Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Oct 1924, p. 4

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\Caidwell & Pate: Gea.Ca§dwe‘:i The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, Lt’d, have on hand for sale. Cement} drain tile, 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. ti-le 1:3, 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand 01- Gravel sold by the load 01 in cau‘ lots. lCedar posts and telephone poles for sa 9. Office and residence Church St. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13â€"2 (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Oxford Street Phone 128 - r12 SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWESON R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. RIGHMO D STREET. RICHIwND HILL HUS E PAINTING AD PAPER HANGING 13110110 124 J AUTO PAINTING P1101) e 68 F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY Ere Toronto Office. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. West Richmond Hill Office . .uinora) Oflice),._every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday aft‘ex-nnon. Woodbridue, Saturday fox-ennui]. Mmmw m lnnn at Current Rate The Mulual Life Insurall'ce Company of NM York A Toronto Form Engine is a real money- maker because it clean: up the :1me 0m 0 M ,m jobs quick- 9:0 I) m Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Readlng, Dram~ atlc and Humogrous Sketches, AMBROSE L. PHIPPS . PATERSON v vuuu...._‘-, 7. Money Lo lounqa'tr (Jur'rent R A Real Money-Maker [NQUIRI ES SOLICITED NGTECE WILLIAM COOK T. (,OUSINS, Representing nmp Patnrc me 1' GIEISOH um lire J Lunau. Agent. R’chmond Hill Phone 7 ik lyâ€"leaves you more time for Important workDoea those tedi- ous jobs of milkiys. sepmtms. ersoniyf Manager Wood 1t the ll Toronto Farm Engines are well-built. simple in operation, run economically on kmencorguoline. A Tomato Engine. Saw and Grinder make a fine time and labor-caving team. fll glad to explain their many desirable' futures giveyouintensfing Eta-tum." churning. sawing, grinding. shelling corn' filling the silo. speedily and with much less effort. Yonge St, New Brick House every on Benson Ave. Mill 200 Acre Farm must be sold to wind up estate, situate 2nd Cm). Vaughan in good farming district. Comfortable '7 roamed house, barns, pig pen house, etc. windmill and arlesian “mll. Sui the best. About 150:1c1'es arable, and 50 acre-s of first chss hush. Possession EL OBOE. Maple, Ont. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, PLATE GLASS E'I‘O . The Protective Association ofi Canada. and The Dominion Gaurantee and Accident Co. AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA _ Motor ‘truck for general work and long distance hauling. Phone 11 xv C. M. PALMER & S O S House and U “eat bargain. l‘v AUTO LIVERY SERVICE w . H. A. Nicholls 1V Str ’A High Grade School!) MULHOLLAND & SMYTH Corner Arnold and Yonge Streets TELEPHONE 11M J.R.HERRINGTON ' I . . . nds avall- I It IS snd that Those havmg fu ‘ for East Ottawa able for 1nvestment are_adV15£ option when m ed to look over my hSt 0 .J. A McCausla‘ securities. ‘motion and (To 'speak, thus fox Money to loan on mort'I“J.A’s."â€"Globe gages. ‘ Insuranceâ€"~Life, Fire, Acci-i At a meeting - mo_ . League held in dent and Slckness, Auto ‘mgms before the blle Etc- ‘ snmr seemed to Y C. H. BYADI FOR SALE W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAI The Real Estate Man training for choice business positions. who desire to get the stt Invites the patronage of those BARRISTERS, Soucnmzs, Toronto Office )orner Yonge & Alexander Sts., Toronto; OFFICE ; CHURCH STREET eautifu \VRII‘E TODAY FOR CATALOGUE. properl Phone Hudson 3408 ELLIOTT ut th Enter any time. RICHMGND HELL 1| unable Ave 3193 Yonge St. Convenience "Hm Ru Phone 232 property 11 Rose- IIM().\'1)HILI and lO-tf ZB-Gm Woodbridge. . Edgeley . . . . . . Maple . . . . . . . . Kleinburg. . .. Elder Mills... Pine Grove. .. Purpleville. .. Patterson... . Thornnill . . . . . Results of the plebiscite vote in Vaughan Township, West: York con- stituency. were as follows : Notwithstanding statements by J. A. McCausland, M.P.P., and other Government Control men, Premier Ferguson lost no time in let- ting it be known that as Local Op- tion was not referred to on the bal- lot paper, Local Option would not be granted for Toronto and other cities which voted 1n favor of Gov- ernment sale. Prohibitionists must take the Premier at his word when he said that should the Ontario Tem- perance Act have a majority he would see that the Act would be am forced and the weak spots strength- ened. If he carries out his “personal View" and sends the bootleggers to jail without the option of a fine there will be little sympathy shown for that class of law-breakers. l Vaughan Strong for 0.T.A. Although it was stated and re- peated from time to time that boot leggers in Toronto and other places- Would vote for a continuance of the O. T. A. few thoughtful people Could make themselves believe any- thing so ridiculouS. In the recog- nized bootlegging districts in To- ronto, the vote as published in the sub-divisions shows conclusively that the boot leggers as a body support’ed government control. The wonder is that an attempt was made to make people believe such an absurd argu- ment. l l \Vlllllll Lin: IHIHEL' arur. Luc Hung-nu l It _ is lsmlprislng the number 0f made off before daylight before the} l Pl‘Omlant men In Toronto Who (18- could burn through the special burglar iclined to be interviewed previous to proof steel. The outer safe. “hicl the plebiscite vote on the 23rd of was qullppl’d withtwnswingingdmxrs was drilled and plugged with nitm- locwber' P90” men. who mlght be glycerine. \Vhen a freight, Lruin lafraxd of losmg thelr 10b could be [ pusst the office on the (1. N. lo the excused for keeping their opinions chiuge was exploded, the right door to themselves, but to think of clergy. bé'lng completely blown (11f. men, barristers and. other profeSSional i w , A A men sa 'in the declined to tell how I N they pr)opogsed during, seems incom- ' l 5 ant Adb' prehensible. To say the least, these men were not at all proud of the stand they were taking. 0R SALEâ€"Guinea pigs for sale. ' A. WOOD, Oak Ava, Sh p 22. 1’ onge SL1 eet. 17-18 At a meeting of the Moderation League held in Massey-Hall a few nights before the 23rd, the favorite song seemed to be “How Dry I Am.” The thirsty songsters wiH, appar- ently, have to warble the same. song for some time to come. ' It is srid that J. A. Pinard,M.l’.1’. for East Ottawa, will move for locai Option when the Legislature meets. J. A McCausland may ‘second the motion and (,‘01. J. A. Currie may speak, thus forming a party of David Hill, Dealer RICHMOND HILL Specin Six Roadster Special Six Touring cial Six O.T.A. Control 284 101 163 33 276 50 206 33 134 82 183 13 1.603 276 206 134 133 108 123 177 Sedan ard, M.P. P Govt. â€"â€" 1' screen for rent. Apply 424 WIGMORE. 67 76 ten years old. raspberries. straw- , berries. good well, barn, large chit-ken thouse, and three ronmed dwelling. ['Gnod offer to right, party. 0. MALLORY. Ruseview Ava. Phone I 121 M, 15-18 * 0R RENTâ€"5 and 7 roamed house, north of Post Otfice. Apply to MRS. C. HARRISON, Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. 14-18 QELL, RENT or SHAREâ€"Two four L and half acre garden lots near Yonge, wire fenced, two hundred hear- ing apple, pear, plum and cherry trees, ‘ 0R SALE â€"Comf0rtable frame house, lot 40 x 140 feet. Apply MRS. A. ENDEAN. Centre Street West, Richmond Hill, Phone 61w. 1648 'unu l'UuruNUr UA Ic â€" Year] I? nineteen, good running under. ‘ Just suit farmer. come and try her out. Worth $200, sell for $150. 0. MALLORY, Roseview Ava, Phone 121 M. 16-18, l OR SALEâ€"One lalge hulstein flesh milch cow, in good con- dition. on lot 24. 0011.4. east, Markham. R. E. SAXDERSON. 17-18 ON FORD TRUCKâ€"For sale, 1923 model, closed (rub. Sulid tires behind. perfect condition, guaranteed. Will sell cheap, paw cash, balance fodder, implements or stock vtc. lst house south side Bruokside Rnad, stop 29, Yonge St. 17-18 1" FOR SALEr‘Dt-lnx-lu-d, lnick, hardwood. :xll cunwnivnces, guild garden and frnil. Runghmst, six] rooms, with une and (me quarter ucxvs. Detached, gum] gun-dun and fruit [wt-vs, good Ct’llnll‘ and furnace. Deluchvd, frame, gum] cellar and large galdu) and Stuhlv, electric. Detached, solid brick. ull cnnveniencvs, guldun and garage. Deumhed. fwme. gnarl cellar, furnace and olpctx ic. garden and garage. fine home for small family. Beautiful brick house with fulll‘ acres. tine gmden land, fifty fruit noes, strawberry and raspbeny patch. Apply to J. R. HERRINGTON. 17-Lf l l l Jj‘UR SALEâ€"Mandolin in A I tiou. good reason for selling. an MRS. EVANS, (Jun-ville led 3. * OR SALEâ€"A numbm' of Shropâ€" _ shire lambs. JAMES STEWART, King. R. R. 3. 1718 Professional safe blowers hit-WV lhu safe in the office at Tllmnsnn Urns. planing and lumber mill. Poi-t Credit, about fqur O’clan Saturday mo: ning. but were frustrated in Witching any money or securities by there he’hjgn burglar-proof safe of me latest design within the larger safe. The huiglars made off héfm-e daylight hefmle they could burn through the special burglar- pi'oo‘f stnel. The miter safe. which was equiple with two swingingdnnrs, was drilled and plugged with nitm- glycerine. When a freight, train passed the oifice (m the U. N. R. the )ART[5}L Lrs'gur: REAL ESTATE In the Supreme Court on Friday. Chief Justice R. M. Meredith sentenced Peter Smith, a former Minister of the Crown. to a. term of three years in the Provincial Penitentiary. Armilim Jarvis, the well-known financier, was at the same lime sentenced to six month in jail. The above wow found guilty of conspiracy In defraud lhe Province, and were in addition tn liw prison terms, Setitenced to 1-l-lmy m the Province 3600,000. ' 0RD TOURING (JARâ€"Ye It will take only a few minutes of your time to have us explain how you can purchase any McLaughlin- Buick out of current incomeâ€"by means of the G. M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan_ Buick bring these cars within easy reach of thousands of Canadians who heretofore consid- ered them as being out of their price class. RENTâ€"Huuse on Elizabeth HE new low prices of McLaughlin- NE‘VS NOTES condi- Apply 3-tf Slmp 17-18 -r. was to six found ed the I AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE {that after such last-mentioned (hit? [the Executms will proceed to distri- l hute the assets of the Estate among | the pal-(it’s eniitled thereto, having re- !gurd only to the (-laims of which he f shall then have received notice. 1’ that all persons having claims against the Est:u&f HENRY WINGER, late i of the Township of Vaughan, in the [County of York, Farmer, Deceased, v who died on the 1th day of August. A.D. 1924. are required to send to Jesse Baker, Maple, 0nL., R. R. No. 2, one of the Execnmrs, on ur befure the ,‘20th day of November next, a state- menc of {heir claims and addresses and thg securipy, if any. held by tlwm. (17-20) School Books at The Liberal Dated at Toronto this 17L!) day of Octuher, 1924. Pursuant tn the Statutes in that be- half, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Rnger Alt-xundaâ€"‘r McGill. of IhuQity 0f Tnmntu, in thy Cmme l-f Ymk, in the Prm-im-I- hf Ontmin, Clr‘lk, will apply to [he Pulliauwnt uf Canada, at tln: next svss?r»|1 lhm‘ervf for n Billnf Divorce fmm his wife. LntIiP‘Ameli-A McGiH, of thfl ()ity of Turuntrx in the Gounty of Ymk. (n the grounds of adultery. DATED at Tm‘onto, this lst day of October, 1924. Notice of Application for Divorce Phone seems to serve our purposes very well. We sell good lumber. VERY business deal that is E consummated should be measured by the golden rule. It should be an accepted standard of measure in every business establishment. We use it here and it NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, Special Six Four-Passenger Coupe FLETCHER KERR, 394 Bay Street) Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant 'OURWOTTO'S THIS ” NO MAN TO FOOL» AND wwmflrfllflmnm mil '1 H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Notice to Creditors ‘ommiSSioner, Unnvoynncer, Special Six Business Coupe WILLIAM COOK. L. INNES 8; SONS RICHMOND HILL Insurance and Real Estate 816 Federal Bldg., 85 Richmond ht. W., Toronto, Solicitors for the Executors Yongc Street; 15-19

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