Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Oct 1924, p. 7

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rRequires :1 Mother’s Constant Care and Watchfulness. ' THF GROWING GIRL in their early teens it is quite com- mon for girls to outgrow their strength. and mothers should careful- ly watch the health of their daughters at this time, for it is when strength is sapped by too rapid growth that anaemia develops. The first signs may be noticed by peevishneSS. lan- guor and headaches. The face grows pale, hreathlessness :nd palpitation follow. with low spirits. ed anaemia often leads to decline, but if you see that your daughter's blood is enriched there need be no cause for anxiety. The finest blood enricher ever discovered is Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. The pure. red blood created by these pills will quickly banish all signs of anaemia. They will build up your girl's health and ensure her a robust girlhood. Give your daughter a. course of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now. Make her strong like thousands of girls and women throughout Can- ada who have been rescued from the clutches of anaemia by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. At the first sy]nptom of anaemia mothers should act at once. Neglect- You can get Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 500 a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Out. A mask of this kind can be made in a quarter of an hour, and costs about ,twenty-five dollars. The skin is smeared all over with grease. the eyes closed with sticking plaster and the ears stufied with cotton wool. A tube between the lips, and another in the :nostrll, prevants suffocation, while silk threads are placed on the skin before Ethe plaster is put on to make it easy ,bo remove when the “sitting” is over. Masks of women made in this way 'nre often finished off with wigs, while ythos'e of men may be adorned with hats. Their terrible rigidity and death- llike pallor have an effect which is both (weird and gruesome to the last de~ 'gree. But the sculptor could not get 'qrders for statues and he had to live. So he started this business, which bids hair to become far more remunerative than the mere carving of marble. Masks and Faces. The making of plaster masks from living faces bids fair to supersede por- trait-painting and photography in Vienna. A wellâ€"known sculptor has established a studio for this purpose, and is doing a thriving businessâ€"the majority of his clients being women. You Cannot Bags l/RINE New Eyes But you can Promote a @cmmcanhyandlflou UR “*fqfififé‘fia'fifirfiffifi?’ mm liiiéiéii iifiiiilhhéikaiflfi d "R EYES‘lwrssdfism-J Keep your Eyes Clean. Clear and Healthy. ‘ Write for Freq Eye Care Book. 45* @5535? $7.5] Pearl Ware U doing the rubbing surface or any part of it the least harm! The enameled sur- face won’t chip, flake or peel_ol:f. Think of the wear there is in such a wash board! There is the same wearing qualities in all articles in 5MP Pearl Ware. Try out the avash board and be convinced. Mustard neutralizes the ncnness on fat foods and makes them easier to digest. Mustard enables you tc enjoy and assimilate food which otherwise would burden the digestive organs. "AM By “I MSHEET METAL PRODUCTS co . git Cara find I or: this 1%555031d Our 5MP Pearl Ware Wash Board is so strong, tough and durable that a full-grown man or woman can stand on it without MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG EDMONTON VANCOUVER CALGARY Science Baffled by Scents. Sclence can do marvels for sight. hearing, and touch, but so far it has accomplished nothing for our sense of smell. Attempts have been made to find the means by which deer and other animals detect a man's presence even though he is a mile or more away and out of sight. It seems fairly certain that the secret lies in a wonderfully’ keen sense of smell, yet elaboratel tests have not proved this. Civilized man has lost the keen power of smell with which he'was originally endowedd, but many savage v races retain it. .A tribe in Northern Japan track game by the nose alone. exactly like a dog. There is also an Indian tribe in Brazil with the same gift. Occasionally a member of one of the white races is found with similar powers. Dean Buckland, the British geologist. could tell the locality in which he happened to be simply by smelling the earth. Once, on being lost while out riding with some friends he picked up a handful of earth, smelt it, and announced, correctly. that they were near Uxbridge. James Mitchell. the blind deaf-mute, invariably recog- nized his friends by the odor peculiar to them when they entered his room. So far from deciding how our olfac- tory nerves work, science has not yet discovered what scent is. A grain of mask, for example, will perfume a room for years. and yei. on being weighed, will be found not to have diminished even a fraction in size. HEAETHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleeps well and during its waking hours is never cross but always happy and laughing. it is only the sickly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, if your children do not sleep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, give them Baby’s Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom- ach, banish constipation, colic and in- digestion and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free from opiata and may be given to the new-born babe with perfect safety. You can obtain the Tablets through any medicine dealer at 25 cents a box, or by mail, post paid, from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Children take things very literallyJ During a very muddy spell we look out of the window and saw a team al- most stuck in the mud and some one remarked: “My! just look at those horses, they are barely crawling along.” Little Katherine, aged five, looked out of the Window and turned With a disappointed look, saying: "Oh! I thought they were down on their hands and knees." Ont ; gency. : _..._.¢__,__â€" ', Mlnard'u Llnlmenl Relieve. Pain. 1 do not care to [001 any man; when he diseovers I have fooled him, he will do me more harm than my 'cunning did me goodâ€"E. W. Howe. mnnE No. 41â€"‘24. An American tourist was shown to a room in a hotel in Brussels. where he found twenty candles stuck in a chan- delier. As it was dark, the attendant lighted them all, but the guest had been in European hotels before and Drivers improve With Age. According to Dr. J. .1. Snow, nation- ally known psychologist. automibile drivers between the ages of 30 and 39 are least likely to have accidents, while those from 20 to 29 are consti- tutionally more careless. The old supposition that married men are less likely than single men to have acci- dents has been definitely disproven, he declares. Fitness to drive an auto- mobile is solely a matter of intelli- gence. caution and quick nervous re- action to the needs of a sudden emer- gency. made him put them out immediately. This was of no avail. however,. In his bill next day he found them chargedâ€" “Twenty candles. ten francs” (two dol- lars). He Went back to the room and took out all the candles, wrapped each one in a bit of paper and slipped them into his overcoat pocket. When he was about to leave the house he found the servants drawn up in two lines in the hall, ten men servants on one side, the maid servants on the other, all smiling and ready for the expected tip. Then he drew out his package and dis- tributd the candles, one to each.. “Al- low me, monsieur," he said, with a bow; “permit me. madame. They are very superior candles. I can assure you, I paid ten cents apiece for theme" Then he stalked out and left them all staring at the candlas like a set of wooden images. This stunt is not very easy to do but when it is well practiced it is a very mystifying trick. Prop- erly performed it usually does a great deal to persuade folks that there really is something in the magician’s stock claim that "the quickness of the hand deceives the eye." Hold a half dollar in your right hand between the thumb and the finger tips, the right hand being about slx inches from the open left. Move the thumb away from the coin. Wlth considerable force throw the coin flat on the palm of the left hand. As the coin strikes the palm, the left hand moves very swiftly toward the open right and the coin files back and is caught tn the right. Buy your out-ofâ€"town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. The return of the coin to the right hand is so rapld that the eye cannot follow it and the effect is that the coin was slapped into the left hand whleh lmmedlately closes. The left hand is opened and is seen to be empty. The right hand is opened and is seen to contain the coin. when he he will cunning (Clip this out and paste it. with other of the aeriea. in a scrapbook.) Quickness Of The Hand EASY TRICKS Tim besf Tobacco for the pipe A Returned Evil. not care discover do me 11 did me Q ISSUE ’No. '41â€""24. N 0. 336 OGDEN“. LIVERPOOL 57 man} led him ban m3 Gas Wells As Storage. Exhausted gas wells are used in storage reservoirs for natural gas near Pittsburg. You can always tell the age of a Japanese woman by looking at her hair. She wears a gold pin in her hair until she reaches the age of 25, At 30, the pin is white. At 40. the women wear plain shell combs. It would take a mind reader to tell the age of an American woman by her hair. They bob from 6 to 96. Mlnard‘s Llnlment for Rheumatllm. “ I read an advertisement for Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment and or- dered 11 kc: sample. I purchased more, and after using two cach of Soap and one box of Ointment l was healed.” (Signed) Miss Kath- leen Rothcnbush, Box 40, Duff, Sask. Use Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Talcum daily and keep your skin clear and healthy. " I was troubled with eczema on my face. It broke out in a rash on my chin and was very itchy. Scratching causcd eruptions and in a few weeks it spread all over my fags. I could not sleep, and whenâ€" ever I washed my face I would almost have m scream. Bungle Blah has by Ill-ll. Adan” Canadian Depot: “DntlcuL. l" 0‘ Box 361‘, Montreal." PriceI SongSc. Olnmen:g§and50c. ’[nlcumzbm TROUBLED WETH ECZEMA 0N FAB’E Very Itchy. Caused Erup- tions. Could Not Sleep. » Cuticura Healed. veileves both Detainees and Head Noises. Just rub It back oftbe earmln ‘ can in nostrils and follow directions of Dr. J. B. Batman for ‘ Care of Hearing." enciosed in each package. Leonard Bar on info: nule’everywbore Interesting daocn'ptlvafoldor aunt upon MEIer {k A-QLeonudJncJO 5th Ava!“ch Accegt o_nll “Baler” Eackage which contains provcn directions. Handy "Bayer" bOXes of 12 tabletsâ€"Also bottles of 24 and looâ€"Drugs!“ In is the trade mark (refinered In 05mm) of Bayer “museum of Mona” a floater of SalteyucacmAcetyl Salicylic Acid. "A. s. A."). While it 15 well know: an: Aspirin mam: Bayer mfiacmre. to assist the public min-t minnow. an Tam at Bad Company will be stamped with then- zeneru trade wk. the “Bug: 0mm." Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Try} on} new'S’hav’inE 5m: The dress of a New Guinea woman lasts her a lifetime. It consists of the tattooing made on her skin or of a series of small scars made in a pat- tern across hei- chest and shoulders. C LYDE HOTEL, 158 KING EAST, Toronto. Meals, twenty-five cents; rooms, dollar daily, $4.00 weekly.‘ Sent Woman to Bed. Great Change After Taking Lydia_ E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound NERVES AND PAINTING SPELLS Sarnia, Ontario.â€"“ After my girlie was born I was a wreck. My nerves were too terrible for words and I sim- ply could not stand or walk without pains. I suffered with fainting spells until I was no longer any good for 'my household duties and had to take to my bed. The doctor said I should have an operation, butl was not in afit condition at that time. My neighbor said, ‘Why don’t you try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound? I am sure it will do on good and will save those doctor’s ills.’ So I was advised by my husband to try it after I told him about it. I am very thankful to say that I was soon able to take a few boarders for a while as rooms were scarce at that time. My baby is 17 months old now and I have not yet had an operation, thanks to your medicine. I have recommended the Vegetable Compound to a few people I know and have told them the cod it has done me. I know I feel and 00k a dif- ferent woman these last few months and I certainly would not be without a bottle of your medicine in the house. You can use this letter as on see fit, as I should be only too gla for those suffering as I have to know what it has done for me."~Mrs. ROBERT G. MAC- GREGOR, R. R. No. 2,. Sarnia, Ontario.“ Colds Toothache Headache Pain Neuritis A recent canvass of women users of the Vegetable Compound report 98 out of 100 received beneficial results. This is a remarkable proof of its merit. C ‘ Bathe the forehead with Minard’s in water. Also inhale. HOTELS,- Lumbago Rheumatism Neuraigia Headache

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