Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Nov 1924, p. 4

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Office and residence Church St. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13-)! '"C'edur posts and telephone p'es for sale. T. COUSINS. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- nry College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended. The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Oompany. Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Cement druin tile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 1-5. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in lvngth) Also Cement Brick Sand 01‘ Gravel sold by the 1 id or in ctr lots. SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128 - r12 Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick HOU SE PA 1NTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RICHMOND STREET. F. GORDON 000K THOMAS I‘ELANY BABRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY E'rc Toronto Olfice. 816 Fedvral Building, at 85 Richmond SLreet. \Vest Richmond Hill Office ‘ mineral Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday aft-ernnon 'Woodbridze. Saturday forennon. Mnnpv 101mm at Utlii‘?')[ Rate HUS E PAINTING AD PAPER HANGING R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. The Mulual 'ufe Insurance Company of Now York Professional Graduate or Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. hrudio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf Expression, Reading, atlc and Humourous Sketcnes, AMBROSE L. PHIPPS . PATERSON On any farm of average size at least one hour a dayâ€"36% ten hour working days a yearâ€"are spent in the irksome, wearying task of pumping water. 36% days which one of my Toronto Windmills will give you for profitable work, rest or recreationâ€"besides supplying running water wherever you want it. ' The one bothersome task. that of oiling the windmill in all kinds of weather. is overcome in the Toronto Self-Oilcr. which requires fresh oil only “once a year." Friction and wear are ractically abolished. Toronto windmills, too. can be made absolutey self-regulating in operation. 0 The "Toronto" Tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the { heaviest. strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. Let me expltin why I believe this is one of the biggest conveniences 1 you cgn have. Money to [mm at I)hono AUTO PAINTING Phone 68 . HEWISON INQUIRIES SOLICITED WILLIAM COW} J. Lunua. Agent, Richmond Hill. Phone 73 J Dialect Poems Representing Graduate of Rlcawoxn HILL Manager House and Lot on Rumble Ave.. great bargain. New Brick House every convenience on Benson Ave. 7 roomcd house, barns. pig pen house. etc. windmill and artesian well. [Sci the best. About 150 acres arable, and 50 acres of first, classvhushL Possession at once. View. Have a look at the Hughes' proper! y. Inquire about the Richmond and Mill Stneet properties all that beauty spot below Lot 40. A Comfortable House and Lot on Arnold Street. Only $2300 with $600 down. 200 Acre Farm must be sold to wind up estate, situate 2nd' Con. Vaughan in good farming district. Comfortable Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL ’A High Grade School! mELLEOTTfl/M V‘ Real Estate Two beautiful lesidences on Rose- TELEPHONE ll M J.R.HERRENGTON Money to loan on mort- gages. Insuranceâ€"Life, Fire. Acci- dent and Sickness. Automo- bile Etc. Those having funds avail- able for investment are advis- ed to look over my list of securities. H. A. Nicholls W. J. Scrivener WRITE TO-DAY FOR CATALOGUE. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAI training Corner Yonge & Alexander Sts., Toronto. Invites the patronage of those who desire to get the best training for choice business OFFICE; cm HAS FOR SALE Houses, ‘Vacant Lots Small Acreages, Farms Also Houses to Rent. FOR SALE The Real Estate Man positions. RCH STREET Richmondiflill RICHMOND HILI. By-law N0. 7441 to determine the place for huldlng nomination etc., re- ceived its several readings and passed. T. MacMurchyâ€"Dugganâ€"â€"That EM. Legge. and A. B. Wells be a committee to meet, \Valler Bovair, xe trees on road along his farm. and are given full po_wer to deal with same.‘ Leggeâ€"Wellsâ€"That the Assessors Messrs Webb and Snider, and the Reeve he paid the sum of $10.00 each, and the Clerk the sums of $20.00 being [enumeration for their sery‘ices re selection of Jurors for 1119 year 1924, and that the seal of the cmpm'ation be attached to thisnesolutinn. Leggeâ€"Duggnnâ€"That DPputy Reeve MacMurchy be paid the sum of $5.00 for his services he Township of Albion u/c and work. T. Methurchyâ€"Leggeâ€"That the Trustees of the Toronto General Hospital he paid the sum of $5850 for maintenance of Madeline Bridger. Leggeâ€"T. MncMurchyâ€"Tbab the Klng & Vaughan Plowman Associath n be given a. grant of $25.00 for their prize list (thls being Lheflsual grant). - Wellsâ€"D‘ugganâ€"Thnt E. M. Legée be paid the sum of $5.00 for use of car, re» engine_ers tour nitmvgshipf The following resolutions were passed at the last meeting of King Council : T. MacMurchyâ€"Dugganâ€"That Dr. J. J. Williams. Burser. Woodstock Hospital, he paid the sum of $39.50 re maintenance of Marlin Brown. to Dec. 315b, 1924.7 A Thanksgiving service under the auspices of th(- \V. M. S. of St Andrew’s Church, was held on Sunday evening. when the pulpit was occupied by Rev. P. S. Baringer, of Sher-Wood. The Hallowe’en masquerade ball was well attended on‘inday evening last. There were many fine costumes and good prizes were given. 1‘ m 1 D‘MVi‘serél’en Uhgdwick, of Toronto, visited over Sunday at J. linghgs, Lamhert has been gmn ted three months’ leuve of ahsénce on account of ill health. 8.8. A social was held on Wednesday evening and the proceeds of the le-open- ing set-vices on Sunday, and the social amounted to over'3400. lpupal state.“ Also that "were an: not three newspapers in Canada that dare describe, much less denounce, the Delorme travesty on British justice.” Apparently, there is only ' one other beside the Telegram. That other, no doubt, is Jack Canuck. The fowl supper in connection with the Methodist Chlnch was a great, success. Au excellent, programme was given in the Community ball, by the orchestra of Dunn AvenuerMeLhodist The following: resolution, signed by Charles Perry, President; and Henry Muyle, Secretuiy, was passed by the Richmond Hill Faruwrs' Assochition at in meeting held last, Friday evening: "The press of 10-day informs us that during the past, year or two, a number of brewing and distilling companies have been licensed by the Dominiun Government with the ap- ploved endnrsenwnt of the Hon. Jacques Bureau, minister of customs and v) c‘se. That “79 herewith send a pH test to the farmers' convention. at Toronto, at their annual gathering in [)eéemher and also to the Hon. Jacques Bureau, minister of customs and ex~ cise.” In referring to Father Delorme by ing Telegram of} “Canada is not 3 fr Re Government Breweries KING COUNCIL Special Six Five-Passenger Sedan :rring to the acquittal of :lorme by a jury, the Even- ;ram of Monday says that; is not a free country, but a. he.” Also that “there are David Hill, Dealer RICHMOND HILL MAPLE Special Six Touring Special Six Roadster The Protective Association of Canada. and The Dominion Gaurantee and Accident 00.: Maple, Ont. Geo.Caldwell, Lorne Paterson AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA FIRE, AUTOMOBrIrLE, PLATEIG LA ss ' E 0. Manle. Ont. Phone 232 Caldwell & Paterson WIGMORE. Ali'l‘l A L LlS'l‘UF REAL ES'l‘A'l‘E FUR. SALE!Delnched, brick, hardwood. all conveniences, gnnd garden and fruit. Roughcnrt, six rooms. with one and one quaer- acxes. Detached, gmd guulml and lruit (was, good cellar and furnace. Delztcht-d, frame, good cvllar and large galdrn and stable, electric. Detached, solid brick, all conveniencas, garden and garage. Detached. fl‘rlllk‘, gnud cellar, furnace and electric. garden and garage, fine home for small family. Beautiful brick house with four acres, tine guiden land, fifty fruit trees, strawberry and raspberry patch. Apply to J. R. HERRINGTON. 17-tf Ij‘UR SALEâ€"Nluugm In Al ('nndi- tinn. gnud roam“ fun-~t-i1ilxg. Apply [0 MRS. EVANS, Gun-\ills Ruud, Hlnp 23. 18-19 King. R. R. 3 OUSE T0 RENTg-Gmud brick Imuso, with quarter new of land. at Headford. Apply CHARLES CLARK. 19 Yonge Street. OR SALEâ€"Cider npplec, a few Ban-ed Ruck Cockere]; Also 1 RPgistered thopshix'e rum. 2 years old. 0. L, HIEISE, Gormley. 19-20 Gormley FOIiâ€"Sâ€"ALEâ€"One short hmn hull, nne fresh milch cow. and one man cow, milking. \V. G. DENNIE, wagon work, Automobile wood work and rubber tires at the Trench works. Satisfaction and reasonable prices assured. lee us a trial and be convinced. 1: room cuktégfi (‘n Benson Ave. North side, (5 doors from Yongc St G. CRUICKSHANK. 19-20 Wish to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and V NTER APPLESâ€"The- following kinds of winter applvs {hr Sale: Spltzhm-gen, 'l‘nlumn Sweets. (in-en- mg, Bell-flunVers. and Russian Spy. GARFIELD YEREX, Elgin Mills, Phone 9A0 'Uunlp :OR RENTLHUuse on Elizabeth V street for rent. Apply Lu J. E. Hamnnm. 3-tf alâ€"ld soft wute VISE, Roseview, Ave 249 M u ple. :‘UR SALEâ€"A number- shire lambs. JAMES 117011 SALEâ€"Guinea. pigs for A. WOOD, Oak Ave., Stop‘ {‘XOHANGEâ€"Ste J 18 recrmls, fur C. 1-1. BYAL‘I 70R SALE OR TO gucN'râ€"Fom HE new low prices of McLaughlin- Buick bring these cars within easy reach of thousands of Canadians who heretofore consid- ered them as being out of their price class. It wfil take only a few minutes of your time to have us explain how you can purchase any McLaughlin- Buick out of current Incomeâ€"by means of the G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan, ‘V’ant Ads. NOTICE wart, Phnnu=;.rn-ph ‘ luyinghens. 1!‘ 1' E w A RT, 1 '5 19 h‘h mp- years ' 19-20 ! 184$) llt‘ 22‘ 1S) (17.20) School Books at The Liberal Dated at. Toronto this 17111 day of Octohex-LIQ24: AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that after such last-mentioned date. the Executms will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the Estate among [hr- parties entitled thereto, having reâ€" guld only to the claims of which he shall then have received notice. that all persons having claims against the Estme of HENRY \VINGER, late of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of York, Farmer, Deceased, who died on the lth day of August. A.D. 1924. are required to send to Jesse Baker, Maple, OnL., R. R. N0. 2, one of the Executnrs, on or before the 20th day of November next. a stateâ€" ment of their claims and addresses and the security, if anv. held by them. Pursuant tn the Statules in that he- half, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN DATED at Toronto, this lst day of October. 1924. Rngel' Alt‘XHndr’l‘ McGill, uf 1hr: City (If Tmonlo, in the Cunnly nf Ymk, in the Pruvincp of Ontmin, (-‘lx-Ik, will apply to the Pmliament of Canada, at the next. session [hereof fur :1 Bill of Din‘I‘CE‘ from his wife. Lotti? Amelia McGiH, of the City of Tor-«Hutu, in the duunty of York. (In the grounds of adultery: Notice of Application for Divorce f H. A. NIGHOLLS : N OTARY PUBLIC seems to serve our purposes very well. We sell good lumber. Phone 133 VERY business deal that is consummated should be measured by the golden lule. It; should be an accepted standard of measurein every business establishment. We use it here and it NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OUR mom's THIS " NO 1 MAN TO FOOLâ€"- AND ., MEASQRLWAITIflHEjOlDENRULE Commissioner, Unnveyancer, Etc stou'o BE DONE svl FLETCHER KERR, 394 Bay Su-eer, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. 15219 Special Six Four-Passenger Coupe Special Six Double-Service Sedan RICHMOND HI‘LL Notice to Creditors L. INNES & SONS Insurance and Real Estate WILLIAM (300K. Special Six Business Coupe 816 Federal Bldg, 85 Richmond ht. W., Toronto, Solicitors fur the Executorl Yongc Strcec

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