Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Oct 1924, p. 4

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V ‘ 1w. MHEWl/SOIN y: :1 ,. H. PEâ€"ERSON ' ' HOUSE PAINTING AND K - treated. 7’! lrepurchase at any time Artisr, Teacher in Literature, wish to sell, Expression, Reading, Dram- - s ‘ketches _ â€" - , ;-. at": and Humoumu b ’ ing Insurance rates, Lift. 1 11 ' ect Poems. , . , plan A tomOblle ACCldenL and l The temperance people Will do ___W, 1 Graduate 0f u ’ - s - ‘(iiIsALif \W‘ - U" i “1" PrOfeSSIODa ‘ 1, 1 Hess Etc WK.” (0 mkc PIT-“rurr pcrguson at his f .5 Ir’: {>I\II:[ i‘m if]: I«pi . ‘r ' Q i A I ‘ H1 n, gum :is I‘\’, u' -: OWCII StalleYMStpoc‘igfite 1L X word. In in lettrixit- tp Di. Mpmsoflfi Am)“. MRS “Mm. “mg” 5”, M. 15 a -â€"r â€"â€" l“'n ‘er sai : ‘im props ' .._. M ggngss ("i/33230 ‘HonfeW'OOd o N loll} illt‘ Conilnl‘tzlnce Of lllC Ontario F‘Ol.):AI.IC~L‘U(:I(sIIulti II1IIIIIEI' plowi , ' ‘ ' m V _. n , 7; .m] numb}le L iii-row, nniiou‘ iv» loin. “<11 ‘ , I t 'R fl flcmlwmnu' Au" 119mm“ . 1w i sun incis. Eilifiliil for (lllll‘lt S.Ill' 3. Hall, Thornhxu‘ 0n,_____. J . , cruincnt would treat It as any other Hf“ Ckmqmmu H. 1" 1 mnhmnmx OFFICE: CHI‘RC” STm’lEr piece of legislation and would “in, p1,,,,,,.4;,;,;;. 15 V r . . .. - s . . = ~ 'f any " WMN.WTâ€"â€"7flw. W ‘ , . , , ., HILL stmngllltl) its “calmneses, ‘1_ ‘ELL. RENT M SHAH], Ii‘wn ltllll' TLLE‘ “OTL u I“ Ru “M m ) that might he revealed ll‘OIII “me to l and Ii Ill' acic lâ€"Iilitlcn lril< llt’éli‘ ’I‘Hoins IIELANY F. Gonoox COOK ‘ NoTARY lyre BARRISTER. Somcrron, . ' Toronto Oflice. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vcsl Richmond Hill Office Ofllce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridqe, Saturday forenoon. Money to loan at Current Rate W moral ‘ p i “ Somerrons, It'Ic. 2.108 Yonge St. Eli-Gin BARRISTEIIS, Toronto Oii'ice : Phone Hudson 3108. III. A. Nicholls The Real Estate Man 200 Acre Farm must be sold to wind up estate, situate 2nd Con. Vaughan in good farming district. Comfortable '7 roomed house, barns. pig pen house, l etc. windmill and artesian Well. Eoi the best. About 150 acres arable, and 50 acres offirst class bush. Possession at once. House and Lot on Rumble ' great bargain. W AMBROSE L. PHIPPS ICHMOXD STREET. RICIINOND HILL Representing The Mutual life Insurance Company of New York INQUIRIES SOLICITED A PAPER HANGING Phone 1'24 J AUTO PAINTING Phone 68 A\'c., New Brick House every convenience on Benson Ave. Two beautiful residences on Rose- view. , Have a look at the Hughes’ property. Inquire about the Richmond and Mill Street properties all that beauty spot below Lot 40. . Yonge St, RICHMOND IIILL Hm} SE PA INTER. Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER NOTICE and PAINTER ’ Caldwell & Paterson Oxford Street Phone 128 - r12 __,_ \Vish to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and “"gon work. Automobile wood work and rubber tires at the Trench Works. Satisfaction and reasonable prices assured. Give us a trial and be convinced. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All clases of animals Day and night calls prompt- Iy attended. Office and Richmond Hill. Geo. Caldwell, home Paterson residence Church I i Telephone 13-24 I Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company, Lt’d, have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile, 3, 4, '5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12, 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sole. ’1‘. (.OUSINS. J. T. SAIGEOIV Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the Countyof York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited The Liberal for School Books and Supplies Manager The Quicker, Better Method of Stable Cleaning With one of my Toronto Litter Catâ€" riers, one man can clean your stable as fast as three in the old way. Do it, too, without the unpleas- antness and muss of the wheelbarrow method. Dump the manure into a pile where you want it or direct into the manure-spreader when desired. The Toronto Litter Carrier has several special features I know will appeal to you. Let me explain the advantages of its chain pull, why it turns on the smallest radius, its unleakable bucket and others. I have other Toronto Stable Equipment which will make for cleaner and healthier cattle. bigger roiits. Ask me about it as well. I have some interesting literature free for the as ' g. ,5 Iowa, Agent. Richmond Hll. Phone .~\__-â€"\____...._ g lgl Large securities and guarantee to l the Moderation League ap Inquiries solicited regardâ€" e, i QIULHOLLAND & ShiYTH enforcement." VV’arlt Ads. FOR SALEM Daik Cornish roostI-is, also Ancmnt rooster. :Ill v_/-.._‘ "Tr l advertisements from the andl “Ontario Plebiscite t‘omn’iiztee pearon in- CIICI‘IIS Side pages of this issue. If voterslifegistvrcd Slotfk. G. Alns'rInIs; .\_lili read them carefully, and have a deâ€" I. R‘Wl- i... sire to lessen the drink traffic, :SFRAY Nurhfifirmm m 1h“ thcro is no doubt as to how they Will [\L'K‘misrs of ilw nmlmogm-il. 1m. least their vote on the 23rd of October. 27, con. 3, Vaughan, :1 ram. nny have sann- by proving pioiwily and paying for this iItI\- J. H. IJICI-‘icium, Maplo I’. O. lime, and give it active and VIgOl‘OIIS Yonge, \viic l'cnrwl, tuo lininliml burrâ€" itiSl)IlL*llIl'~', .‘ ten yrars uhl. berries, gnml \VtII. baIii, l'lrge- i-hii-Krn . s , r. ,v ,1 lmllsc, and lIIl‘tC riminrd dwelling. LOV 1“ Ul‘ LIBERT} HIM A Good ol'fer to right. [Iiile t). , I’IIOI‘IIBIUONlhl MALLURY. Iiosevicw Ave. l’hvnc . 121 _ 1748 “It is not natural for an Irishman “- ;_ t b a rohibitionist., and although Ut'hla ANDHAHAHH'I'U lilihl’l 7 0 e lp Vaughan Road, Richnmnil IIIII, ' ' ‘ :ainer since my ,. I H I have been an dbsl. ~ \ti-im ii“, MMCPMBM Aw" humm- early youth’ for.nmny years I “3*” ltent I-euSonable. MUS. W. (rims. not a prohibitionist l have an In- LL17 tense love for personal liberty, and T‘OR gALE 1 _ l l t 1 9 ' I ‘2 ' “I? that It IS K â€" lt‘Uu lets not , _ I say to the Moder moms s 1â€"4 mattwsses, g guts “t Spuwg‘ because‘of this love of liberty that I am now a prohibitionist. It was a result of mingling with moderation- ists that my eyes were opened to the dangers of a social glass.” From an address by Rev. Father L.‘Minehan at; Barrie on June 3rd. _â€"â€"â€"â€" WHAT “CONTROL” IS DOING Voters in Oritario who are inclin- ed ‘0 mmk ma“. g°."er“.mem com”?! on. RENTâ€"Farm containing 100 WODId lesson drmkmg m Fins 13”)" acres, buildings in fair condi- ince should read the resolution passed Lion. Lot .34 Yungc st. Apply Bum by the convention of British Colum- BROS» Oak Ridges, 1’- 0- Phone 30-3 - - - 'v . h d P.- King. 13-15 bra munimpalities. 61 at time Rupert; in August : ARM FOR SALEâ€" One hundred “That this convention places itself I acres more or less, lot 24, con. 6, on record as strongly protesting \aughan. Brick house, two barns and _ . V . other outbuildin s. A pl GEO._IULIAN 38111035 the present dlsg‘afwfm .snua' Vl’oo‘dbridee-R. 2. IBhdhe Maple. 15 tion throughout the provmce In re- ' n of clubs and TRAYED-From the premises of fiidiatl: bgeligggailierein - that the v- HERMAN MORTSON‘ 10L 28-‘ C(m‘ 4' . , l , Victoria hquare, a large white sow, present situanon IS worse than 1n the phone Stoumme 6113' 1,345 days of the open bar and is not only so or n.3ets-nnsnn 31222833" . . . . . ‘ , ’ It. 5' people. but 1'5 resmung m bringing good cellar and furnace, electric light. about general contempt for law and $I.UUO cash ; balance arranged. Five order ; that the government he urged room frame bungalow with one half at the earliest possible momentto eon- 351% “lid. .gmitl Stable” and] suing". sider this situation and enact laws " “a 0mm I ““limce d""“‘l=”’" Apply to alter this deplorable state of 1 C08] or Wooil heater, Boll“ Oak, 2 Coal oil hooters. Apply MIN, A. SANDEIISOX, Roscview Avc. , In Illnillltl IIill. 14-15 J: OUSE AND I!) I‘ FUR SA I.l£vWilli all kinds of liuil Apply MRS. {Hmong L'L'iillt‘ Sheri I-usl, 11-10 hr... â€"_-_.u.-.._..... JFOR RENTâ€".3 and 7 iooincil house, North of Post Office. Apply to MRS. I‘. HARRISON, ltirhniond Sliect. Richmond Hill. 14-18 Wm- affairs” “0R RENTHHouse on Elizubelh Yet we are told that government $131963 10F l‘fi’llt- APDIY URI-1‘1, WIGMORE. 3-tt control is the policy. that Ont-.irio should adopt. W. .- .. Benton, Macdonalu e Benton Barristers, Solictors, 6m. DIAN‘NING ARCADE, -â€"â€"â€"_â€"- WEDNEsDAY, OCT. 29-Auction sale of farm stock, implements etc., lot 28, con. 5, King the property of]. H. Bl‘llllligP‘H 51119 “t 1 O'Clt‘CK T911115 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA. 11 months. Suigeon and Egan, , , Aucts. IELEPHONE MAIN $11 Cable Address: "Dodo ' .. ” rthur A. Macdonald llllllillllllllll t Frank Denton Laura Denton. B. A. C. 11. BYAIVI AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA The Protective Association of Canada. and The Dominion Gout-antee and Aceident Co. a 17}, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, PLATE GLASS ETC . Maple, Ont. Phone 232 JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES Store Into Their Homes â€"by Long Distance " Rough and Dressed Lumber ably over one million Long , Distance messages a. month, mOstly for merchants who, decliningtobe the victims of circumstances, are making sure, by Long Distance, that they get, the business. Building paper l kg "[‘lDon’fi; wait. on the chance Hardwood Flooring Iatt ey may come to you. . .- Telephone them at once by Pme Lam D00” Long Distance. Sell them, Cedar Shingles Sash :rCISUaII'e an appouitment for Roofings ' Gypmck l - ‘ __ I We now handle consider- 1““ paper waubwrd l l l Centre Street East BOOTS AND siiiiias.’ ALLTEI‘NDS NEATLY REPAIRED Into what homes or offices could ;' you trike your sum: today, by ; Long Distance? ? rm ‘&/* (3%, AT THE cl, .- .s ROLFE SHOE REPAIR “so, v (,2? GOOD WORKMANSHIP ‘\C’="*'/ QUICK SERVICE Each new subscriber adds to the value of YOUR Techim Work done While you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. giiiiiu, ()wiwi . lug applc, p ‘lll, plum and r‘hcri y trees“ sliniv- , . H. A. NIUI‘IOLLS N OTARY PUBLIC Commissioner; ('nnvcyanrcr, I‘ltc Insurancu and Itcul Estate RIUHIVIOND IIILL m i.'..iu1 INITLTR narrator: EVERY PLANV‘“ h F ‘5: . THE i-‘ziCâ€"HE'LYI' R.‘»‘;’f~3‘z< ! l l l I I l l l l Nl‘} plank in our business platform is marked Honor. Another is Business ("ouz‘tc- sy. Another is Just Prices. And v another is I‘ei'i'cet Arconiodatioris for Our Patrons. Now we're telling you. you’d better look over our lumber before you build. L. INNES 8. sons I’hr no 133 Yongc Street JONES LUMBER c0. PHONE 27 We have the following Items in Stock which we are prepared to sell at bargain prices : About 1200 feet ~â€" 1 File Beech J. R. HERRING’I‘ON, Richmond Hill. lliâ€"tf . Plank 2x6 and Wider, 6 to 12 feet in length mostly No. ‘2. t Pile Pineboards about 500 feet : 4 to 8 inches wide, 6 to 12 feet long, dressed one side. 200-8 ft; Cedar Posts, average top 4. inches. 3 Damaged Pine Doorsâ€"- 1 â€" 2'6 - 631} â€" inch. 2‘ 2,8 - (3'8 â€" 1;; JONES LUMBER CO. Centre St. East. Wall Hangings _ of - Artistic Charm SAMPLES FR EE PAINTING. DECORATING PhonefiOti, King. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Roger Alexander McGill, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Clerk, will apply to the Pailianient of Canada, at the next session [hereof for :i Billof Divoree from his wife. Lottie Amelia McGill, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. (U the grounds of adultery. DATED at Toronto, this 131: (la ' October, 1924. y at FLETCHER KERR, 39-1 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. 15-19 _.__.._______.______ Notice of Application for Divorce \ hâ€"_â€"| NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. George Thomas Giigor, of the City of Toronto, In the County of York, in the Provmce of Ontario, Book-Binder, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Mary Grigor, of the said City of Toronto, on the gl'gtglgégf adig‘tery and desertion. at oronto this 'I August. A, D, 1924. 33m day Of GEORGE THOMAS GRIGOR. by his solicitors MURPHY & DON ALD , 302 Bay Street, Toronto. II-15 -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"._â€"____ Notice of Application for Divorce _ dyes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that- Isabcl Daritlson, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Prorince ot’ Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, ('hmlvs Robert Alexander Davidson, of the City of ’Ioronlo, in the County of York. iiini‘mgei', II” the r I. «s ~ Lmd desertmn. LI on 1,. (IALIUIILI‘Y DA l’EI) at Toronto, this leth day of ‘ July, 1924. FLETCHER KERR, Bill Bay Stiwi, l'oiuiilr-. Ontario. Sclieiti r for IIIL‘ Airivlii 11-18 W Advertise in The Liberal. III:. .â€"__.â€"a-.__.â€"_â€"\â€"_‘

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