Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Oct 1924, p. 5

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Hallow’een to-morrow night. 06b! ber could not; favor a law to legislate bus- 81, Now boys, don‘t destroy property, or do mean tricks. Further notice will be given for the. Catholic Bazaar to be held in the Masonic Hall, on Friday and Saturday, the 28th and 29th of November. Beaverton Express â€" The North Ontario Young Men’s Plowing Compe- tition was judged on October 9th, 10th and llili, by Mr. Jas. McLean, of Richmond Hill. Mr. G. E. Pike. baritone, of Metro- politan Choir will sing in the Metho- dist Church Sunday evening, accom- panied by a violin obligato by Miss Aileen Atkinson. The October meeting of the \V.C.T.U, will be held at. the home of Mrs. D. \Vatson. next Tuesday, Nov. 4th. at. 3 o’i:l'~ck. It. is urged that every. member make an effort to be present. The. "Sunnysidos" Girls Ball Team are putting on a dance, with Mn Donald's Orchestra, in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening, November 7lh. Invitations will~be out. in a. day or two. The \\".\l. S. will hold their Thanks- giving services, Sunday evening. November 2. at 7 o'clock, in St. Andrew's, Presbyterian church, Maple. Rev. P. S. Baringer will deliver the r I r l oaneis out. of existence. sided. .. MAPLE I The trusteesof the Methodist Church h:l\ e had a new furnace installed and the church beautifully decorated. Re- openng serviCes \vere held on Sunday when impressive and inspiring 591- I' mons were preached by Rev. Dr. Ii. N. Burns, of Toronto. Special music was rendered by the choir assisted by ‘ Miss Pearl Brock, Miss E. Fry. Mrs.I S. 1). Roberts and Mrs. T. McBride, of ‘ Toronto. The collections amounted to $111.53. Communion services were held iii St. Andrew's Church on Sunday when Rev. Mr. Mofl'at occupied the pulpit. Rev. 8. It. and Mrs. RobinSon and Miss Ruth Robinson, of Markham. Spent the week end with friends in the Village. On Saturday the Kim: City football team won the final of the cup games fioin Elder’s by a score of 2-0, The latter team held the Cup last year. Six young men and four young ! ladies were received into the member-l ship of the Methodist thurch at the service on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Manning and J. M. Walton, Mayor of Aurora preâ€" 1 l Itaught the art of fishing, \iiilront the: ,. V , _ -_,. r , \ HA Y FEVER l Summer Asthma Will spoil your summer and make your company distressing to your friends unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most people feel better from the first; dose. Your druggist will refund your money ifa $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in stamps. Templetons, To- ronto. 312 RAZ - MAI-l For Sale by Porter’s Drug Store as he scrubs his hemlock flo r, an i the special consirlerition, of all members L‘sl’WCi.-ill,\y the members of [he loval opposition, is desired upon :i inost far- reachingr question~nanwly the esâ€"i tiblishineiit of schools of'inatinnmiy in convenient. centres, win-re itein~ experienced maiden of lti shall be necessity of going to a pond, aird in the event of any failing to catch the apple of her eye, it shall be the Solemn duty of this house to inform all such, that in spite of its loneliness. “Single Blessedness has its Char ms." Bring Your Maturing Victory Bonds to us OLDERS of Victory [lands inatuiu int.r on November the first, next, will find it. protitahle and convenient to convcr prepai c any denomination, and suggestthat far the sake. of safety, simplicity and cou~ BANKth‘i FIFTY YEARS vcnicucc this Rink. We. are to pay cash for such bonds of them at, you deposit your maturing bonds to your credit in a Standard Bank Savings Account. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"W. C. Bedford, rllanager Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manning spent. the week-end with Rev. ’1‘. W. and Mrs. Leggott, of Stayuer. and also friends address. In conclusion, His Majesty trusts that you will transact all business with COMING. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTâ€" Dr. I . I . , in "larksburtrI despatch and dr (-or-umI 1?. E. Luke, (lpI(IIIII'Il-l~i, It)? ionge U a “mom, “HUI SiorneilI U A L I I Y S H O P P F g btreet, 'loronto, at Porters Drug -_ .- OHIIWII “IPD BYV’I‘I ("II Vnn, . 1 ' Store, Richmond ’Hill, Tuesday, I I I I ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ” ' ‘ ' ‘ November 4th- Glasses if required at ‘15101i11‘ SQL‘ARL v-~vâ€"¢ ‘ ght prices. 17-18 The Mock Parliament was interest’ see samples Of our .New Type ing and mar attended. The leader of FaCes before sending y ou r the Government, introdnceda measure ' ' I. . ' . “It’s better to have loved and lost Printing Else“here ' they Slut than never to have loved at all." The question was debated in a lively Way. and the Government. majority was five. The, following is the speech from the throne. read by the speaker, Rev. Mr. MILLINERY -:â€" DRY GOODS -:- LADIES’ WEAR At the next meeting of the Board of Education, to be held Monday, Nov, 3, arrangements will be made. for the formal openi ig of the new High school. Tire c asses moved to the new building Monday of this week. »“ u UR STOCK OF FALL AND WINI‘ER HAT The officers and members of Rich- [replenished weekly S is being mond Lodge are invited to attend with everything that is NEW Divine service at Union LIIngI \Varren: I and UP-TO-DATE. BUY NOW while the choice is good Schomheig, Sunday evening. Novem- T l H Rider?“ Ean' O‘tj‘l‘” . - . . . .her 1 A13“ u, the official visit of the o tiIeC on. tIe Ilernher-s of the A Nice Line of Medium and Heavy-\Veigbt LNDFIRWEAR D.D.G..\l. which will take place Home 0‘ ammon" C’mau“ ' and HOSIERY. On this the twenty-inst. day of the IIf OUIOIISI LADY RAMSEY VVOOLS in a Full Range tenth month in the year of our Lord, Monday evening. the 101home'einber-. fi S The DIM}, Sm”, states that the Prince one thousand nine I hundredI and HI BUY AT HOME and Save Money. QUALITY and SERVICE of “valps ImJ-IIypd the dance so much tiienty tour, it afinids His Majesty, r) Gem V King of Great Britain and Emperor of ail India. through His Excellency Lord Byng of Vimy. very great pleasure to tormally open this the Second Parliament during His Majesty’s reign, of the Great Dominion at. Straihrohyn, the home of Mr. F. B. Robins. that inllhe course of :hgi-acious word of appreciation, the Prince said to his host. "I have enjoyed myself so much I shall certainly have. to pay Toronto another visit next year.” By 31 Mrs. Norman Batty all accounts the entertainment ofI Cilnild‘.“ "flailing "5.": is .in this ‘ furnished on the night following the 3&3“ng [‘lInI‘H"l-i thal “W “f 'lrenchiBlock Phone 53 fox hunt will be remembered as a I‘Cv‘m‘l‘qu‘ue' mummnf-mflmyI e would return thanks to A1- _h_fi_~_,_~ Â¥c A_,_ -_ §â€"â€"â€"nâ€"__ mighty God for His wonderful blessings . ~_.. UIlI the people Of Canada. inflating Fredericfim Pollelf Regular Mating t em to garner in an a un ant '- . . r .- . Presbyteridn. Services harvest. to profit by enlarging TEACHER 0F PIANO V ludgt counu" 15L 31(nlday markets, and to live in peace and in a measure of dryness with their neigh- bors. His Majesty is thankfulJor the. conâ€" tinuing bond of Internationalism in binding the Dominion to the Mother- land, and is especially over-joyed at the enthusiastic ieception everywhere pâ€"d Board of Education, 1st Monday. Board of Trade, 2nd Monday Horticultural Society, 3rd Tuesday. Public Libraryâ€"Open Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o’clock The Minister will preach at. 11 and 7 o'clock. November 2-9 is to heohserved as Self Denial Week, with special "Wering for Home and Foreign Missions on November 9. TEACHING S A 'r U R n A v s ls'r Hot'sr: N o R 'r H o r‘ PRESRYTERIAN C H U R c n lllH PUOWIPIH HHOLS DIRK] S.HEIJ.}IOJ Acidsip [Broads no gimp/{Uta .10 spoofi [13x33 JO JaAo .10 'oog J0 aseqoxnd c qiiM 17 :1 listed" P109 SA&O(I NIAX Hfl() " . accorded his Son. Edward Plantagenet, : g METHODIST CHURCH Prince of \Vales, during his recent w 27 ' . visit. . . I i I q And now the Hon, members of the l J. . Iflllpls‘wrf‘me'm 0f the Ln'dseupPer House of Commons are, called to m I “illI Ie dISPEHSEd “t, “‘9 '“‘"'"‘"i-’-' assume the, responsibilities of Govein- ' ' .1 service. Membersflr‘? kmdly request"? ment. Important and weighty matters fiftega‘mgzfl #1:” TII‘I’GYI’I‘IEYI fhg'I 3:5: will be introduced for your consider- _ W _ _ _ ~_ ‘ , ' I ' ‘- ,- ' ’ l ,, atlon. Some of these haVe to deal with Ron h ‘ ml Dressed Lumber dlsco'll'fej Av" ""I‘iwnt ITO"P Stm'y- so vital an organism as the heart and Boots and shoes, with agood g d I A"”““~‘Y‘”) 59‘" "N's “"ll be held a" so desirable a s ot as a home built. for , . , . Hardwood Floorin s drvagi s 1 k‘ p fO'f\‘d‘ de~ g on a)“; u\. It]. specia spea PIS two_ You "my be asked to pass line 0 he! sat) a 10: I and speeial muSic. On November 13th - . ' . . ~ 0 . ‘ .. -~ Plne Latll DOOI’S the Ladies, Aid Wm plmide suppEI legislation relative to the happiness of shoesI - , ' ’ " the lone bachelor, that he may never - I . I . . . . ~ ~ - :rv tantEI'ItgiIilplgigIgIggds; 3;: more be forced to cook his own meals 1 . J. SpeCiar prices In khaki ’ Ledar bhmgles saSh . . , \ . v . ‘ ' . n I ' - 1 1 ' ‘ y w choir .of Sher-bonnie St. Methodist m “em thm his house” at the knee' I _ Pants and Shlltb' I‘OOfmgb GIPrOCL Church. Remember the date, Nov. 13. Real Estate = Richmond Boys - running shoes, caps, [‘m- paper “vallboard flaw . . . Jersey sweaters 3“ at my Buildin ' .~ L. . g Paper noun) or EDt‘CiTIOV Notice to Cmdflors and Others HAS 10R SUI reasonable prices. “I . . . w v ,» ____ â€"r v Houses, Vacant Lots , â€"~~~ fivmâ€" ‘V k ‘ E NOTICE that all )ersons hav- Every member of the Board was . 1AK. . , l ' I I I , -I, I. I, ~ mer claims against I‘eetzel Bros.. of _ Bissfllhtgl}:teeth3193,31_Il;:e(f\:fi‘;‘”;u the Richmond Hill. Ont., are requested to Acreages’ Farms & i ' . I u . 'I I I I - 0 send particularsofsaine totheunder- ‘ 7 7V â€"7” T in 7 i 7 h“ foi'algtlii- d'.l?lii{ii.‘.m:,sf“1?,fil:;7‘if;:;km; signed by November 27th, 1924', A150 HOUSES t0 Rent. II 7; II W7 _7 : ~ 1;: 7;: J 1)].“ It- I ‘ Public Si-hools and the Knew High NAFGUTON & JENKINS' 1‘ i - V ' V J“ 1(J(J SCIIOIII _ . 85 Rlcllltl'fl‘lltil Street. West. I I) B T S D S H 0 ES 415 Bump] Si” Thrhmm The application of Mr. \Viidi‘. the 1””mm' but) “WW? “"1150” 1347 W present janitor, was accepted for the OF 1 LICENSED XUCTIOVFER Public Schools at a salary of $760, and , . ‘ i A A A “10 JH‘Il‘lIiIC-‘EtiIml (If Mr. Slander: {zgolhe F. M O 1" t g a g e S a l e IAXJL thDb I Emit cor's'ry or your" AND ONTARIO new I‘“ b ' ion at a sa .irv o .5." . , __ic W, V. i. .‘ . s ' i . , ‘ ,- , I Q, Q Co\\‘i§â€"-Gh1ssâ€"That the three stoves ' . LY? tip?!“ it“ “"10” H‘Kn ..t0 .MJeV or now in use at th: V! w i- 11- ll hi â€"â€" l‘ntli-r rud by VH'UH‘ "'fl"’\““‘~"c“"’ « “‘13 dP‘U‘l’Lm.” hum” “"d fan” tiered fil“‘|l(e f :45 afln L ' d ’ L l A O 1 “Q '11 ‘ QtOCl' Of Ilium-d in a l't‘ll .in mortgage which ~ttu‘k wiles siiL‘CMllV- Farms “Ought U M ._ t 3' a “I b ' . . nn ul C?” ‘ argt. " \ “‘1 ll" amino-it at the time or ml» . «v s EPAIR Iauid Sold on commission. Allsales ut- chgtltJâ€"-(IL‘E~â€"Ili amendment that. 3 , r A i ‘ p ““ ‘ .l . I x I . .l -. I{(_)LI‘E R r. (1.] i s] . . .- a M. . 1 . the stove: be airemi for 5.30 hines ' I all and W IntCrLadles C0351 their “'1” “E ""“W‘ L“ "11"!“ “mm ‘ ' ’ K" IANSHIP ‘ i Uvui l 0 “v” " “int ""“U' “Mimi”. included. The amendment 2;lllll‘tl.: ‘ etc” at extraordinary 10“; I‘ auction, on I I l “AV V A I I LPiIrIiEEIEIrIIIIrIEIIrjIrII3:583:m”m{.I] mpt m. a uA resolIution passed .ltlllLlIttll‘lZHui: prices from to Tuesday the lltn day of NOV, 1924 l r 7 " re puicIiisv‘ o ‘70 copies o my in I ' _ ' ~ ' ' H H I I: “v” OF For“ (i'CLifi‘K V . I - tho 13IItIsIliII1’wIIiHI. and n mIapIgtIiIhv fur trimmed With Beaver. r riIHi.EII,~l_if,l,..m, a \\ ork done while you \iait. Hangings County o‘ or ‘. ‘or use in t ie u l ic \ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ , . .. ' 30““0“ i Grand Display 0f ' HOTEL Rim-“05D j Store next to \ illage Clerk. If __..m l on the West side ofIYt iigc ritulltliilitlc I . a. 01- Tramc Problem Debated ‘ NOVELTIES lll‘ag‘? Pf . “VFW?” , - ,. . l f Artistic Charm _ _ 'Bi ions 1. snows. .XilLtlittrli I r . . ‘.} I. v; :- '; l r; ‘e ii wt i_\’.. ' About 75 representatives from King. Note the Address I 3 Doors l [m n I \ m‘ \ i i l ‘ w I iliftliierZâ€"Iit‘llig in tne Township o1 l Vaugiian. iii the ('onoty otI You k. audI ibt’lllg l its numbers 131 7:1.inl_‘.)v u the i\\‘e>t side of Yonge Sllm‘l ii: IlIi~ stztl :Ttmnslrip ot‘ Vaiitzti tli, :o'Igi tiling Ito “ m: i plan lt‘ILIl>lt‘I.’tI in tho Registry tittige SAMl’Ll-j‘i FREE PAINTING, Dl-It VJRA'I‘INU I’hoio- 31ml, Kin . G. HILL, gOhk Ridges P. 0; \Vhitchurch. Markham. Vaughan, and . . 1 Richmond Hill and York Township sI south 0t RlChanIlCl met at Aurora on Monday to discuss 1' requirements on Yonge Street. and to PUb‘lc SChOOl‘ provide for the safety of pedestrians} by building sidewalks. PHONE 27 ’ "“ l i We have tic tulluwing Items in: Stock which We are prepared in >Cll : lJOBBING, CARPENTER . â€" . - - .‘ . . .. ..I.~ l I I I II v _ “It H“. [{‘Hvl\‘k|)' [)thI it. til lllt‘ l.'l>lI t a. l)tlg....i :A J»». - I , ‘ . .. 7 _- IA “5312:1111”;Lint-“fihilstlhnlfi at? I “ ORE“ ‘ and \Vesthl’odiugcqi-t the thorny (rt A‘II In. 139., RC: 1 pm:, I T n, mes it t p )(I- i-eiI ' in tr - I "I V I II I .I _ IQ "II ,1. LSL ' I' I I I I I I) ,II .I L S D ships. on the rust Side of 3. huge Street; <L RNITL lil; REPAIR LI) .- ‘1 ELEM”: TI’IIII “pIIIIIIIIIIV II NIIII III III: plank 3x“ IuId “Mle L, w 1_ Ira m E, q i A I iinili“'Ei'tiflfiiftf “id‘l‘l‘mm'h “noun WIYDOWs urine and' emit-ti a tiame hut...» wrzht rmms. ileiig‘th mostl} -. FOR SALE 1 or i c, i. - - .. A . 1 File Pinehuai'ils ah’lut Twat let-t : ['312li:£2l‘.‘11g, mupaimer & {in mgr '.«‘ Orvilahd Tooting, late model, mod conjitiv .1, reasonable price. he-“ ()\-"lilli(lDt‘lllltlleildtiil',T0111" 1" “0 ing. lire \"t‘t‘lin < 1d. t ll ise pi ice "’ ‘r‘ ‘E L! ‘. This in: icrt ‘ is l portation, O. 1.. “'ilson, and \Y. [{I I IIIIIIIIII IIII II” III I I 3 REPAIRED, LOL'KS REPAIRIIII‘ I I .tl the municipilities in giiin a, highwayI \‘virh Urea“; CI“ , 200â€"8 IIII CCIIIIIII PCIIIFI I WI 1 . I. I I g I I ‘ light far-iliri..<_ I Th0“ gentleman declared the ratio!r and REPAIRED . . ,. . . t . .. I , Ctllll‘, turnaee. water, electric light, t Dealing \iitlr the question or trans FITTEDI LIARPET SWELIIERSI Y \II I IIOII I4 IIU 8 IIILIIIICIS “IIIICI II ‘ “ ' i" ‘ " ‘-‘-’ Situated on once ...iw , a s I I {III II ‘Idn ggniitld).::legffvli1b:iiile l I distaiiv t‘ from Toronto. and is on a ! (Al'ethl the . . .. II '.' ‘ \‘ ‘ l ‘ i ' "" _ iprnwl I I 0d service but they objected to and kEW IXE‘X a MADE Selwlt‘t‘ and I'I}'le~eleCil‘tC power and I1 incheSI I go _ I . _ I_ _ , I I. V I II I II competiticn wrtli a line of bosses DOOR CHLChb PUT O\ TERMS-TI)” IIEIII IIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIII 3 Damaged PIIIC Dom:â€" piid down at the 1 _ 2 6 _ .5 G , inchI was the people’s road, and ought to he I ' ‘ ’ ’ i‘ * f‘: 1‘. balance in thirty days. I II a . - . S _1II - I I II I 21 I- su'ilbm‘ted'. ' expre sed by W H REPAIR “ ORR DORE BX "1171:er firitlrer particulars and conI-'l 2 ".3 U : :IIVIIISIHdell IICI‘IiIIiitkI,eC:i:IdI,tI:I:Iee$ . e opinion 3 5 ~ . - Y - ~ f 1e, :1 WW to Naug iton am I -â€" II “I I I I I Pugsley, '1. H. Trench. J.IA. Gi‘eb‘filE, L. B. FIR C31I 3?,“ Ricginond Street. \Vest, JONES LUMBER COI CXCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIOII CIIpaCIIYI '5; BfihhfiilzgtazungpgustgggasIgafiIifisg ELIZABETH ST., RICHMOND HILL i Toronto, Solicitors for the nortggligefé Centre St EaStI MCLaugbIIDI II IIIIsseDgeIII ' x . _ l- . [infir- rfites on Yonge Street, and they BO.\ 169 I

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