-. ' Bridgnpurt Connoticut 'l‘elegranr : W‘ . .. v .. ‘_7.--V -7 W v .- .. . Womll‘l'ldg“ Fill" Frill-"3‘ ""‘l 5"â€? h Richmond Hill Public School Report dav of this Week. Soft-trail r't'lhlit titan HR. ,: rSrpternln-r. Nam» s iii ordrr tit liii'ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'l‘t-r-tzel and two 5R. ll -l.rvlo .lririr‘s', children. and .v‘ilr‘_ Normanllattylrd ‘ Manley. .l-rrl; Shepherd, .ll‘illl llt‘Jitl» left Tlrrsrlay for t‘.rlifoi nia, \vhi-r'ethr-y riizrri. Mair: ilt'l French. lidivarrl arc to make, their future home. . Aliir'lll. iv-ï¬ hefr »~ ~ A7 I I). \vslirir y. All'rrd ltmilug Ethel ( (iv. 3'. Rev. John Coliurir, of Toronto, “ill (1â€. k. FHWM‘V [{MHI ,il' Airy.†“alw; speak in the ltilt‘ll'sl m‘ the r).’l‘.A.. iii Nam...“ surï¬ng]. Mâ€, M (rpm... the ('nuniil (‘liillllllt'h Friday i \erilllil .\l.rry (iiilings, liennie l‘iiirrli. llrrlln at So'r'lm'k. All inn-rested :Ilr' invited. la lrI'. Marjory >;rinlr»rsorr, llr'r lwi’ pâ€".â€" 'l‘hme inieiesirrl in rrrrlirii,r :ilt‘ A IN,†MOHWU‘ “Skull “3 Huwn.'lâ€|" H". “WNW-q l'w liaiiirrri'v-‘rnilli. lix.I‘llllllllv,i:llrll‘lill‘ rc-r-igarri'laliivn in tlie."!u r li‘ilyllll tuâ€" mdxmnn, “mun. 5â€â€â€˜1 lllt)ll't)\\', l‘iiday, ('\'I'iilli',( at 8 r. work. J“. I; i1,.l\_i][,.‘ 1;“; M. M ,rlinltt. ‘ ‘ Graham lilrlulry lh‘vis‘, .‘rrll'r-i. (wrairl, livldyrr \‘.' rilv, \\ i'l i~ ll tilt-y. I‘l rrr lit 1' Mr‘t'iitvlitn-n, tilrdy- llrlnilmy. llelly lliiir's. (iriirirvn Air llr'll. Audi-ry [lllllll‘l‘l-"IV, Gr'i'rqr‘ \Vllllt‘. _Iriliii \‘\44|lll~' i _ \vir'lrrr Morris, Agni-s t'alrlivr'll. lilli rrr This is l"ire \‘r'eelt. Hate Vriiii- flllt‘.\ llillli'lll- MU)“ H““'l\"‘\. lit-:rtriee examined, and made sate. illave all ll'jl’lllll'l. N“[â€|?|“ llvH'l'l-‘U l'lll‘lils‘ rubbish i'l'llrrn't'tl from within and “WW. l’i'lI-r l‘urrsl. l.rrrll.-rRolnllard around )‘r-ur preririsrs. llun no risks I‘ll"'“1‘-l"- " 1 regarding tires. I __~..- h_. i Mr. and Mrs. (‘. l’. \Viley and Mirs MAPLE Isabel, Mllt’litll'tl the “editing of Miss ______ r Mar-jut ie 'l‘irriier, a niece oi Mrs. ‘.\'ilr}'. in Uxhl'lllgl'. on Tut‘sday. I‘liss lsahtl acted as in idemraid. .‘ldlgflir'i itv (ii is», A rr-cv-nt analysis of Town \valrr r taken l'ii-irr Ihe taps in llir-hiriund llill shows sliluitliilrlil lily. 'l‘het-xa-nirialitvn was lrI:r(lr‘ by the Provincial Hoard lrl lr-altlr. Utll'\‘(‘.~l Home'l‘hanksgivingsr-rviv-r-s \vi‘re held in St. Stephen‘s l'lllllt’ll. oir‘ . . L._,..__ , ‘hruday, liripre-sivr- H‘r‘lritriis \vnrr: On Tuesday err-mug. ()rtoberQl. Mr. llWllCllP‘l h." “1“ WNW} i“"- M" Geo. Baldwin, (lllct‘t importer of bulbs, ll‘dlmwr ('l'l‘l “Hf Chm‘r‘h “‘15 “" ll will give an address before the lllll’dï¬â€˜t “01h gm'VlCW- . HorLiL-lmm.“1 Soumy (m -'lf,.]1|)|m.[. erite a number-“of new hwu’sos are' ing Bulbs," The public in\ ited. “H'b‘l hm†1“ the \ 'llilgo- A large number attended the dance \‘.’. J. Scrivener having taken over in the Community Hall last Wednesday the real estate and insurance business evening, of Wetslry linynton will be pleased to Mr. Arthur Lawiie and his bride receive a. share of public patronage. returncd home 1.58 Wt‘t'k. The boys Office oppositc Baldock's Garage. and girls~ of the \ illage serenaded them ******* 7 "‘â€"> )114‘-â€; \' 2 '10-. , I Owing tritlie United l’riiyer Meeting “Th3â€â€˜IX(S,1‘"L',,*;,_.,.,H than“ 1mâ€. m Y(â€â€œâ€˜P‘{“0“ “"th “I? Pl"bl5‘5ller the entered the curriiietition at \I'rrodliridge choir oi tnc l’resbvterran e‘hurch have (m 1:, “my. ‘ decrded to postpone their 1‘ owl supper A Lug}, numb“. of 50mm“ “Mk Pint and concert, ll‘Ulll the 22nd lo the 29th in the Fail. Ml \vbnnn. (.n \Vvdnwdny 0‘ OClOl’l‘l'- .of last week. Several from here attended the con- vention in the Anglican church, at In the floral lastiiveek, the follow- ing orriission was made in the list V . ' , __ following,r the flower and vegetable ‘ “0de ldge I‘lsl “ ml" exhibition: Juvenile collection of o..â€"_._ vegetables. lst. James Kerswill: 2nd Dmmm F, My. vIcrorm SQUARE -â€"â€"-â€"-3_ BOPKEVHWS “"9 lm'or-nï¬l [’3' ll 9 Victoria Square was We“ represented I’Ubl'Shm's “mt Lhe FUN“: Shim“ 193“ at Markham Fair last Saturdav after- Uook 9“ Hygiene l5 ""_“' “Ul- "f Pill“: noon. The concert in the evening was ‘md “'“l “UL ll“ 1'9'l’11UL‘fd- A M’“' well attended hyour young people but. WK" l’m’l" 0“ Hygwm' lb Plum-139d owing to the weatherconditions. one of after the next summer holidays- our popular young men was unable to N I return home rrntil the fullmvingday, On account of ill health Mrs. \Vilrnot Brumwell IS spending a few weeks with friends in Toronto. \\'e wish her a Mrs. R. J, Murphy, Itiehmohrt Hill, announces the engagement of her second dauc'nier, lixa Kathiyn. to Bl r. G. Morley lSeyrion, son (it Mr. and speedymcmvry. M'IS‘ .(m‘l' Baum" “t Jl’ï¬'fr‘wni “‘9 Mr John Holmes and Mrs. Matilda 1"‘llilll'gk‘lllllll‘lePlace (lmtuy lh“l“l‘ Per-kins were guests of Mr. It. E. “"9"†“t Udl'l’or‘ Sanderson and family last Sundry. Owing to the very severe electrical storm on that evening, they “the un- able to return home irritil )lorid ry. Mr_ John Wiridrnss is \ isiting with his brother-in-larv, Mr. john {\loitson, fora fcw days. The S. S. Hod '{llrlitlll ivnrlicrs pur- pose holding a pie social and enter taiu~ merit in the near future. Mr. Cline Brrri's barn was slinck by lightning; on Sunday night Forth rrately, by the assistance of hi:- neigh- The following is taken from The “Bl~‘ll(rp Brewnter (‘onfer s Ordination on Rev. William H. llaysi'l‘he ceremonies attracted unusual attention in the city as: it is rarely the Sacrament is conferred in any place in the Diorese other thin at :he Cathedral Churr-h at Hartltird. The ordination service. on Sept. 29th, \vas the first held in the city by the Episcopal Church since 1889, and was attended by many parishoneisand friends of the Rev. W. H. llay, Bishop Brewster “as: the Celebr'arrt. and \vas assisted by the flew. H. t? Divyr-r as llearon, and the Rev. j. A. lltreioppi as Sub»DeaCoD. The Rev. l“l:lllcl> B. Busebors. of New Haven, \v.is Masteroftlermnonies, and the ltrv. lie:in S. \Vhiteheud de- livered the Sermon. The Rev. W. H. Hay is now in charge of Calvary Church, Rridepurt, ()onn., I'. S. A." ' ._~.â€"_._...- IIYPOPHOSPHITES, WILD Presbyteri‘" Services CHERRY AND CREOSOTE .‘lnlgllr‘l ilr . Alim- \Vilii righliy, Bl‘llll'll'" ’ .\l'rs -ir, lvarr \‘Vllt‘t‘ldll. llrigli (intern ,lllllllr''Wairen's‘ “hr/"s. 'l‘l e lll"l‘lll‘l," this - lld‘U‘l man Sunday School meets at 2.45 p. m. Preaching serriees 11 and 7 o'clock. The pastor in charge for the day. Special song,r service at 7 o’clock. combined with the true medicinal Extr‘actives found in the Best Cod Liver Oil. «.0. IN MEMUHLUI , “‘~ Particularly valuable in MCLEANâ€"In loving memory of our dear Father. Archibald McLean. i who passed away October 11th, 1923. ' Dear father you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. i Though in that cold, cold grave you; calmly sleep. Your spirit shines above, We loved you in life too little \Vc loved you in death too much. And may the Angels above love you, and protect you and mother. Till we all meet again across the great divide. Sadly missed by Family. “_ Frederic/r" M. Pallet! TEACHER OF PIANO Run-down Conditions, showing loss of flesh and a tendency to ‘ weak lungs A most effective remedy for BRONCHITIS, DEEP-SEATED STUBBORN COUGHS and wherever a general Tonic and Tissue Builder is required ‘ PORTER’S DRUG STORE DISPENSING CHEMISTS PHONE 83 TEACHING S .\ T I' R D A Y s 151‘ Horst: N o H T ii o F PRESBYTERIAN Cir r' RC 11 17 A EELHARI WCIIAEFEY l TExoR r TEACHER 0E srxurxc S E D G La S f FOR SALE Now accepting pupils. _ Phon ill} 1' I'i f ‘ itio ; e c u ,C. M. Palmer & Sons CILUIR~LE.\DI-Il{ AND ORGANIST I’IIESBYTERIAN t‘llI'Rt‘H Uveil ind 'l‘ntir in; late iriudtl, good ctrziiitiwn, i’rasnnal‘le prire, lirci'l ind Dr‘lllr‘l'.>tl'.l(r‘l‘, Terri'- ing. live \\"\ eks rrld. MaXWell Truck, 15):], over- and iveoriditi‘ned. SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.i\‘l. PIANO and THEORY Prile of Jowf Lhevinne and Frank S, \\'el>m:rn studio: Over Mr. 15. R. For-trrer‘s Tailor Store. Puoxh‘ 95 lltllllL‘tI. excellent shape, 15 ten ‘ap itiry. McLaughlin, Tpisswiiger. ~ iâ€"ï¬ru » IRICHMOND HILL, ONT; ; aiw FEVE’ Summer Asthrï¬a Will spoil your summer and make your company distressing to your friends unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most people feel better from the first dose. Your druggist will refund your money ‘ ifa $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in stamps. Templetons, To- ronto. n12 RAZ - MAM For bale ii; For‘ier’s Drug Store ..~â€"_. m...- mmâ€"n liliillw azul triv l.ti-’ lion. i ii and llr‘n _ \vli-r irishi d In if e we llt'. Ix \\:r»- :zlr‘n Ir) sawi- all li|> .~trw' :rlirl iiirni wl liiy lll][il"lli“lll .‘rii “Erwin has limrum lzmlrill q i‘li’ l’i'ayr-i Mr “iii-us again in the (li‘lli‘lr'll' 'I lmV \v‘ ri- dim 'il.l1lilil'<l ll.l - ing the wiiiiriir'i rm .rr'r‘rlilil ll .\li' vii-ck \vili llt' ln lrl at the horn * r l' .llrs. The \V. .‘il. .‘i of Vir‘lniia .‘ï¬lrr w :ri‘:* iriviiiLr :r lea and lr't'lllll' in thr- .\lr :lirn- (li~t ('hlrrr-h, 'I'riendav evening. (wt. ll. Lecture by lti'v. If li’vr'ison Young, li..\. “A Rn) 's Ix‘iory nl Lilo among-t the l‘irr' and Kairltearrx India .s. ’I This is Mr. Young's nrvn story ol the land ril~ his birth and ol'tlieludians who “ere his first fi'ir-lirls‘,(‘spe't'iillly (if his wonderful Indian irriiw. Music will be furnished by thr- VVhilr- Ruse (\luar'telte. . Tea SVI'VHI from (I In .82 Adllllxlil) rents: Children under 10 years ril age l5 Cents. Crane and enjoy the evening with Us. J _.__ _..Mâ€" ME'I‘HUHIST CHURCH The storm ot’ Sunday evening did not prmrut the (‘ringirgatioir of the Methodist (Jhirrch enjoying the musical selections renderd by the Choir. The hope has been expressed. that, the selection 7 by the Male Quartette, unavoidath (illlllll‘tl. will he rendered next- Suuday evening. The subject of the dist-nurse in the Methodist Church next Sundav even- ing will he “The Quest. of the Best." Caretakers Wanted l .â€" Tenders-fur the position of caretaker fur the Rieliriinird Hill Public Sr'hmils, and alin a r'alt‘larkm‘ for the new High School will be received by tho illi-li'l'- signed (in or llt'ftrll‘ Saturday.the15tli of October. lirrties arul conditions may be seen at The Sterling Hank. H. NIORDEN, 15‘lli Sec'_\'.â€"Tre.rs. _ _ _, , . l irriiicr iii marinas I l __.._ NOTICE IS llI‘IlllCliY GIVEN that all creditors and [irrr \V'li‘~ lix\ ll :4 claims against. the list-ire rrl' lllClJCN 'l‘Alll’Ll‘IY. ltll“ (it il‘“ :‘VtH‘Il‘lllllUf Vaughan, in the (hunt): r 1‘ York, \\'i(l«>\\‘, who died on or about the ninth day of M iy, A. 1)., ISL’l, are 11 qrrired to forward the vim-3 duly [il‘(\\t’li, showing thr- M'c‘lirilv, if any, to the, undersigned, on or before the thirty- first (lay Of October, 1924. AND NOTICE is iur 1 her given that. after the last named dare lll!‘ lva i'uttr will procved to distribute llirwwv’nlt’, har ing 1‘. card only to lllt‘S‘ r him.» of which he then sh ill 11 rye notice. Dated this 2nd day of October, Al)“ 1924. I ()hailis Britt, 333 llnriresva'les Ava. Trnuiitli, Ont. lixrcutnr. 13-16 Mrs. Illaxman â€"â€". Announces a large Stock of Fall and Winter Ladies’ Coats etc, at extraordinary low prices from $8.50 to $14.50, fur trimmed with Beaver. Also a great variety of Hats including Children’s Beavers. .south of Richmond Hill Public School. Richmond Hill J. W. Wellman GENTS' FURNlSHlNGS l r l Boots and :llCCS, with a good line of Oxi‘ri‘ds and Ladies slices Special prices in Kink". Pants and Shirts. Bovs running shoes, Caps. Jersey sweaters all at very reasonable prices. iComer olYongeISzlliclimond Note the Address :‘3 Doors l__ 1 Chevrolet v Bring Your lilaliiririg Victor Bonds to HS Paul'l)lili< ‘l \vlt'h i\‘ l‘mwls iirr"i" ill‘. «H‘. N r‘.'r'}rilrl"l'-.‘1.1", \\ili l'Iiirl it i l“ i ‘»I In .t..»l r -'i i'rl'.\r'l’ llil'lll ::‘ ilii~ ii .2' “pimp! lri irr~ .‘tl '\ v’iii .‘Ziil m .~ . '.1:- -_ \liil}~lit ii' :i‘. r. \‘tim‘i. ~ _\'r'ili' iiiai‘ti'di'j r {5. “m1; u-v r r iii! «is .r ,tlll credit i:i :2 \‘tuid-rrri tiring I if“ >.rvir L‘s ‘r'i' )lllll. ) mm~_ ;.,â€"..-‘pu<7-¢- â€"_ ma mu“ ‘1 ’I‘Iâ€"IE j Eran DARD BAN K. ()F CANADA Q. I WE arc pleased to inform our custoriicrs that we have secured the Agency for llurterick Patterns. and will carry a full stock of all the laws: styles, also we have for sale The Delineator, Nccdlc Art, and Butt-Brick Quarterly. Call and get a copy of lluttcr'ick Fashion b‘lrcct l'r'cc. ' All the latest in hlillinci‘v now on display Mrs. Norman Barty Trci ch Block ‘ The Eeéd Mia! ; Phone 53 Agents W’anted BROWN BROS. L‘UM PANY Flour. Bran, Shoilx (iiourn’l and \V lit 10 Grain Feeds. Poultry Feeds (it‘lls, ard Merit Alt‘tl*,j Iltllt‘tl NI‘IlSl-ZRYMEX, Limited BHOVIN'H Nl'RHlillllfS, “NT. Hay and Straw, \‘ye (ltll‘."‘l' ' are ready I.» rt-t't-ivu :rpplir‘rtinns for an agency «Vt thr'ir' well aril favorably known Pvirrwry l‘iru duets, \tll'll as Film 'l‘iets. Small this and Mixed tiraiii Wanted Phone 82 \\'_ J F B Fr'riitS. ()lllllilr‘UIAl‘, Shrubs, ' i I ’ Roses and l’erenrriah. Quality u first. h.rli~."ai'litrri guaranteed. Aduress .‘.\ Crll-r\t' at or†. J} E ii. H:â€1'(3nt i015; J If: Ballinl St†Toronto. Plume Hudson 1317 w LICENSED AL'C'l‘lONEEH FUR CHL'N'l‘Y on YORK AND oxraruo C. ill. PALMER Sr SONS DEALERS FUR Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Willys-Overland Motor Sprcial attmaion given to sales oil every de~crrptinn. Farms and tarrnl :Lnt‘li sales specialty. Farms bought . and Sold on commission. Allsales at-i iended to on shortest notice. and con- . ‘ ducted hy the rnnstapproved methods. H (:ars _, Patronage solicited. lllys _Knlght ‘1“ Motor l Cars. Advertise in tho Liberal. 10¢]? Used Cars 1--1923 Ford Touring, Spare Tire. Hassler Shock Absorbers, and License. Superior Tour-‘ ing; small mileage; good as new. "10116851 2-4923 Ford Light Delivery Cars. 1 New Ford Ton Truck, used as a demonstrator; a real bargain. 1--1922 Oakland Six Touring, in perfect condition. b We Guarantee every Used Car as represented. If not isatisfied within 10 days of purchase. we will allow full price lon any New Model Car. i TERMS IF YOU WISH l W. G. BALDOCK LTD. _ ’Rmmomi Hill FORD DEALERS Lansrng