For this reason she is disposing of her stock at MUCH LESS THAN COST PRICE. Announces She is Vacating Her Store on November 30th owing to inconvenience in going back and forth during the coming winter. Note the Address : Three Doors South of Richmond Hill Public School. Store will be closed at except Saturdays. 85 Richmond St., West, Ofï¬ces { Tomnto. Naughtun Block, Aurora Solicflr-r for: Aurora. and Richmond Hill.‘ The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch and MarkhunL .1lh’l' S. Jenkins Reg. Phnne lill. 5048 Richmond Hill Suits made to your measure $24.00 up. Overcoat; made to your measure $24.00 up. These Suits and Overcoats real value for the moneyâ€"Try one. Ready-to-wear clothing at low prices. Buy your Fur Coat direct trom the manufacturer through me and save money. You Cannot Beat It VOL. XLVII. Announce the Establishment of a New Branch at Richmond Hill. under the Management of Mr. A. T. Minnis Richmond Hill Branch Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephoue Adelaide 2108 NAUGHTON 8: JENKINS IMPERIAL BANK CLEANING AND REPAIRING SATISFACTORILY‘ DONE .50 per annum, in advance.]3 'onsultatz'on and Diagnosis Free Consultation with the manager on all ï¬nancial mat- ters is cordially invited. Clients axe assured the sume prompt and courteous attention to detail that marks the mineral policy of the Bank ever'ywhere. STERLING BANK BLDG. TELEPHONE 61 Dr. J. R. ALLISON J. Harry Nanghton Ros. Elgin Mills RPS. Plume 44.4 THORNHILL. ONTARIO OF CANADA . R. FORTNER Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor. DENTIST OPEN EVENINGS Ofï¬ce over Mrs. Davies Millinery and Dry Goods Store Children’s Clinic now open Dr. S. L. Rusling CHIROPRACTOR Days: Hours A. T. MINNIS, Manager RICHMOND HILL. ONT RICHMOND HILL Monday, \Vednesday, Friday Saturday. 2 P.M.â€"4 30 RM. 7 1". M.â€"8.15 P M. Gas 1For Extraction Consultntions Free “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity Phone 95 ', The McGregor cup. for highest score. was won by Gordan Anderson, Edgeley. The largest number of entries was handed in by Norman Steckley, of Stcuffville. Class Five, buys under lSâ€"Fred Tim- bers, Stnuffville; Alvin Woods. Wood- bxidge; Jim Urquhart, Wexford; Jack Smith, Downsview ; Alvin Caseley. Markham ; Richard Weatberill, Wood- blidge. 7 Class Four. tractors in stubbleâ€"Fred Steckley, Stoufl'ville; Robert Bunn- weH. Milliken; Clare Sanderson. Unionville; Harry Ratclifl’e, Stnufl- ville: Harvey Usher. Edgeley; Fred Nicelv, Sloutfville; Paul Snider, DownSView. Class Three. single furrow, riding plowâ€"jack l‘rishy, Gurmley: Jack Spience, Swuï¬ville. Ulass Two. in stubbleâ€"Gordon An- derson, Edzeley; Eur] \Vatsun. Agin- cnurt: Norman Stvckley. Sloutfville: Harry Pugh, Stoufl‘ville: M. Clenden- ning, Stouffville; Cecil Smith. Stoutf- ville- Glass One. in sodâ€"Harold Cowie, Milliken; Ross Rutcliffe, Stouffville; Percy Pattenden. Stuuffville; Joe Por- rill. Richmond Hill. Among the special prizes were two silver tea services given by Mr. Eek- ardr, Harold Oowie and Fred Steckley being the winnens; Fred Timbers won as a special a Massey-Harris plow, and youngjim Urquhart. aged [4. won a special cash prize givsn thg yotlngest_conlzpetibol'. Each donel' presented the prize he. offered, following the banquet, at which Dr. James L. Hughes. of Toâ€" runlo. who was the main speaker, gave an interesting address on “Character- Building." Other speakers were: A. J. H. Ecknrdt. A. A. Mulhnlland, Mr. McGregor. James Dougharty, Reeve Baker of \Vhitchurch, Reeve Gnhn of Markham. Deputyâ€"Reeve Kellum of Vaughan; R. J. Rogers, Representa- tive for York County, and others. At, a banquet held Tuesday night. in Hotel Richmond the prizes were piv- Sented to the winners in the recent plowing competition held by the York County Junior Farmers" ASsnciaLion. This is the fith annual competition this association has held, and it. differs from others inasmnch'as the competi- tors plow five acres on their own farms, the. work being judged on Nov. 1, when the judges go around to the different, farms. It was announced that competition this year had been especially keen. and that entries ex- ceeded those of any other year. The Y. P. S. held an npen meeting on Monday night, when Piof. E. S. Moore, of Tun-onto. gave zm illustrated talk on "The Origin of the Earth." The suhjvcll. Lhnugh scientific, was treated in an untechnicul way and was so clemly illustrated with a. large number of lantern slides as to make it interesting to anybody Miss Eileen Atkinson contributed a violin solo, which was also much enjoyed. Next week's meeting will be held on Tuesday night. and Will be a. Thanksgiving and Armistice evening. Male members will contribue the programme. Members of the Presbyterian) Churches in this district. attended a. meeting in Newmalket on Tuesday to advance the anti-Union cause. Rev. WalterAnms. of Toronto, acted as Chairman. and Rev, H. H. Hui-n9. Rev) J. H. Bnrlaud and G. Tower Feigusson, of Toronto, addressed the gathering, explaining the act govern- lng the union and telling those1 present how they may vote themselves out of Church Uniun. The farm buildings of Mr. Gen. Dean at Headford were destroyed by fire last Thursday night, about 12 o'clock. Five horses, a registered bull and most of the implements were burned. The fire stun-Led in the horsesmhle, so there was no chance to save the poor dumb animals. The cause of the fire seems a mystery. The loss which is heavy will he partially covered by insurance. Mr. Dean has been unfortunate with fires, his ban 5 having been burned several year: ago by lightning. Monday's Globe records the death of Mrs. Mary Ellen Sanderson. widow of the late Alexander Scott, who died at, her home in Barrie. last Sunday, in her 86th year. Mr. Scott was fmmelly publisher nf The York Herald news- aper, and the family removed from ichmnnd Hill to Barrie where they became prominent, as booksellew. Anti-Unionists hold Meeting Young People’s Society Death of Mrs. Scott Plowmen’s Banquet Mr. Dean's F're .. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1924 __ i The Liberal :COL‘RTESY SW. !for School Books! LD. Ramer WRIGHT STREET Richmond Hill SEE OUR WINDOWS TO-DAY, THURSDAY Mrs. W. Davies Phone 119 RICHMOND TAILORSEPUBLIC NOTICE We Advertised, commencing last Friday, resulted in the clearance of nearly the Whole of Our Purchase. MRS. W. Dry Goods - - SATURDAY, Nov. l5â€"Auctiou sale of registered farm stock. implements, furniturn etc. Int 19, con. 3, East York, the pmperty of Han-y 5. Matthews. Sale at lo'clock. Terms 10 months. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. The minister will preach at 11 and 7 o’clock. Services appropriate to Thanksgiving and Armistice Day. The Sunday schun] will meet at 2,45 HUNTâ€"In Richmond Hill. on Sutur- day. November lst, to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hunt, '4 son. More sales with less proï¬ts We can quote you on : Tuxedo Suits Dress Suits Business suits Very Latest Styles Workmanship Guaranteed Experience Counts . m. \ l ‘( I'l‘l()\ SALE REGISTER , The Few Remaining Broken Lines, includ- Presbyterian Services AT SACRIFICING PRICES Toweling - Children’s Boots, Rubbers, etc. we shall Offer on Friday and Saturday next ing Hosiery - Underclothing - Ginghams, PHONE 49 w BIRTHS The Sale ers to put in a supply of Bran, Shorts, and Gluten Mealâ€"a supply always on hand. Also Cracked Corn, Sczatch Feed, Purnia Chow- der, and Dandy Laying Mash for poultry. Polar Bear Pastry, and Maple Leaf and Purity Flour. A supply of Lime, Paristone and Cem‘ ent. Highest market prices paid ior Wheat, Barley and Oats at THE ELEVATOR. QUANTITY School Supplies ---This Ofï¬ce DAVIES Richmond Hill Now is the time for farm; J. J. Deane Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Bought, Sold and Exchanged Prompt Delivery [Single copies, 3 cts. All business strictly conï¬dential PriQate Phone: 78 Woodbridge (‘LEANLINESS No. 19 SERVICE