6WMQM¢$¢WOM¢€ $ TheRlflHMflN HILL FURNISHNG STRE G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306, King. SAM PLES FREE Denton, Macdonala~ a: Denton Call by ‘phone or otherwnse promptly JOHN R. CAMPBELL H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLlU From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accppt n number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For inforumtion Phone 110. NIRS. MYLKR. Commissioner, Con veyuncer, Etc Adelmo Meleecn and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. 1‘ BarrlsE‘érs. Solicitors, Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite ï¬ll McKinnon Bldg. Cor. Jordon nnd Melinda Sts.. Toronto. Tell-phone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will ‘w ut The Liberal Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, every Tuesday afternoon. I‘ELEPnnNE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dch rthur A. Macdonald ank Demon Laura Danton. B. A. MacNaughton Catppbell Wall Hangings .. O - Artistic Charm 00 M MISSIONER, CON VEYANCER. KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC NORMAN J. GLASS RICHMOND HILL VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Insurance and Real ESUIU“ C. N. COOPER C. N. COOPER .OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION IS QUALITY We have a full new line of men’s Felt Hats at from $3.50 to $4.00 All kinds of Sweaters and Sweater Coats at from $2.50 to $55.50 Men’s good grain cow-hide Work Boots, all solid leather, $4.50. Everything for men, and Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for women and children The fall and winter Hobberlin samples are in; with prices greatly reduced Barristers. Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. Thornhill. Tar and Building Paper ' Always on Hand Haying and Harvest tools always in stock Come in and look them over. 1N1? ETC Phone 87 j OU can no more erect a good, i substantial building with improper materials than you can prepare a nourishing meal from poor provisions. Provide your- self with the proper lumber by visit- ing our yards. Then go ahead. Build safely and securely. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPER X ENCE All mail orders will receive pmmp attention. 378 Berresfom Ave.. \Vest Toronto. Phone Iunction 0072. Leave Orders at Glenn's Drug Store, Richmond Hill. We wish to announce to the public ltllal. we are again stocking Radio Sets and Supplies. We invite you to come to our Show-Room and hear our Five-Tube Atwater-Kent Set. One of these sets will give you some wonderful entertainment in your home during the winter months. If interested in Radio we will be glad to bring a set to your home any even- ing and demonstrate under no obli- guticn. Sets from $75.00 up. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT ‘VATER HEATING RICHMOND HILL 93 mm :10 QNIHQHL--kng on s: 113M <11th 01 MM 3N0] W. G. BALDOCK LTD. RICHMOND HILL AND GENERAL REPAIRS JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER . C. HENDERSON L'. INNES & SONS THORNHILL, ONT. Yonge Street Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmauship ' Prompt Service Shop in Winterton’s 01d Stand, Yonge St. Auction Sale Register SATURDAY, SEPI‘. “EDâ€"Uredit sale nf farm stock, implements, furniture, harness etc., 10!; 31, um. 3, Markham, the property of Isaac Nigh. Sale at ln‘cluck. Terms 12 months. Silver- sides & Farmer Auctioneers. THURSDAY, SEPT. 25â€"â€" Auctinn sale of Cf18 miich cows, 10 young cattle, 25 sheep and lambs, lot 31. con. 4. Scarbon o. Plenum: & Prentice. Aucts. SATURDAY, SEPT. 27â€" Farm slack and implements, lot 7, con. 6. Markham, the property of the 1:1 te Leslie Arm- strong. Sale at 1 u’cMCk. Terms 12 months. Prentice, & Prentice, Aucts. SATURDAY, OCT. 4 ~ Auction sale of household fumiluxe, Centre St, Richmond Hill, the property of Mrs P. 0. Hi1 ‘ G, Maudie. skip. Third â€"â€" Miss McLean. \V. Scott, Mrs. Glenn. J‘ H. Naughtnn, skip. Fourthâ€"Mrs. Kerswill, F. E. Sims. Mrs, Glass. L. E, Hill. skip. P. C. Hill’s rink also secured the prizes fur the highest score. \tht might he called the] ofï¬cial closingnf the Ill hmond Hill howling season took plu 4- on the Green Mun- day. when a 1 ml tournament was held. The f- 'leng arc the Links who won the [.2 :Hs‘: who won the First; â€" T. Wright, Mrs. Secondâ€"MI Chief Fireman Mills and his team haVe every reason to feel proud of the showing they made at the recent Fix u- men s’l‘ournament at Newmarket In the Hose Reel Contest they secured ist place. Newmarket belng 2nd, Toronto 3rd, and Aurora 4th. In the Ladder Contest the locals secured second place, being only threeâ€"ï¬fths of a second be- hind Aurora, who was credited with 24 and two-ï¬fths seconds; Newmarket was third. Toronto firemen gave an exhibi- tion of the same contest, accomplishing it in the remarkable time of 23 and 1-5. The following composed the local team : H J Mills (Chief). Bert Cook. Russel Monkman. Edgar Anning. Lorne Pat~ terson. James Pollard, Wm Harris, Wm Horner. Earl Blanchard, Fred Hopper, BWhite. and Lou Teotzel. Congratu- lations. boys. RICHMOND HILL “SUNNYSIDES†WON AT NEWMARKET The citizens of Richmond Hill. Maple, and Lansing District were much elated when they found out that the girls team known as the Richmond Hill “Sunnysidea†won the Newmarket soft- ball tournament on the 17th inst. with comparative ease. The girls were ï¬rst draWn against Newmarket. and at no stage of the sevenâ€"inning contest Were they in danger. winning out by a score of 11 to 10 with an Inning to spare Stoulfville and Aurora were drawn for the second game. the former emerging victorious by a score of 17 to 7. The batting of leesie McLean (Maple), who pitched for the Aurora team, was the feature of the game. It was a hard game to lose as the Aurora team ap- peared the better at the bat, but the >touf’fville team outguessed them in the ï¬eld. The ï¬nal game brought together the winners of the two previous games â€"Stouf’fville and Richmond Hill. The game proved to be the [most oneJided of i the day, the "Sunnysides" outplaying) their opponents in every department of ‘ the game (ï¬nal score 13 to 4). and here follows the batting order, positions. etc. of the winners: Janet French, r.f (Richmond Hill) Ann Hadley, p (Dublin) Francis Batty. e 5. (Richmond Hill) Mona Cousins, l,f (Maple) Ethel Atkinson. c.f. (flichmond Hill) Daisy Hart, 2b. (Richmond Hill) Winnie McDonald, 1b. (Maple) ‘Mike" Hadley. c, (Dublin). Llllian Burns, 3b. (Richmond Hill) “Some team," and a hard one to beatâ€" they are strong at the bat and nifty ï¬elders. The following player! con- nected with the “elusive†for home- runs: Mono Cousins. Ethel Atkinson. Ann Radley, and Winnie McDonald. Photographers were anxious to "take" the girls, and as a result they had their pictures taken twice. a copy of which can be seen in the window of Mrs. Batty’s store in the Trench block. An- other will be on view at a Maple store next Saturday. The team goes to Woodbridge tournament on Friday. 0c- tober 10th, where they will no doubt meet stiff opposition. but in spite of that Yours Truly still remain. an optomi t and believes the girls willmake a cred: able showing while there. Yes; 1 an. proud of the "Sunnysides." FIREMEN DIDWELL ' I Barrie . . . . . Newmurket Cookstown. Orilliu . . . . . . Alliston . . .. Wm Bradf Richmond Hill, the prnpm'ty of Frank Teetzel. Sale at one o’clock. Terms cash: J. T. Saigeon, Auct. Mal-kl] Schom Wes GEO. KIDD Sporting Notes Dates of Fall Fairs CLOSX \‘G GAMES .-s. r vage. 17'. U. um, Mrs Murphy, Geo. Hi1. G. Moodie. skip. Miss McLean. \V. S 1. J, H. Naughty", ski; McMahon, . ...Svpt. 24, ‘...Sept. 26. Sept. 30, Oct . . . . . . . Oct. 1 . . . . . . . Oct. 2‘ . . . . . . . Oct. 3 \V. A Hill. skip 3' The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, 1922 All appeals must he ï¬led IN DUPLICATE and must he signed by the person appealing ON THE PRESCRIBED FORM. These Forms may he obtained from the Municipal Cleik. After being filled out the appeals and dumliczltes must be given to the Clerk of the local Municipalitv or left, for him at his address :is staied above, on 01' befure the last day for filing appeals as above indicated. I J. M. BAIRD, Ruom 107, City Hall. Toronto AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by NOTICE IN WRITING IN THE PRESURIBED FORM, signed by the oom- plainant IN DUPLICATE, and given to the local‘Municipul Clerk, or left for him at his address as stated above, on or before the date indicated. EMERSON GUA'I‘SWORTH, Such Sittings will commence-at the time indicated, and will continue until the clcsing‘time indicated or until the appeal; shall have been disposed of. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thatany voter who desires to com- plain that his name or the name of any person entitled to he entered on the said List, has been omitted from the same. or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters thereon. may. on or before the date men- tioned in the foulth column above. apply, complain, or appeal to have his name or the name of any other persnnï¬ntered on or remowd from the List for the Municipality. Judge Morson’s Chambers Ronm 108 City Hall Toronto Township Hall VeIIm-e Council Chamber Weston Council Chamber Westnn Council Chamber Weston Council Chamber Mimico Con-mil Chamber Mimico Council Chnmher 1mJanis St. Toronto T‘m - ;§%§«‘&11140Am/7LLLQMR .L‘Yowa MILK/mm ,- :;â€"?B;:cnwrz=eaaiza~ Place of Sitting Sittings will he held for the various Municipalities at the times and places indicated below, and the Clerk of each Municipality (Whose name and address appear below) will act as the Rmising Ofï¬cer’s Clerk for all appeals cnncvming his Municipality, and all such :Ippr’flls "inst be ï¬led with him on or helm-e the dale appearing in the fuurth column below, opposite his name. 1t TAKE NOTI‘TE that Sittings of the Revising Ofï¬cer for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with reg-aid tn the Vntm-s' Lists to he used at. the Plehiscite held under The Ontario Temperance Act, 1924, for the Elec- Lora] District. of \V EST YORK, will be held to hear complaints as to the Lists of Voters for iho various Municnpnlitips (-omprisezl in the said Electoral Dis- tlict, and that His Honor jUDGE TYTLER will he the Revising Ofllcer. ouncil Chumher M I Inico h .'..cil Chnmhcr \Villowdu‘lc NOTICE OF SIT'I‘INGS OF REVISING OFFICER IN THE I ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF September North York Township INSTRUCTIONS FOR A his (North of Richview Sideline) (South of Richview Sideline) York Township (West of Yonge Street) September 24th 11:1.m.t01p.m. 3 p.111. to 5 p.m., and 7. 30 p.11). to 9.30 p.11). September 23nd S. B 10.30 mm Islir New Toronto WEST YORK A.D (West of Yonge Street) September 27th September 25th 10.30 a..m. September 26th E 10.31) am). Etobicoke September 23rd 10.30 3.111. Weston September 231d H. 10.30 mm. Etobicoke Date and Time September 22nd 10.30 a.m. Svptemhor 29l h 10,303.11). Forest Hill 10.30 mm. Vaughan Mimico School Books at The Liberal Office Now as the season is on you need single loop Bale ties for your straw and hav. Arch double drive gates ate at; top either in lawn cket fence at $90.00. All other makes of wire patent rail fence built. .chmond Hill I 3‘0. HAY WIRE 13 Gaugeâ€"S 14 Gaugeâ€"S 15 Gaugeâ€"S NOTICE W. A. Clarke Sept. 18m 40 jarvis SL. Toronto 1924 L. W. Archer Sept. 20th 417 inadina. Road 1924 W. H. C. Millard Sept. 19â€: New Toronto 1924 James McLean Sept. 24th Maple 1.924 APPEAL *‘rrma :3 ï¬Ã©tthLes Clerk of the Election Bmud for the County of York. H. B. Foreman Sept. 19th Mimico 1924 E. W.†Brown Woodbridge J. ESPEY Toronto S. Barmtt Islington H. D. GODdl’ Lansing S. Barfatt Islington Last day for]' Clerk Filing Appeals 1N COILS 50 per 60 per ‘70 per 98 Ward f York. x»- with name fences; a1 Sept. 23rd 1024 Sept. 23rd 1924 Sept. 1m h 1924 100 lbs. 100 lbs 100 lbs Sgpt. 25th 1924 glc