Albumin in the urine is a conditionlalbumin circulating in that should be given attention at once. suls which escapes \v1t A correspondent writes to inquire cause the damaged cc what causes albumin in the urine and neys can no longer 1:! whether or not it is an inflammation ing. of the kidneys and if a weak heart There are othm: will cause it. course, wliere albumin :- x One of the most constant accom- paniments of kidney disease may be present without albumin showing, and albumin may be in the urine without kidney disease. Heart disease has a direct effect in producing albuminuria by causing engorgement of the kid- neys with blood, as a result of poor circulation. Urine which contains blood or {us shows albumin. These substances may come from the kidney or from any other part of the urinary tract or from an abscess which bursts into that tract, or in the case of fe- males, from the generative system. In ordinary cases, however, and for the most part, the most common cause of albumin in the urine is kidney disease. To some extent the albumin present is an inflammatory exudate, but to a great extent it is due to serum- NOTHING T0 EQUAL BABY’S 0M7 TABLETS Mrs. Georges Lefebvre, St. Zeuon, Que., writes: “I do not think there is any other medicine to equal Baby’s Own Tablets for little ones. I have used them for my baby and would use nothing else." What Mrs. Lefebvre says thousands of other mothers say. They have found by trial that the Tablets always do just what 13 claim- ed for them. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate he bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus banish indigestion, constipa- Fion, colds, colic, etc. They are sold by medicine daalers or by mail at 25 cents a box (mm The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00.. Brockvflle, Ont. Work thou for pleasure; paint or slug or carve The thing thou lovest. though the body starve. Who works for glory misses on the goal; Who works for money coins his very soul; Work for work’s sake, then, and it may be That these things shall be added unto thee. ~Kenyon Cox. "A house is built of wood and stone, or ' posts and sills and piers. But a home is built, of loving deeds that last a thousand years." TOILET FIXTURES FOR SALE Bowls. tanks, wash-basins. also heatâ€" ing equipment. iuclpding piping coils. 126 h.p. tube boiler, used lighting aqulpment. such as conduits, switch boxes, etc, all in_bullding being alter- 9d at 73 Adelaide Street West. This material must be sold at once. Real Estates Corporation, Limited, Top Floor, 73 Adelaide St. West. Toronto. Telephone Elgin 3101. Water Cube type, 125 11.11., in good con-l dluon, also a large amount of plumb- lug, lighting and heating equipment Will sell entire or In part at great sacrlï¬ce because of alterations to our property. Real Estates Corporation, Limited, TOp Floor, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. Telephone Elgin 3101. ‘qu crease weight and strengm 8110 re. mm mu: HHHHH , store energy, vigor and nerve force. To keep the world i! Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical 3.... Co.. 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. Mlnard’a Llnlmeni for Phosp Fine, brisk flavor! Best of all in the ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY T" Work for Work’s Sake. HEALTH EDUCATION Provlioialvloard of Health, Ontario llddlcton mu k [M to answer quadou on Pu! m through mm column. Addreu h!- It India: mu Toronto. Mia FeEks BOILER at House and Home. are BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON thin and nervous. ply you with Bitro E heat- coils, hting witch alter- This Real Top 'onto. 1 con- lumb- menL great 0 our ation, elaide 3101. {Q in a. provincial paper or the discovery of an old “church barrel organ," said to have been in the possession of one family for over a hundred years. If it is a genuine specimen of the mechani- cal organ which in farâ€"off days did duty in village churches, we haVe rea- son to believe that the congregations of those churches were in considerable ‘danger of musical confusion. For we note that while this church barrelâ€"or- gan was perfectly in order by reason of three hymn-tunes, it also could give out. “Jim Crow,†and “Penny Jones,†not to speak of “Scots wha has,†and 'Home. Sweet Home.†What happen- ed in those moments when the organ- ist's attention strayed â€" presuming that the aforetime organists were sus- ceptible to a weakness not entirely un- 'known to organists of nowâ€"can be imagined. A congregation rising in its place to sing a hymn, and hearing at the organ the strains of “Jenny Jones," might reasonably be excused for un- churchlike hilarity, while the excite- ment of the organist can easily be imagined. Clearly. to be in command of such an instmmnt had its trials. Then, as now, to press the wrong but- ton meant disaster for the organist. There are other conditions, on course, where albumin appears in thei urine, such as febrile diseases wherethe temperature is high, probably beâ€", cause the poisons in the blood damage‘ the kidney cells. It sometimes hap- pens that albumin will be present in the urine after an epileptic seizure and in connection with various other nervous disorders. There is also what is known as functional albumin in the urine which occurs without any ap- parent cause. It often is found in young people at the adolescent stage of life and is often discovered quite accidentally, for instance, in the course of examination for life insur- ance. The correspondent also asks about the effect of saccharine on the kid- neys. There is not much danger in the use of saccharine, provided it is [used in moderate quantities. The Egyptians kept the bodies of the dead under careful supervision by the priests previous to embalming, and until satisï¬ed that life was ex- tinct. 'I‘he Greeks were aware of the dangers of premature burial and often cut oi! the ï¬ngers of a person believed ‘to be dead before cremation. ‘ In modrn times, the fear of being 1buried alive has haunted many. Wilkie lCollins had this fear, and always left overnight on his dressing-table a note solemnly enjoining that. should he be found (lead, his supposed death was to be very carefully tested by a doctor. Hans Anders-on always carried a note in his pocket to the same effect. Harriet Martineau left her doctor ten pounds to see that her head was am- putated betore burial. Edmund Yates lei't twenty guineas with the provision that his jugular vein was to be sever~ ed. ' Fears of premature burial have re- sulted in the formation of a society to effect reforms in the law of death cer- tiï¬cation. There is, however, nothing new in these fears. Lady Burton (the widow of the fa- mous traveller, Sir Richard Burton), who was subject to ï¬ts of trance, de- sired that her heart be pierced with a needle. Premature burial is of the rarest oc- currence, and it is doubtful if many authenticacted cases could be brought forward. The Perilous Organ of Other Days. There Ems mention a little while ago a provincial paper of the discovery Premature Burial. Public sum 36" in the blood ves- rith the urine be- cells of the kid- nrevent it escap- conditions, 0f Rheumatism nine. Ob, boyhood dreams are very fair, The building of the castles who-re The sea-sands stréw the shore, Or, canvass ï¬lled, before the wind. The lighthouse fading far behind, To skim the far sea o’er. ‘ VVh The rhythmic rise and fan of deck With ne'er a thought of gale or wreck, And youm (0 hold the helm. Strange seas, and stranger lands ‘to ï¬nd. And may the Fates‘be ever kind In distant loner réalm. The tender mother left Will there get thoughts deep Than it he were on shore. For hearts may cleave through spanâ€" less space Whm nearer they would Spurn em- brace, ’ And leave the sheltering door. The boy in dreams will shake the world. I With banners for crusades unfurled, And stout hearts in the making. So. let him go his glorious way. His ship will come to port some day, With many dreams abreaking. â€"â€"Lereine Ballantyne. A Time of Difï¬culties When Watchfulness is Needed. Some girls upon the threshold of womanhood drift into a decline in spite ; of all care and attention. Even strong! and usually lively girls become weak, depressed and irritable, and listless. It is the dawn of womanhoodâ€"most important in the life of every girlâ€" and prompt measures should be taken to keep the blood rich and pure. If your blood is not in a healthy condition at this stage, the body becomes ill- nourished and other ailments develop. If the health is not maintained by a sufliciency of rich, red blood, all sorts of weaknesses are likely to arise. Re- member this, Dr. William’ Pink Pille have saved thousands of girl and wo- men from being lifelong invalids, be. cause of their wonderful bloodmelring1 properties. i The value of Dr. William’ Pink Pills to young women whose health was falling has been proved over and over again. These pills are the most reliable blood builder, fortifying weak nerves and creating the liberal supply of red healthy blood which a girl needs b0 sustain her strength. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil- liama’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. lat Dogâ€"“I saved nine lives today." 2nd Dogâ€""How was that?" let Dogâ€"“Rescued a kitten from dmwmng." An Arable Desert. The “Desert of Gobi" in Mongolia consists mostly of good grazing lands. DAWN 0F \‘VMMNHWD Boyhood Dreams. Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless you see the “Bayer Cross†on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism Aspirin is the trade wk (registemd in semester of Snllcynmcid (Acetyl Salicylh mat Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to or Bare: Company wux be stamped with A Hero. to weep more near and which contains proveh directions. Hand “Bayer†boxes of 12 taï¬lets Also ttles of 24 and 100-â€"Druggists. Canada) of Bayer Manufacva of Monometich Acid, "A. S. A."). While it is well known assist the public ngnlnat imitations. the Tablets 7 ~ 7. AA ....__4_ WW-.. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Accept (all! “Bayer†eackage The great libraries of Tokio are now a. thing of the past. Prior to the re- cent calamity, the libraries were stock- ed with English books. Every Japan- puma. w- r _ . , V V , v their general made hark, the "Buyer es-e college student reads English; French and German having been rele- gated to the realm of second choice since English has been discovered to be the open sesame to Western op- povtunity. Visiting Spingterâ€"“What a. charm- ing little chap! How old are you, dear ?" Minard'a Llnlment Relieve. PIIII- Charming Little Chapâ€"â€""Stx in No- vember. How old are you," The trickster places his hands together and asks the spectators to encircle his two wrists with a handkerchief, knotting it tightly. They are then asked to run I. length of rope between his arms and to hold the ends. Apparent- ly he cannot easily escape without removing the handkerchief. He makes 9. quick movement of his arms and the rope drone off, the handkerchief still circling his wrists. ‘ V 7'71‘he illustration gives away the secret. With one of the ï¬rmer: of the right hand the trickster catches the 1001) of the rope and draws it down between his palm. This can be done quickly, the hands hiding the movement. The trickster then makes an upward and downward movement at his hands, at the same time thrust- ing his right hand through the loop. The movement of his arms will then pull the rope tree of the hands and the trick is done. (0219 this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) Constipation is the arch-enemy of health Conquer the enemy of constipation and you rout a whole army of physical foes, including indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, sleeplessness and nervous dyspepsia. Beecham's Pills have been a world-wide favorite laxative for over 80 years. They go straight to the cause of many ills and remove it. They act promptly, plousnntlynnd surely. Purely vegetable, harmless, non-hnbk-forming. Thea. time- tested pills strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and EASY TRICKS Scld Everywhere in Canglg Lightning Escape Toklo lerarles. Tit for TM. Relieve APPLE BARRELS, ALSO BARREL Staves, Mill Slab Wood, and Cord Wood. Reid Bros.. Bothwell. Ontario QTIRED OUT . 1 ALL THE TIME Stiff? Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound {I‘lllvvvun .u v---â€"_â€"â€"- medicine before my baby was born and it was a reat help I to me as was very poor] until I started .v to ta eit. I just felt .. as though I was tired : out all the time and " would take weak, fainting spells. My nerves would bqther Let Cuï¬cura Help You Keep Your Good Looks Nothing better to cue for your skin. hair and bands. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Tnlcum to per- fume. Then why not make these delicate, fragrant emollient!) your every-day toilet prepaxadons? Bunph M Put ‘1 that Ad“ Cenndinq ‘Depoc: "cum I o. la. nu, tumour ’Pnc- So 25:. Oksuneutï¬mdm. T‘komfle. “‘ ry our new Sis-yin: Stick. me until I could get little rest, dz? or night, I was tol b3 3 - friend to take Ly ia ' ’ E. Pinkham’s Vege~ table Com ound, and I only took a few bottles an it helped me wonderfully. I would recommend it to any woman. am doing what I can to publish this good medicine. Ilend that little book you sent me to any one] can help. You can with the greatest of lpleasure use my name in regard to the Vegetable Compound if it Will serve to help others." â€"MRS. HARVEY M1LLR‘AN,R. R. No.2, Harrowsmith, Ontario. n‘l. Classiï¬ed Advertisements WEE to me pom-1 to ta as th01 out all would faintix nerve: me ur little night. fnend 1r ph In a recent canvass of Lydia E. Pinkham’s “Va pdund over 100, 000 replies and? 98 out of ervery 100 Nerves Gave Little Rest ‘holesomamflofrashing Harrowsmjth,0ntqri9.â€" “I tgok your Mlnard's limbers up stifl joints and sore muscles. Splendid for rheumatism and backache. sale by 511 druggist EYES (IR!!! FOR SALE Emu; purchasers of getable Com- were received said they bad This medicine of