TheRlGHMBNB HM FURNISHWG SWBE Barristers. Solictors. 810. MANNING ARCADE. KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA I‘ELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedu ,irthnr A. Macdnnald “ F;an Demon Lulu-u Danton. B. A. Denton, Macdonalu c: ’ Benton TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prnmp attention. 378 Bet-lesfm-d Avon \Vest Tommv. Phone lunctiou 0072. Le‘M-e Orders at Glenn's Drug Store Richmond Hill. JOHN R. CAMPBELL 'all by phone or othex'WISe promplly Adelmo Malacca and Miss Rosaï¬nd Bush L. T. C. M. Telvphnne Main 3631. A. CAMERON MM‘NAUG HTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at The Libel Ofï¬ce. Richmnnd Hill, every Tuesd NORMAN J. GLASS Macyapghtqqcflg Campbell j Dodge Bros. Motor Cars COBIMISRIONER‘, CONVEYANCER. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Ofï¬ 00%: hours 10 to 1'2 mm. and 6 Ln 8 p. In. Ofï¬ce (Ind residenceâ€"Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone NU. 24. For infox-nmtion Ply Max MYLKS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhifl. rnmm ETEHINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill. DR. M. B. WELLWOOD Jord n n EDWARD FRA NCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers. Soiicitors. EtE. aesâ€"Snitn 5H MoKivmnnI Oflice:â€"(‘-:mre Sn. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12; 6-8‘ DR J. P. WILSON 110 - Liberal Tuesday BM u k.|\'\,lx. \,UHH: mung iiHU {15‘ I f ï¬girls. SS , R A D 1 Twelve Jurars Saccth 'I‘( SATURDAY, OCT. 25â€"Auctmn sale of household Iurnitum, the pmperty at E. R. Sanderson, Rosm‘ww Ave, Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. F1 ed Smith, Auct. SATURDAY, OCT. 25~Urodit sale uf farm stock and implements, fun nilure etc.. con. 4, Vaughan, lnL13. lï¬miles south of Maple Village, the propel Ly of Oscar Crydeln'mn. Sale at one o'clock. Also at (be same time and place the house and lot will he offered for sale. Terms 12 months. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. WEDxESDAY. ()c'r. 29â€"Anctinn sale of mm stock, implements (-tc.. Int 28, con. 5, King the px-upmty of]. H. Bl‘illinger. Sale aLl o'clock. Terms 11 months. Saigeon and Egan, Aucts. Radio Set installed. We are getting wonderful results from our Atwatcr Kent set. Let us lnstal one in 5011‘ home so you can enjoy the comerzs in the air every night. Loud speakers aerial wire insultatora ' Everready and Burgess B. Batâ€" teries. Myers. Radiocron, De Forest and Westinghouse tubes carried in stock at Toronto prices. W. G. BALDOCK LTD. RICHMOND HILL ‘muhile work, numhels among its 'cusLumPrs many frmn the lnwns and villages of ank “Minty, Spvnks I well for the r-h:u-acter hf Hm selvicps I-pndm-vd Every (unplun of the Company is an expel-L in his own pnl‘tictilur line, and the )osult is you are nut, culled nn [0 [my for time wasth in t'tinkering" by inexporivncvd \Vul‘klllvll. C. M. PALMER 8: SONSi Sets from Willys-Overland Motor Cars Willys -Knight Motor Advertise in the Lilu Auction Sale Register the time to have your installed. We are getting resuEts from our Atwatcr Let us instal one in your The Results “bf 'SEâ€"rwuiéé DEALERS FOR u p iars. Il)( iARRE'I‘T 9 Street, [retylene halt?! y al mun: 21TH )1‘ (were 1} Hope 2 game xx 1041f I Saturda KURTzâ€"At her late res‘ avenue. Mnuut Dem evening, October 19L Kurtz, widow of th u. u-vu-u. UL nulula, Lull'u. u, l The next was the Aurora. Horse Show Association flat race, which was a half-mile in length with the Condi- tion that the horse must be ridden bare-hack by a. faimer boy under 15 years of age. Pelfer Shanks is the owner of the winner, while H. Ma- guire and E. Deavitt own the second and third horses. respectively. Following this the Toronto Hunt Club farmers' flat race. a half-miie in length, was run, in which a. horse owned by J. Boswurth was victorious. with others owned by H. Maguire and E. Deavitt running second and third. At 4.30 a mile oven race. fostered by I the Aurora Board of Trade. completed the hill. J. Bosworth’s entry was; again the best, with that‘ of '1‘. Wood ; second, and one of H. Maguire‘s horses { third. 5 Black Fox, owned by Gordon Perry. of Toronto. won the cup with Altar Fire, owned by Geo. Beardmore, of 'l'nmnto. second and Waska, owned l)y_W. A. Brodie. of Aurora, third. Fully 5,000 people were on the Whit,- mox'e farm. dixectly nm-th of Aux-om. last Thursday, when the Prince of \Vales Chullege Cup was competed for. The bnrsps had to be qualiï¬ed hunters fnur years (-111 and upward. the houa-ï¬de properly (-f Canadian owners. resident in Canada. The point to point race was about three miles long, over sevelal hurdles and fences on a. hilly I'm-m. There Were 10 entries. Several of the horses showed wonderful stamina. finishing strung after a. hard race over rough ground. mdnd H SO! THE YOI' ~ H‘S COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St. B-nston. Mass. Subscriptions vaein at this Oï¬ice. fur $2.50. 4. 0r inclmln McCall’s Magazine, the monthly authority on fashions. Both publinarinns, only $3.00. for Mr The 62 issues of 1925 will be crowded with serial stories. short stories, editorials, pm-n-y, facts and fun. Subscribe now and receive : l. The Y( uth’s Companionâ€"52 issues in 1925. 2. All the II "mining issues of 1924. 3. The Cumpnï¬on Home Calendar If you have :1 little fail-V in 3‘ ‘HI home, or u luig one ful'lll'rll uuu .ll]:tt's just the place whom .1 sn n- scription to The Yuuth’h Companiuu will 'fit, in. Wle lhe young l‘ulks l)ri‘»g new acquaintances tn the house yuu ‘zire mighty Mreful tn find nut about. the-m br-fm'e admiitiug them tn intimacy. In thi- same way you should mnkv sure whether thn menial friends that they make through wading are of a kind to inspire them m- to destroy all the ideals you have been at so much p.1th to implant. Try The Ynuth‘s Companion tur :1 year. See hmv quickly it; becomes an indispensable member of the house-hold. one of un- failing chat in and constant inspix‘atio ‘. m. ! vapmd, Hume-s N1 Kingdom, Gould, J Hihht‘l‘t. Hylzmd, Hudgins. ‘ George L: j BMEkI l lea The jurynu‘ Smithâ€" Albm The Richmond Hill “Sunnysides,†girls soft ball team. played a game with Len Clement’s Hope team at the town park on Saturday afternocn last The game was a good one. some splendid fielding and batting resulting on both sides. The "Sunnysides" emerged from the nine-inning fray with a victory, the score being 17-1-1, with an inning to l spare. If Len makes as good progress with his team next year as he has this, he will make the very best of them play to the limit in order to win. Following is the score by innings: Hope Girls â€" 1â€"2â€"1â€"0-341â€"3â€"2â€"0â€"14 “Sunnysidesâ€â€"lâ€"7â€"3 2041â€"0â€"14th icksnn U(:k( I Richmond Hill Public School girls team visited Aurora Saturday last and met defeat by a score of 29-31 at the ‘hands of the girls of that town. The return game was played at the town park yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, the score being 254“ in favor of Richmond Hill. The Richmond Hill team is managed by Principal 1). Harper, who has had special training in l Sports. aying are. 11 Len makes as; ith his team next year a will make the very best the limit in order to wir the score by innings: Hope Girls â€" 1â€"2â€"1â€"0â€"5 ‘Sunnysidesâ€â€"l-7-3 24' As will be noticed (he " re the best at the be Prince of Wales Cup Sporting Neles farmer. King; Walter S. :1, farmer. East Gwillimhury; Neal. farmer. Vaughan; James n, fzumer, Thistlelown; John Immer, Vaughan; Gemge . farmer, Georgina; Henry , Mason. King; John W. 3. farmer. East King. and Lain]. gentle-mun. Wcst Ku r. the best at the girls at the fini will be played at any afternoon r 5 the Hotel } Come along (Sent-only on request.) All Beckett, “nu-hinist fzu mer. farm 1'. fa rmor. DEATHS whn an M vis: Good Company SUNNYSIDES“ WON residence ‘ment in as about three :11 hurdles and There were of the horses n-mel Stun] t‘h [(vilffville: En-d lgimn: Howard ish. The return Woodbridge on next the team lichmond at 1 and assist the 31 Grey Sunday Sunnysic Ige O fth of WALKING PLO WS, No. 12 01‘ With Tinkler Wheel Attachment SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.M T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES limited Phone 33 ,- Thornhill, Ont; Whltchuxst vs UerLSï¬â€"‘Clailn for rent etc. $127. Judgment $50 and costs, to he paid in 14 days, Robertson vs .'\Ic()axhuâ€"Adjrmrn€d by consent. one court. Three Judgment, summons cases wereMispon-d uf, and the cuurt, udâ€" juurned. Whitehmst S's rent etc. $127. costs, to he paid i Cultis vs Hectorâ€"’l‘r::nsfex-red u the First Division (Hunt. Dunning \"5 Cnhenâ€"Dmmgcs it motor car and loss of time $45 Plaintiff claimed negligence 1m Lh( punt (\f defendant, when the latter um into plaintiff’s our. The drfrndemt claimed he was nub negligent or care- less, as the mad was slippery. and he could not stop his car. judgment fur plaintiff for full amount and custs. ch00] Supplies ---This Office Pupil uf josef Lhevinne an; Frank SJ \Velsnnm Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Furtner’ Tailor Store. PHONE 95 Bring Your Business to ext; sitting of court December me CJEE‘S \' We also Wish to announce that; we have obtained t1 Agency for THE COCKSHUTT PLOW CO., L’I‘I and will in future carry a full line of their produc PIANO and THEORY n'mv dispn “f iddifivld RICHMOND IIILT. Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITE Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. Division Court We Are‘Known In All Lines of Insurance FIRE I’LATI‘J GLASS LI FIG 7 AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT BURL-IL IRY SICKNESS Iand GUARANTEE OF BONDS Business to Me and Get Service. No Charge for Advice LSAVAGE, General Agent Fleury Products (m th 'HC 13 V ()IH' ‘Boot and Shoe Repairer I A‘large stock , Kept at; 1n nt All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmauship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand, Yonge St. lll RICHMOND HILL, THORNHlLL ANE UNIUNVILLE DENTIST Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two doors north of Stunde Bank. Hours 9mm. [u 5.30 p.111. Telvphmw 32 ' 85 Richmond St., \Vest, Oï¬ices{ Tmonto. Naughtun Block, Aurora. Solimtor for: Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. VVhitchurch and Markham, WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers \Vulter S. Jenkins 1. Harry Nanghton Rm. Phnne Res. Elgin Mil!s “11.5)04} 7 7 Res. Phone 44.4 Tht> Protective Association of Canada. and The Dominion Guurantee and Accident ()0. TH E POST-OFFICE B U I LDING AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFI ASSURANCE OF CANADA PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING; AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. GEO. KIDD Dr. L. R. BELL A. C. HENDERSON Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 Now accepting pupil Phone 94] for in NAUGHTON & JENKiNS C. 11. 13sz BI CHOIR-LEADER AND OF PELHAM CUAFFEY TEA DIR-LEADER AND ORGANIST PRESBY'I‘ERIAN CHURCH ACHE of Funeral Furnishing the above places TENOR R OF SINGINC (1‘ rmat ion 29.00