Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Nov 1924, p. 5

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/' _ c ,,,‘â€"o~â€"...d~"â€"r~4<f l Richmond Hill Metliodil‘t Sltlrtlayl School will hold [llt'll' annual (.‘(le‘l’l t and Christmas Tree on Tuesday, De- ceirrber 23rd. this season, Saturday of this Week November l5. Mr. and Mrs. \l‘illianfT. “it‘ilurrd, of was supposed to Oukville, spent the wrr-k-erid at lla- [)ay..-r man with hat reirroved, Mrs. H. j,'l‘rr(>k. llll opposite the Public School. N _ A“. e ltloirlrt he was a "returned" lllttl Newsulrserihrrsto’l‘he Lllll‘l‘itl “'tll whose. mind rem-ire tln- ln‘tlrlllt‘t' of this your free. (lurier the war. Send along .‘jlfrtt antl it-t'r-ivc your, home pap r to January 1, 19236. ’ Mr. and Mrs (L M. Heyuon aridl family, of jetl'ersorr. left Monday fort Florida, by motor. Mr. Bt-ynon ex. ports to hr- back in a couple of months to (‘ttllLlIlllt' his business. The family will remain duringr ltie \\ lllll‘l‘. .__.i â€"--.V nâ€" Methodist Services welcome for all. Young Perrtiio's‘ League in lllt‘ school room ol‘ thr- .‘lt‘lllr‘tllfll church on Monday evening, NrrVeirrbei- 17th, at 8 o’clock. A pi-ograiriiiic which is' different, Especially intuit-sting. Good 7 4057*â€" Grateful for Kindness The (‘arrvillv (lide'r' Mill will close for lliiring the too minutes [II it Work cease on Armistice arid borne of the killer's pricnts, Mr. and] towed head, stood lit-fore the memor- was on the awful days Services iii the Methodist (‘hnuh next Sunday will be conducted by the Minister. Theme of evening disr'oui se. "Upon thy \Viirdow Eastward." A Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Mrcrrrillori de- sire to express the appreriatioir of “HAY FEVER Summer Asthma W'ill spoil your summer and make your company distressing to your U friends unless you get relief. ,I Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most: Your druggist will refund your money ifa $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmleSS. Generous sample for 4c in stamps. Templetons, To- ronto. For Sale by Porter's Drug Store l rruld hardly express tlrct-xcitt-rnent :.t the home, l’t‘lltll§\lrrlt was gin-ii to wear l'alsr- far-es. and a Very amusing picture they lltrirlr' in their ll.llltt\Vt"r‘ll music. lfirr-rylrody wt let me, [homer-Ir“.- um] {unlilv 1],,- [hn kindly attire, Ncgrots llrttlrrne, lit idr-s, ( ooks ’ ' rtlr‘t~, llre lreairtittrl llowr-rs and tries. t'lt'. union: tlrt' HI‘L‘IH‘“ "lirm‘ll MI'S- l”'”‘~) (l- 8- “HWY.(‘fllritrlth sngos (if sVinp;.[lnv (hut [va hf...” Ft‘trttt llit’ lrt'llll‘ lit lltglr l’allx‘. will open the Bazaar III the Pit-sby- ' terian ('l'illl"’li, on the 22in] ot Ntn'r-mlrvr- ' l't'l't‘th'd since t he death of l heir-daugh- Siinirysirle and points of intr-rwst made [or leanettc. 'l‘hev wish to thank not "P 5‘ RPM] HW'H' ‘l'l‘l'; “ml “Will” There will be a sale ofol' liaod~pwioted m,” those, “ho rendered hrlp m (imp are dun to the following generous r-hiiia and ollror. inn-piling; Aflllilsslun Hf {mm}. but “k” “WW who “.0”, “i1_ “mm;“ “1],, “warmly d“ n”, q...“ free. 'l'r-a served from i to 6 o'clock, mg “Hm”. he”, [Md he“, unwind. [llt‘mst'th‘s or cars: Miss l. Snort, \lts. 25 cents. \Vr- are glad to lie «'rlilL’ to report that Mr. (7. H. (lmr‘ie. proprietor of the lilt‘llllltllltl Hill Dairy, is home again after ten days stay in “"ellcslry Hospital win-re he was operated on for appendicitis. The patient is still lllt bed, but is improving iricr-ly. 5â€". o’._ _‘ Donations ‘Received \Vith many thanks the fillowiirg have been received at the Orphanage: A large. pictured. framed, of \thliani of Orange, fit.m Mrs. Stererrson, Elgiri _ 7 r Mlllfilllstrilllllt‘lrtrkt‘S: Mi. ll.Morrlen, The MP”: ASSUMMMH (“Vâ€"ll“, PW? l chocolates; Mrs. Berrnet. ('tllilillowt't's , hytminn munch Wm 1mm their first r Mr. Johnson. jell'erson. carrots, pears, public meeting on Thursday evening f'l’l’lcsl. All?“ Bill'kml' I'llll'llf‘m‘ of next. week (20th inst), when Prof. ,1 h‘wnlnll' 1' 51"“. h‘fls: Ml" I‘l‘l‘l‘ ll, S Knox, or Toronto, will gin- air , “9"”: MI" “C(Iw‘lld-‘J' filmy”: Ladle" addressorr "Scottish lluirror." liret'v- ' Ala! Pltwl'ylebl’lm (hlnch' 3? “min” trody is imired, sun-14 “Hunk-rim“. ' fruit: Mr. A, l\tcol, onions: No Namc, candy. apples, fridge, nuts. and After" the church services Sunday ' “W H-‘”‘.""“'"”- morning a Service was held at the On Nov. 13th the children hope to Mentor-int infiont (\flhpPumicsl-hhoL attend Vittoria Square Methodist Reeve Trench presided, and THE. Chum],- Balteiby. McIntosh, \Varren, and â€" _‘ \Vellwmril tt'ok part in the service. METHODIST CHURCH Mr. Wright. and Mr. Gen, of Rich- mond Hill. and Mr. Hopper, Victoria selections, appropriate for the occa- 5101), were sung. Many if our citizens ‘ ‘_ H cairie home Square, have have been appointed flr'm 11>~9Itlt‘. lllefdan‘Vt’U‘ng- \Vl’m' delegates to attend the next District mg poppies. It ‘18 said that 400,0UU Meeting. The Church was tastefully decorated last Sunday with grain, roots. shrubs, vegetables, flowers, and frtiit The sermons. inoining aird evening, were very much enjoyed. Rev, Dr. Daniels preached in the morning, and Rev. Mr. people in the City won- the emblem that. has Quote to be the Synlhfi’lr of those who sleer the last long sleep in Flanders Fields. About $40,000 will be realized for the veterans on Tag Day. Mr'. and Mrs. Ben llom'er, Centre _ ‘ . Kell, of liichvale, in the evening. Street, hast. .celebratrd their golden ltt-rnernlrer the supper and concert “'Pddmg "ml'Vt’l'S‘ch "1' NUVPIIIl'l‘l' to be given at the, (lliurch.tliis, Thurs- 10th.. They were the recipients of dav evening. Supper from G to 8 hear-tiest congratulations, and good “ranch; The (30“.th “-;[I he in the wishes from many friends and hands of the Shurhonrne Street neighbors TheyreCeived manytokt’ni“, Methodist. Church, assisted by the in remembrance of the day, among Richmond Hill choir: which was a purse of gold from their immediate rr latives. ,- ._¥fi _. The "Sunrrysides" (iirls‘ dance, held in the Masnnic Hall on Friday evening last, was a decided success in every particular, and a nice song batik ac- r-ount “ill gather added interest for the next six or seven months. Len. Clement and a number if the mem- Hallowe’en at The Loyal True Blue and Orange Home The Boar-d of Management. Matror‘, and Inmates of the abov» Horneare very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Herringtori for the kindly thought of bcrs of the Hope team patronized the g"?1ig [lie .Chlldlllig, 5‘. .Hilllllwggn affair. which was l-rrgely attended. all (fulfil? ,. ‘ 111- all“) “Ft 1: d 1.3“? “fill enjoying tlietnsylves inrrriensely Mc- Iii"), -l(:p '[_ L OWE ‘(Jkdl "ill ‘ 1‘, Donald's Orchestra furnished the r-Iluni‘m” Sllggette -M lllg '1 fl)“ mush. lit-tends to combine with lrrnr. words k7._,___fi_~ m‘m’ww c Lei‘en yourg men, members of the Presbyterian Young People’s So. iety, gave it'tt'rostiug and instructive papers relating to Thanksgiving and Armis- tice Day at the regular meeting of I the Society h--ld on Tuesday (vetting. Every phase of thought relating to the tWo closelyqrssociated days of this week (Monday and Tuesday) was well brought out by the following speakers: Kenneth lilrnehar-d, Howard Atkin- son, Allin Mr:.\':rlr, James McLean. David Sfiriing. Harold Little, and Robert Marsh. Such meetings and theiires cannot fail to prove helpful to r spe'rkr-rs and listeners :rlike, l cure cancer without knife or svrirrge. Nothing to do but put on. It will not touch good flesh iror burn. [cured myself four years ago. having had r-arrceriu the month. What cured me will also cur-e yous” The first one answering this advertisement will get a bottle free Home a ird see me: my face will show you. CLARK GALBRAITH, 130 Dunn Ave , Toronto. 20-21 pears ‘ ll. Murphy. Messrs, llaltlor'lt, (lurk, (‘owit‘, l)l!t|llrlt. Bride-iii. GrleJIu. Her'iingtoir, limes, l.uu:ru. la‘ggv, Laslrt‘r, Mills, M;:rrslrtirl;:tr, llill, rhu- .:rgc. Sheardown, l’alrner, {:rtrror. :rurl \Vriglil. The evening was also a merry one. Prim-s proyided by the litt\\'ll"}.1’ t'ltilr (who also sent tlt't‘trt‘.‘l‘lt‘tis‘ for the Recreation Hall) of Ri-liinontl llill were competed i'oi-utlirrte prizes for the most, or igirral disguisi- for git l: and 'three for the boys. Madge Cotrlter, dressed :rs an old lady \‘r'r v lain". 1st: Emma Finlay and Evelyn llei], special prizes, irride and grooirr. 2nd: Arriric Murphy, hov. (it-org“ Murphy. first prize as Conic; Har'r ld Mr'llugh, 2nd prize, little black girl: Georgi- lmttr'n, I3rd prize, Turk_ Mrs. Heiiirrgton and the Matron \w-ir- thr- jridges. A very ll(“lliV vote of th'rnks was given the kind friends at liir-hrnond Hill for the generous supply of candy, fridge, and apples rec-wired. Yea, it. is indeed more give than receive. blessed to people feel better from the first. dose. ’ l Bring Your Matiit'ing Victory Bonds to [is Ht li.l)l‘.li$ rl‘ Victrr‘t' Bonds matur- :\m.'c.'nlte:‘ [llr‘ first, lll‘Xl, iitgr (tn ’ - 3 ..ill find it. i-t'ot.l;.ltlc and convenient to L.'n\'(‘l' li‘lllk. We. art- ,BANKlNG to pit cash for such bonds of den ratio. 3. FlFTY YEARS llli‘lll :.t this prep-er any n, :r.r l s‘1_;‘_;o".t!r ll er‘ lllt,‘ s.’_i-." rt‘ sm iv. .-~irrrpl3cir._v and con- jwu your maturing toads to tll‘ t‘l‘cdll in a .Standard llaiik Savings .‘y-r'rttitr. \‘t'ltlfllikc ill-posit '11 I F3 STAN DARE) BANK OF CtXNADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHer. G. Bedford, illrtrittgcr QUALITY MILLINERY -:â€" s H 0.313113“ nro' GOODS _.-- LADIES’ WEAR Reconstructive 3 U S S E Tonic Aid For l Enriching The Blood Building ' The Strength [ And Improving The Health Generally I .â€"-â€"a PORTERS DRUG STORE Richmond Hill . As thofGr‘éat Lakes grain carriers unload in Montreal harbor, waiting Opt. H. F. Hallifax ‘ o! 8.8. Pomeroy l their turn in endless procession. the big ocean-going steamships line up at adjacent berths to fill their holds with the same grain as it pours in a golden stream from the spouts of the harbor's efficient carrier system. So great is the pressure on the Port's lacillties that the Lake Captains tele- dation for unloading when they shall at reach Montreal. on From January lst to September 99 ' - " ' ' . lcxported 22,- phone by Long Distance from far 00th this year. \Ioutrea . away lake ports to reserve accomrno- 000,000 bushels more grain than the - seven next important ports of Ameriâ€" l combined. The total was over- i ,Ot;t0.000 bushels. -- Corner 0i thgei& Richmond Errors iANDi Errors OF MULHOLLAND 8; SMYT H \‘lt- l)t‘ll('\'l' llrt' people of ltit lltlilllrtl llsib want. quality first and at rrnrsoiniltl- prion. ()rll‘ stock is lll'\\' illlll tip-lo date. limit-1y for I‘Vt'l'yUHI' in the lira» l'ridrrnt-ar. Vests, Concleles and lililS‘wlt‘lr‘<. Fancy Goods and Novelties. including toys, for now or Xmas, briyii-g‘. Xmas. llaudkercliicl's now on display, rt, silk, silk and \VrHll, arid wool. liltrt)lt)r‘t~ .‘lll'l t'oiirliitizrtiorrs, (.‘oist-ts, We invite you to inspect (lll' stock before buying, Make our store your headquarters and Britterick Patteiies and Fashion Streets. Also Fall Fashion book and l)tllllێll,('l‘. buy in comfort. Call and get our; (Quality Service Mrs. Norman Batty Trench Block “their The undersigned wishes to notify the public that the last trip from Toronto (north) will be at H p. nr., and the last; trip from Richmond Hill (south) at 6.30 p. in. Phone 53 Regular Meetings Village Council, 1st Mt nday Board of Education, 1st. Monday Board of Trade, 2nd Monday Horticultural Society, 3rd Tuesday. I Public Libraryâ€"Open Tuesday and tSatIiiday evenings from 7 to 9 o’clock . JONES LUMBER C0 _ Sunday service as tisual. i PHONE 27 bigned, 19.20 c, FINNEY BUILDERS SUPPLIES W_ ‘_ Notice to Creditors and Others Rough and Dressed Lumber Hard wood Flooring % V l" i: " TAKE NOTICE that all persons ll;l\‘~ me I "h D00” ing claims against. ’l‘eetzel Bros. of Cedar Shingles Sash Richmond Htrl. Ont, are, requested to u send partir-trlars of same to the iirrder- Roofings Gypl‘OCk signed by Norm-triber 27th, 1924. .| ‘ _ ‘ NAl'o‘ll'l‘ON .c JENKINS, ldl Paper Wallbourd 8."; Richmond Street, West. Toronto. Building paper Richmond Hill Phone sot Centre Street East l N J. W. Wellman r J~ 11- Prentice l llv313illlittl St” Toronto. GENTS’ FURNISHINGS r Phone Hudson 13-17 w ‘ 7;7 ’ LICENSED AL'CTIONEER l ; rim cot‘NTY or YORK AND ONTARIO l\‘»‘_’t) I s I t lloots and shoes, with a good line of Oxl'ci'ds and Ladies shoes. Special attention given to sales or }ever y description. Farms and farm . .~l.o('k sales specialty. Farms bought . _ -,, ~ . , - l and Sold on commission. Allsales at- SPE'CI‘I‘ pl “CS 1” hh‘lkl 'erided to on shortest notice. and con Pants and Shirts. l ducted by the-rirostapproved methods . Pitrrr e'll':'-. Boys n“)ng Shoes, caps’ f r (org s; it itid Wall Hangings I . - of- Artistic Charm 5AM PLES Flt EE PAINTING. DECORATING r Phone 306, King. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Jcr'scy sweaters all at very reasonable prices. , l ALL KINDS - NEATLY R'EPAIRED lJOBBiNo, CAlll’EN'l'ER WORK AT THE rtitmi'rt'tn; REPAIRED ROLFE SHOE REPAIR storm WINDOWS MADE and GOOD WORKMANSHIP l-‘l'l‘l‘liD, t'ARl"E’l‘ SWEEPERS QUICK SERVICE ' ritziuniugo, LOCKS REPAIRED Work done while you wait. l and NEW KEYS MADE Store next to Village Clerk. ° noon CHECKS PUT ON and REPAIRED REPAIR WORK DONE BY ETC. 1;. B. FINCH 2498 Yonge St. ELIZABETH ST., RICHMOND HIL' th-tjui Box 109 ll BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Toronto Office : Phoni- Hudson 3408.

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