Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Sep 1924, p. 8

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“' JOHN R. CAMPBELL TheRIBHMDNB HELL FURNISHlNQ STORE G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. SAMPL IS FREE Phone 306, King. Denton, Macdonald a: Denton 0911 by phone or otherwnse promptly From tho Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept :1 number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Them-y. -:» Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. H. A. N ICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Adelmo Malena and Miss Rosalind Bush L T. C. n MacNaughton & Campbell Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. Offices-Suite 5H McKinnnn Bldg” Cor. Jordon and Mclindu Sts.. Toronto. ’l‘c-lephnne Main 363‘. A. CAMERON MAGNAUGI‘ITUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. UnmpIn-H will 'm at The Libel-=11 Office, Rir-lunund Hill. every Tuesday afternnan. Gommissinner, Unnvvynncer, Etc rthur A. Mucdonald Frank Demon Wall Hafngings - O - Artistic Charm KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. CANADA. NORMAN J. GLASS RICHMOND HILL VETERINARY SURGEON, ’1‘hornhill. PAINTING. DECORATING REAL Insurance and Real Estate JMISSIONEI OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION IS QUALITY NOTARY P Barristers. Snlictors. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. 'I‘RLEPHnNE MAIN 3n .Cable Address: “Dde EDWARD FRANCIS We have a full new line of men's Felt Hats at from $3.50 to $4.00 All kinds of Sweaters and Sweater Coats at from $2.50 to $5.50 Men’s good grain cow-hide Worli Boots, all . solid leather, $4.50. Everything for men, and Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for women and children Thefall and winter Hobberlin samples are in, with prices greatly reduced ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. Laura Denton. B. A. PUBUC NVEYANCICII. W 'l‘( 11f For Fall Planting for Spring or Winter Blooming. No. 1 stock just arrived from Hol- land. Five varieties andall colors to choose from. Price 4 cents each; $3 per hundred. B. VAN VLIET Care of J. H. Elliott Richmond Hill, Ont. R.R. 1 Phone 4611 TULIP BULBS Now is the Time HATEVFR building plans you have made for the season, Mr. Man, it beâ€" hooves you to visit our lumber ym‘d and pick out the wood materials you are looking for. Our lumber will please you and the price won’tjnr you. Phone 87 j are neady to leceivp nppiicutinns for an agency of their well and favorably known Nuiser Pm- ducts. such as Fruit Trees, Small Fruits. Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses and Perennials, Quality first. Sati~FacLinn guaranteed. Address as above at once. BRO\V‘.\”S NURSERIES. ONT. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VA’I‘ER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL. ONT. Agents Wanted mam-mm \§YOUR BUlLNNG H. RN -~?\)RCHASE YOUR- LUM v MAN ! - - 0 ’° 7?.2 0.9 A. C. HENDERSON BROWN BROS. COMPANY NURSERY M EN, Limited L'. INNES & SONS To Order Yonge Street 11-12 VLeggeâ€"Duggtuâ€"V'I‘bat this Council hereby empowers the Commissioners Leggeâ€"Wellsâ€"That the Cleik be authorized to accept from Thns. Clark (and the same to be placed to the credit of the Township.) the sum of $20, being an overpayment on gravel bill at the last meeting of this Council. Leggeâ€"MncMurchyâ€"That the Clerk be instructed. to write the King Edward Sanatonum. Weston. and in- form them that one Hattie SLinson (in the opinion of this Council) is now a ward of the County of York and not of this Municipality and that they fnr- ward these: bills re this person to the Clerk of the County of York. Yearly average tinder Government sule..... . . . . . . . . L. . . . . . . 1.505 Yearly average of prisoners In pen- itentiary under prohibition. .61 Yearly average under Government sule.... . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . , . . . . J13 ~ While Mr. Lawrence freely admit.- ted that, prohibition had not, stopped bootlegging â€" of which so much is seenâ€"nor had it stopped liquor drink- ing, which would go on as long as the stuff wits manufactured. yet he did not see how any opponent of prohibition could twist or gainszly the incontrover- tible statistics. “Prohibition does prohibit,” he said earnestly. - Newmarket Express Herâ€" ald. ' At the lust meeting of King Council, the Treasurer was instructed to pay a. large number of Accounts, after which the following resolutions were passed: Dugganâ€"MacMurchyâ€"Tlmt the sum $75.00 be given to the Village of Lloyd- town for the purpose of building side- walks in said Village, the material being of concret_e_. “Here are 5"" e of the facts taken from Governul L statistics that can- nOL be gainsai , in regard to British Columbia, 3. L ~vernment sale’ Pro. Vince.” said J v. W. L. Lawrence. speaking Sum? v night to his congre gation in Brow may Methtdist, Taber- nacle. Mr, Lm'rence then proceeded to read from H u following . Sales of liqu r in British Columbia. during last six month ending De- celnbvr, 192U, undel- prohibition, were . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99,376 Sales dining six months ending WHAT PROHIBITION Dons ARRAY OF FACT“ FROM GOVERNMENT STATISTICS (: i \‘EN BY REV. W. L. LA .VRENCE. ' Thu Rivhmond Hill Sunnyside girls b1” learn did well at Newularket yes- terday. The girlx‘ “on first, in the son-hull tournament, and the firemen secured A first and a. second paize. At the howling tuurnament here a Rich- mond Hill rink won the lcott Cup and firx‘t. prim in a compvlition of 34 rinks, A fuller account will be given in next liSllP. nce.” said 1 v. W. L. Lawrence. leaking Sum? v night, to his congre Ition in Bron! may Methtdist, Taber- icle. Mr, Lawrence then proceeded .rend from n is following Sales of liqu r in British Uuluinhizl. during last six months ending De- CElubl‘l‘, 1920, under prohibition, were . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399,376 Sales dining six months ending September. 1923. under Guvern- ment sale, were . . . . . . . . $5 717.624. Yearly average of piisnnvrs sent, to Onkalla Jail under prohibition . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 Yeaily :Werage linden Government, sule.............‘.. . . . . . . 1,565 Sporting Notes Janh new subscriber adds to the value of YOUR Telephone â€"â€"by Long Distance Lu the last ten years the increase in the number of telephones in Ontario and Quebec has been oi‘er 115%. Each year, therefore, sub- scribers receive a bonus of 11% more opportunities for possible sales by Local and Long Distance telephone. The large and rapidly in- creasing market is proving more and more profitable to those merchants who cul- tivate it systematically. Are you adding 11% more customers each year? \Voulzln‘t it pay you to make an organized effort to sell by telephone? “Wimt percent- age do you add each year? Reduced Drinking 65 P. C. King Townshifi Council Richmond Hill Did Well nummumunam Byâ€"Law No. 43"â€"’I‘n levy and coilect rate as applied for by the Trustees of each School Section. By-Law No. 438â€" To raise levy and collect. for the County Township. etc. By-Law No. 439â€"1‘0 appoint, Collectors for rates. with the names of R. J. MacTaggax-L for the Southern, and L. H. Hollingshcad for the Northeln Divisions. Byâ€"Law No. 410 received their several readings and pa§sed. THOMPSON â€" Suddenly at his home, 217 East, 3lst St. Chicago, on the 12th of September, 1924, Gemge Thomp- son, elder bxother of R. S. and J. A. Thompson, of Thomhill. I On motion Council adjourned to meet on Saturday, 27th September at Nobleton Music Hall. MucMnx'chy-Leggeâ€"That J. Hunter be paid the sum nf $102.00 fl} sheep killed by dogs as per valtxzttox-s certified statement. 0£Schnmherg to interview one J. Harte. of Schnmbeig, re 'l‘uwnship Jail and to make the iii-cessary arrangements fax the removal of the sun-e to a site suitable to the residents of Schnmherg and any action they make. shall have the endorsnfiion of this Municipality and that tho seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution. Leggeâ€"Duggnnâ€"The Deputy Reeve Mashdurchy be given authority to meet the Alhinn Council, 19 our bill n’éainst thnt Municipality and any action be mnv take in legnrd to this account shall :be final and binding upon this Mgilicipnlity. "E‘he Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, 1922 person appéalnig ON THE PRESCRIBED FORM. These Forms may he obtained from the Municipal Cleik. After being filled out the appeals and dllOiiCflU-‘S must be. given to the Clerk of the local Municipality or left for him at his addl esg as slated above, on m- befm'e the last day for filing appeals as above indicated. Room AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must he by NOTICE IN \VRITING IN THE PRESCRIBED FORM. signed by the som- plainanb IN DUPLICATE, and given [an the Inca] Municipal Clerk, or left flop him at his address as stated above, on or before the date indicated. Judge Mar-son's September 24th L. W. Archer Sept. 20th Chambers 11 Mn. to l p.m. 417 Spadina. Road 1923 Rnnm N8 City Hall 3 p.m. t? 5 p m., and Toronto Toronto 7.80 pm." to 9.30 pun. Such Sittings will commence at the time indicated, and will continue until tlieclcsing time ll dicated nr until the apptals shall have been disposed 011'. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thatany \‘cter who desires to com- plain that his name or the name of any person entitled to he entered on the said List. has been omitted from the same. or that the names of any persons who we. not entitled to he voters thereon, may. on or before the date men- tioned in the fouith culumn :levo. apply, complain, or appeal to have his name or the name of any other personyutered on or reumwd from the List for the Municipality. ’ Datml at Tumnm this . 12th day of September, A.D. 1924 Judge Murson's Chambers Rnnm 108 City Hall Toronto 'l‘uwnship Hull Vellnre Council Chamber Weston Council Uhambel‘ Weston Council Chamber Weston Council Chamber Mimico Council Chamber M l 11) ion Cuu'mil Chamhvr Mimico (‘nuncil Chamber 40 jun H's Sn. Tun-m to P1109 of SitLing Sittings will he lwld fur the val-inns Municipalities at the times and phres indicated lulmv. and th0 Clerk uf Pnrh Municipality (whose name and address nppmu- lxelnw) will act as the Rm ising Officer’s (‘vlork fur all appeals (finnm-milxg h's Muniripnlity, and all such uprasz must he filed with him on or bpfure the date appearing: in the fourth cnlumn below, opposite his name. luwil Chamber Willmuhle hf All upppals nllggtllgfileiinlyxggPRngAjE_qqd ulljst be_signed hy the Toronto 107, City Hall ’ Pit Dist md TAKE NOTICE that Sittings r ring complaints or appeuls with Plehim-ite held under The Ontm NOTICE OF SITTINGSVOI“ REVISING OFFICER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF ‘ North York Township Deaths -llm various Munim It His Honor JUDG INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPEAL \V 13151 (North of Richview Sideline) (South of Richview Sideline) York Township (West of Yonge Street) September 231d S. B 10.30 ".111. Islir New Toronto WEST YORK (West of Yonge Street) September 27th Jul: 1!).31J:\.m. Forest Hill YORK wld fur the vnriuu md 1110 Clark uf en September 26th E 10.30 a.m. Etobicoke September 23rd 10.30 a.u1. Weston Svpimnher 231d [1. 10.30 54.”). Etobicoke September ‘29lh 10.30 mm. Date and Time ephwnherz 10.3” :\.m Mimico EMERSON CD ATS WORTH, w val-inns Municipaiitie‘s at the times and ('lk of om-h Municipality (whose name and (be Rm ising Office-Vs (Vlm-_k fut-7n,“ glppeah 'l‘YTLER No.13 Gaugeâ€"$5 30 per 100 lbs. No. 135 Gauge~$5.40 per 100 lbs. 1’0. 14 Gauge-$5.45 per 100 lbs. No. 15 Gaugeâ€"$5.75 per 100 lbs. HAY WIRE 1N COILS No. 13 Gaugeâ€"$3.50 per 100 lbs. No. 14 Gaugeâ€"$3.60 per 100 lbs. No. 15 Gaugeâ€"$3.70 per 100 lbs. Aer double drive gates with name plate at top either in lawn or angle picket fence at $90.00. All other makes of wire fences; al- so patent rail fence built. Richmond Hill Phone 1 School Books at The Liberal Office Now as the season is on you need single loop Bale ties for your straw and hay. N0. 13 Gaugeâ€"$5 30 per 100 lbs. No. 13.15 Gauge~$5.40 per 100 lbs. N0. 14 Gaugeâ€"$5.45 per 100 lbs. No. 15 Gauzeâ€"85.75 ner 100 lbs. the Rev ‘e‘gnl'd to o Tempm- lwld to hr cmnpris Chairman of the Election Board? for the County of Yul-k. \V. A. Clmke Se;t.18lh 40 Janis SL, Talento 1924 \vill NOTICE W. H. (2. Millard Sept. 19th New Toronto 1924 James McLean Sept. 24th Maple 1924 H. B. Foreman Sept. 19th Mimicn 1924 E. W. Brown Sept. 23rd Woodbridge I _ 192i J. M. BAIRD. Clerk of the Election, Board for the County of York. (In! Voters unce Art. 1 H. 7). Condo S. Burratt Islington J. ESPEY S. Bm-ratt Islington r-mnplnlnts as to the in tho said Elan-turn [hr Revising Office: ranging Clo] k Officer Pr for the purpose 5’ Lists to be used 1924, fur the Elec- ints as to the Lists Last day for Filing A ppeals )8 Sept. 23rd 1924 Sept. 19th Svpt. 25111 1921 192

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