Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Oct 1924, p. 1

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__..._-..u.. v. v UL‘ uunv George Thnuma (higm‘, of Lhe City of Toronto, in the County uf Youk, in the Province of Ontario, Bunk-Binder, will apply to the Palliament of Canada, at; the next session thPl‘Puf fur a Bill of Divorce from his wife Mmy Grignr, of the said City of Tnmnto, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. DATED at annnt.) this 30m day of August. A. D 1924. GEORGE THOMAS GRIGOR. ‘ by hi§ snliciturs M URPH Y 6; DOS ALD 30?. Bay Street, Tux-mltv. [(-15 Notice of Application for Divorce TELEPHONE 11 M C. M. PALMER & SONS J.R.HERRINGTON Inquiries solicited regard- ing insufance rates, Life, Fire, Automobile, Accident and Sickness Etc. Suits made to your measure $2400 up. Overcoats made to your measure $24.00 up. These Suits and Overcoats real value for the moneyâ€"Any one. kReady-to-wear clothing at low prices. Buy your Fur Coat direct Irom the manufacturer through me and save monev. Richmond Hill Ihandle only gilt~edged securities and guarantee to repurchase at any time clients wish to sell. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that You“ Cannot Beat It Grits, and \Vhole Grain P“ (Jars Willys - Knight Motor Cars. Flour. Bran, Shorts, Ground and Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Willys-Overland Motor The Feed Mill Hay and Straw. We deliver Oats and Mixed Grain Wants-d Phone 82 w. VOL. XLVII. OFFICE: CHVRCH STREET CLEANING AND I E. R. FORTNER 'un J. F. BURR DEALERS FOR sultation and Diagnosis STERLING BANK BLDG Feeds. Poultry Feeds Meat; Meals, Baled Dr. J. R. ALLISON ari‘num, in advance.] we BANK BLDG. TELEPHONE 61 THORNHILL, ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor: {EPAIRING SATISFACTORILY DONE DENTIST OPEZ\Y EVE Il-15 lO-(f 1 Pile Pineboards about 500 feet ; 4 to 8 inches wide, (3 to 12 feet long. dnssed one side. We have the following Items in Stock which we are prepared to sell at bargain prices : About 1200 feet â€"1 Pile Beech Plank 2x6 and Wider, G to 12 feet in length mostly No. 2. JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 200-8 ft; Cedar Posts 4 inches. . 3 Damaged Pine Doc 1 â€" 2/6 - 6/6 - 13 inc 2 â€" 2/8 - 6/8 â€" 15757 Housé and Lot on Rumble Ave. great bargain. New Brick House every convenience on Benson Ave. ‘ Have a lrmk at the Hughes’ property. Inquire about the Richmond and Mill Street properties all that beauty Spot below Lot 40. Two View. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL at, once. up estale, situate 2nd Con. Vaughan in good farming- distrfcc. Comfm-Lable '7 x-oomed house, barns, pig pen house, etc. windmill and artesian wrall. Soil the best. About 150 acres arable, and 50 acres of first class bush. Possession SIMEON JOYCE, L. C .A. M JONES LUMBER CO Centre St. East. 200 Acre Pupil ufjosof Lhev an; Frank S, Wels Studio: Over Mr. E. R. ' 'l'uilur Store. P1 RICHMOND HII FOR SALE The Real Estate Man beautiful residences on Rt PIANO and THEORY gas for Extraction Farm must, be sold to wind Nicholis Doorsâ€"â€" inch. Phone 95 LhevinnL-J Welsman In Essentials, Unity; , average top l. {Partner’s PHONE 95 for a. motor tour They will reside in return." “A'reception was held at: Rein home after the ceremr 23nd Mrs. Le-ln: left immedin various major operations. including St Mihiel, Meuse and Argnnne. as well as defensive operations at. the Toul sector. He held the rank of second lieutenant He is a member of the American Le- gion. Veterans of Foreign \Vai's, the ‘Vhite Plains Lodge of Elks, and has been active in the interests 5:; Matthew’s Lutheran Church. He is alife-long resident of the city and is widely known. The following notice of marriage is taken from The \Vhite Plains Daily Reggptel‘i The fifth Annual Bible Conference will be held in Aurora, October Gto mm, with afternoon sessions in the Baptist Ohm-ch," and the evening sessions in Trinity Hall. Addresses on the Higher Spiritual life, and the second. Coming of the Lord will be given by our foremost Bihle teachers, Dr. Inkister, of Knox church, Tornnw, on Monday', Rev. Canon Hewitt. of Hamilton, Tuesday. Mr. john Graham, Missionary of C. I. M. in China over thirly years. Wednesdziv. Rev. john McNichol, of Toronto Bible Training College. Thursday afternoon, Rev. H. Parry, of Newnml'ket, in evening and Rev. Albéi-L Hughes, of Baptiscchiu-ch, Toronto, Friday, All are welcome to attend any or all these meetings. as weather permits. A much higher standard was reached than in previous years. The football game resulted in a win for the ex-pupils 1-0. The athletic committee and staff take Lhis oppor- tunity of thanking citizens who generously contributed prizes. Final results next week. The High Schnnl Field Day was held Fliday, Sept. 25. *Peufecb weather favored the event. A varied pro- gramme of races, jumping and novelty contests was runoff. 'l‘helateness of the hour and necessity for beginning the football match with the ex~pupils prevented the unmplrtiun of the athletic events so that, form and individual championships are not yet decided. T1195? will be settled as soon The l'lRt number of The Palmer’s Advocate has a full page article follow- ing an interview with James McLean. of Richmond Hill, and J. S. Lawson, of King. both members of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, who did ex- pert plowing on the Weldwond Farm. near London. ()nt.‘ a short, lime ago. On the page are shown the two plow- men in plowing attire, the prize land finish and crown, mane in sod by Mr. McLean; and the finish and crown made in stubble by Mr. Lawson. Common mistakes of plnwmen are pointed out. and many valuable points for good plowing None given. p.m. an especially interesting mGe-Lingl under the auspices (if the Women‘s Institute will he held at the hnmv Ofi Mrs. A. E. Plewman. The meeting will be addressed by Mrs. \V. H. Becker (If the National Council of Women; her subject, being "The Vote as a. Trustâ€"use it.” This suhjs‘cl should appeal to every woman at this lime. and a large representation of the communin is hoped for. The luclhren of Richmond Lodge and neighboring lodges are asked to amend Divine Service in the Proshy- terian Church next Sunday evvning. sermon to be preached by the Pastor, Rev. J. W. McIntosh. Lodge is mil-ad 0n \Vednesvdfnry,‘ October 8th at, . ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1.1924 6.30 shnrp,’ 7 Service a; The Right and Wrong Way Women’s Institute Meeting High School Field Day Sermon to Bible Conference kQo.â€"‘...â€".._ Lehr-Ellis 8 immediately after at the Bolkshires. Armnuk upon their Non-Essentials, Masons by the Pastor, Lodge is called t 7 o’clock, the von )y. Mr. ely after Motor truck for general work and long distance hauling. Phone 11 xv G. M. PALMER & SONS Liberty ; in all things, Charity AUTO LIVERY SERVICE! RICHMOND TAILORS WRIGHT ST. RICHMOND HILL Telephone49 W. Complete set of Fall and Winter Suit; and Overcoat Samples. We save you from $10 to $15 on every suit and overcoat; by having no overhead expenses, and you reap the benefit. WRIGHT STREET Richmond Hill RICHMGND TAILORS Is premixed to accept pupils in Violin. Pupils prepared for Turontn Conserva- tory ExaminuLiuus, Studio at her home, Yonge St. Richmond Hill 13-16 every Monday. Wednesday, and Saturday, from 11 mm, m 9 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 17 Office over Mrs. Davies Millinery and Dry Goods Store Dr. S; L, Rusling CHIROPRACTOR In making the announcements at the morning service in the Methodist Church Sunday morning the pastor, ReV. H. S. Warren. congratulated the congregation on meeting so success- fully the financial obligation it incur- red through the installation of a. new organ. In September. 1923 a Casa- vunt organ, costing in all $5,671 was formally npe‘ned and dedicated, and within one year the full amount has been subscribed, and every dollar promised has been paid. Special thanks are' due Mr. E T. Stephens fur for his generous gift nf $500, and alan, the Ladies’ Aid for their tireless activ- ity. Teacher of Piano Playing Pupil of 1. E. Newton, and B. H. Cerun Pupils successfully prepared for UonsPI-vntm-y Examinalinns Studiu v Centm St. West. Phone 88 Richmond Hill. 12~24 Corner Arnold and Yonge Stree's Pressing and Cleaning 3. s Miss Verdella ‘Doner AILEEN ATKINSON JUST ARRIVED RICHMOND HILL pecml tv lO-lf Now is the tirnelfor farm; ers to put in a supply of Bran, Shorts, and Gluten Mealâ€"a supply always on hand. Also Cracked Corn, Stratch Feed, Purnia Chow- der, and Dandy Laying Mash {or poultry. Polar Bear Pastry, and Maple Leaf and Purity Flour. A supply of Lime, Paristone and Cem- em. Highest market prices paid for Wheat. Barley and Cats at THE ELEVATOR: QUANTITY PUBLIC NOTICE NORTH YONGE ST..V RICHMOND HILL. DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. DR: LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFJ Office hours 10 to 12 mm. and 6t08p. m. Ofiice and residenceâ€"Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone No. 24. 0. l. RUDDELL, D.C. PILC. (diseases of women 5113 childrehl) Office hours 1 :3 p. m. Phone 100. Office hours 8 : 1011.:71): S p.m DR. M. B. WELLWOOD ECol'ner Yonge & Alexander Sts., Toronto, OFFICE Heurs: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Except Wednesday PHONE 117 Consultation Fyee at the Oflim PALM ER. CHIRO PRACTOR Invites the patronage of those who desire to get; the best training for choice business positions. Oflice:-â€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Office Hours: 10-12; 6-8 DR J. 1’. WILSON DRS. LAN GSTAF F , }. ELLIOTT ~ PRINCIPAI ‘VRII‘E TOADAY FOR CATALOGUE. {Single copies, 3 cts ELLIOTT Enter any time. ABOVE DAVIES STORE Delivery (‘LEANLINESS No. 14 SERVICE

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