Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Nov 1924, p. 8

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Offica hours 10 t0 (3 to 8 p. m. CO M Maggéughtqqfig Campbell n-.. -v-..-- . Baais‘tpers. Solicitors, Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon 131di Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sm, Toronto. Telephvmo Main 3631. A. CAMERON M'AcNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at The Liberal ()fiicv. Richmond Hill, every Tuesday afternoon. Office am (‘hnrcb Slre NH. 24. Adelmo Malena: and Miss Rosaiind Bush L T. C. M. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Call by phone or otherwnse pl'omplly The undersigned is going out of business, and must clear her stock of Dry Goods, Gents Boots and Rubbers, Ladies and Gents Underwear, Sweaters, Sweater Coats Flanelettes, Wool Blankets, Hosiery, Cotton Sheeting, Smallwares, Etc., Etc, within the next few weeks. From thn Toronto Consorvatm-v n! Music. Will accept it numlzm- of pupils it) Piano. Vocal and -: Theory -2- Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. MRS. MYI.Ks. 37S Berresfortl Av¢-,. \Vest annnth. Phone Innction 0072. Leave Orders at Glenn’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive pmmp attention. V. Sale at the residence, west of the Sterling Bank, Thornhill. Bargains for everybody. Terms cash. Denton, Macdonald c: Denton TheBIGHMUND HILL FURNlSHINB STBRE rthm‘ A. Macdonald ank Demon Laura Dentnn. B. A REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. KING ST. WEST. Touoxm. U_\.\'.\m . EDWARD FHA NCIS NOTARY PUBLIC VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. MISSIONER, CON VEYANCER. JOHN T. ANDERSON Office II -:‘ NORMAN J. GLASS Oflicezâ€" Barristers, Solictors. 81c. MANNING ARCADE. TELEPHONE MAIN 3” Cable Address: “Dedo OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION IS QUALITY M. B WEL WOOD, and residence-Cenhu ‘treets Richmond Hill I PIANO TUNER We have a full new line of men’s Felt Hats at from $3.50 to $4.90 All kinds of Sweaters and Sweater Coats at from $2.50 to $5.50 Men’s good grain cow-hide Work Boots, all solid leather. $4.50. Everything for men, and Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for women and children The fall and winter Hobberlin samples are in; with prices greatly reduced ezâ€"(Jentre St. West XCHMOND HILL Phone 83 )‘Jl'S 2 2, WILSON 104?; 12 mm mllc and ill Phone FT( and DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFJ (diseases of women and children.) Office hours 1 :3 p. m. Phone 100. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice‘ and at reasonable rates. NnR'rII YoNuE ST., RICHMOND IIILI DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. C. M. PALMER & SONS Now is the time to have your Radio Set installed. We are getting wonderful results from our Atwater Kent set. Let us instal one in your home so you can enjoy the concerts RADIO Kent set. Let; us insta home so you can enjoy in the air every night. Everready and Burgess B. Bat- teries. Myers. Radiocron, De Forest. and Westinghouse tubes carried in stock at Toronto prices. Loud speakers aerial wire and insultatox‘s. Teachpr of Piano Playing Pâ€"upil of j. E. Nexvtoxyand B. H. Carma!) Pupils succvssfully prepared for Conservm wry Examinations Studio â€" (Jun! [6 St. West. Phone 88 Richnmnd Hill. 12-24» TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING Now accepting pupils. Phone 94] for information Ufi‘ice houns‘S : 10 (Jars Willys -Knight Motor Cars. DEALERS FOR Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Willys-Overland Motor Sets from $75 up. W. G. BALDOCK LTD. RICHMOND HILL PELHAM CUAFFEY CHOIR-LEADER AND URGANIS‘ PRESBY’I‘ERIAN CHURCH Miss Verdelia Doner DRS. LANGSTAFF I. T. SAIGâ€"EOIN Maple ‘atronnge solicited :1.m.:mdl3 :3 p.111. 10»tf The King and Vaughan Branch of the Ontario levmen‘s Association had a must SllcceSSful match on Ihe farm of Mr. Geo. Unutts, onemzd :I-l-nlf miles north of Teston. last Frir'ny. The day was fine, the attendance \ :n large, and 43 plmvmen \Vele engugv ' in the competition. Although SOL :- of the lands were hand and lumpy - pert; judgvs said [he wmk was [‘ :-- Liculmly creditable. After the plnwing judged a tempting st in the Hu‘l by the La tou Methodist, Chm A number of splendid teams ‘Vrll harnessed, and the judgvs confiduuble Lune in selecting winners‘. ' tou Methodist, Chum-h, where the names of the snug-953ml competitors were rea! by the Secwtan-y, Mr. W. 0. McDonald, and the prizes paid. The fullmving is the prize list : First class, in mdâ€"Wilfred Timhels. Stunfi'vmi’: S Timbers, Al‘mudah‘; Stanley l‘ynduli. Richmond Hill, Second (145$ in sodâ€"Dzuid j. Tran, Cluremnnt: Robert, anrie, Malkhan.; Second (145$ in sodâ€"Dzuid j. Tran, Cluremnnt: Robert, anrie, Malkhan.; D: 10s Boyd, Aunora. Third cluss, in sod (boys under 19 ye:lxs)â€"Fred Timbers. Smufi'ville; \V. Timbers, Anna dale; Hairy Pugh, Smuf‘fville. an'lh class, in sod (jointer plow)â€"' Lnrne \Veldxi: k, Maple; Robelt Fin )1 r:lm<,in stubbleâ€"Flodeteckiey, Stnufi‘vma Wilhed Shortt. Woodville; John Timbers, \muntjoy. Sixth l‘lvlSS iIi' tubble (boys under 19 years)â€"Alchix- Gillies. King: Arthur Julian. Woodlu Mtge; Percy Guttenden, Stuuffville. Seventh clan in stubble (boys under 15)â€"~Alvin Wvldrick, Maple; Ernest 'l‘ilnlwxs. Armndale. LIIL' IIIBII IJVIIV\II ywv v . _ ~ r , considerable discussmn the Board ngrecd to submit a statement of the exlwnse of construction of the new High School for the consideration of Council. The question of a drain on Centre Sll‘N't was then tuke-n up and on moth-n of Ununmllm- Greene seconded hv Cunncillm- Pugsley and carried, lhl‘ potiliun for the drain was accepted and it was decided to proceed with the wmk at OIICP. That, thf dl'fli'u he King and Vaughan Plowing Match \Vntsnn, VVI-nd Stnuffville. “c.[alâ€"ércjw'fract()rs, in sodâ€"â€" Cameron \Valkingtnn, King; Ivan Mmrin. Tux-onto; Harvey Usher. Edgeleya -~ - - ,L,,LLI_ lllrllltlrla V- \q-.-.u. A deputation from the Board of Education was present with reference Lu monies obtained from the sale or the 0E);- 'fieigentu 11:9. N0v9mber 11. 1921. Cnuncil men pursuant. to udimu-n- nwnt in [Le Clerk’s office, all the members plesent. A deputation from the Board of Education was preseub with reference u..,.\ .v; v Ninth (class, Tractors, in stubbleâ€" Gurduu WHdrick, Maple: Norman Steckley, Stoufiville; Hugh O’Brien, Woodblidge. SPECIALS Rest, (lrnwnâ€"ilst Class. Wilfred Tim- bels: End Class, David Tran: 3rd Class, Fred Timbers; 4111 Class Lorne Weldrick; 5th Class, Lloyd Sleckley; 6th Class, AI-chie Gillies; 7th Class. Alvin \VeldI-ick; 8th Class, Cameron Walkingcon; 9th Glass, Gurdnn \Vel- drick. “luv-I. Best Finishâ€"15!; Class, Wilfred Txm- hers; 2nd Class. David Tran; 8rd Class. Fred Timbers; 4th Class. R. Watson; 6th Class, Gordon Ander- son; (ith Ulass, Archie Gillies; 7th Class. Norumn Steckley. ‘ u Ifigslt team and equipment in stubble â€"-lst. Clarence Graham: 2nd, Percy Boyd. , ._- ANNA“ -_I- v.u..m. .Ju.-.“_ 7_ V Best team and (idliifimenb in sodâ€"â€" 1st, Llnyd Turner; 2nd. Lorne Wel- drick. uvi... Aspecial prize two-piece silver set, by A. J. H. Eckardt, was won by Gordon Weldrick in the Tractor Class; and a Fountain Pen, donated by A. T. Minnis. Manager of Imperial Bank. Richmond Hill, went‘m Ernest Tim- beis for best turn-out. boys under 19 years. A The following are the judges: Fur Plowing-Clark Young, Milli- ken; \V. C. Ben-tie, Gait; Wm Haw- stmusser, Multan; James Cameron, Weston. Fm- fiurses and Equlplnent-vColin Campbell. Thistletown; James Ross, \Voodbridge; Elton Armstrong, Au- rm‘a SATURDAY registered furniture York, th Matthews 10 mnnl h: Aucti Large Attendanceâ€"Good Work .-\ L'CTION SALE REGISTER Lho plnwing was finished mud a tempting supper was served Izt‘l by the Luditu Aid of Tes- Village Council \‘ox’. [Exâ€"Auction sale of[ farm stock, implements, lot 19. con. 3, East property of Harry 5. Sale at lo’clock. Terms Pier-tice and Prentice, itige; Linyd Turm’r, letting 71h SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A. Come to (Jul-[ville Chmch, Friday evening. Concert by young peuple, and an illnstmred luctm-w hv va. Mr. KPH, entitled "Indian M'ssinn VmG" in Northern Ontario, and Manitob'l. Silver collection. The Dmniniun Fmthm- and Mattress Co. are located at Richmond Hill, and will make yvux' feather bed intn a sanitary IO“ InnttxeSs 01' down comforter. We [my highest pricps i'nr old or new feathers, Drup a card and our agvnt \VIll call. Dominion Fen-thu- and Mattress 00., Richmond Hill. Om. TEM‘HIXG S A 'I‘ C u I) A Y s 151‘ HOUSE N 0 R T H o F PRESBYTERIAN U H U R o H Bring Your Business to Me and Get Service Caldwell 8: Paterson Ge0.Caldwel|, Lorne Paterson H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Uonveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estafie WALKING PLOWS, N0. 12 or No. 21 With Tinkler Wheel Attachment - PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING} AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. Pupil nf josef Lhevinne and Frank S. \Velsmzm studio: Over Mr. E. R. Fox-tner’s Tailor Store. PHONE 95 \Vish to state theywire prepared to do all kinds nf carriage and wagon work, Automobile wood work and rubber tires at the Trench wm-ks. Salisfnctiun and reasonable prices assured. Give us a trial and be convinced. The use of hens is to lay eggs, and hens will positiver lay more eggsâ€"- GUARANTEEDâ€"if ypu Put a (josg of‘Pratt'fi Pqultyy Regulator in‘jzhe ‘fegd every day. MORE EGGS from Each Hen T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES limited Phone 33 - Thornhill,0nt; Prompt Adjustments of Claims: and Prompt Service RICHMOND HILL RICH MONDEIIIL'. yrederz'cfi .‘Ifi. Polletil TEACHER OF PIANO mum Mum» Write for FREE BOQK. PRATT FOOD (:0. 9E CANADA. nu, TORQ o . G. SAVAGE, General Agent PIANO and THEORY Cf HEN DERSON FEATHE RS NOTICE We also wish to al Agency for THE and will in future We Are Known In All Lines of Insurance FIRE PLATE GLASS LI FF. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT BUR}L«RY SICKNESS and GUARANTEE 0F BONI S H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 33 Your deéler is authorized to give back' you} money if it fails. C arrvi le Fleury Products BV ()ur nounce that. we have obtained the COCKSHUTT PLOW 00., LTD., carry a full line of their products 20-21 19-22 THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING See Samples of our New Type Faces before sending your Printing elsewhere ; they suit DENTIST] Oflice Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank: Hour59zmn. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE Ajlarge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places A All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand, Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer Undertakers and Embalmers Dr. L. R. BELL GEO. KIDD WRIGHT BROS. Thornhill, Ont. No Clfilrge for Advice [\9 N4 me O

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