Cé’hi’iUENG-THE msgmw CHURCH $1.50 pe§annum, A (‘31' low Screenings needs in fr St. Andrew's {.hurch, Ne A car load of Standard ve- Scrcvnings, anï¬uipaw next! needs in fwd; buy now F4 own grain when prices :All the diï¬m'vnt, lines nf f.‘ feed. Bult’d hay and 9h wanted. “’13 DELIVER wanth The Church Union Vote by What Does it Mean? The Feed Mill vm done E. Tower Ferguson A Convocation You have 11- congx‘cgat Every Suits made (0 your measure $24.00 up. Overcoats made to your measure $24.00 up. These Suits and: Overcoats real value moneyâ€"Try one. Ready-to-wear clothing at low prices. an vour Fur Coat direct from the mam Buy your Fur coat an through me and save money. Richmond Hill . F. BURR PHONE 32W. Consultation «)2 CLEANING AND congregation STERLING BANK BLDG ‘ Church, Newmarkei, Tuesday, N AT 2 O’CLOCK, TO CONSIDER Dr. J. R. ALLISON For this District WILL BE HELD IN mun/ah. Newmarkeiq Tueséay 11v ill THORNHILL. M in advance. ï¬x months in \thch be; no chance after uh ‘(-ed your mm high. flnu ~ and law, was An Offering will )l'in Diagnosi ma his (11 1(i»17 DENTIST Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor. REPAIRING SATISFACTORILY DONE Speakers : OPE . FORTNER Dr. S. L. Rusling MW the pl‘l'Slâ€"‘l CHIROPRACTOR I ::E,,_;‘:fi,',:’ EVENINGS Of’f of Presbyterians Hours RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, OCTOBI‘Q ild ren hould be largely represented. ovm- Mrs. Davies Millinery and Dly Goods Store ONTARIO be taken. RICHMOND HILL mt ondny, Suturd I’.M.â€"'4 P. M.-â€"F to say what the future of L Learn now what must be TELEPHONE 61 Clinic Gas for Extraction £137 \Vednesd uy. now open. Consulmtio 3‘0 RM. 15 PM. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; Home, Organizer 0v. 4, 1924‘, manufacturer ue- for the Ballot Phone 95 ns Free Friday ’flihmmfl. Bills are“. out announcing the annual Plowing Match of King and Vaï¬lghzm. on \he farm nf Mr. Gm. Ooutts,mm mile north of Testnn, Friday uf next week. There ale 9 classes, and up- wards of $500 will he gian in prizes. The Ladies‘ Aid of Tesmn will serve meals in thehnll at the church grounds. Last Thursday’s vnte in Richmond Hill was most, sutlsfactmy to the temperance fm-ues. Out uf :L fatal of 854 names on the Votprs‘ List 577 votes were cast, and of these 4:37 were dry, and 113 wet. The majority was 344, a lit/HP bettm‘ than 4 to 1, in favor of the present temperance act. There wele 7 spoilvd ballots. he desired, all things can mmpelunco fm-cvs are “'4 with a majority of over 4l vaince. Tomntn and other large wet, by a large vote, but [I] than counterbalanced by g towns, villages and fax‘miu: The Home and School meeting, hPld Tuesday night. was largely attended. Th9 programme given by Mr. Duncan Mackenzie. supcivisor of music. and 14 girls from 'l‘nmnln was vexy much enjuyvd. The songs were sung so splendidly (hut, when Mr. Mackenzie. gggve our pupils, and grown- ups [00, the opportunity of tesxing \lheir \‘uiCPS they eagerly responded. ‘Miss M. Gee. delighted the audience with her piano solo. -' ' A.A...‘.J..n:+n Grant 3101.. proprietors of the Hotel Richmond, kept abreast oi the times {last Thursan evening when they re- ceived the letums of the Flybiscite 'vnte by rndiu. The hmel telephone was connected up with Baldnck’s Gar- age, where Mr. Baldnck had placed a special horn leading from his ï¬ve-tube ‘ set directly over the umuth-piece of his lelephnne. A large number listen- ed m the returns at both places. The LMephone saw to it that the ser- vice heLween the garage and the hon-1 was uninterrupted, and as a. result HIL’ fnnr members of the staff were each the recipient of a large box of Lanm's ï¬nest chocolates [yum Grant with her piano solo. The committee takes this opportunity of thanking Lhnse who vespuuded so kindlv whh supplies for the Hun Drink Fund. Lownszy's B1 ()5. -;.< \V-.._ contributed a characteristic song, biography. reading and short sL()ry.i Mr. R. S. Cooper and Principal Harps: | acted as judges and while compliment- ing all three sides, awmded the plize' m the Irish gl-uup. The society will hold iLs first open meeting next Monday evening. and invites every- hody tn enjuy an address by Px-uf. E., S. Moore, of Toronto University on “The Origin of the Eiu'th.†The ‘ lecture will he illustrath with lantern slides and is sure to he of interest to everybody. A collection will be taken. The Yonn National cw Monday eve (twee group Ireland-41nd Akk'mson. F respective contributh Mum-31thA HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB League of the Methodist Chm-ch Wlll be held in Metropolitan Church, Toronto, on Monday evening, November 3rd, at 3 o‘cl0ck. This is the Young Penple's Rally of tha Centenary of Missions Celebration; The programme will be presented by representatives from the Five Central Cnnference Young People’s Leagues There will lbe excellent music. Stirling addresses x and enthusiastic singing. I We wnuld like every member of .‘Richmond Hill Lengum and also any 44 :. s" "Hana The meeting of the Young People‘sI The 0. T. A. Sustained others who this Rally. Centenary L sure of livil The west stain-shas bee The car law at 6.40 p. m. g1! the majority susmmmg ant, lznv is not as Ian-20 as could 'Pd, all things considmed (he nee fumes are We]! Siltif‘ï¬Ã©â€™d majority of over 40,000 for the Plowing Match 'Whu’s next w Majority 344 Young T’i‘uple's all contest at, U y evening, bPir groups“ regal-es? Young Plebiscile Returns other large cities wont, ote, but that was more :xnced by good work in and fuming districts. m can arrange It. m nun-m . You cannot afford to axis 7 Celebration unless you an ,ving another hundred years st side of the Church down but!!! reserved for our district W h : represenling Scotland with Dun-y and M. :uptuins. Eu 'rip to Toronto People’s Society ple’s Society held a n, their meeting on being divided into x'esenling England. :uld with Misses A. -y and M. Cooper as us. Each group mmuleristic song, ‘ivéhlrnond H “staining p as could dole-d (he i sntiFf'led Sunuysid member of \nd also any it. to amend g‘lMliâ€"“S. W. DAVIES . - RICHMOND HILL The Liberal We for School Books Wen-I Men’s and BoyS’ Caps, Shirts, Overalls, Socks, Und ing. and a Variety of Other Goods, Marked at Tempting Prices to Clear First Come, First Served MRS. W. DAVIES Phone 119 Rlcï¬MONDI TAILGRS‘,‘ PUBLIC in all things, Charity." HE two principal functions a bank perflorms are receiv ing deposits and advancing credit, Our resources and liquid position, due to a continuou policy of conservative management, enable us to offer ab}: lute security for savings. They place us in a position, als( Where we can offer generous terms oi credit to firms whos financial position warraan it. ' on Z l . . . we can qu0te you ‘ Now IS the tune for farm- Tuxedo Suits lers to put in a supply of Dress Suits ‘Bran, Shorts, and Gluten- _ I lMealâ€"a supply always on Business Smts ,hand. Also Cracked Corn, ~ , â€" lScratch Feed, Purnia Chowr \er} Latest Styles Eden and Dandy Laying, Workmanshlp Guaranteed rMasl‘. for poultry. Polar - ' ‘ Bear Pastry, and Maple Leaf ExPenence counts and Purity Flour. A supply *r"**’ \of Lime, Paristone and Cem‘ WRIGHT STREET em. Highest market Prices ' ' paid for Wheat, Barley and RlChmond Oats atTHE ELlZVATORi More sales with less proï¬ts We can quote you on : Tuxedo Suits Dress Suits Business Suits Very Latest Styles Workmanship Guaranteed Experience Counts Em mm OF CANADA A 29-inch Flannelettes, â€" - 15 Cents 36-inch Calico, â€" - - - 15 Cents 36-inch Factory Cotton, - - 12 Cents Prints and Ginghams, 15, 19 and 25 Cents Linen Towelings, - - 15 nnd 19 Cents ' Chintz, - - -. 20, 25 and 29 Cents Ladies Gloves, - - 35 to 50 Cents Children‘s Boots, - - 49c. to $2.95 Rubbers, - - - 55 to 69 Cents Children’s Dresses, â€" - From $1.25 Bungalow Aprons, - - From 79 Cents Known Makes in Hosiery, Ladies and Children's, 15, 19, 25, 35, 39 and 49 Cents Ladies Underclothing, Well-Known Makes, 25, 35, 39 and 49 Cents The Principal Functions of Banking R q H 30. 1924 49 w I QUANTITY [Single copies. 3 “5' , due to a continuous xable us to offer ablo- us in a position, also, credit to firms whose s, Socks, Undercloth- rompt De No. 18 1 amer LEANLINESS elivery