“ parï¬culdr people‘ Roasted and packed‘same . . c4 1 day in airtight cans ' HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. .l. MIDDLETON Provlnolll Ioard Of Health, Ontario I. nudism will be glad to answer questions on Public Health I. an through this column. Address lit- at Indian Bonn; SDI“. Mat. Toronto. pacities. It is much easier to aCCIUlre and disseminate that knowledge 0 The infant is a delicate organism and answers readily to any adverse your finieals and arc listless and dispirited Finis. Give me a day with its sun in the west And see what it. has to say; Give me the year as it neareth its rest. In the glow of an autumn day. Give me a life, where the path is un- rolled. To the shore of God's limitless sea; For the end is the test. and the tale that is told, Be it written in grtiyness or siver or gold. 15 the tale of Eternity. x â€".\iarian Alden. warren Frans Find Renewed Health by proving Their Blood. lm- if you feel run down. it means that blood is thin and watery. that your vitality is low. Your feet are easily chilled. You do not sleep well and you ai'b tired when you rise in the morning. You ï¬nd no pleasure in your You have no energy to influence exerted upon it; therefore. it is necessary to ensure a. high stan- dard of health by removing such ad- verse influence. Poverty of parents is a ’most important factor for evil in this connection. In all our large cities at the present time, the, nurses and workers in Child Welfare are handi- capped by the shortage of houses, the motliercraft which is necessary for the saving of infant life, than to Impaft that spirit of self-sacriï¬ce and unself- ishness which is necessary if this knowledge is to be. put into operation. It is, for instance. far easier to make a mother understand that breast- feeding aï¬â€˜ords her infant the best chance of survival than it is to induce ,at your work. ‘elleY yourself. Thousands of men are run down by anxieties of work. Thousands of wo- men are broken down by their house- hold toil, with tired limbs and aching backs; thousands of girls are pale. listless and without attraction It all EASY TRICKS No. 337 \Vhere Is It? i Classiï¬ed Advertisements LADIEEWAN _‘ ‘â€" TED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at home, whole. or spare time; good pay; work sent any distance, charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National [Manufacturing (‘0. Montreal. I _._ LADIES ONLY. 0 UR BOOKLET, “mariaâ€"s: FRIEND,†mailed in plain on" velope, tree. Carder 2423, Montreal. IIOME sronv VHORTHANI) OR BOOKKEEPING ‘ taught in twenty home lessons. Proï¬ciency guaranteed. D i p l o m a. given. Empire Business College, 346 Broadview Ave, Toronto. '“lmuimu NIIIHIIHIDIH Paris newspapers, which have run regular “strth accident†columns for years, have now extended this to rail- ,way accidents, which are of daily oc- icurrence on the various railroad sys- ‘tems throughout France. This is a simpliï¬ed form of the famous three card nionte trick. The pack is divided into three heaps, each being placed faced down on the table. On one of these heaps the performer places the Ace of Hearts, face down. He then , moves the heaps around, insisting 1use ». . that no matter how carefully the I f spectators watch. they will lose .‘ ,‘ track of the pack which has the i' '0“ Ace on the top. After he has 1 i“ y moved the packs around sufï¬cient- ly. he asks a. spectator to indicate which pack has the Ace on the top. The spectator makes his choice. The performer lifts the top card. it is not the Ace! in this trick the magician’s standby is used in a somewhat un- IRRITATED BY SN.WIND.DUST scmiis‘iis ,’ RECOMMENDED (7 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS d» OPTICIANS mun 20R mu av: CAM noon Munuu co. chic/«sous. i l r l | Rheumatism Overcrowded state of those that exist, her to make the necessary sacriï¬ce of and, in many cases, the unsanitary pleasure or remunerative employment dwellings that are nec sarily allowedlwhich are often involved if this mg- to be inhabited because there is no acâ€" ,ternal duty is attended to. Again. it commodation for their inhabitants ifpnay be quite easy to make our mum- these dwellings were closed. The proâ€" cipal authorities understand that bad Vision of additional housing accommo-‘housing conditions, overcrowding, tub- datidn is most urgent, but this probâ€"lerculous inmates, an impure Water lem in too many instances is not tackl- I supply, and bad scavenging of the ed with the vigor which its urgencyistreets are never associated With it demands. ilow infant mortality and a high stan- Among the causes of infantile dard of health, but it is quite another deaths, the following are the most im- thing to induce them to incur the risks portant: climate, season, housing nice-.and unpopularity which the carrying hob Venereal disease, diet, poverty and out of the indicated reforms would employment. From these Driiiiaryvgeiitail. A want of appreciation of causes. two others stand out forciblyuthese essentially human elements in 1. Want of knowledge, [the problems explains many of the 2. Want of character. :failures of otherwise admirably de- Infants die from lack of knmviedg'eisigned schemes of Welfare Work. In on the part of the mother or fatherfsome cases, efforts to reform have un- means the same thinggtliin and watery blood, vitality run down. anae inia. poor appetite. palpitating heart, short breath. Dornot submit to this. Get new blood and with it new vitality. There is no difï¬culty in doing this. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills build up and enrich the blood, which brings with it new health and vitality. The man, woman or girl who takes Dr. “'illianis' Pink Pills is never run down. Their friends notice how energetic they are, what a fine appetite they have, and how much they enjoy life. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. _‘_n_.“ usual manner. The card displayed as the Ace has behind it another card. If the two cards are slightly bent and are. held with the thumb ' at one side and the ï¬ngers at the other. no one will suspect that the Ace is anything but what it seems to be. However. when the Ace ls seemineg on top of the pack, there is another card on top of itâ€"nnd the remainder of the trick becomes Apply Minard’s to the aching spot and get quick relief. The remedy your grandmother a very simple matter. , other or the series, in a scrapbook.) is ' . I .. The safe way to send money by mail 1 (Clip this out and paste it. with l ‘ ~' ' .- ' ' .__ I u. . is by Dominion Express Money Order. True hail falls only in summer, and the hotter the weather the larger the; or of others who have personal super-E vision of them, but they also die from’ the ignorance of the statesmen, the‘ legislator and the municipal councillor. Infants, however, die from the selï¬sh- ness of the same individuals, both in their private and in their public ca- I SAVEDBABY’S LIFE Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne. 'S'tw Michel des Saintes, Que. writesâ€"1 "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent medicine. They saved my baby’s life and I can highly recommend them to all mothers." Mrs. Tranchemon- togne’s experience is that of thousands of other mothers who have tested the worth of Baby's Own Tablets. Tbe“ Tablets are a sure. and safe medicine for little ones and never fail to regu- late the bowels and stomach, thus re- lieving all the minor ills from which' children suffer. They are sold by mediâ€" cine dealers or by mail at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. ~â€"_§__._._ The water in which rice has been boiled is an effective remover of iron rust from materials. Soak the rust spots in the rice water for four or ï¬ve hours, and then rinse in clean water. i I i i Beauty culture is now being taken, in hand at an early age. The noses,l ears, and hair of infants can be im-l prove; by a little care and treatment‘ on the part of the mother or nurse. expectedly met with most encouraging success, owing again to the magnetic influence of some commanding per- sonality who has succeeded in com- pelling society to make the necessary sacriï¬ce. whether personal or com- munal, for attaining the desired end. “The bride was very shyâ€"yes, she was shy about ten years when it came to giving her age!" As Good As New, Owner Han No Use for It. Some people have a. subtle way of delivering a bit of criticism, and Tom B is one of them. One day after his fellow workman had made a very stupid blunder he remarked: “Joe, I wish you would will me your head when you die." 9 , “What do you want of my head?" asked the other iinsuspectingly. “\Vhy,“ said Tom, “it would be just like a new one; you never use it.†7 w__.._0._._.._ You may not be to blame for being mediocre, but you are to blame if you put forth only mediocre effort. every co_untry under the iwhich has brought health for’ailments such: 51? Sic insigniï¬cant, yet decided "Etcâ€"25:32:} - {Th E " M di ° ' <â€"tbe preparation which has won the confidence of \ “- u ' " c K )oi men and women in every part of the Empireâ€"â€" Ithe treatment ivhich is‘resorted to everywhereâ€"â€" «Indigestion and E constipation.“ often considered which have their origin in a dyspeptic condition of. thé:stomach _and a torpid action of the liverâ€"r British Flag-the remedy and happiness to millions k Headache, Biliousness; I u . I ly inconvenientâ€"ailments ‘ 2 iigztt! "what nerv: exhaustei. Make the Fair:Ground Work All the Year. The average country fairâ€"ground is a fair-ground and nothing else, serv- ing the public only during fair week. The rest of the year it is wholly idle and deserted and sometimes even un- sightly. Yet the fair-ground is often a pretty natural park with trees and is generally very accessible to both town and country people. If natural picnicing and play places are hard to find. as often is the case in prairie country, why not then make a recrea- tion centre of the fair-ground? This was the idea that came to the Fair Association of a county in Iowa. The grounds are within the city limits of West Union and on the main-tra- veled road from COuntry to town. There is a natural grove of oaks on the area and a bright creek meanders through it. No other body of water is near. The Fair Association laid the mat- ter of making a playground of the fair park before the public and found prompt willingness to cooperate, and open pocketbooks offered to carry out hailstones. complish anything unless it is pushed. . Minard's Linlment for Rheumatism. , AND PAINS g Toronto Mother Found Relief Even an electric button won’t ac~ by Taking Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound t l Toronto, Ontario.â€"-â€"“ I have found ! Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- ! pound a splendid medicine to take before A small book was put in my door one day advertising Lydia E. Pinkham’s medicines, and as did not feel at all well at the time Iwent and got a bottle of Vegetable Compound right away. I soon began to notice a difference in my general health. I was full of aches and pains at the time and thought I had every complaint going, but i can truthfully say your medicine certainly did me good. Ican and will speak highly of it, and I know it will do other women good who are sick and ailing if they will only give it a fair trial. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Liver Pills are splendid for constipation. You are welcome to use my letter if you think it will help any one.â€~Mrs. HARRY WESTWOOD, 543 Quebec Street, Toronto, Ontario. The expectant mother is wise if she considers carefully this statement of l and after conï¬nement. the plan. Playground equipment was Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot Mrs. Westwood. It is but one of a great. bought and set up, Picnickers were , water to cleanse your skin and free mama 311 telling the same storyâ€".bene. invited to make free use of the' 1‘ “0m ‘umllles- {HOUSIIO‘ Pim‘ ï¬ciai results. . grounds. Then last summer a swim- Ely'ianom,;“i“‘h Clll‘cum'Olmmem-l Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ming pool was added. It was accomâ€" mam a “um ‘3 ideal for per“ pouhd is especiallyadapted for use dur- plished in the the simplest of ways. The creek runs along one side of the fair-grounds and makes a bend down the other side. Water was taken from the creek and carried through tiling to the swimming pool. From the lower end of the artiï¬cial pond the water flowed out into other tiling and back into the creek. This gave running' water. making the bathing place pure land sanitary. The pool is 40 x 150, lieet. with sloping bottom. and cost i t about $2,600. Through the summer the pool was 1the most popular place in town. and' tSllllllllel‘ evenings the fair-ground was the gathering place of town and coun- , ‘try folks. The grass has, been kept; iinowed and the place given generally ,the same care as a regular park.â€" is. L. c. o __‘..â€"_.___ _ o i Minard's Linimenl Rellevea Paln. ,l . Her Two Ages. ; . Bolk~~“Iâ€"low old would you say Peg-1 : gie is?†, Billi-“To her face or behind her . back '3" - A? _ __ Those who try to get something for, nothing usually succeed In getting cit-3 perience. { Strong Nerves ’ Pure organic pros-photo. known to meet drug ï¬sts as lfiirorl‘liosphate. is tired-out people must have in regain nerve force and fuming as well as powdci‘ing. Sample Each Free by Mail Addrrss (‘aviadinn‘ Depot: “Cuticm’t. P 0,301 2616, Montreal.â€: Price, Soaprc. Ointment. 1L". unlit-MB Tulcumztc. ; Try our new Shaving Stick. ‘ mg this period. The experience of other women who have found this medicine a blessing is proof of its great merit. Why not try it now yourself? 0 .. .- . Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless you see the “Bayer Cross†on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache Pain Toothache Neuraigia Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism Accept only “Bayer†package which contains proven directions. Safe†QDE‘TEIV- 3311155 “ill-IV it'> guaranteed. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets tPrite *1 3w: pile. Arrow Chemical . Also bottles of 24 and looâ€"Jungian. 3 ‘7' ‘ ‘ .1 St. East, Toronto, Ont, Aspirin is the made mark th’wlstoâ€"r‘. lr‘. Canada of nun-.- Mann" vii-a ..:' Bliizplrr-‘AH'L .C°-~ ~" Flor acihester of Suift‘ylit‘ni'lvi ‘Ai‘t~7"i c Acid. "A. 5* Af'h \ ‘ ’1 1* Writ 11 i lSSUE Nb. 42â€"24. 1 that Aspirin means Bayrr manufactured» usnst the public against imitauonS, the '1 item of Bayer Company will be stamped “'11.. their general trade mark, the "Bayer CTVSB."