Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Nov 1924, p. 6

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LHAPTER I. THE BELLE OF THE PARISH. The World is very fair at four of the morning during the heats of high summer. The flowers which have slept with drooping heads and dur- ing a few brief hours retracted their perfume, as a woman withdraws her- self when she has ventured overmuch, prink themselves again and give fOIth a good smell. , . . ..,,__._LL r‘kridnnhefl‘ u 5“... ., ....... So at least thought Chris Kennedy, scholar and gentlem he aroused himself in the accu: dawn to go forth to meet with Armour. . . .- A i. tne nun uu uic Lu... V For the Elder, havmg returned one night from the market of Dumfries, where he had both seen and heard Mr. Christopher Kennedy, had sternin forbidden one of his family to hold any further intercourse with that blasphemer and ribald, a man (SO 116‘ declared) as alien from grace as he was outlaw from the quenants.1 .. “um Wu: Uuuaw .anun y..- ye V , This, had Matthew Armour known it, was an excellent device, only it came too late. For Lilias, his sole daughter and the desire of his eyes, was already so holden in the toils of the schoolmaster’s bright glances and loving words that not fOr father or mother, kirk or covenant, would she break the bond. - A- u... “IA, is used more than any ounc because the delicious never varies. â€"â€" Try ‘FRFE SAMPLE of GREEN TEA UPON REUUES'I'. “SI FREE SAMPLE Lo, eiacfiy at four a strange time for wooing, only; for Fate, which takes 31f to interfere with all Ld made Christopher classi- r in ,the academy of Cairn and Lilias the daughter of st enemy, Matthew Armour farmer in the moor farm 9f Rinao is made by the makers of Lux. wash it is as wonderful as Lux is for {Ms}, ’recltlessly, and yet with a sortl of kingly prodigality which to manyl ‘ 1women made him irresistible, the‘ young classical master, concerning‘~ whose future his professors had en- BY S. R. CROCKETT. tertained such great expectations,* flung away with both hands the unâ€" ieturning gold of love and youth. _______.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-'â€"â€"â€"â€"'.â€"__J ‘v He was easily first at the trystinp,|'-I place. For half an hour he sat alone, 'I‘ER i. ifashioned gold-faced watch which had Whistling and twining a Spray of . ' ticked allmight by his bedstea in t e , _ ‘ . F THE PAde- l ~ - - early hawthorn 1n his hand, on the Ihouse of Tibby Allen, spinster, gosslp, edge of the heathery bank above the 31')? fair at four,°flancl householder in Queen Street, g the heats 0f hlgh1Cairn Edward, Mr. Christopher Kenâ€" scanty paSture fields 0f the farm 0f .owers which have 2 nedy stepped out into the little white .Blad‘. Domalz H‘s POSt 0f vantage ng heads and dur-lstreet of the burgh, clean swept of was S‘tuated Just at the place Where ours retracted theulpeople, and with the sunshine flooding the great Mac“ and Plume flowe 0f man withdraws her_;it Silently and emptuy from end to peat-mun overlooked With sullen eye- ventured overmUCh,_end, just as if it were a fine summer brow the green fields’ b°.w.e.rmg “6395’ again and giVe fOl‘th‘Sabbath day during the morning diet and “7th llomeSte§d bu‘lctmgs Wl‘ECh of 22,253: “$123694; time 22:: bought Chrismphe‘r The oun man a eared to con- ‘ . . and gentleman, as sider ltythe gnost natull‘ral thing in the d-ay she had be?“ happy’ hfhng a If. in the accustomedlworld that he should rise with the light-heart carol level With the larks, t0 me“ With Lilias lark, and betake himself to the hea- and laymg hi”. head m as. lowly a mist lther and woodland with his botanical ‘Ylth th? faumg 0f the mghwthat 15' 93 time for W00ingrlcase at his back. He offered no ex- till ChnStOPheE Kennedy came by and >1: Fate, Whichhtakefi planation when he returned at eight't grfiggginciaifioment all was Changed ‘““’”‘°‘” W“ as "‘0 “5 fluga‘.br?' .thfiugh he The old life grew inexpressibly dull, , _‘-..L All grocers and department stores GREEN TEA. LEVER BROTHERS LX of the old- Q A H491 any other brand is rlicious flavor as. -â€" Try it. I REQUEST. "SAMOA." TORONTO Luau u unue . u v u . _ _ _ , verra shame expect a professin’ Chris-l tian woman to clean them in time lor“ him to gang to the schule at nine‘ [passes Tibby Allen’s comprehension!” i But neither his landlady's caustic comment over the wall of the pig-stye at the yard-head to her neighbor, Mistress Sheepshanks, nor yet the Window blinds which were so gingerly put aside with one finger to enable burghers’ daughters, in extreme dish-V abille, to speculate on what took hand- | some Christopher Kennedy tramping‘. ‘along the streets of Cairn Edward sol early, had the slightest effect on that headstrong yogng man. n1,_.:- can: an ula yawn. --., -.,V, planation when he returned at eight to hls fruga‘ breakfaSt’ though he The old life grew inexpressibly dull, had not brought back a single plant .F H . . . .not to be thought of, or returned upon andhls boots were a fan sxcht to be i for a moment without a Shudder a seen.” as his landlady-averted. “What d . . . ., l . , reary waste of time wanting alike w1 lashm through the dew on the profit, beauty, or happiness. . , meadow and SplaShm th‘OUgh the Lilias, too, like her lover, had slept dubs o the moss, they are nocht less but little and lightly that Short, d' ' . h ' f . . . than a lsgmce And 0‘.” h? saringrlbreathmz. merelful mght of latest i LIIC bulls uuuuuuu Then in a moment all was changed. l Yet despite his early rising Chris- -topher had been late at the social club (christened by himself The Tuneful Nine) in the Cross Keys the night 7 in the' Cro MITED. TORONTO )f Lux. For the farm"! 2 is for fine things. ' sell Rinso. “'2‘ before. all day in the grammar school With the stupidity and the yet more irri- tant cleverness of the rural youth. He had slept the short, broken, uneasy slumber of overheated blood and unâ€" governed temperament. Neverthelesn, this morning he rose with a certain elastic readiness, humming a stave of a Greek song he had set to his own music as he drew on his clothes after a hasty bath. He wastready to walk ten miles before breakfast, lelp Lilias Armour to gather in her cows. make the prettiest and most convincing of love in the shady places of the loan- ing, encounter (if he" had bad luck) the stern eyes of her father, and after all be back again in time to see the early ’prentices taking down their snuff-brown shutters, and stacking them in neat piles behind the shop doors in High Street of the little town, at the exact moment when his brother teachers were turning sleep- ily out of their beds to the music of the morning milk-cans rattling at their doors. 4 ~-_L Yesterday he had wrestled' Lilias, too, like her lover, had slept but little and lightly that short, breathing, merciful night of latest May. She had been making up her mind to speak a word of soberest in- tent to the man she lovedâ€"always a difficult matter to a loving woman, who rightly and naturally would ra- ther listen while such words are whis- lpered _in hel: ear. in!» 'T‘LA ~11:n1r Lku u. Any; -.,.-. At last she came out. The quick 81 eyes of Christopher Kennedy saw her W pass, a slender slip of a maiden gt enough, athwart the dusky tree- _ shadowed farmyard. Then she was " momentarily lost to sight as she threw open the gate, ready for the cows she‘ was to bring back with her upon her return. She reappeared presently a more definite flitting figure, her light .summer print indefinite against the fresh whitewash of the barn wall. ‘Then the long green loaning swallow- ed her, and only a fleck of shadowy sun-bonnet nodding over the hedgeâ€" rows or the glimmer of swift white- ness through a gap told the classical master of the approach of the girl who was risking so many things to meet him. Rising from his seat he went forâ€" ward a hundred yards to greet her, and then stood aside in a hidden nook to feast his eyes unseen upon her eager, untouched beauty as she came' towards him. For the space of ai blackbird’s burst of song in the copâ€". pice behind him, he saw no further Sign of his sweetheart. But as the song ceased he heard the patter of quick foosteps. And lo! there she was, beneath him, her wide blue eyes lookâ€" ing eagerly ahead, her hair confined by a single ribbon as was the custom of the place and time, then as if resent- ing the restraint going spraying and‘ tendriling down her back. Her lips‘ were parted with expectation and the thaste she had made uphill. Well might 'a man erect himself and hasten to meet such a maid as Lilias Armour 'was at twentyâ€"two. ’ “Why, little girl,” he said, smiling easily down upon her, “you are late this morning. What kept you? I have been waiting her more than half an hour!” . u n!- d's Linlment Heals Cute. receiving no a nth a sxgh to ye; Avyith a sort igr no answer, he sub- 'h to the incompreâ€" women and let the ., only at intervals xtly with his hand :heek which ran wet Once, too, he stoopâ€" r hair, from which back. when he had first drawn her to him. Then he took the girl yet closer to him and was silent also. After a little she exhausted herself, and rested quiet with her face against Kennedy’s coat, nestling as a bird does in a safe covert in time of storm. Her bosom fluttered__lil<e_a bird’s, and a sharp "dry sob clicked recurfently in her throat, so that he felt all her slender body shake; y‘vithiqnhis arrhs‘. “Now can you tell me?” he said - tenderly, and added nothing more: §CréaNed into For, foolish in all else, this young 1e“ y a 901“? man was wise in loveâ€"that is, if the Pan homer. 8 object of love-wisdom be to win other I mg Off the 5" love, not to hold it worthin when it! diPPeT-â€"MYS is won .- -. . .. . lF‘nr sore feet “Be patient with me, Chris,” she whispered, “be very patient, and I will tell you all. It is so hard, so hard for me at home. I want you to take me away. They speak against you all the time, or at least my moth- er does. My father says nothing, but I know his heart is _more and Inoye set A nu»... ..__ ., to hate you ever since that night he saw you in Dumfries. 0 Chris, if you love me, how can you go to such pla_._c_es?” y .... The young man moved impatiently and uneasily under the hands which were laid upon his shoulders with so gentle a restraint. His bold admir- (Made in Canada by Westinghouse) Radio Sets This powerful small It brings to you, strongly 7 and. clearly, all the wealth of life, music, and fun that fills the air when night fallsâ€"all the thrill of tuning in a voice a thousand miles away. Exceedineg simple to operate, compact;built of mahogany, good to look at. Made by the people who made the "phone in your houseâ€"and nearly a million others besides. Write to-day for full particulars and illustrated literature to 83-85 MAIN ST. Every farm hgmp should own a. Radio. With a. Radiola. 111A you have the world at your fingertips. All the stock reports, news of the day, church services, concerts and orchestras. In fact, it is an endless source of lntmmatlon and entertainment The price of Radiola. 111A is only $80.00 Complete with Tubes and Phones. (Loud Speaker Extra) Write for Illustrated Litera- ture and Particulars of our Easy Payment Plan. Norffigm Eiecfrib Dealersâ€"We sollclt your enqulrles EZDIOLA RADIOLA IIIA David A. McGowan (Established 1849) 145 Yonge St. TORONTO #EWDSE LSONS (11 ’LIMITED Distributor set is the Rwadio sensation of the year. a bucket of water, and from books screwed into the edge hang convenâ€" iently a poker, a small shovel, a hot- pan holder, 9. whisk broom for brush- .ing 01? the stove, and a short-handled ing gaze quailed before the honest upward appeal of the wet blue eyes now for the first time turned upon him. He hesitated before he spoke. (To be continued.) I find most useful a semicircular shelf placed near my kitchen stove. The top is just large enough to hold India acconnts for only two per cent. of the world’s production of silk. For sore feetâ€"Minâ€"ard’s Liniment‘ AGENTS WANTEDâ€"Mala SIB daily aallly. erto for FREE Introductory Sample Dfler. )IOGUL (0., Box 775. Charles 8!. Station, Toronto AGENTS WANTED Male or female, to seu : the yard, to consumers in 3 or district. A real live 1 make fifty dollars a week for catalogue and discounts. DIAMOND ipyscrovsav PARIS BARGAIN STORE 129 Dundas St. w. - Tor Poultry, Butter, and Eggs MONTREAL. HOUSE established 80 you-a. Plea.” write for our price list on w. GUKRLANTEE them {or a. week mead. L) Ls” v Ilpn OMI ylnA-nnh We} - g ’ M MCOWI.“ER ADYTO MY USEFUL SHELF or female, to sell SILKS by rd, to consumers in your town mriet. A real live agent can POULIN &. 60., LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. 36-39 Bonuecoura Market Telephone Mnln 1407 with R-15 Amplifier The Râ€"l 1 Scientific Senlatlon! New MOGL'L DIAMOND amaze] coslluK doll-u. nd m Y W *hl h nrld. Stands fl." sts; sanu- dnzzllng genuine diamond mural hundred Toronto QUEBEC 12:5

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