Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Nov 1924, p. 5

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“Hello, is that you Jim?" The new White Star liner ‘Doric’ had just been warped into her berth in Montreal Harbor and Captain Jenkins was calling an old sea-going friend in Toronto from the telephone which had been connected up as soon as the big ship touched the dock. Incoming passen ers find this ship telephone con- nected to the Montreal “Main” exchanfie, a great convenience. They immediate y et in touch with points far and near, and the sound of familiar voices g addens thehearts of expectant friends. “%Vith wireless at sea and quick telephone connection in port". says Captain Je'r‘lki'ii's‘,~ "our passengers and crew are abreast of the latest world developments by land and sea." ......... a ... “w Women's Institute will he held at the home of Mrs. Han-y Endean, on Wednesday, Nov. 12th at 3 o’vlock. Mrs. Perry, who has dvlightvd her heaters on» previous oncasiuns will ad- dress Lhe meeting on “What \Voman's Vote Can Du fur the Public Health.” An interesting programme is hei g arranged, and strangers especially n- vited to be present. Mr. Harvey Cook. of Woodstock, who with 1115 wife, have been visiting in Toronto, came up Monday and culled on a number of old friendsin Richmond Hill. Mr. Cook formerly unnhinrl - A. 0.. LA _..~ A A, resided at Pa “81150;; Two parties of hunters from Rich- mond Hill left, for the hunting grounds by QN. R., the latter part of the week. By all accouan Muskoka will be densely populated during the next two at three weeks. Mrs. A. T. Minnis and son, accompanied by her husband, manager of the lucid branch of the Imperial Bank, arrived in town Wednesday of last. week to take up their x-esidence nn Roseview Avenue. Mrs. Mary Dixon, grandmother of Mrs. W. Middleton. died in St. John's Hospital. Toronto, on Monday morn» ing. funeral taking place to Mman Pleasant Cemetery yesterday after- noon (Wednesday). Ed. Ruhinson, better known as “Oup,"and an employee in the local branch vi the Standard Bank. had the misfanmc m have his right arm broken on Tuesday evening while cmnking un auto, Mr. F. F. Arnold, luspccmr In- dustrial Accident Prevention Associ- ations, inspected nmchiuery hH-e on Friday, in accordance will] the Workmen's Cmnpenswtinn Act. The November m‘ge‘tingrpf the 7____._' Mr. Percy Uuldwdl returned afler spending Lin-m2 weeksin Quebec. He spent a few days at home. and left Monday night for Sudhury District on :1 ten days' hunting trip. The Ludips Aid of (he Presbyterinb Church nrv preparing for their bazaar to he hvld the latter part of the month. Fmther pm-Liculnrs will be given next \voek. Mrs. (7. M. Pulumr, whn w‘ John’s Hucpitul for the past six is cnnvulvscing nicely, and is s at week with her cumin, D1 Torontu. Miss Luuwttn Robinson left. this warning for Bruin-bridge. whale she has ucmpH-d a position With lhv J. D. Shier Lumber Company. C(mksalown Advtvcnleâ€"â€"Mi'. and Mrs. J. P. Glass and daughtm‘ Lenorr', and Mr. A. E. Glass. all uf Richmond Hill, spent Sunday with Mrs. Studdurt. Kathnlevn Unmemn. A. T. U. M.. well know Toronto soprano and Leuchel, will sing next Sundiy mmin mg at the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Pvter Ste-Ckle, of Whilchurch, who diurl in September of this year, left his aniru estate. $19282, tn his wife. Friday and Satuxduy, Noamher 28 and 29, are the days set for the Outho- lic Buzsuw to he hrld in the Masonic Hull‘ This is Gmhuge Day. See that all rubbish goes to the dump heap. Hockey meeting in Council Chamber next. Wednesday evening. Nov. 12m. BELOW . . SSDorzc of me‘e 5‘ ~ ~Zomim'on Line ' Cdpl . Jenkms and Chic/Steward. A . Richardson QUECK SERVICE BY LAND 0R SEA! who vns in St. past six weeks, Lnd is spending 0“pr The result: of the United States elections on Tuesday shows a landslide for Republicans, with Mr. Cuulidge I’resxdent. Adelard Delm'me, after third trial, was, nn Friday. acquitted of the charge (If slaying his half-brother, Raoul Delorme. wealthy student at Ottawa College. in January. l922 BUS SERVICE Warden Wm. (iardhouse and Couniy Commissionexs T. H. Trench and J. T. Saigeon, accmupnnied by the Highway UonnniSsioners, Wm. Keith, M.P.P.. and Mark Gardhousv, made an inv spection, on Tuesday. of the mad running south Cf Mt. Albert and also the Baldwin bridge, which is now completed. MACMILLENâ€"~Il) Richmond Hill, Thurs- day morning, November 6, 1924. Jennie Macmillen. Be sure to keep in mind the supper and concert on Thursday, November 13. Supper to he served by the Ladies’ Aid, uud concern to be given by the Methudist Church Choir, assisted by Shm'huunie Sll't’t't Choir, Toronto. Admissinn to concert and supper 50 cents; to coucei I: alone 35 cents. The Bumd of Education will hold another special meeting before decid- ing on the form of pruglumme at the opening of the new High Schunl. Some people favor the Opening of the new building with u dance, while others feel that such an entertainment would not, add to the dignity of the ocuasion. The undersigned wishes to notify the public that the last; trip from Toronto (north) will be at 6 p. m., and the last trip from Richmond Hill (south) at 6.30 p. m. Tubes, NC. at The Liberal Store. See our samples of greeting cards at The Liheuil Ulfiuv. It; is a mistake to leave your unit-r until near Christmas when evelyhody is so busy. Two duzen curds, neatly printed, with envelopes to match for $2.00 That number will cover a 1L)L()fvnln'frinnd-: Funeral from’l'ravér father’s residence to Maple Cemetery. Saturday at 2 p. m. “TENASTINE” is a. handy tenacious Cement. pub up in collapsible tubes. It supersedes the Glue pot {for home use, and with it any person can mend broken urbiclvs uf Glass, Wood, China, Ezu-Llwnwm'o, and Jewellery. Tubes, 10c. at The Liberal Stnro anng pzut. About hventy motor village took the children Orphanage for a pleas Friday. Needless to say I thoroughly enjoyed {boil the cnuntxy, the St, Ola around by Sunnyside. You are imited tu spe The Young People's 1 Methodist, Church on night, commencing 21L 8 meeting will be largely nature, severle of the ; taking pzut. Sunday service as usual. NEWS NOTES . uuu-r unm near Christmas lyhody is so busy. Two rds, neatly printed, with to match for $2.00 That 1] cover a lotnf yum- friends. DEATHS keep in mind the supper m Thursday, November he served by the Ladies’ CEI'D [0 be given by the less to Say the youngsteré yjnytjd tbgir ride through C. FINNEY d to spend an hour at. ‘0ple'u League in thP mh on Thunkcgiving iug alt. 8 n’cfuck. The largely of a musical of the young people prugmmme at; the mew High Schunl. :hs opening of the 1 n dancv, while [1 an enteltuimnent the dignity of the Signed, uotor cars from Llw dren of the Orange pleasant ride lasL Clair district “35 Motor truck for general work and long distance hauling. I’hone 11 \v C. M. PALMER & SONS AUTO LIVERY SERVICE TAKE NOTICE that. all persons hav- inxky claim»! against Teetzel Brns.. of Richmond Hill. 0nl.. are requested to send particulars of same tn the under- signed by Nnvmnber 27th, 1924. NAUGH’I‘ON & JENKINS, 85 Richmond fitteet, West. Toronto. 18-20 Notice to Creditors and Others Will spoil your summer and make your company distressing to your friend: unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most geople feel better from the first dose. our druggist will refund your money ifa $1 box dfies not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in stamps. Templetons, To- ronto. 5%: or? 2 HY EE Corner Arnold and Yonge Streets HAY F EVER{ For Sale by Porter’s Drug Store §ummer Asthnfié IOâ€"tf 1112 MULHOLLAN D & SMYTH 1 Pile Pineboards about 500 feet ; I. to 8 inches wide, 6 to 12 feet long. dressed one side. 200-8 ft; Cedar Posts, average top 4 inches. 3 Damaged Pine Doorsâ€" 1 - 2‘56 - 6/6 - 1% inch. Abuut 1200 feet; â€"- 1 Pile Beech Plank 2x6 and Mder, 6 to 12 feet in length mostly No. 2. We have the following Items in Stock which we are prepared to sell at bargain prices : JONES LUMBER c0. PHONE 27 Comer of Yonge & Richmond ) m ALLKINDS I Centre Street East NILAFLY REPAIRLD I J. H. Pmmioo ‘ l Buildingpaper OF AT I “5 Bulliul St T( l-nntp Phone 1illtla’:ll 1347 w- GOOD WORKMANSHIP 1 LICENSED AUU’J‘IUNEER QUICK ll FUR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. Special attention given to sales 01 ever description. Farms and farm “00k Sales "PK’Cifl‘lY- Fur-ms lmught and enlrl n... ..,t..‘.\.:., : . .. l Richmond Hill Phone 861 J. W. Wellman GENTS’ FURNISHINGS MILLINERY -:- DRY GOODS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, E'rc. Toronto Office : 2498 Yonge St. JONES LUMBER CO. Centre St. East. Boots and shoes, with a good line of Oxfords and Ladies shoes. Special prices in Khaki Pants and Shirts. Boys running shoes, caps, Jersey sweaters all at very reasonable prices. Trench Block (Q uality Phone Hudson 3408. 26-6111 runcy Goods and Nuvuhies. including tn buying. Xmas. Handkerchiefs now on dis We inviLu you to inspect rur stock hefo Make Our stare your headquarters at Baas-rick Putteries and Fashion Sheet: Alan Fall Fashion lmuk and Delineatur. C and \V v RICHMOND HILL STAN DARE BANK BANKING a L n beneve FIFTY YEARS re the people of asmmhle prices. inspect rur stock before buying your headquarters and buy in HOLDERS of Victory Bonds matur- ing on Kovember the first, next, «in find it profitable and convenient to convcr them at this Bank. We are prepared to pay cash fur such bonds of any denomination, and suggestthat for the sake of sutcty, simplicity and conâ€" vcniencc you deposit your maturing bonds to your credit in a Standard Bau Savings Account. BRANCHâ€"W Bring Your Maturing Victory Bonds to us LDERS CANADA ltichmnnd Hill want qua Our stuck is new and up JOBBING, CARPENTER WORK FURNITURE REPAIRED STORM WINDOWS MADE and FITTED, (‘ARPET SWEEPIRS REPAIRED, LOCKS REPAIRED and NEW KEYS MADE DOOR CHECKS PUT ON and REPAIRED REPAIR WORK DONE BY ELIZABETH ST., RICHMOND BILL BOX 109 ll-tf SAMPLES FREE ‘PAINI‘I NG. DECORATING P11029599, Firm». r--.....,. and sold on cmumissi tended to on shortest ducted by the mnstup Patronage solicited. Village Council, lst Monday Board of Education, 1st Monday Board of Trade, 2nd Monday Horticultural Suciety, 3rd Tuesday. Public Libraryâ€"Open Tuesday and Satmduy evening: flom 7 to 9 u’clock . HILL, “Oak Ridges P. O.‘ Wall Hangings - of- _ Artistic Charm L. B. FINCH Rough and DreSScd Lun Hard wood. Flooring Pine Lath D Cedar Shingles 5 Roofiugs Gyp: l‘ar pa per Wallb< :tuys, for now or Xmas display, LADIES’ WEAR Regular Meetings .am Doors Shingles sash g3 G y prock PCP Wallboard Building paper Bedford, Manager cmumissiun. Allsales .11- shortest notice. and con mnst_upproved methods ill and mt quality first ()l'\’i(f(,‘ maturing Phone 5:5 P-to d [to Ind Wu“), Corsets comfort on Qumbcr Jll

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