbyletian C *h on Saturday. mWOl: it. ditï¬ rm Yo Presbyterian Services ST. JOHN'S (fl-1U RUH *I‘ay Wouds. of Maple om visiting herduugh {uh 'ors that, be iifï¬cult for t Yonge st: ect hzn‘ges will. i hem off the l" ) \\' ynu in fuvm-‘uf the cnntin- the Ontario Temperance :c that the last with Mr. Iiuu VICTORIA SQl'ARE NE\\'TON BROOK cm OAK RIDGES Arthur R ng nre'the questions to [W the electors on the Eraâ€"Mr. and Mrs. \Vill hmund Hill, visited lwr . Mr. and Mrs. C. Kirby, Mich {Se r\"iC(‘s nt [1]l*Pl'PShy Sunday next, M1 Service. The preacher, Dew, Rural Dcun.‘of 26thâ€"Annuul Haryest Metrt thi Mrs. Whelun ir ian Church. He .1 me next‘ainly the bus men H: :t. Then-estric- in “H prnlmlï¬l mud altogether Green and Miss , were guests uf laws-s. On their my Bmves mot- mflulil Falls and e Lold Gnu-'th \nlutu. ‘pnlltun mde has re a. stay 7.30 p m. M \Led his O 1‘ urned fr {nil- ime my hv 1L]- ITE‘. In \ Mrs. P. Fiaxman 1‘53? Toronto Mi and ! 31E?“ 1 1 A.M. Rev. ing, that 5 er than {[1 Cnu)pIE_l with huttexed mm. Hut-dogs and mike also were served, after which several games, were played in “'lllth everyone could join. The gala affair ended with community singing. We me led to believe that another such event will take place on Sutmday next. Many are clamuring for :1 more roman- tic so ting. Consequently the "Devil’s Elbow." (m the ï¬fth line, is the site chosen for the occasion. Speaking which smut on Sunday, Announces a large Stock of Fall and Winter Ladies’ Coats etc., at extraordinary low prices . Also a great variety of Hats including Children’s Beavers. A good assortment of Child- ren’s School Dresses. Note the Address : 3 Doors‘ south of Richmond Hill. Public School. 5 .umer in which every n ndered. We wish them ss in their sex-vipe of song ppenea mâ€"O-W Flour. Bran, Shorts, Gx-Bund and \Vhole Grain Feeds. Poultry Feeds Grits, and Meat, Meals; Baled The Feed Mill M.†r ___._ _ The Presbyterian Congregation of Richmond Hill will celebrate their 107th Anniversary -:- ON -:- Sunday, Septemlger Zist Oats and Mixed GraimWnnted All friends of the. Congretation Cordially Invited Hay {\nd Straw This Coupon and'SGC. W111 buy an AUTO-STROP RAZOR an' a Package of Blades and a Strop JUST ONE RAZOR TO A CUSTOMER 01 Bo me thin Mun-0- of Bonar Church. thin . F. BURR up?!) Phone 82 w nm'ing all 1h bis heme r‘k on the smile hu RICHMOND HILL lapidness wel. our l radiant sn num We deliver )llf beml s, when he exploits 01 even Ministers Will preach: W. W. G. Wallace, D.{ with )re iRAZaMAi-H MULHOLLAND & SMYTH Will spoil your summer and make your company distressing to your friends unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most people feel better from the ï¬rst: dose. Your druggist will refundyour money ifa $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in stamps. Templetons, To- ronto. \ R12 HAY FEVER 3; USE ’ bï¬mondï¬i/Xflii Advertise in The Liber Summer Asthn'1a For Sale by Porter’s Drug S ore ronro Office : 2198 Yo Phone Hudson 3108 St. Church. IE SOLICITO 3198 Yor ‘al ‘z'rifléf St. T( are MILLINERX SPEEDING PURSES: 2:15 Class $200; 2:30 Class $200 GRAND CONCERT AT NIGHT It will be about time for you to be thmkm; your fall clothes. Perhaps your overcoat needs ing, or turning. Your iaH suit may need re Now is the time to have them ï¬xed up. New fa for suits and overcoats on hand. Trench Block MONDAY AND TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 22 AND 23 Get Schooi Supplies at The Liberal Gfï¬ SPECIAL FEATURES Baby Show -- Auto Driving Write Secretary for Prize List WE are pleased to inform our cusnnmers that we have secured the Agency for Butterick Patterns, and will carr ' a full stock of all .the, latest styles, also we have for sale The Delineator, Needle Art, and Butterick Quarterly. Call and get a copy of Bacterial: Fashion Sheet free. ‘ RICHMOND HXLL BRAN CHâ€"W STAN DARE BANK CLEANING AND SAN Ordered suits m FIFTY YEARS Ready-to-\vear su1 NKI BEST STOCK SHOW in the Pro‘vince Mrs. Norman Batty All the latest in Millinery now on disp' I“) “Business is Business†But CourtesytPays DRY GOODS dal ITY SHOPPE in your eerCe ution OF CANADA e impor Ladies and Gents’a Clothierï¬andflailorg mar REPAIRING SATISFACTOR Nhom WE dealmg m $35.00. mainta TIâ€"I E ‘ance. which shouId be an iness as we†as in ours. mess HE furtf from $15-00 mak G. Bedford, Manager 1‘} s of their to be thinking about 31' LADIES' WEAR Ilay our Phone 53 “CE ence ILYQDONE; its Elf is repa1r- repairina.‘ {all geods Phone 95