Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Nov 1924, p. 4

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led to look over my 115 securities. Miss Marguerite Boyle ArtiSt, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram atic and Humourous Sketcnes, gages, Dialect Poems Professional Graduate Owen A. Smiley Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf _________,..__.â€"-â€"â€"â€"- WILLlAM Cfl'dlt l. Gannon COOK THOMAS DEILA‘N} gARRIBTER. SOLICITOR. NOTAR? IErc Toronto Office, 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest I Richmond Hill Office , uioeral Office). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridrze, Saturday forenoon. Money to loan at Current Rate ___________...._....._â€"â€"â€"â€"- AMBROSE L. PHIPPS RICHKOXD HiLL bile Etc. #0_. J.R. HE OFFICE; ont‘licn srnnn'r TELEPIION n 11 {ll Corner Yonge & Alexander Sts., 'I‘oi onto. icnuoso STREET R ‘ ‘ Invites the patronage of those gRepresenting who desire to get the best ' mace Com an I The Mutual [31:11“; k p y training for Choice business 0 PW or positions. INQUIRIES SOLICITED H. PATERSON‘ HUS E‘ PA INTI NG AD PAPER HANGING Phone 124 J AIlTo PAINTING Phone 68 \Y RITE TOâ€"DA Y F() R CATALOGUE. Enter any time. W. 3. ELLIOTT - PRINCll‘AI ii. A. Nicholls The Real Estate Man w. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. SAM. SHEPHERD FGE SALE down. 200 Acre Farm must be sold to wind up estate, situate 2nd Con. Vaughan in good farming district. Comfortable 7 roomed house, barns, pig pen house, l etc. ,windmill and artesiiin well. t'oi l the best. About 150 acres arable, and 50 acres of first class bush. Possession and at. once. House and Lot on Rumble Ave, great bargain. New Brick Housv every convenience - on Benson Ave. Two beautiful residences on Rose- View: Have a look at the Hughes’ property. Oxford Street Phone 128 - r12 ' R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. (Veterinary Surgeon) _ » Recent graduate of Ontario Vetei-in- I airy College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ; Inquire about the Richmond and ‘3’ attended- - lMill Street properties all that beauty Office and residence Church St. “17"t helm" Lot 40- Richmond Hill. Telephone 13-2 *\ Yonge St, liltillhilllD Hill. AUTO uvnu SERVICE Motor truck for general work and long distance hauling. Phone 1 1 xv l C. M. PALMER & SONS Corner Arnold and Yonge Streets 10 tf Sand, Gravel, Tile and Briok' The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick I Company, Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Cement. drain tile, 3, 4. :3, 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15. is and 20 inch l (30 inches in length) l Also Cement Brick ‘ Sand or Gravel sold by the load 01 ‘ in car lots.’ Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. . T. (.OUSINS, Manager )The Greatest Serviceâ€" II The Least Attention There's no piece of farm equipment that gives so much service over so long a period with so little attention as a good windmill. That's why I recommend the Toronto Self- Oiling Windmill so highly. Lots of Toronto Windmills have given from eighteen to twenty years' service with practically no attention outside an occasional oiling and are still operating satisfactorily every day. 0 n the Toronto Self-Oiling Windmill all gears operate in a. bath of special oil affected by neither heat or coldâ€"every bearing thoroughly and automatically lubricated. New oil is required "only once a year." If you already own a Toronto Windmill, I can give you this selfâ€"oiling feature by merely intcr‘ changing the head and using your present wheel. Most Toronto Windmills. too. can be made absolutely self-regulating in operation. : mas I “lulu. " Tire “Toronto” Tower u’i‘ll slunifor a lifelimc boards: 1'! is ()7: brai‘icsl, .l Lunau, Ageni. Rizhmond Hill strongch and best-hard one éu'll ' " foranywmdmfl I PHONE is J. . SELF-OILING IORDNTQ.‘ WINDMILLS Those having funds avail-i lable for investment are advis- t of 23rd Money to loan on mort- InsurancemLife. Fire, ACci- ' Of dent and Sickness. Antonio: RENGTQN DISSATISFIED W ETS wets Toronto, declared that he would make trouble for the Ferguson tfiovci‘nment And cxâ€" - as Soon as the House. met. , Mayor T. 1.. Church is showing his dissatisfaction in the recent vote. l It is safe ti say that acid (1' of the, . Iabove-naincd gentlemen over voted ,‘ for a local option llll more, but now ‘ i that they are again (It fcated they ask i lfol‘ a special law for Toronto ardl lothcr cities that voted in favor ofl Cook, Maw... RicuMfiNI‘ “I‘LL l Government: Control. lot the times point to a rigid enforce- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" NEWTON BROOK Shaw conducted and Mrs. Young gmc Mrs. service The Ladies' ciency. pi-i'sided at. the organ. A Comfortable House and Lot on Arnold Street. Only $2300 with $600 M__._.N____.. __.. .4 _ .0”--__._.-â€" m “MMâ€"w Seivices will be. started after the even- The pastor, Rev. E. R. and Chal- This will be illus- ing sei vices. Young, will tell the Story lenge of the Cross. trated with slides. o GORMLEY Seniors ACCIDENTâ€"On Saturday last, While Mr.- 'I‘homps0n, section boss. and one of his men, Willard Rogersou, were returning from Van- doi-f after inspecting the track, the front wheels of their car left the track, and threw Willard about fitfeen feet. He Was badly biuised about [be head, Mr. Thompson who had one of his feet caught in the wheel, had his leg badly bruised ;he also received a had cut. on his right arm. Miss Vera Heise, of Toronto, spent the weekend with her grand-parents. Elder and Mrs. H. R. Heise. Master Melville Heise. who is going to school from J. H. Heises. spent the holiday with his parents, Mi. and Mrs. Bert Heise, of Tumult). Bornâ€"On Nov. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Heise, a daughter. VICTORlA SQUARE â€"â€"-a Miss Ella Nichols in company with friends from Richmond Hill spent a few days at Paikhill. Mr. and M18. lohn Mortsou and Mr. and Mis. Louis Nichols spent. the week- end wilh relatives at. (ii-eeinore. The Presbyterian Choir of Markham delighted the congregation here on Sunday, with a few well rendered selections. The Victoria Square ball clubs will hold their aniin-il (:l'lebl'uliull in the form of a banquet on Satuiday even- ing, Nov_ 15. A good time is anticipat- ed by all. Mr. Kell, (if Rielivale, our speaker on Sunday, is to be congratulated upon tbeiininner in which he handled his subject, and also upon the atteiition he (:oiiiiiiaiidi-d from his audience. Thanksgiving is over again. “'13 believe that the pleasant anticipations which preceded it were only excelled Touring Special Six Roadster I Special Six Five-Passenger Sedan Following the. vote taken on the of October, some of the ’l oronto have proven themselves to be Conservative l I I a I I I I II I But the signs linan of the present law by Premier A High Grade School! ‘Ferguson; ELLIOTT \“I ‘ WWW - “_‘ Last Sunday evening the ladies of‘ the church had Charge of the service, Mrs. U. D. Bales gave out the hymns, the prayer the address. depicting woman‘s work in the (:durch and in christian service. Aid filled the choir loft and sang an anthem with great 9le- Mrs. Lewis Hicks sang a sporialsolo while Miss Berlth Smith It was alto» gether a beautiful service and will long be lenieiiibered by those who had a part in it. Next. Sunday evening Fireside l Toronto, in the County of Yciik, in the . County lI Scrivener I Real Estate Central Fire Ins. Has For Sale l by the expressions of agony depicted upon the faces of those who partook too heavily of the delicacies provided for the oceaisioii. Roast duck held an added attraction at the Squaw this . year. poor losers. At a k I A I M __ _II I I I \ L incetinw one evening last wee ' . . . I {OUSCSI vacant Ots, r? . n ’ f r Southwest ,‘ ‘V ant Ads. ‘ )Ict.iusl.i..d, M.P.l. o I, bmall AcreageSI Farms; Also Houses to rent. Phone 110 F Richmond Hill. ‘ 20-21 C. RI. BX7ANI l AGENT FOR Till”. MUTUA I. LIVE ASSl'lfANCl‘l UL“ CANADA The l’ioli'i'tive Association of U Hindu. am] Thu Dominion (idlil'illlle 1‘ and Accident (in: WIRE, i‘il'TUMUBILE, PLA I‘EEG LASS E'ro . Phone 23.! OR SALEâ€"l [ilptSlly rug it x ltll, F $5.00. Mas-nanny Siii'iii. go ‘ ()NEY VVAN'I‘ICDâ€"Will pay 7‘}, per A tiiiiiliiii. Address box No. ll.i7_ '10-'23 ‘ ‘SI'RAY NUTICI‘I'Thiee colts l h came to the picniin (if the iiiiiiei‘slgiitd, lot 25), con, 4-, Vaughan. Uwiier may have raiiir by pioxiiig lll‘npri'lv and paying t-let'll:r‘a. \V. 'I. 20-22 w..-» l ‘()R HALEâ€"A Daisy can... No. :3, i only used two months: also a < golden llnish Ur’lk bullet. JAMES LEY, I liicliinoiid btieel, It cllliiuiid Hill. 211 w..~. _. .._. . n . _.____ I . . l ‘OR SALEAA large quantity (>1. Maple‘ (“It bailed [my price nil-LUU [M'l toil, ' 01‘ less than that amount 7.3 cents per 5 hundred, and a huge quantity vii bailed oat stiaw $10 per ton. ls.\.\(' WALDERS, Mill St... Ph()11835 i-IS. .o»‘."_’. m. one norms This " MAN TO Foal.-. ANNDO ., MEASR lTH THE GOlDEll rut; EIFEIC L()S'I'775lrayrti fiiiiii llil . 18, con. 3, Vaughn“. a blriik and white heifer, ll. yCdIS old. lit-mild. : lt. \VALKLVU'I‘UN, Maple ls. R. ‘Jo 1.94 Asvoo'o BE DONE B r ‘0 RENTAA six room house ('Ill 1 (Jolliorne Street, 'I'bornliil', hold and soft water, Sit} a mouth. 3.1in for sale a fine laige parlor cock >lln t'_ 32’)”. 192!) Ii. CASELEY, 'l‘h l'lilllll. . r . _ “ I \Elil bUilliC‘SS deal that is ‘. lN'l‘ER APPLICSH l‘lii-lollimiiig, consummated should be ' kinds of “UMP! :ipplis l'i-i‘ smile: n.0,“,qu [I . t, _ Spitzlwigeii, 'I‘uliiiiiii Sue-elf. illt‘l'll' b ‘\ W “Olden ling, Iii-inniims. "nil Human Spy. rule. It. should he an accepted GARFIELD \‘Ekr‘x, hlgiai Mills, Pliouu’ .349 Mam,“ Ill-2o standard of measure in every business ‘0” SALE OR 1-0 H[«]I\“l‘._p‘(,m. establishment. We use it here and it l‘lHill) cottage on Benson Ave, ‘ I , , seems to serve our all" uses v *‘ north side, ti dimis ii'oiii \oilge bl. y l p my 19-2” well. We sell good luinler. Gr. Ciu'irKsuANK. OR SALEâ€"Cider apple“, a few Barred Rock Cockeitl; Alsll‘l Registered Shropshire rain, ‘2. years Lu old. 0. L. HEISE, Uni-inley. 19-20 , , )AR’I‘IAL LISTOF REAL ESTATE ‘ IT FOR SALEâ€"â€"Detached, brick, & hardwood. all conveniences, good Phone 133 Yonge Street garden and fruit. Rouuhcast, six rooms, with one and one qiiai ler acres. Detached, good gaideu and ii uit ti ees, good cellar and furnace. Detached, frame, good cellar and slarge garden: and stable, electric. Detilcllt'tl, solid brick, all conveniences, garden and garage. Detached, frame, good Notice to Creditors i Pursuant to the Statutes in that beâ€" half, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN cellar, furnace and electric. gaideii and that all persons having claims against garage, fine home. for small family. l the Estaie of HENRY \VINGER, late Beautiful brick house with four acres, of the Township of Vaughan. in the fine garden land, fifty fruit tiees, County of York, Farmer, Deceased, strawberry and raspberry patch. , who died on the lllliday of August, Apply to]. R. HERRINGTON. IT-Ll l Al). 1.92}, ale l‘iilllilt‘d to send to ‘ Jesse Baker, Maple, ()ut., H. R. No. 2, one (If the I’CXP’CULIII'S, on or before lllv ' 20th day of November next, a slate- iiient of their claims and addresses and Â¥ IIIIII _I 7 7 the Sr’(‘u11ly,lf:lllV. held by them. ‘ I I _ _ AND TAKE FL‘RTHE { NOTICE Notice of Application for Divorce I that after such last-iiientioned date ,the Elftcultlls will proceed to distii- ” ‘ ‘ y j . 7 I ‘bute 1 ie assets of the Estate among g?fi?BXOÂ¥IIEEFC\HUH% l the. parties emitled thereto, having le- >91 J C “g- y " ‘gitltl only to the claims of “hich he shall then have lt'CL‘lVl‘tl notice. l Dated at, Toronto this l’illi day of October, IOZI, WILLIAM (TOOK. Elli Fedeial Bldg, 85 Richmond ht. W., Toioiilfi, Sillinillile for the Executozs “0R RENTâ€"House on Elizabeth street. for rent. Apply to J. 1‘}. WIGMORE. 3-tt' Province of Ontario, Musician, will apply to the Parliament of Can-ida. at the next session thereof. fora Bill of . Divorce from his wife Myrtle Denniug, of the Village of Miiiiii'o, in the said , of York, on the ground of‘ adultery and desertion, .. . .. . . (ITIUl DAIED at the LILV of I‘oioiito iii the Province of Ontario, this eon. day of ()Clober. 1921. JOHN R. HUFFMAN, I 909 Excelsior Life Building, Toronto. i Solicitor for the Applicant, l Albert \Vilson Dennig. ' I (School Books at The Liberal Special Six Four-Passenger Coupe HE new low prices of McLaughlin- Buick bring these cars within easy reach of thousands of Canadians who heretofore consid- ered them as being out of their price class. It will take only a few minutes of your time to have us explain how you can purchase any McLaughlin- Buick out of current income be means of the G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan, Special Six Business Coupe Special Six Double-Service Sedan MS Q uGi‘LILsi'i‘xiifitgg:_13_* fir -

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