Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Sep 1924, p. 5

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The Village was divided by Yonge and Centre Streets, and the following appointed to make a cauvns and re- PM =_ The fullnwing nfl‘icexs were appoint- ed to look after the work : Presidentâ€"Rev. J. W. McIntosh. Vice-President-Rev. F. T. Graham and A. E. Plewman. Secretaryâ€"W. A. Wright. Assistant Swayâ€"Mrs. Phipps Treasurerâ€"Geo. Gee. Executive Gum â€"Messrs. Hume. anie. Greene, Moyle, Partner and Mrs. McMahon. Publicity UL)ll|.â€"-RE‘V. F. T. Graham, Rev. H S. \‘Vurren. A. L‘ Phipps, Mrs. W. Cook. N. E.. H. Moyle, G. Cowie. N. W., Mrs. Plewmun, Mrs. Kers- will, A. L. Phipps. S. E , G. Gee. Mrs. McMahon. S. W., N. Wellwood. J, Scrivener. Mr. Connor from the Central Dept. [ave u splendid address. showing from Government, police count. and other reliable records that convictions for drunkenness and other offences had very much decreased under the pre- sent law. Mr. Connor hud a. few days ago paid a. visit, to the city of Ottawa, and across the hridge to Hull in Quebec, and the comparison he drew of conditions in those cities told very much against, the latter. The next meeting will be held on “’ednesday evening of next week in the Council Ghamber. A meeting to organize for the com- ing plebiscite was held in the Council Chamber Tuesdin evening, Rev. N. Wellwnnd in the chair. On entering the hall oue’s eyes were caught by the display in the centre of the "Table Decorutions. Four “Spacâ€" inl " competitions were open. and the first place in each \Vill keenly contest- ed, While behind these the gorgeous Gladioli, from the gardens of Mrs. W. H. Legge and Mrs. J. S. McNair, lifted their heads in stately elegance. In- deed. it was remarked by those who had been there that the Gladioli and Dahlies of our show outrivnlled those of the Canadian National Exhibition in their excellence. 0n the left the Phlox. Alters, Hydrangea, etc, of the geneml list. were seen in royal beauty. To the rear Were the Dahlias, whose quality is suggested by mention above. and the bouquets of " Cut Flowers" of another special. 0n the front right were the Aster Specials. As usual. the “Heart of France” were prominenl, as also bouquets of mixed varieties. Left of these, in a new section for our show. “Individual Blooms ” of several favorites stood in proud exclusiveness. In several of the above competitions only a. judge skilled in flower lore could distinguish perfection that gave precedence to the. best. As the weather was in a sullen mood on Wednesday, September 10th. our citizens, in search of brightness, be- Look themselves to the Arena, where the eleventh uunual Full Flower Show of the Richmond Hill Horticulture] Society was being held. There a pleasurable surprise greeted them, for “I no former Show in the history of this Society has there been such excel- lence of exhibits from amateur gai- dens. ll u. m. School and Church cambine. spgcjyl [ally prqgramme to be usgd._ V245. [ntéréstiilg programme being prfpared 101‘ S. S._ _ - 7'p. m. Trusteeshipnf Life. Special inyilaLion to our young people. - We are pleased to remark that. the adult fruit and vegetable sections 0c, cupied a larger space than at recent shows. The fruit tuhle engaged at- tentiou, for there were several exhibi- tors in each of the various varieties of apples. pears, plums and grapes d’s- played. On the vegetable table ware plates of splendid onions, potatoes. to- matoes. etc.. and the judges decision was given only after careful considera- tion of points of merit. Mr. A. L. Phipps' exhibit of winter apples on Rally Ddy, Sept. 28. Objective 100% me_rqbership present at church and NOTICEâ€"These chilly evenings you will need a. supply ut’ Ebony Cube Cannel Cuul. We also have a supply of the best Anthracite Coul in all sizes. and Snlvuy Coke the only genuine coke made. Dry hardwood in foot length '. this is first-class wood, also flemln k Slabs in 2 and 4 feet. Lump Conl for threshing and Pocnhunlas Coal for domestic use at lhe Elevatol o The programme of sports on High School Field Day in the Town Park will include two events for ex~pupils. Good prizes will be given fur running. jumpinzund other events. Refresh meal; booth on the grounds. Remem- her the date. Lo-luorrow, afternoon. (Friday). and come. A quarlette from Brampton one day lust week came over and carried UK the Ghulleuge Cup which had pre- viously been won by 8. Richmond Hill bowling rink. The Richmond Hill Epworch League will re-open for the season of 1924-25 next Mnuduy evening. A good pro- gramme will be presented. George Beynon, Stop 32, Yonge St. is offering his hum. for sale. Can be seen any time. Helena. Beynon, Box 176, Richmond Hill. Aspecial meeting of York County Council has been called by \Varden W. J. Gnrdhouse for Tuesday. Sept. 30. Mr. John Blunchmd is showing :1 cabbage which weighs 21 lbs. 6 ounces. METHODIST CHURCH Organixation Meeting Flower Show Sell All the Latest Magazines 4 Andrew’s Liver 1 Salt Guard your system against the prevailing colds by tak- ing Nyal’s Creophosâ€"a good tonic and builder. $1 a bottle Stocksâ€"Mrs. F. Atkinson, Mls. \V. T. Glaham. Astersâ€"Pink. loose. Mrs. A. G. Sav- age. Miss F, M. Brown; pink, conu- pact. 2nd Miss Brown; White, loose, Mus. Pugsley, Miss Brown; white, compact, Mrs. J. S. McNair; blue, mauve. or purple, loose, Mrs. A. G. Savage, Mrs. McNaix-; blue, mauve. or purple. compact. Mrs. F. E. Sims. Mls. A G. Savage. Hollylmcksâ€"Mrs. P. G. Hill. Verbennsâ€"Mr. Kozak, Balsamsâ€"Miss McNair, Mrs. \V. ’1‘. Graham. Snapdragonsâ€"Mrs. W. H. Legge. Salviaâ€"Mrs. W. MOI'ISOD. Miss Mc- Nair. Another interestiu feature was the Iexhibit of Mr. H. D. ennett of El in ; Mills. The English flowers of his is- , play. mrely seen in our gardens, were admired by all. But an especial at. junction was provided in the hybrid i tomatoes of his own propagation. Mr. Bennett's seeds are being now tested in England and at. Ottawa and Guelph. \Ve are pleased to welcome Mr. B. to our Society. Dahlias“; Collection. Mrs. Ramer. Mr. Kozak; 6 of one variety, Mrs. Kzg‘mer. Mrs. Mcygtcpey. _ Geraniums â€"Single.' Mrs. Martin, Miss Richardson; double. Mrs. Ramer, Miss Richardson. Sunflowersâ€"Mr. Gee. Mrs. J. S. Mc- Nair; fancy, Mr. Gee, Mrs. A. L. Phipps. Mignonetteâ€"2nd, st. F. Atkinson. Hydrangeaâ€"Miss Moyle, Mrs Pugs- Icyf Golden Glnwâ€"Miss Switzer, Mrs. Phipps. Nusturtiumsâ€"Mrs. Hume. Hvlleniumâ€"Mrs. Martin. Phloxâ€"Annual, Miss Burr; Percu- nial. Miss Switzer, Mrs. Hume. Too much praile cannot be gin-n to the judges who. with painstaking dis- crimination, made their awards. Mr. Wiltshire, (if Blythewood Gardens. North Toronto. can discern the beauty spots of a flower with wonderful pre- cision, while our own Mr. Davis known by heart the marketable value. of each and every variety of vegetable. Messrs. J. S. McNair and Endean have become experts in judging children's gardens and window-boxes. To all these gentlemen the Society owes a debt of gratitude. Thanks are due, too. to the committees of preparation for the exhibition, and to the commit- tee of arrangement who, with good taste, placed the various exhibits. The Society warmly appreciates the patronage of its many friends. Petuniasâ€"Miss Brown, Mrs. W. Mortson. Gladiuliâ€"Mrs‘ P. G. Hill. Mrs. A. E. Plewman. Larkspurâ€"Mrs. O. J. Campbell. Cosmosâ€"Mrs. \V. Mormon. Mrs. Frances Atkinson. Salpiglossisâ€"Miss Burr. Miss Mc- Nair. Marigolds-Mls. Pugsley, Mrs. C Kerswill. Rosesâ€"6ubloouls, Miss Moyle, M1- VV:_G_._]'_.egge._ > Culendulaâ€"Mrs. P. G. Hill, Miss Richardson. ‘ Guillardiaâ€"Miss Burr. Zinniaâ€"Miss hIanir, Mr. Bagg. Heleanthusâ€"Mrs. Phipps, Mr. Gee. Blackeyed Susan-Mrs. Hume. Allysumâ€"Qnd. Mrs. Ireland. Eight Annualsâ€"Miss Burr. Individual Aster, looseâ€"Mrs. Kers- Certaian and deservedly the Juvenâ€" ile Section was a centre of attraction. Though exhibitors did not number as many as we have had. yet there was good quality in the specimens display- ed of carrots, potatoes, tomatoes. beets. etu, and the specials in bouquets were wall filled. We receive with satisfaction the judges’ report of u dc- cidcd improvement in the juvenile v getable and fruit gardens they visit- ed this season. FREE 1 dracham Corson’s Orchid Perfume with 3 Tube of Carson’s Tooth Paste 25c. A Good Cure for Cold Feet Porters Drug Store RICHMOND HILL this table added u n item of intvlest HOT WATER BOTTLE Special, 87C. 35c. and 60c. ADULT PRIZE LIST FLOWERS . A new furnace is being put, into the Methodist church. The church has recently been decorated, vand I-e-npcn- ing services, fullUWe-d by a, fowl supper and an entertainment. are being plan- ned for the near fuluue. On Saturday evening lhv marriage of Mr. A’I'lhur Lawxie and Miss Annie Hemphill took place at the home of the bride's parents at Kh-inlnng. The ceremony was pelfurmed in the ple- sence ofa Lug:- numhnr of guests by Rev. Mr. McKay, of Bolton. assisted by Rev. S. R. Robinsnn. After return- ing from thvir hom-ynumn the yuuug couple will Ieside in Maplr’. Display of Cut Ruses (Donator, Mr. J. H. Dunlop)â€"â€"Mrs. Frances Atkinson, Mf§._W. 11. Legge. Vase of AstPrs (Dunatar. Mrs. W. H. Legge):Mrs. C. Kerswill, Mrs. F. At- kinsnn. Collection of Perennials (Dunator, Endean Nurseries)â€"Mrs. C. Kerswill. Unllectiun nf Vegetables (Donator, Mr. Jas. McLean)â€" Mr. Bagg. Mrs. Ireland. A pleasant time was spent at the Bungalow on Saturday evening when Mrs. \V. Cousins and Mrs. E. Forbear entertained a number of their friends at a. corn mast. Collect’on of Gladinli (Dom-tor, Mr. (}c:t_>_)_â€"§!rs._\VA H: Legge. My} Mn_Nai_l:. Bou uet for Living Room (Unnators, Mrs. . A. Wright and R. H. H. S.)â€" Ml; Bagg, Mrs. LS. M_¢Nair. Miss Irma. Robinsun, of Toronto, visited overSunduy at; Mr. A. Robin- son's. Many complaints are being made of fruit being stolu n. If some of the youths were made an example, the trouble might be stopped, Window-an (Diln‘gt'ni‘. Mr. T, F McMahon)â€"Mrs. W. A. Wright. Mrs. I Ra mar. ' Bounin, fur Sick Rnnm (Dnnator, Mrs. Wm. Commâ€"Mrs. P. C. Hill, Mrs. Hnme. In‘dirvidual Dahliaâ€"Mrs. Ramer, Mrs McLulchey. SPECIALS Collection of Cut Flowers (Dnnators Mr. and Mrs. W. H Purlslepâ€"Ml-s. G. Kerswill. Mrs. \V. T. Graham. Table Decnrgfinn, Other than Roses (Donator. Mr. T. H. Trench)â€"Miss McNair, Miss Burr. Table Decoration. Roses (Dnnatnr, Miss Hoyle)â€"â€"Mrs. \V. H. Imgge, Mrs. Hume. Vase of Red Aster-s (Donatm; Mrs. Henry Da\~is)-Mrs.J. S. Manir, Mr. H‘ Smith. Mr. Edw'érd Shea,'s'al(\5lm|n for the Maple Sand and Grave-l (10.. died sud- denlyjit his home in Toronto on Mon- day bf last, week will, Mrs. W. H. Lezg“: compach H. Sguill), Mrs. F. E. Sims. Individual Zinnia~-Mrs. Phipps, Mr Bagg. Individual Gladiolusâ€"Mrs. \V. H Leggy, Mrs._AA. ll; Plewman. Individual Roseâ€"Mrs. McNair. Buzz. For Coughs and Sore Throats 25c. Get A box of RAZ-MAH today. Molt {reople feel better from the first dose. our druggist will refund your money its $1 box does not bring relief. Aha Iolutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in stampl. Tomplotonl, To- ronto. ‘ nu RAZ - MAH Will Ipoil your summer and nuke your company distressing to your {riendl unless you get relief. HAY FEVER FREE A Powder Puff with a tin of JONTEEL TALCUM For Sale by Porter's Drug Store Summer Asthn’na Boot’s Meloids (Balance of Prize List, Will be published next week) Coconut Oil Shampoo 19c. MAPLE 25c. Mr.‘ Announces a large Stock of Fall and Winter Ladies’ Coats etc., at extraordinary low prices. Also a great variety of Hats including Children’s Beavers. A good assortment of Child- ren’s School Dresses. Note the Address : 3 Doors south of Richmond Hill Public School. Advertise in The Liberal. We Guarantee every Used Car as represented. If not satisfied within 10 days of purchase, we will allow full price on any New Model Car. MILLINERY -:- DRY GOODS -:- LADIES'WEAR Richmond Hill FORD DEALERS chanical condition. 1--l918 Ford Touring, Cheap. l--l923 CheVrolet Superior Tour- ing; small mileage; good as new. 2-4923 Ford Light Delivery Cars. 1 New Ford Ton Truck, used as a" demonstrator; a real bargain. 1--1922 Oakland Six Touring, in perfect condition. Mrs. F. Flaxman Trench Block 1923 Ford Touring, Spare Tire,‘ Hassler Shock Absorbers, and License. 1921 Ford Touring, in good me? QUALITY SHOPPE WE are pleased to inform our customers that we hate secured the Agency for Butterick Patterns. and will carry a full stock of all‘the latest styles, also we have for sale The Delineator, Needle Art. and Butteriok Quarterly. Call and get a copy of Butterick Fashion Sheet free. OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"W. G. Bedford, Manager W. G. BALDOCK LTD. Used Cars STANDARD BANK BANKING FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Norman Batty All the latest in Millinery now on displny TERMS IF YOU WISH “Business is Business” But Courtesy Pays 0U R business friends, and yours with whom we make transactions. de- mand that precision of effluent ex- ecution which is I part of the regular service maintained by any bank in itl daily affairs. ’l'o merit your confidenco we mustgo further The Standard Bank maintains a. policy of personal courtesy in its dealings, regardless of their respec- tive importance. which should be an asset in your businosl as well as in ours. THE MULHOLLAND & SMYTH are neady to lcceive applications for an agency of their well and favorably known Nursery Pro- ducts. such as Fruit Trees. Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses and Perennials. Quality first. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address as above at; once'. BRO\V‘.\”S NURSEHIES. ONT; Agents Wanted BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. Toronto Office : 2498 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3408. 26-! BROWN BROS. COMPANY NURSERYMEN, Limited Phone 53 Lansing

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