NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that George Thomas Grigor, of the City of Toronto, in the County (-f You k, in the Province of Ontario, Book-Binder, will apply to the Paxliament of Canada, at the next session thm'enf fur a Billof Divorce from his wife Maly Gx-igor, of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of adultery and desel-Iion. DATED at. Toronto this 30th day of August. A. D. 1924. GEORGE THOMAS GRIGOR, Notice of Application for Divorce TELEPHONE lLM J.R.HERRINGTON C. M. PALMER & SONS Richmond Hill It will be about time for you to be thinking about your {an clothes. Perhaps your overcoat needs repair= ing, or turning. Your fall suit may need repairing. Now is the time to have them ï¬xed up. New fall goods for suits and overcoats on hand. Flour. Bran, Shorts, Ground and \thle Grain Feeds. Poultry Feeds Grits, and Meat, Meals. Baled As Fall is Drawing Near (Jars Willys -Knight Motor Cars. Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Willys-Overland Motor VOL. XLVI I. The Feed Mill Outs and Mixed Grain Wanted OFFICE ; CHURCH STREET Hay and Sin :Real Estate CLEANING AND REPAIRING SATISFACTORILYQDONE} Insurance Investments MURPHY & DON ALD 302 Bay Street, Turnnto. Ordered suits Irom $35.00. Ready-to-wear suitsjfrom Covzsulta‘¢{1'011 and Diagnosis Frcc E. R. FORTNER .50 per annum, in advance. J. F. BURR DEALERS FOR by his snliuiLm-s STERLING BANK BLDG. TELEPHONE 6 Phone 8! w ’ilW Dr. J. R. ALLISON THORNHILL, ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL We deliver Ladies and Gents’l Clothier and T anon: IDENTIST OPEN EVENINGS ll-ln') lO-tf 1 Pile Pineboards about 500 feet ; 4 to 8 inches wide, 6 to 12 feet long. drc ssed one side. We have the following Items in Stock which we are prepared to sell at bargain prices : About 1200 feet â€"1 Pile Beech Plank 2x6 and wxderI 6 to 12 feet ‘in length mostly No. 2. ‘ 200-8 ft; Cedar Posts, average top 4 inches. ‘ 3 Damaged Pine Doorsâ€" 1 ~ 26 - 6/6 - 1g inch. 2 - 2/8 - 6/8 -153- JONES LUMBER C0. PHONE 27 Two beautiful residences on Rose‘ view. House and Lot; on Rumble Ava, great ban-gain. New Brick House every convenience on Benson Aw. Have a. look at the Hughes’ property. Inquire about the Richmond and Mill Street properties all that; beauty spot, below Lot 40. 200 Acre Farm must be sold to wind up estate, lituate 2nd Con. Vaughan in good farming district. Comfortable 7 x-onmcd house, barns, pig pen housP. etc. windmill and m'lesian WP". Soil the best. About 160 acres arable, and 50 acres of ï¬rst class bush. Possession at oncv. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL with the Congregation fur special Rally Day Service. Let all the family Culm’. 7p.m. Schiul Young People’s Rally. The minister will he in charge for dthe dny. Strangers cordially in- vito . $16.00 up 11 mm JONES LUMBER CO. Centre St. East. RICHMOND HILL. ONT" THURSDAY, SEPT. 25. 1924 FOR SALE The Real Estate Man . A. Nicholls Presbyterian Services Sins for Extraction Tile Sunday School unites “ In Essentials, Unity,- Phone 95 A meeting of the men of the Presby terian Chm-ch was held on Monday night, and a large number gathered to enjuy the unique event. Strange to say the Wumen's services were not requisitiuncd in serving the dainty refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee. An excnllent programme was provided in the form of an address by the pzastm- and musical selections by Messrs. Chaffey, Phipps, and Wood~ head. Au infm-mul discussion ensued as to methods of making church ftl'g lowsnip more enjoyable and profitable and it was decided to organiZe il men‘s society and hold .1 monthly meeting head. An informal discu as to methods of making lowship more enjoyable an and it, was decided to orga society and hold a mom throughout the Winter. A consisting of Messrs. Dun] KEIcNab. H. J. Innes. Dr. At the home of the bride’s parents, Richmond Hill, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 17th. at three o’clock. a quiet; wedding was solemmzed, when Vii-let Lorene, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gemge Smith was united in marriage Lu Cecil Everett Sharpless, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Shm-pless, of Richmond Hill. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. G. S. Smith. of Woodhridge, in the presence of' the immediate relaâ€" tives. The bride wore a becoming gown of pearl grey geoxgette with hat to match, and carried a. sheaf of American Beauty roses. After a dainty luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Sharp- less left by motor on a. trip to The Thousand Islands. the bride traveling in :1 tailored suit of dark brown velour with brown velvet hat and fox fur. On their letnrn, they will reside in North Tumnto. »; The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the choir room of the Pres- byterian Church on Thursday, Sept. 18th. A paper on “Our Educational Missions in India." was given by Mrs. McNab. The paper was most interest- ing and instructive. Mrs. McNeal brought before our notice one of the great benefits of our Educational Mis- sions in the training of Christian Natives who weie then better able to pass along the wonderful gospel inesâ€" snge. ’lhe Bible being exclude fm In our schools was also mentioned and the question left for us to answer is : “Is Education Enough ? A duet “Let the Lower Lights he Burning." was sung by Mrs. R. S. Cooper and Miss C. L. Heise. Fire Prevention Week will be from Oct. 5 to Oct. 11. . The aim of Fire Preventinn \Veek is to impress upon the public the enormity of ï¬re waste, to the end that conditions may be im- proved and ï¬re carelessness eliminat- ed. Fires are caused in so many dif- ferent ways it would be difficult to enumerate them. Be careful about that lighted cigar or cigarette especial- ly when you are'around a building where straw or commodities that are easily lighted. And this is the parti- cular season of the year to see that stovepipes, furnaces and other heat- ing apparatus are put in pmper order for the coming cold weather. WK .._,\..u Radial Lines, will commence a bus sex-Vice between Markhmn Village and Toronto next Monday. "If the travel- ling public along \Yunge Street We]? consulted in the matter they would vote Mr: Espey to stay. by a big majority. Does this not look like another example of "Government Control P†Mr. \V. H. Espey, who feels that he has been practically driven off Ynnge Street by a pmhibitive tax placed upon buses in competition with Hydm D.»)E.»I I’.‘;,,, ~II , East York, James thbett, 865 Woodbine Avenue. North York. Fred A. Lundy, New- market. West York, Miss Beatrice Howell, 2013 Davenport, Road. Returning Ofï¬cers for the three Yorks, for the coming 0. T. A. plebis- cit'g on the 23rd of October will be: All are invited to attend the H. & S. Club Meeting. on Tuesday. Sept. 30th, M 8 p.m. in the Public School. Please remember the date and reserve that evening. A social hour will be spent after the meeting. Presbyterian Men Organize )l Home and School Club Monthly Meeting Timely Advice Sharpless-Smith Returning Officers New Bus Line in Non-E port ssentials, Liberty ,- in all things, Chm;in n-oï¬table - a men's meeting )mmittee Stewart, angstatf. draft 1161' Motor truck for general work and long distance hauling. Phone 11 X" C. M. PALMER & SONS RICHMOND TAI LORS WRIGHT ST. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 49 W. AUTO LIVERY SERVICE Complete set of Fall and Winter Suit and Overcoat Samples. We save you from $10 to $15 on every suit and overcoat by having no overhead expenses, and you reap the beneï¬t. Is prepared to accept pupils in Violin. Pupils prepargd fur Toronto Conserva- tory Examinations. Studio at, her home, Yonge St. Richmond Hill 13-16 Zion's Ev. Lutheran Church, Sherwood Rev. P. S. Baringer. B. D., Pastur. Evening service and sermon at 7 o’clock. All are cordially invited. SHARPLEss-mea â€" On Wednesday. September 17th., by the Rev. Dr. G. S. Smith, Violet Lorene, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Richmond Hill. to Cecil Everett, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Sharpless, of Richmond Hill. WRIGHT STREET Richmond Hill RICHMOND TAILORS On Wednesday. Oct. 1, at 8 p.m. Harvest; Thankégiving Services will commence in St. Mary‘s (O of E) Church. The preacher will be Rev. E. Ur. Burgess-Browne, nectar of St. Barnabas Church, Toronto. On Sun- day, Oct. 5, Choral (Inmmunicanl, the Rectorat ll a.m. Children’s Service at3 p.m.. :md Choral Evcnsong an 7 o‘clock, preacher, Rev. C. P. Muirhend. rector no Willowdale. There will he Special music and special offerings. Teacher of Piano Playing Pupil of J. E. Newton, and B. H. Cal-man Pupils successfully prepared for Conservatory Examinations Studio â€" Centre St. West. Phone 88 Richmond Hill. 12-24 Pressing and Cleaning 3. speciai ty Comer Arnold and Yonge Streets Miss Verdella ‘Doner AlLEEN ATKINSON JUST ARRIVED Thanksgiving Services E‘s-m smmmwm \Ve invite discussions with ï¬rms whose management and flnm‘xces are in keeping with our standards. One of the strongest adds to successful growth In business is a policy of conservative management. Our own advance- ment. to a position of stability is evidence 0! this fact. for conservative management has always been our most 1m- portant. policy. MARRIAGES OF CANADA QUANTITY By Buying under Wholesale Prices (at the Elevator) your BRAN. SHORTS, OATS, CORN- MEAL, SCRATCH FEED, BREAD and PASTRY FLOUR Save Money NORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL. DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. Ofï¬ce hours 10 to 12 a..m. and 6to8p.m. Ofï¬ce hours 8 : 10 a..m. and 6 :8 p.m. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF.‘ v OPHCe and residenceâ€"Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone No. 24. ’ {A High Grade School! @ ELLIOT‘E V O. l. RUDDELL, D.C. Ph.C. gem-nu Yonge & Alexander Sts., Toronto. (diseases of women and chiidren.) Office hours 1 :3 p. m. Phone IOU. DR. M. B. WELLWOOD OFFICE: ABOVE DAVIES STORE curs: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.111. Except V‘Vednesday PHONE 117 Consultation Free at the Ofï¬cc Invites the patronage of those who desire to get the best, training for choice busin‘ess \V. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAI PALMER CHIROPRACTOR lump Threshing Coai Oflice:â€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12; 6-8 DR. J. P. WILSON DRS. LAN GSTAF F \VRITE TO-DAY FOR CATALOGUE. [Single copies, 3 cts. JUST ARRIVED ELLIOTT Enter any time. CAR positions Q amt: a LEANLINESS No. 13 ERVICE