again lmmght The champion Savngv, P. U. 1' Willis, skip. do end it. Torpnto, this 29th day of July, 1924. FLETCHER KERR, 391 Bay Street, Toronto. Ontario. Solicitor for the Applicant. 14-18 The Eckdrdt Tmphy twice in succossinu 1) Hill rink. Our playe: yea], and on the 12th 0 a. tournament at; S the 11 in Ric land luagu nf :Bram k n uw ClUSL’ cnutvd m nish speci nectiou w Snnd..y_ C The Imporinl Hank of Cam npening tu-dny .1 Branch in 111 formally occupied by jnnes . Company, (liwctly back of tln Black. This will be a lvn ofï¬ce while u pelnmneut site i selected. Miss Mm pupil of Mi "Honwwnn won the m the W ' Presidenlâ€"Dl‘. M. \Vellwnnd. lst Vice-Pres.â€"Miss G. Harding. 2nd VicePi-vslâ€"Miss E. \\'r-ll\\'nnd. 3rd Vice-PresiduntsmMr. H. Walker. Mr. N. Price. ‘ 4th Vice-Pres.â€"Mr. P. Sider. 5th Vice-Presidentsâ€"MiSS S. Geo, Miss M. Ellis. Secretaryâ€"Miss E. Neill. Treasurérâ€"Mr. E. Harding. Pianistâ€"Miss 0. Mortsnn. Song Leaderâ€"Mr. Salter. A cordial invitation is extended to all young people of the Methodist Church, and also to any young peop'e (if the Village who do not belong to any Seeiety of a. similar nature. to meet with us in the Sunday School Room of the Church every Monday evening at 8 o’clock. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Isabel Davidson, 0f the City of Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontm'in, will apply to the Parliament. of Canada. at the next. session thereof. for a. Bill of Divorce from her husband, Chmles Robert Alexander Davidson, of the Citv of Toronto, in the County of York. manager, on the grounds ofudultery and damn-non; “Rem L. 0. L‘, ed, but sented The fixst meeting I'm-1h the Ynung Puwple’s ng Methodist Church was held evening. After an innm gramme had been providrd members of the Lunguo, u: uï¬iCel's were electvd for l IGS FOR SALEâ€"Ten small pigs forsale. Also two sows due [0 furrow. PERCY COBER. Lot 34. Con. 4, Markham. Gormley. 14 yegn Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill xeturnod to town on Saturday frmn their culmge at. Lake joseph. where thy spent nearly [\vu months in rest, and lecx-ea- Lion. The ut’ï¬cu‘s and I mund Lodge are iuvi Lodge. Alll’ulélv, Flid‘ week, the occasion ieil; 01' the L). I).G.M Notice of Application for Divorce knnwn E Hill Mr. F. J. Munslu-idge lCLlll‘lH-‘d uxduy ule r. very pleasant visit relatives and f1_-ien(ls in England he lllh nfjuly. The High School basket ball defeated Newumrket High Schun] here \V’udnesdny uf last week, am football teams played a. Lie. Mr. and Mrs. T. l“. McMnhun attend- ed the Golden \Veddiug nf Mr and Mus. Ed ward McMahon. Aux-01‘". Tues- day evening. en's and Mrs. A. L New Jen-my brother, Ml Ml Thu nk year m: her. VVil Office lil’ W h The fil 1‘ l HI Hul H- 1d M1 DE 5 Mary Paterson of Alias Max-gueri mwond Hull" Stl Lhe medal for pul Villowdule Arena sew-n1 schools It mu: Miss Patel .1 Ymï¬â€˜lills, '\\'HS and interesting- C( locnl lnr‘ Mowing with tho m . Oct rber 5th Ypung PeopYe's League 'st Home serviCe in SI. SK lple, next, Sunday at, 11 a 1.111. Holy Communion nt 1p n his hudist ()hoir full atlenmh .Lmusical m: Lvd with H h. ivix Dr. Hui s and membm Il‘L‘ inviLud tn ll) Brown, (11' Pull is making a \‘i A. L. Phipps, [[1] D Hill Hist Fridn by the me aSSembled he llulI" Studio. Thurnhill. 1! for public speaking in 19. Arena at the School schools were represent- liss Patel-sun, who repre- lills,v\\'ns the winner in a resting: contest. Iii‘l ixll I:st bndny eve by the member xssembled here th‘ e Ontario Tempe e willing to suppm rthcomiug plebisui Fliday l‘VL‘llil asiun of [113 s 12th 01 at SI it, lmn quartet shring lOLllHHâ€"‘d Sut- 1-y7pleasnint yisiL with fOrangHuen [):ISS( d >l_mi1.n at a moeling last Friday evening: xyexs won it movidvd l)_\‘ lguo, the f t High Scbuu] girls last week, and the d a. tie. 02mm rite B V n. phbu adinn so Sluui‘i‘vill for this smlsun of League of the r has bl n re- ), and w H flux umbels in con- 1ing service on 10th u p} :7 England since Canada an in the ofï¬ce Ines Lumhel with llle member, In -s of Rich- Rising Sun in}; 01' this the Lmne lmnpornry {e is being sit Richmnnd NU, (If LIN Thornhill L!) Y mdvs Park it Will] hm nd family 1L“ Iaik uric ofï¬cial H. 111 ilc Stoph pro- n-inus owing )ming at. We 1d ,1 V9111 0V6 John sister 11C f t.l‘ they heuh IH ‘Appl Hume, JUVENILE szu LIST Cabbageâ€"Metro I<I‘-Z:il(.,JilanS Ken‘s. will, Dun Frishy, Alhmt Mortsun, Kenneth Frishv. hubc‘l McLen n. Carrotsâ€"Jun \Vilson. Jns Kerswill Philip Grahém, Eleanor Drmy, Metn szak, George Hard. Mary Drmy Mmgnerite Thompson, Peter Savagex Is :lzol McLean. .Grnpes, Gwenâ€"Mr A J (Jamle Mr H Moylu. Plums. Lombardâ€"Mr A L Phipps Plums. Bimbunkâ€"Mr A J Hume, J Phipps. Plums. Bradshawâ€"Mr Hume, 1 Mrs F A'tkinsmz. Plums. ank Stateâ€"M Mr 1‘ H Trench. Oliw Ken How Sum ‘Pezu‘s. Hoke]!- Applos‘, D11ch( Mrs Kerswill. _ Apples, Guldel MCNMI‘. Apples. Alexa 39:14, MP 11 Smitl‘ Smith PoMtnPSâ€"Jns Kex's‘ ago. Gladys Hvlmkuy Billy Savage. Nm'mzm Tomatoes â€" Hugh Petch, Philip Gr:th Muriei Drurv Fx-isby, Muricl Clark, 150 Parsnipsâ€"Mary Drux'v Cornâ€"Philip Graham 'l‘hnmpsrm, Muriel Clark, Isnbel McLean. Olive \V Drux-y, Jno Wilson. Get Muskmellnnâ€"Qnd, Miss Bm‘r. (Iahhngeâ€"Mr Gee, M1- A E Plewman. Cauliflowerâ€"12nd, Mr Bagg. Lettuceâ€"2nd, Mrs;r Atkinson. String Beans, Yellowâ€"Mrs \V T Glalmm. ‘ String Beans, Greenâ€"Miss Switzer. Mrs Ramer. Pears. BHI‘UE Mr A J Camle 7 Peru-s, Clnnp M Guard your system against the prevailing colds by tak- ing Nyal’s Creophosâ€"a good tonic’and builder. $1 a bottle FREE 1 dracham Corson’s Orchid Perfume With 3 Tube of Carson’s Tooth Paste 25c. A Good Cure for Cold Feet leH 0C1 *--- W ’1‘ Graham, lux-rntsâ€"M 1' G09. Mrs F Atkinson. r Turnipsâ€"Mr B‘Igg, Pm-snipsâ€"Mr (‘uldwolL ‘Squnsb, Vegetable Murrow â€"- 2nd, Miss Burr. Pumpkin, Yellowâ€"Mr Caldwell. Pumpkin, Greenâ€"Mr Bagg. Endiveâ€"Mrs F Atkinson. Il’eppers, Greenâ€"Mr Gee, Mrs Camp- Onions, from Setsâ€"~Mrs Phipps, Mrs Ireland. Onions: from Seedâ€"Mr Bagg, Mrs Pamrs SW6 RICHMOND HILL W Sweet, Corn. Yellowâ€" well, Mrs \V T Graham Sween 00m. B. Mex Runner. Andrew’s Liver Salt 35c. and 60C. OZ I mphell Pluuw, Bee Oni Yellow BPHllS- r Dl‘lll'Y, Mary IrielClul-k, K )zuk. Don Fri s Kersw U. HOT WATER BOTTLE Special, 87C. stun iums-â€"M mem Mend tiâ€"Philfp Graham, Jun \Vilson. Wilson, Gen Hm-d. Mary Dxury. Frisby, Billv Savage. Noreen 1th, Dan F1 ishy. Peter Savage. atnes nut 9. Sell All the Latest Magazines ‘, lemp's Fan MrJ S McNHir. Ebilip s. Alexandersâ€"ngs A G 11 Smith. 5, Any Other Varietyâ€"M1 Mr Phipps. Applesâ€"2nd. Mr Campbell s, Greenâ€"Mr A I ()amn Anjou nt Ahundnm M tinued from ADULT sz Ill] lsâ€"Gm'QmI Petch, Elea- I‘_V Drury, George Hprd, Kenneth Frisby, Metro ‘L'isby, Albert Mortson, Graham, Marguerite :iel Clark, Peter Savage, Olive \Vilsnn, Eleanor ilson. Geo Hard, lean ‘Lt T H Tram-h, Mr H Keisw i H RUITS 2nd. Ml n-dnn Patch. u guerite Thompson ){l‘fl On mp Mls 1y, Met! n Sileï¬d Xicun 'nze Li Miss BroWn MCNuiI'. McNuir‘. J Cnmph nd. Ml 3 szuh m1pbell Idwel], ‘ean. M r Mr Mrs M rs H1 Id J'Coxrnelr of Yonge 8: Richmand Richmond TEACHING S A IST HOUSE 1* Kitten â€" Drnry. Rabbits - Murthn, M B-mtum: Yuung, Bu' Mlddleh Bird-f Gruhu m Collection of A Anna Phippe, I Davis. Rulh Dzn Flower Gnu] Nelda. Davis, Ru Vegetable (hi Jame; Kex-mvill, Montsnn, Olivv Thmnpson, Isulx will. Peter S Flisby. Ne‘l‘ 'Mary Fnrmk Wild Flnwe i‘te Thompsu I) l“ For Coughs and Sore Throats 25c. Rosy Woodhr Isobel McLean 1(071“ k. . RESBYTERI Now :Lccep Phone Irlenda unless you get reliéf. . Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most greople feel bettor from the ï¬rst dose. our druggist will refund ypur money ifa $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in tamps. Templetons, To- ronto. £12 RAZ - M'AH Will spoil y your compar friends unles FREE A Powder Puff with a tin of JONTEEL TALCUM Astm‘é Boot’s Meloids HI PE LHAM CUAFFE'X For Sale by Porter’s Drug Store aummer CHOIR-L sh 0e: lir Jersey sweaters all at very Boys running shoes, Pants and Shirt frea’cricï¬ 972'. Polle TEACHER 0F PIANO Coconut Oil Shampoo 19c. EENTS’ FURNISHIM I‘EACH pecial [(m PR]: tsand Olivv Wilsvon, Isubol McLean. n] Ruth Davis. (hildl-‘nsâ€"IVIOLH Bi“ Phone 861 n TENOR :3. OF SINGING 25C. nable prices. Kan ne Saw-,1 ge hces, with KE nnnulsâ€"Bnhhin Duvi: ilmnnr Drux'y, Neld 717 5 Nu pupil l) {TH 0F IIURCH RDAYS Nelda ETS . AND 011 IAN CHI ruhnm . Billy Phipps in Khaki forn 1h Bobble Dml'y, I, Mm u'kï¬vlt )uvi n xd Iv limvm-l h. ï¬shy; Katie zood Ion 1} t! zuvrile Philip Petch. \ll‘ \lh El†uth OI ,lll Advertise in The Li Also a great variety of Hats including Children’s Beavers. Announces a large Stock of Fall and Winter Ladies’ Coats etc, at extraordinafy low prices from $8.50 to $14.50, fur trimmed with Beaver. ' , We Guarantee every Used Car satisï¬ed within 10 days of purchase on any New Model Car. Richmond Hill MILLINERY -:- DRY GOODS â€":- LADIES’ WEAK L492] Ford Touring, in good men , chanieaï¬conditione EME‘NS Ford Touring, Cheap. 1â€"4923 Chevrolet Superior Tour-m - ing; small miieage; good as: new. 2-4923 Ford Lighi Deiivery Cars». 1 New Ford Ton Truck; used as a demonstrator; a real bargain: 1-4922 Oakland Six Touring, in perfect condition. ’ Mrs. F. Flaxman ‘. Trench Block QUALITY SHOPPE OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"W. G. WE are pleased to inform our customers that we have secured the Agency for Butterle Patterns. and will carry a full stock of all the latest styles, also we have for sale The Delineator, Needle Art, and Bacterial: Quarterly. Call and get a copy of Butterick Fashion Sheet free. THE STANDARD BANK BANK] FiFTY YEARS Z3F0rd Touring, Spare Tires Hassier Shock Absorbers, and: . G. BALDOCK LTD. Mrs. Norman Batty CPI“; All the TERMS IF YOU WISH 11 a latest in FORD DEALERS cream in th Uran‘c'h will 1 pracL 1121 Own Currency ll Ht ll id Millinerv now on display (k )l MULI Agents Wantecï¬ m 26 {Aï¬ifls nee BRO ll‘ WC IOLLAND ‘t Scandard 1ndati0n for RSERYM EN, Limited represented, If not e will allow full price Bedforcl, Manager BROS. COMPANY Nl m liable [av to Phone 53 Hank )ll 1211‘ C l] l‘~ II I“ Lansing m