Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Sep 1924, p. 4

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louncil Chamber Summon Avenue . . . n _7 Victoria Hall. Unionville Council Chamber Willowdnle Council Chamber Markham Public Ichool Leaside M ouuuy . Council Chamber October 2nd W. I). Annis 10 mm. Scarburo Sept. 29th, 1924 Birchclifie e at the time indicated. and will continue ls shall have been disposed of. o desires to com- Such Sittings will commenc dicated or until the appeal until the closing time in AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter wh plain that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the said List, has been omitted from the same. or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters thereon. may, on or before the date men. tioned in the fourth column above, apply, complain. or appeal to have his name or the name of any other person entered on or removed from the List for the Municipality in question. he by ,_-_“ “mi. anneals musl Dtted this 12th day September, A.D., 1i The Ontario ILL-10.1. TAKE NOTICE thnt Sittings of the Revising Olfilcer for the purpose of helring complnihts or appeals with regard to the Volers’ Lists to be used at the Plebiaeito held under '1‘ Temperance Act, 1924. for the Electoral he Ontario District of EAST YORK. Will be. held to hear complaints us to the Lists of alities comprised in the said Electoral Distiict, Voters for the various Municip and that His Honor JUDGE O'UONNELL will he the Revising Officer. ious Municipalities at the times and Sittings will he held for the var places indicated below. Ind the Clerk of each Municipality (whose nanw and ising Ofiicer's Clerk for all appenh address appear below) will not He concerning his Municipality, and all such appeals must be filed with him on c- ' te his name before the date appearing in t , ow, Oppnsl I Place of Sitting Council Chamber Stoutfville Council Chamber Richmond Hill TALL}. A‘u;.v.. ,, belting complni‘nts or appeals the Plebiscito held under The District. of EAST YORK. wil Voters for the various Municn "' " In nHE C All appeals mu. person appealing 0N mined from the Municipal Clerk. After being fi‘ licates must be given to the Clerk of the Local 1at his address a} stated above, on or before the l above indicated. Room {07, City Hall. To ronto R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended. Ofl‘lce and residefice Church Richmond Hill. Telephone 13-! u." unu- -â€" MunicipaiYards NO'HCE 0F 51 T1 [NG -\r or‘T You pump over a ton of water cflry day. Your wife carries over two thousand heavy ails of water every year. My Toronto Wmdmil will do away with all that drudgery. It provides a supply of running water for your kitchen, hath- «com, or garden. It gives you water for your stock without time lost or efiort expended. Toronto Windmill initial cost is low. Its upkeepâ€"only an occasional oiling. I Quiet, cheap, powerfulâ€"the time and labor saved will pay for itself in a. single season, with continual comfort thrown in. Come in and talk it over, next time you’re in town. It will pay you. Lunua, Markham .y of 192% Markham Village let be filed IN DUPLICATE and must 1 \’ THE PRESCRIBED FORM. These )icipul Clerk. After being filled out. the n to the Clerk of the Local Municipal' , rnd .lbove. on or before the last, day for Richmond H31} EiAST YORK Tums 0F 1 ELECTORAL derl; TOW ughip sept‘ejnbel' 27th September 29th 10 a.m. September 30th 10 mm. September 30th 10 a. m. September 25th 10 a.m. Date and Time September 2tth A, 'I I 7 p.m. East York Agent, Richmond Hil‘, Phone 73; October 15$ 10 a.m. Stouffville; 10 Voters’ Lists Act, 1922 Leasid'e EMERSON COATSWOHTH, Chairman of the Election Board for the County of York St. REVISING OFFICER . DISTRICT OF Township Office Advertise in the Liher‘ A. j. Hume Richmond Hi“ John Um“ba rt Stoufivill‘! y-..â€" H. E. Godard Summnn Ave- Mnmcipal Yard Dal; sucu n.1,,......_ [BED FORM. signed by the com- local Municipal Clerk. or left, for fore the date indicated. Dr. L. R. BELL I A. Davison Unionville . P. Graham Markham Trench Block. two doors no Standald Bank. Hours $181.11): to 5.30 p.m. ,nn . D. Goodo LansinK T‘ Lawson Leaside Clerk for Clerk Tgiebhone 3‘2 DENTIST J. M. BAIRD. of the Election Bum the County of Yolk .st he signed by the ase forms may be oh- tbe appeals and dup- lity,nr left for him for filing appeals as Wednesday. Sept. 24th, 1924 Saturday. Sept. YOU), 1924 Thursday. Sept. 25m. 1924 Monday. Sept. 29th. 192‘ SaturdRY. Sept. 21th, 1924 Friday. Sgpt. 20th, 19“ Last day for Filing Appeals vo doors north of ‘al. . '1'924 a rd The Mail and Empire in an edi- torial paragragh says that whatever law the people of Ontario decree on the 23rd of next month, it will lay upon the Government the obligation to stamp out the bootlegger. Quite true, but why expect the Govern- ment to wait until October before ' 7â€" «an! nrhnrn The resolution passed at a meeting of the Principals of the Public Schools of Toronto, Tuesday evening, in support of the O.T.A.. should carry much weight. in the resolu- tion, carried by 60 Principals with- out a dissenting voice, it was claimed tbat’easier access to intoxicants would greatly increase the danger to child- ren going to school; that city child- ren are now better cared for than formerly; and that the children’s savings in Penny Banks have great- ly increased. The Principals urge the continuance of the O. T.. A., es- pecially in view of the promise of Premier Ferguson of full and vigor- ous enforcement of the Act in the event of a majority in favor of it. 0 Sunny uuu any , _v pect the Govern- true, but why ex ment to wait until October before attacking the bootlegger and others who break the present law. Don't fmget Richvale Field Day Sept. 27. Richvale is holding the 4th Annual Field Day on that day so re- member the date- _ , 1..--..hnu match. member me (mm. In the afternoon a baseball match, also races. The Ladies’ Aid will have a sale of work, towels. fancy work, quilts, etcx Hot dogs. corn. ice-cream, etc... will be served on the grounds; also supper. A concert will be held in the even- ing. The special feature of this will be a sketch entitled. “The Unwelcome _‘ ‘ '" *â€"-‘~nbfv~n mi" nm. also supper. A concert will be held in the even- ing. The special feature of this will be a sketch entitled. “The UnWelcome Guest." Thomhill orchestra will pm» vide good music. There will also be violin and voice solos and I-ecitations. The elocutionist for the evening will be Miss R. Barker. of Richmond Hill. ‘ “’*“"“"‘" tn concert. adults 250.; v- or the evening Wm Richmond Hill. adults 260.; d enjoy your- The elocutionist f be Miss R. Barker. of Admission to concert, children 100. Come an self. The youan people of this vicmlty were fenced on account of the min, to feast on corn, pumpkin pie, marsh- mallows. Coffee, etc.. in the commun- ity hall instead of at the more popular corn-roast resort “The Devil‘s Elbow," us was announced last week. Never- theless the fish-pond was full and well patronized and the lady fortune teller made herself popular with her patrons by the way in Whluh she unfolded the future to them. There will be a rspeclal” Young There will be a specml xoung People’s League meeting held in the Sunday School room on Wednesday night, to make plans for the fall and winter meetings. Mr. Warren wxllbe in charge of {he meeting. ' " n ‘1‘ Dan-Ifinq Miss Mr. 5nd Mrs. R. E. Perkins, Miss Eloise, Miss Ella Nichols and Mr. J. Holmes motored to Meafoxd on Satur- day morning where they intend spending a few days. Mr. Harold Mortson and Mr. Joe Fry motored to Lake Simcoe to spend the week-end with friends there. Quite a number of the parents and friends of the children of the schools of this vicinity attended the school held in Markham on Wednesday. There were some fine exhibits, there- by showing the children's keen in. terest. These fairs are growing in popularity from year to year. which must be very gratifying to the repre- sentatives in charge. Mr. Merton Brown and Miss Murray of Toronto, spent, Sunday with the Twenty-nine old ladies of the Old Women's Home were given an outing last Thursday by the members of the Joy-Bells Bible Class of the Newton- hruok Methodiat Church and their friends. They were brought by motor cars to the church where they were given an entertainment and an excel- lent supper. They thanked the Joy- Bells heal-tin for their kindness and were returned homo loaded with fruit and fluwers, . _ .. u Lhn- -llnnn It takes a red-nosed man with a. greasy vest, and a smiled coHar and a. cheap cigar, with his feet on another chair, to put the proper emphasis in- to the words, "These women reform- ers make me weary."â€"â€"Altooua (Kam) Tribune. HUU uu‘vcow. Sunday School Rally W1“ take place next. Sunday morning and a. full attendance of scholars. parents and friends is egcpected, ‘.~n-:..u nxm, farmer’s parents On Sunday evening a spe perance meeting will be he the auspices 0f the local tel committee. Mr. \\’. Galbrai Convener. They exp'ect to IIIYAII-nla Au vnâ€"r w â€" v 7 r . On Sunday eyening a special tem~ perance meeting will be held under the auspices of the local temperance, committee. Mr. \V. Galbraith is the Convennr. They expect to have a [mys’ choir and special speakers. A cordial invitation is extended to all who can attend. The Harvest Home Sex-vices of New- tonbruok church will take place Oct. 5, and the tea and entertainment on Wednesday. Oct. 8; - l n ____ and at. 7 p. In. “men nev. w. a. nun", of Dmvnsview, will occupy the pulpit. On Monday, Sept. 29th. tea will be served from 5 to 8 p.111. after which an entertainment will be given by the Fetch Concert Company. Come and have a. good lime. hen Reuiemfiér the 7 vicrs at 3 p. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWTON BROOK The Right Man Richvale the Zion Harvest. Home p.111. on Sunday next, R. Young will preach ; when Rev. “7. S. Irwin, ;\\'ill occupy the pulpit. Sept. 29th. tea will be 'ig;°1ae..kaps,__ms_s of this viginlty APPLICATIONS FOR N EW Dominion Loan received. Re- servations should be made now as price is advancing. Further in- formation on request. J. R. HER- RINGTON. 13 0R SALEâ€"Hackney horse and wagon, also stack of bay and 40 leghm-n pullets hatched June 2nd. Cox BROS‘. Oxford St., Elgin Mills. 13 ORfiSXEEâ€"One Parlor 000k Stove- with extra hot air pipe. Applv (MISS) W. RICHARDSON, Yonge St‘ 13 OR SALEâ€"8 H. P. Gasoline En- gine, fifty dollars. HOLMES, Ed- gar Ave. Langstaff IR OR RENTâ€"Farm containing 100 acres, buildings in fair i-ondi- Linn. Lot 54 Yonge St. Aprlly BLAIN 8303., Oak Ridges, P. 0. Phone 305 King. 13â€"15 r self-feeder, nearly new. Also 1 small heater, coal or wood. R. F. KLINCK, Victoria Square. Phone Stoufl’ville 4011. 1314 OUSE FOR REITâ€"Six room house on Centre St. East. Apply to Tues. HOPPER, Centre West. Rich- mond Hill. 12-14 TRAYEDâ€"From the premises 01 HERMAN MURTSON. lot 28. con. 4 Victoria Square, a. large white sow Phone Stoutfville 6113. 13-15 OnL. OUSE FOR RENTâ€"$15.00 six moms, nicely decorated. good basement, conveniently located. near Yonge St. Choice propel-Ly. J. ED- WARD FHANHS, Thornhill 13-14 0R RENTâ€"At Stop 29 Hydro Ry. six roamed house. electric light, fumace, with or without nine acres excellent garden land. Apply J. R. HERRINGTON. Church Sb. Richmond Hill. 12-18 OR SALEâ€"A Acme coal grate, 1 Self feeding heater with own. R.R. VANDERBURGH, Richmond Hill, FOR SALEâ€"One large unul heater, , self-feeder, n‘early new. Also] ____â€"_i ARM FOR SALE â€" One hundred acres more or less, lot 24, con. 6. Vaughan. Brick house, two barns and other outbuildings. Apply GEO. JULIAN Woodbridge R. R. 2. Phone Maple. 16 _____â€"__ 0R SALEâ€"Garden tools, window sashes, 2vinegar jugs, coal oil cans, coal scuttle, 1 hand truck, egg crates. chick drinking fountains, pots. Lions and handles, spray pumps. car. pet sweeper, electric fixtures and radio apparatus, gristquill. 2 coaster wagons lantelu, lamps. book-case, wheel har- row. watering cans bench box. Must be sold. Evervthing cheap. Apply A. MAHONY. Centre St. 13.. Richmond Hill, 13 HE Star Car 1h38 the cele- brated Tubular Backbone which enhances its long-wear- ing and easyriding qualities. Only Durant products have this exclusive feature. a RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. ngv'iill be glad to explain how it works. Want Ads. THE‘ ARISTOC'RAT 0F LOW-PRICED CARS 1 Hill, 0R SALEâ€" Uahdresuer and din- ing chairs. kitchen cabinet. brass bedstead. mattress, rug. Also hens and chickens. BROWNLIE, Stop 24. 13 'T‘HE FOLLOWING CARS MUST (‘ EED \VHEATâ€"A quantity of seed wheat, American Surprise, for sale, [at 57, com :3, Vaughan, G. MCNAIR. Jefferson. 10-“ 0R SALEâ€"Detached house on Roseview, Lnt 50xl40, fruit, tree, good cellar and furnace. electric light. $l.000 cash ; balance arranged. Five womfmme bungalow with one half act-e land, good stable and garage, $1.500 cash ; balance arranged. Apply J. R. HERRINGTON, Richmond Hill. 10-“ OF. SALE â€"-â€" Comfortable frame house, lot 40 x 140 feet. Apply MRS. A. ENDEAN. Centre Street West, Richmond Hill, Phone 61 w. 11-14 Voters’ List, I924 IDER MILLâ€"The Currville Cider Mill will be open every week day until Lhelfith of Nmember. A. WILSON, Proprietor. 11-14 NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 10 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that, l buye pAo‘stAed_ up in! my otfice at Muple, on the 15th dai of September, 1924, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipal- ity for Members of Parliament, and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. WIGMORE. That Part, _I of said list contains the names of thuse perSrIns entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elec- tions to the [jegiglatiye Assennlfiy, iii-‘HartrPart Il'bf said list coutuiHs the names of those entitled to vote at Muni- cipal gleptionj only. And that. Pal-L III of said list. con- tains the names of those entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated at Maple. Sept. 15, 1224. CLERK'S some»: OF FIRST POSTING op \‘OTERS' LIST 0R RENTâ€"House on Elizabeth street for rent. Apply to JLE; TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN COUNTY OF YORK Municipality of the '1. B. McLEAN. Clerk of Vaughan Township 3-tf

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