.___,_..._‘,_ A__._ï¬ lit 1". LON. BUILDERS Si,ll’PLl‘.-;.:e - .. ..-:.r111'.Â¥3 ('ltt'iwzr I’iilrlic Sir-ho .1 Halo Tt‘flCllv i i i'. I: stand of {but put. iiwil' (ill: ice l‘\<I iir l't'U."ll(I to l’i‘olrilriiir’iu as} siroircly ciidrirsiux‘tlio Ontario 10111-3 P‘I'i‘lill'l‘ Act. and pledging its incur-t I()l‘< to use. their irillucirco to secure a favorable vote on the. 233ml of 00‘ ~ i tuber. Surely such resolutions conr~ llill'dtvtflfll [Plumping ling “mm resilmnrihlc lmdips Should ELOCUI‘ION HMS _ lilies Marguerite 30er I i A « Artrsr, Teacher in Literature, \ Expression, Readings, Drain atic'and Hunrourous Sketcnes, M 1. L4 ers' Hill) It lliivrintl‘ 'ltrll‘l'lJ I("ll’ilt‘ .s', It'll I M, i V l l .. . Rough and Dressed I.u.n.i.i Dialect Poems I (I ‘ L _ H PYOfGSSlonal Graduate of Pine Lem In“ i ilnnfks carzlcss litlncplc httppiland 1:111:21; / ' ‘ ’ a V - .- j, 5 in ‘i:r ‘ cpcsi .ing i ‘ < - Owen A Smiley btumo: Ledar bhmgk: M h ) ;g,o.in:t a law that. has done so much Address wuss Marguente Root'lllgs for rvonrcn,chililrcir and the home. ‘.’\'irlllm.'ri‘d W†7 , , A". G _\’ pri r k Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood 1 Hall,’ Thornhill. Out 30 If ‘ W - WILLIAM COOK F. GORDON ()oox Tramps I‘ELAnv V BARRIS'I‘ER. SOLICITOR, No'rauy hie Toronto Ofï¬ce, 816 Federal Building, J at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest I‘ar paper Building paper ._.â€".â€"â€"2 Centre- Slreet East a The articles now appearing,r in the Toronto Daily Star by a stall" corresâ€" pondent, bearing on the drink quesâ€" tion iii the Vestern Provinces show that drunkenness has much increas- ed under Government sale. The correspondent gets his information THE Alr’ISTOCIr’AT 0F LOIIZI’II’IF'IJD (BI/{S HE Star Car has the cele- . brated Tubular Backbone Which enhances its long-Wear- ‘ Richmond Iain gmcfemgngger“ from the Chief of Police, Police . . . . . _ _ _ , Ofll‘idiegieeyreggrsdyglifsginnoa Magistrates “an: yotllï¬léiCIereIJ-Tglg lng and eaSyridlng qualities. †- ,s t 1.1.. for'enoon- sources. i on 21y s I t 5< . marriage a m y .1... in mg... Airmail... more... Only Durant products have this , Money to loan at Current Rate .1 ’ I ' AMBROSE L. PHIPPS CALDWELL & PATERSGN Wish to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and work, Automobile wood :11. the Satisfaction and i in all forms of drunkenness worked out to 52 per cent. in June and July ; and iii Edmonton the increase was 111 per cent. There is no limit to the quztntitv of liquor a person can exclusive feature. , We Will be glad to explain how It works. ICHMOND STREET. Ricnimxn HILL ~“ ' wagon ‘ \ _ A i i ' \V( I‘k and I'll I 1131‘ III‘PS ‘ . l. ' Representmg i Trimm “1,141.5 buy iir those provrnces _‘ The Mutual life Irisuraue Company mummirie prices assured. I _Vrr_ i ‘ of NPW York Give us a trial and he convurcedg Nance INQUIRIES SOLICITED ..__.._4 i' H. PA'TER S i Eeoï¬aldwell, Lorrie Paterson‘ s. learns our seats OF i ,IIOUSE PAINTING AND ALL KINDS A meeting of the Curling Club will be held in the club room on Friday evening. October ltllh, at 8 o‘clock. for the purpose of organizing for the season. Election of ull‘icci's, receiving: reports PIC. A good attendance of all our old members is requested by the President. Any strangers who have recently moved to our village, and who may find the longcvenings tiresome, will find the curling club room an ideal PAPER HANGING ' 1311014497 124 J r ‘ ‘ AUTO PAINTIEG NEATï¬Iï¬PSIRhD , $2252.21.it.‘;i‘:1.‘:::;.l::itmissing T ‘ our nice int. oii’ rg re (1a e, r: Phone 6ԠROLFE SHOE REPAIR 0a.“...liiit,..lip.i.i° °‘ †V‘ P ’ i’ . ~7 -‘ GOOD WORKMANSHIP W. n, econ, Pres. GEO. CorvIE, Sec. ‘ ' r I: 7 ‘ i W- H EWISQ‘N QUICIX SINCE RICHMOND HILL MOTORS .r,_â€"-â€". Work done while you wait. 7"“ HOUSE PAINTER’ Store next to Viillage Clerk- “? Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Bills are out announcing the Harvest Home anniversary on Sunday, the 6th of October. Sermons at 11 a. in. and Phone 109 Richmond Hill, (Int. Han. er. ‘TT: I L 7 17A 7 p in. bylhe Pastor E. R. Young, . 3‘. g C, Ev}. XTAIVE B.A. “Special music. . \Vednesduy, ‘ ‘ M " ~~ 7 run“ v “a _ < ; '. ‘ ' AGEVT rorr 'l‘l‘l‘ \lL’TUAl LIl‘L‘ 0Ҡlime“Hmwsuppm"fimi’wi‘d V (5‘11 0 - OUsF mo WVCIETOM“ ‘ In} .. ‘L i r 1 3 1 “ J i“ b an entertainnrenhin the churc I. 1y 6. ' a r c A: In 3i -â€" 5., six ‘ SAM“ ASSURANCE OI“ “CANADA arylists from Toronto. “H'ms- "“".'ll' ‘ll‘f‘mvliwl. good 'i i m I) ' 5‘ . t. f basement, Ctgrivemcntly located, near .3, ' ' m i'n‘ni-tivv 1 ssncla .ion 0' . ' “13“?- ! . it ice ' e 't . . . - l L The next meeting of the Council of the WAR?) FRANCIS, )’l.‘hOIrD-rlr[lilillll' y lé-ll-TD ' Canada, and The Dominion Gaiirantec ’arrd Accident (in. OCSE FOR RENTâ€"Six room house VICTORIA SQUARE Municipality of Vaughan will In L4: ' and PAINTER I . l FIRE AUTOMOBILE, PLATE GLASS , .. _ . , “’3†l†“W T"“‘“ ““â€- (in Celine m. East. Apply to OXford Street Phone ' r12 l ’ 1'1 11‘. q [)i{{i:“\l’;,iii.lflclfglil I V “110115 0“ l 'l‘nos. HOPPER, Centre West. Rich- . y .7; ._. ’ > I ’- Y . ‘ rill". '7- i Maple, Ont. Phone in that great i‘IL‘il'OPUIIS. , 6’ 2:†1“ m I m_ “~A;M£-_}i ~ » | Miss K. 'I'rnarr of Toronto spent: . i 11111 I? ‘. i . i 7 Wm. V v , ~ ., ,, r. , . <. OR SAMEâ€"One liunl -l I". hlACDOBALD, B. I. SC. ‘. Hullnday 0“,va “.Hh H“: Mmlwm [L It) ï¬t) L3LI?’CI:I(ILIIL ' I†I ‘1 I W183 Hum. m 1““, IUD 2L CHE-12;. (Veterinary Surgéon) ‘31 SAIGEOIQ R llilospité. the rain ‘lrum :illgillsguzv'dl‘lllu I . r.. hAN. Lit! <. V Vaughn,“ Buck rwnw' ‘wï¬lmrns and (i 3" “1" 1"" V“? V‘ i "J 'E- W‘ m . other (‘111 I!llll(llll"“. Apply Gm). jrvLIAN .Recent graduate of Ontario Vermin. 111211316 IuVUI‘ytlllt- present IOIIJII'Vtt‘lll [IIL’lSpllt‘ndItll EYE? t E Wmldhl itlttt' R. I? 3- FINN? MillllP- 15 , ax. College, A†clasp; “1‘ animals V . ‘ I. ~ . ‘ . Y . programiin In \Vrlr'r re sc 1o It‘lS (r ‘ 31} £3 (, 3+3. « ‘ v . ._..x w ' ' treyated l:‘Day'and night calls PrOinDL- -‘ limernsed.Aimhm'fli flu U“ “I‘m?†lllt' Sunday School took a prominent . \13A\ EILâ€"Fl't'm [he [H‘t‘miscs of .2†, 1 “Le-“dud iitn'ï¬. bttlt‘F attended to on Shirl-rest p1,“. ' - [Jolt SALESGODd range, mummy _ HERMAN MUNIHUN‘ lungâ€: “In. 4 i , y l I i mmcy' and "L l'wm'mme rates' “It is better to have loved and lost" “mlâ€? “9W; "L‘H‘ll’ fflf' (Wit-k smile. Victoria Square, a large white sow: 4- . Ofï¬ce and residence Church St. ] Patronage solicited than "Not to have loved at all" 15 t1â€; MRS. \VIIEELAN, ‘aong‘e bf†lst lriiuw; P1101“.Slnnn‘vmp (5113' 1345 1. ' vRichurond Hill. Telephone 13-2. ' subject of a mock Parliinant debate, to North of I’l’t’él’yme" Ullll‘l'll‘ . H i \ ' ) yew-"fw- «um-u...“ "i: l "â€" he given here at some early date. lry ' A†“ms SAI E 01 xv OI» SALIuâ€"Depaplmll [muse on a ' “‘ ‘ ‘ I J. [E I’vent ioq! “‘0 Y-P'L: Pimiy 0" “““‘.‘"i“‘."“‘~’llt Detoberg -it11 T u' I iriiiiï¬aiiiliii . 1 Ri'SH'EWHL‘"“myâ€flu-mtloes‘ r i. .S d . r - « » to be avallnblv 1,â€. both “do: m this Sm ) W Yuma; Stir-861% “m. {with trim: cellar and furnace. electric light. , ,‘ i I a’ 3 41,3 Ballihlï¬t,‘ T(,1-iml(). community. _ ' . PHI“) “GE†5111121†B-mm H .tUtl cash : balance arranged. Fth: a r I Plume Iludgpn 1347 w If anyone knowing the location of a ‘ ' * ‘ ' ‘ *‘ i - 7‘ _ - lUivm lfiaipe lrunlgaurrlv “ruhlmm 1M†1 ' ' I , ., , ical mod melon ritclr \vill kindlv v s».â€" .r , m , ‘ , Elm" "UL . "not sia rli' ant gara t’ .' T116 and BI’le. , LICENSED ALL‘I‘IONEEH wnnï¬mcm “ml ,.,.__.,,_,_ Wm Ufiwmkï¬nffi’nWilli:“Immik sumo ("iiin ;hlr.-iIan(‘e arranged. Apgly V _ iron COUNTY nF YORK AND ONTARIO {HY “f :H‘et'v‘ll y‘jmlï¬ â€œit’ll {’3 111* .iisi. hacknvy hmsï¬'und stuckuflmp.’ »ll-'_R_-â€Em“-\G'1‘0N.bltllmthHIil.lU-ti j The Maple Sand. bravel and Brick} R _ ' u r , ‘ l I Square. their kindness \vrll hr J. COx Elgm MiuS_ H «OR RFV H I A "‘rnr )auV. Lt'd. have on hand for sale. kiwcm‘ “ “hm†given †5“ ".5 0 3 )iH‘I’Cirllt‘d‘ ' u â€" “USP 011 Clizabeth Heinlein, 'drain tile. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in. level? ‘lV‘CI'lllth- 1“â€{1‘5 “MI “in†1On Friday, Sept. ‘26, Thoxnhill was ‘OR SALE_1 m,†bedgmwd -) , “‘9â€: for rent. Apply to J. E. ’ Culven up. 13' 15‘ 15 and ~30 inch ! stock sales specialty: I‘uI'lils bought the scene of the final tilt of the mut’hv\.fl\, .) \ets of ‘Qp‘lidue‘, Vl’IriMoitii. 34f ‘ , (in inches in length) and 3â€â€œ 0“ 90“““1551011- , Allle “L‘ >eas‘Ol] iir the Hills-Square Baseball 1 con] 0,, “1002i 60,,†Ben}. 01"? ' mi“ '1‘." l Also Cement Brick i'CDdEd$00â€SIII’I'IWI'WUC‘“ “m1 0â€" circle. Richmond Hill and Victoria 2 CU,†I,†hmtms- ‘ Ap’ply MRR‘A: 5“Hal? MILLâ€"Tmx (lars'vilir‘ Cider Mill \viII Ilt‘ (\lh it every \‘Pl’k day Squirt-o Iilt‘l in decide who shouldjrold _ IHIIlI the 51b of Nor r-mhcr. A. WILSON, ’ :J _ , , SANDERSON, Roscvicw Ave†Richmond the srher cup for the Chilling year. i ducted by the most approved methods. Sand or Gravel sold by the load or _ _ i Patronage solicited. . in car lots. ‘ , , l ' - -.' r . k ‘ Cedar posts and telephone poles for ', The result was an easy Win for the m“ 14 1’ Proprietor. 11-14 { sale, ‘ Squaw. “'0 hope to have the cup dis. . ,_ _, .. , i V, a T. COUSINS, i ___This » played. in Mr. Browns window as'soon 01:;5:1?Llivaifiiiii:tullfsktilit Ili‘itï¬fe’ ‘UR SALE â€" Comfortable frame. a manage“ \ k “51’355'blԠreservoir and Duplcxzdraft. This stove MR . 112118;: in? 4.“ “i, tifl' Apply _ 5 7 r 7 ï¬_ _-_‘~* _ _V 7 > 7 _ _r - ..._.__ is almost new, and will be sold at. :1 Ritaâ€), ‘xd Liliane PM?“ “ est' . u 7 , sacrifice, as owner is niovmg. and will u I ' “mt ’ \" “‘14 O.\K RIIJGES not have a. place for it. Applv H. “.‘r ‘3 .ii it. Hi“, "' “.iiliilllll ,gl. .. Ex I ‘ I p 4 1 Running Water! -When and Where You Want It On any farm of average size at least one hour a dayâ€"56% ten hour working days a yearâ€"are Spent in the irksome, Wearying task of pumping water. 36% days which one of my Toronto Windmills-will give you for profitable work, rest. or recreattonâ€"besrdes supplying running water wherever you want it. A . The one bothersome task. that of oiling the windmill in all kinds of weather. 15 over-come in the Toronto Selfâ€"Oiler, which requires fresh oil only “once a year." Friction Toronto wmdmills. too. operation. The "Toronto" Tower will stand and Wear are practically abolished. can be made absolutely self-regulating in for a lifetime because it is this} heaviest. strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. Let me explain why I believe this is one of the biggest conveniences i you can have. J. Li'nua, Agent, Richmond Hill. thv-"ï¬wâ€"m _n ,_ ___r _ v Phone 73 j l. the ï¬nest: ever held. ‘ ing for the painting of the exterior of dollars with more to follow. The Rev. '3'. H. Noble. Rector of Thornhill. ,but people complain that when it St. John’s Church 1.30 Annual Rally of Sunday School. 2.30 Evening Prayer by the Rector. The Hull 6.30 Rally of the Sunday School. 7.30 Evening Service by Mr. Oldhanr. The Annual Harvost Thanksgivingl Service was held in St. ,lohn’s Church on the evening of Friday, Sept. 26th. It will long be remembered as one of The church was most beautifully decorated, the attend- ance was one of the largest and the singing of the choir Of twenty-one voices was excellent. The thank-offer- M. the church almost reached the hundred preached a most interesting and in- structive sermon on the lessons of Harvest. 'I‘he Hydro-Radial Co.. has built a ï¬ne new station and freight office here, is i most needed they ï¬nd the. door locked. . leaving them outside iir [ha cold. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Scott and child! were badly injured in a irrotizr accident while relurning home Sunday night. While driving north on Yonge SL, ab ave Richmond Hill a large car going: smith ran in‘n them, fracturing Min, Scott's shoulder iir two places and i broking Mrs. Scott, the youtg child living shaken up. i Mr. Fletcher Thompson. of Thump-I son's Garage, was also injured in another motor accident. While pru- paring to tow a wrecked motor car he was iun into, and suffered lacerations to his face and limbs. inond Hill, MRS. C. HARRISON, Richmond Street. M Richmond Hill. Mills. tion. King. gfor School Books \VESLEY Bovn-rox, Phone 120 Rich- mond Hill. 14 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALEâ€"With all kinds of fruit. Apply MRS. )IAHONY, Centre Street east. 14:16 OK RENTâ€"Six roamed frame house. on Richmond St... Rich- newly decorated and electric light and fixtures, Apply A. E. GLAss, I 11-17 | l Internist: 11924 Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN COUNTY OI“ YORK HI. I, CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 0F \‘OTERS’ LIST use. ‘ ' NOTICE is hereby given that I have I complied with section 10 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up in my ofï¬ce at Maple, on the 15th day of September, 1924, the list. of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipal- ity for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. That Part I of said list contains the names of those persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elec- tions to the Legislative Assembly, painted, moderate rental. Richmond Hill. 0R RENTâ€"5 and 7 roonied house, i north of Post Ofï¬ce. Apply to «Iv-44.- 14-18 FOR S-A LEâ€"‘Z cows for sale. milking. (1‘. SAYERS. Oxford St. Elgin I4 OR RENTâ€"Farm containing 100 acres, buildings iir fair condi- Lot 54 Yonge St. Apply BLAIN BROS., Oak Ridge‘S, P. 0. Phone 305 13-15 OR SALEâ€"One large coal heater, g- “Seaf‘fieder’(vnlyiiriy ‘39“; ARISOFI That Part II of said list contains the ‘ [Pa _ ea 5’.“ c .d (.1 0" ‘ - ' names of those entitled to vote a]; Mum. IxLIMfK, Victoria Square, Phone Cipa] 919cm)“: ( n] Stout’r‘ville 401i. 1314 ‘ ‘ 5" And that Part III of said list con- tains the names of those Hitltlcd to vote at elections to the Legislative , Assembly only. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, Dated at Maple. Sept. 15, 1924. J. R. M :LEAN Clerk of Vaughan Township The Liberal and Supplies 12-14