Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Oct 1924, p. 4

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Culvert, tile 1:3. 15. Is and 20 i (30 inches in ll-nglll) Also Cement Brick Sand 01' Gravel sold by 1111 Inau‘ in car 1015. Cedar pasfis and telephone poles sale. '1‘. LOL'SI‘NS. Ceménb drain tile Culvert, tile 12. ] The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company! L_L'd. _l_);u'g on hand for sale. Office and asidence Church St Richmond Hi1 .' Telephone 13-2 Sand, Gravel, ; Tile and Brick? (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All clases nf animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended. SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER ‘ )and PAINTER ,’ Oxford Street Phone 128 â€" r12 HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier» Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON R. MACDONALD, B. V. SC H. PATERSON RICHMOND STREET HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING 13110110 12â€"1 .7 F. GORDON COOK TnmL-u: llEL'ANBARRIsTER. Somcm‘oa, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office, 3161911101111 Building, at 85 Richmond Sheet. \Vesl‘ Richmond Hill Office . moors] Office), every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday foLernnon. Woodbridge, Saturday forenoom Money to loan at (Jul-rent Rate There's one feature in particular you'll appreciate about Toronto Stable Equip- ment. This is the fact that the "hot" galvanizing method we use thoroughly cover: and completely coats both the inside and outside of the steel tubing with pun: zinc speltex. This method mikes it absolutely rust-defying and proof against strong stable acids for the nuimum paidâ€"While the MM ot- Representing The Mulual life Insuranée Company of New York Owen A. Smiley Studio. Sickr Address ‘ Miss Marguerite Boyle. Satule ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 if .3153 Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate? ArtiSt, Teacher -in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atlc and Humourous Sketcnes, AMBROSE L. PHIPPS AUTO PAINTING 13110116 68 Rust-Defyingâ€"Becafise Hot Galvanized INQUIRIES SOLTCITED ELOC UTIQN Miss Marguerite 39er WILLIAM. COOK ‘au , Agent, Richmond Hill RICHKOND HILL O Manage: l1( The Liberal j for School Books l and Supplies in incensed Aucti York. Sales :1 notice, and at 1‘ work easierâ€"keg; cattle hcaldu'cxâ€" bring more profits. élctTmc explain the may Id'vnntnge: 0mm Sum. gull. Pens. Water Bowb _|nd_ Um dinafily used simply appliu a surface coating and soc: only a short distance guide “thing: _ {CaidweH & Paterson Geoflaldwell, lame Paterson [Yonge St, RICHMOND HELL Inquiries solicited 1 ~ihg insurance rates, Life Automobile, Accident Sickness Etc. ":5, of Have a look at the Hughes’ pwperty. Inquire about the Ricl1|1)()11d and Mill Street properties all that beauty spot below Lot 40. View New Brick House every convenience on Benson Ave. House and Lot on Rumble Aw great bargain. .\Vish to state thPy‘ are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and wagon work, Automobile “'Ofld work and rubber tires at the Trench works. Satisfaction and reasonable prices assured. Give us a trial and be convinced. etc. windmill and artesinn the best. About. 150 uch 50 acres of first class hush. at once. up estate, situate 2nd Con. V‘aug in good farming district. Comfurt ’7 :‘omned home, hams, pig pen ho etc. Windmill and artosiun well. Two beautiful residences on Rose- MULHOLLAND 8: SMYTH STABLE ‘5 { Mere EQUIPMENT .: thaw} M_i_ll_i0n { I handle only gilt-edged isecurities and guarantee to 1repurchase at any time clients wish to sell. H. A. Nichoils BARRISTEI Town 1.0 LEPIIONE 11 I. T. SAIGEON Maple OFFICI FOR SALE The Real Estate Man notinneer as at I end NQTICE (1‘0 n ’hone Hudson Farm must be sold to wind Phone 73 J Ofl'i for the Uountyof d to on shortest Ihle rates. SOLICITOE R!“ RCH STI 2498 Yonge St‘. )1] 3108. 26-1 RICHM :TQN mghan N] 4 ‘Tc OHS? 26-6m and 3 Each new subscriber adds to the value of YOUR Telephtme 8 ard- IILI Mr. Murray “foods. and Mr, Bruce R059, left on Saturday morning on a, motor trip to Detroit. A large number of relatives and fz‘iands attended the funeral of the late Gemge \Vutson, which took place to King City cemetery on Sunday afternoon. of its usefulness grows always bigger. Todayâ€"how mdfl'j sales can you make bvlma Distance 7 OVC‘I' 1159}. Naturally, every new sub- scriber adds to the value of Y‘OL’R telephone. The field a choice programme. Afternoon tea was served at the close of the meeting. In the semi-finals of the football league, between Elders' and Edgeley, on Saturday, the score was 1-0 in favour of the former. On Saturday the final game will be played at \Voodhridge hetwuen the winners and King City. Mr. Murrth \Voods. and M:- Rm” Long Distance messages in Ontario and Quebec now average over 35,000 a dayâ€"- over a million a. month. In 10 years, Bell telephones in service have increased In the dullest month of 1924, there were 60,000 more Long Distance mes- sages than in the same period of 1923. The W.M.s. of Rich-mum] Hill. visited the society of the Methodist Church. un SVednesday of last, w‘egk, and gave An address on The Christian Life was given by Mr. W. That-bum, of Fairlwank, in St. Andrew's church last Friday evening. Solos were sung by Mrs. D. \Vatson, of Richmond Hill, and quay-tomes. and violin solos were given by local talent. Refreshments were served in the school-room by the ladies of the W. M. S. Are VVinLer minim-1y has introduced into Victoria late. And Jack nppnnw-s! Mr. and Mrs. Milfnx-d (Mr. Fred Clar Certificate of HI ceived Lhe llighes the recent Fair Heudford school Congratulations. spent the Mrs. Herm \ The last, and by no means the least, piece at news that has leached my ears is this. T119 young people. of Victoria Square dvclnre that "it is better to have lnvrzd and lost than never to have loved at all.” [HR yâ€"how mdfl'j sates ca make by Long Distance? Miss Zion’s Ev. Lutheran Church, Sherwood MELhodist October : gramme is including cents; Chi} a Month! Mare VICTORIA SQUARE BSSiE iildren week-er n Mmts minim-r lurk, 12 years Clark, was of Hnnuur f1 lighest numhs 1} cone Uhu 5le MAPLE H l3 :oncmt will he given in the Uhuxch. Saturday evening, Lh. An attractive pro~ Icing arranged. Admission, refresh"tentsâ€"Adults 25 In fiat-inge the ev Carrviile \Vesley ard, of 'Id \Vith on. in ‘ORD onts ms of age, son of was awarded a 1' for having re- nhm uf points at Markham. from . 3. Markham. I‘h UK wly Sur been well Square of 53111111111an Thornton. her sister. School Books at; The Liberzfl Office F OR SA LEâ€"Debached house on Roseview, Lot 50x140, f: nit tree-s good cellar and furnace. elect: ic light. $1.000 cash ; balance arranged. FivP room frame bungalow with on? half acre land, good stable and gnmgn, $1,500 cash ; balance arranged. Apply J. R. HERRINgTox, Richmond Hill. IU-Lf WIGMORE MRS. C.-i}Avfl.R Richmond Hill. HOUSE AND GARAG F. TU RENT- Vuughnn Rand, Rir-hmnnd Hill Write 1m. 10 MnPhersun A\ 14.. 'I‘nInntn Rent I'eusouahie. MRS. W. Cl,‘R'I‘IS 4 0R SALE â€"Comfmtabl housp, lot 40 x 140 fer- MRS. A. ENDEAN. Centre St: Richmond Hill, Phone (31 W. AWOR RENTâ€"5 and 7 romncd hnuse, ‘ noth of Post Office Apply to [11s. 0. Hégimsox, Richmond Street. nineteen, good Iunniug Just suit farmer, came and try 11 Worth $200, sell for $150. 0. MA! Roseview Ava, Phone 121 M. QELL, RENT nrf R. E. SA: T‘OR : f‘ BR Yonge, 0RD nix ditinn W I . n. ‘ ‘ ‘vv‘ R RENTâ€"Hons» 0n Elia-heth‘itg‘fiinigzréff street; for rent. Apply tn j. E. huh: hm, In“ [0RE. 3-tf, “W, . .3 ’ W 0R1) TOURING OR SALEâ€"Climax BRAZIER, Stun TANTEDâ€"( ON FORD TR UCK fir 'R SALEâ€"One fresh mitt-h cow I. on lot 24. con. 4, SANDERSON. debendability the M9 Laughlin Buick valve~in~head engine stands in a class by itsefl.’ MsLafighlin Buick's papularily yeardieryear In power economy and lid [hive to ladie proves it. DAVID HILL, Dealer Richmond Hill, Ont. VVant Ads. ‘ORTNE Apply [u rig {useview to TH ct conditit 'éIp. part. vmeuts or â€"A good operator clothingâ€"mule or fem 1y at once RICHMOND TAILORS. RING UAR» good lupning 11H 0a r, mukc 1nd men’s W. UIJRTIS ran ll] dw { H v M I’h 14-18 OP. toll] 18! Advertise in I’ Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN umf Isabel Davidswn, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Onturin, will apply to the Parliament Of Canada. at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce frnm her husband, Charles Robert Alannder D;l\‘idsnn, 0f the City of Toronto, in the Conan of York, nmnnger, nu the grounds ofadultely and gleam-tum. DATED July, 1924. DATED at Toronto, this 13!; October. 1924. FLETCHER KERR, 394 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. npmy L0 um l'mlmment of Canada, :11 the next sessinn thou-00f fur n Bill 01 Divorce from his \Vifv. Lmtir Amelia L‘ICGHI, 0f Hm (lily uf anuntn, in the County of York. (11 the gruunds of adfltejy. I we]! «Vt Immutn, in thP Pun-inc" apply L0 {be I the next. 3955 Divorce from Notice 0? \YOTH H. A. NICHOLLS 1( RICHMOND HI: NOTARY PUBLIC mmissionel Insuranc menu The Liberal NNES & SONS in measure in every busim PVC our {)1in of Ontm'i :nlinment HERE 11 Id and this ‘29”) day of [15C nvoyun Real Estate PUI‘P 1, Clark, will of Canada, at. f fur a Bill of muir Amelia 1 n acceptec IVEN that. ‘1mk,in ark, will ivorce ay of 15-19 Street and it VL‘I

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