1'ne Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company. Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Cement dmin tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tile 12, 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in anth) Also Cement. Brick Sand 01‘ Gravel sold by the load 01 in car lots. Cedar posï¬s and telephone pulPs for sale. '1‘. (,OUSINS. The Maple Sand, (1'1 Company, Lt'd. have n Cement, drain tile. 3. 4 Culvert, tile 1‘3. 15. 1‘ Ofï¬ce and residence Church St Richmond Hill. Telephone 13-3 Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario V m-y College. All clnses nf a treated. Day and night calls pl }y attended. SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128 - r12 ONTAR'Q wn‘xo EN’CI'INE i {DUMP C0,. R0 HOUSE‘ PAINTER. Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. tu've no idea the time saved with a Toronto Engine and 9. ~ pronto Grain Grinder on your farm. Think of how much quicker engine will do the work when attached to your pulper. grinder. low. cut ' box. cream separator, fa . . nning mill or pump. It's 1 ready wor er. requires little attention. operates economically on eroaene. With a Toronto Grain Grinder. too. you'll save hours on every trip the mill. I know it will ï¬ll your needs, either for coarse or ï¬ne . efliciently and economically. All built with extra capacity. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc W. HEWISON H. PATERSONI’ HUS E PAINTI NG AD PAPER HANGING 13110119, 12â€"1 .1 AUTO PAINTING Phone 68 RICHMOND STREET. RICHWOND HILL Representing The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York INQUIRIES SOLICITED Tornnto Ofï¬ce. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. “’93! Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce ‘ .41 neral omce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday aftex'nnon Woodbridze, Saturday forennon. Money to loam at Current Rate F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY TELEPHONE 11 M BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY tyre OwenA Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite BOyle. (studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf DELHI 1 Artisr, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram MO atic and Humourous Sketches, gages, Dialect Poems Professional Graduate of dam , AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Lunua ELOCUTIOI‘ Miss Marguerite Boyle WILLIAM CUU‘n All clauses of animals gent, Richmond Hill. Phone 73 J calls prompt- Manager eterin- Motor truck for general work and long distance hauling. i Phone 11 \v 3C. M. PALMER 8: SONS AUTO LIVERY SERWCE colleges have been in here during the p months. Enter any ti for catalogue. Corner Arnold and Yonge Streets Noted fur high grade instructinu and superior employment service ! Many students from other business Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL Two beautiful residences on Rose- view. Have a look at, the Hughes' property. Inquire about the Richmond and Mill Street properties all that beauty spot below Lot 40. New Brick House every convenience on Benson Ave. House and Lot on Rumble Ave., great bargain. W. J. ELLIOTI‘ - PRINCIPAI l 200 Acre Farm must he sold to wind up estate, situate 2nd Con. Vaughan in good farming district. 70mfurtable 7 roomcd house, barns. pig pen house. etc. windmill and arlesian wpll. Eoi the best. About 150 acres arable, and 50 acres of first cl tss bush. Possession J at once. u l Corner Yonge & Alexander SLS Toronto. A Comfortable House and Lot; on Arnold Sueeb. Only $2300 with $600 down. J.R.HERRENGTON Insuranceâ€"Life, Fire, Acci- dent and Sickness, Automo- bile Etc. Those having funds avail-l able for investment are advis- ed to look over my list of securities. H, A. Nichoiis OFFICE; CHURCH STREET ELLIOTT FOR SALE Money to loan on mort- The Real Estate Man me gm some free mature. past twelve time. \Vpite nttendm.ce RICHMOND HILL 10~tf . â€"~ vv-- - ‘ “Iv-IV‘>\" 5-qu lgurden and fruit. Rouphcast, six , rooms. with one and one quarter acres. | Detached, gnod'garden and fruit trees, good cellar and furnace. Detached,l frame, good CPllar and large garden' and stable, electric. Detached, solid brick. all conveniences, garden and Garage. Detached. frame; gnod : cellar, furnace and electric. garden and ‘garage. fine home for small family.’ Beautiful brick house with four acres. fine gander) land, fifty fruit Uees, BL_ _ v . ‘ __- _v.«v nu alllnll Lnlllll". Beautiful brick house with four acres, fine gander) land, fifty fruit Uees, strawberry and raspberry patch. Apply to J. R. HEREINGTOX. 17-Lt‘ ARTIAL LIST OF REAL ESTATE P FOR. SALEâ€"Detached, brick, hardwood, all conveniences, good garden and fruit. Roughcnst. six rooms. with on aud‘ one qqarter aeres. finh‘fllkA; “- i ,V __ ....~ ,. ......... w. an: undersigned. lot 29, con. 4.Vaughan. Owner may have same by proving prnpertv and paying expenses. W. '1‘. 000K, Maple. 20-22‘ OR RENTâ€"Four-roomed cottage .. with all cuuwniences. hot and COId water system, and bathroom, electriclight. Low rent. Apply MR5. MAHOHY. 21-23 1 in Maple, electric light, furnace, and soft water in house, good stable and garage. all kinds of fruit. Apply Wu. G. \VOODH, Phone 662 Maple-l 21 23 1‘0'REE"‘â€":Cmpfortable brick house 1‘ ONEY WANTED MORTGAGEâ€" Will pay 7?; per annum. Address Box No. 107. ‘20â€"‘23 .. .A ...u \Inu :qu lot, 34. ('nn‘.‘ {311111112111}. Phone 1511 Stout‘fville, 21-22 OUNG GIRLâ€"Seeks emplnylnéTIt. housework, or to help generally, no uhjeution to children. Apply Liberal Ofï¬ce. 1" F Apply MRS. “7’; _HEE\VI§6;1 ‘entre Street. ‘3‘ conveniendes any time Friday or Suturd PERRY, Telephone 69 J. 0 RENTâ€"A part of furnished house, to an adult couple; garage in connection. Apply Lu Box 139 Richmond Hill. ‘21 \‘YAP . LOVER. HAYâ€"The undersigned wishes to buy 40 m- 50 tons of clover bay. 0. TOPPER, Elgin Mills, Phone 102 R 2. 2L22 EGAL HEATERâ€"Fur sale, good as new, cost $65, sell fur $20. Rose Homage. Roseview Ave. 21 A number of Equnigr from here attended the dance given by the puseball teams at Elia on Friday even- mg, STRAY HGTICEâ€"Three ‘OR SALEâ€"20 pigs. 7rweeks 01d 1t Mrs. John Gxey, of Aurora, visited fri‘ends in'Lhe village last week: Mrs. T. H. Keys has been appointed delegate to the Convention of “’0- men’s Institutes .held in Toronto this week. The monthly meeting of the \V0- men's InstiLute was held at the home of Mrs. George Gal-row last: Friday afternoon. After an inlexesting pro- gramme, given by the members. after- noon Lea was served. OR C(mlrbieutr‘rful' sale There will be a Communion Service in the Methodist Church, Maple, next Sunday morning, but owing to Hope anniversary the service in the evening will be withdrawn. The congregations of St. Andrew's and St. Paul's Churches have extend- ed a call to Rev, Mr. Bowman. of Czr'gwland, to become their pastor._ 0L Anniversary services will be held in Hope Methodisc Church next, Sunday. at 2.30 and 7. Rev. A. F. Eagle. of Fail-hank Methodist Church, will con- duct both services The male quar- tette of \Vundhridge will assist the choir at both services. AN‘I‘EDâ€"-Middle ageaTlx~usehnld helper in home with all epiences._ twu in family. Agply RA! NOTICEâ€"Three Colts slme‘ t9 the: premises of the u. mg.“ nouse next. ~iniy, Hel'resh- , RUGBY TOO ROUGH l ments were served. and a pleasant social A strong sentiment appears to be hour Was spent. . Next Sunday evening the Rev. J. R. growing in favor 0f Changmg the Earle. B.A.. a missionary on furlough “1ng rules so as to make them more from China. will speak at the Newton- ' ’ chool students brook Methodist Church. 3:21:19 Wgogm 1311151.: bsave been many The ï¬rst "Fireside Service" was held _ . d last Sunday evening. In spite of the RCCidentS, 59110115 and Omemlse 1"" inclement weather a large number of ing games this season. Many parents people attended. The Challenge of the - ' ‘ Cross was resented in a series of slides have made compldints to High school _ p ‘ . principals in regard to the roughness 0" the Life Of bhrlst. It was by the , ‘ way of sacriï¬ce that He brought bless- of the game, those taking P3†rlm' ing to the world. and His challenge is ning the risk of being cripled for llfe- that whosoever Would do likewise will It is to be hoped that something also go the way of sacriï¬ce and take up will be done to make the game less his own cross and prove his divine spark d E rybody believes in of fellowship in a life of Christâ€"like ser- angerons. ve _ vice. A special duet was sweetly sung clean athletics, but when it gets to be by Misses Tate and Wiltshire. brutal it ceases to be sport. 7 Next Sunday evening Mr. Earle is ex. Since the ‘mebiseire vote was} NEWTON BROOK taken it had been rumored in a ‘ certain quarter that; MI‘. T. L. Church, {( 'Ihe DiIstrict Exe'cutige of the Toronto 3 ~ .th ï¬sh as ‘ ; lentral league Vlslte the -eague at M.I .3 would agar; ente! ‘1‘: VON†' Newtonbrook last Monday evening and candldate for tho oronto l r) r y, took charge of the programmu‘ Mr. 0n the wet ticket But the eX-Mnyorg Davidson, the President of thecbistrict gave a direct denial to the rumor, to; League. was in the chair, and he was ‘ _. : z . , 03 en “1].. supported by.nearly all the other ofï¬cial ‘1 'e ’0â€? f)" ifâ€? ' “pin _ “I lmembersâ€" stses Fenwlck. Cranford, Church IS ICPOIW as S‘ y g‘ Stevens, Withrow. and ML Davenport have never sought the DOSilIiOH, DOI‘ ,' all taking part in the programme. Mr. Whale sang a special solo. which was have I over, On any occasion, ex- ' V pressed to any one a desire to run mum appreciated Mr. batouaflapa- , 1 fdoin , g0 ., “€88. gave an account of nnssmnary "or have I eve, thoug 1t 0 ‘ ' Work In hlS home land Mr. Davenport It would seem that; people Wish tol emphasized the coming rally of the keep the exJVIayor in the limelight, northern leagues at Richmond Hill onv ‘ December 8th. and also suggested that ' ' 0t}. Whether he W151] 15 or n I arrangements be made even now for a delegation to attend the Summer School T“*â€"_ v at Elgin House next July. llefresh‘ RUGBY 1‘00 ROUGH {grants were served. and a pleasant social l \‘Vaut .AdS. MAPLE HOPE M'RS On this yeu'a service the Hospi- tal expended $345,126 md ï¬nd] itself in the hole to the extent oi $134,284. What comes in around Christmas-time keeps the Hospital going. So long as the word "Christ mas" mains its original “5an could any charity possibly enlist more at the sympathy of you: readers or entitle itself to men 01 their support? Faithfully yours, 1'. E ROBERTSON. 3 Chairman Appeal Commute: this province equipped with a knowledge of children’s dismes, which they could not get my! in some such highly speck]qu and pro-eminently etficient institution as the Hospital for Sick Chlldnn., A MINUTE 0F MERCY FIFTY cam-s limbs are made straight. It um. were not dividend enough, one might try to estimate thc enormous salvage of child-lite in Ontario which has taken piaco lined “Sick Kids" ductors and “Sick Kids' nurses have been going out through this province equipped with a through the voluntary contributions which render it possible to main tam an Institution where pailid cheeks becommmosy and twisted limbs are made straight, And secondly, the out-patient de partment. This Is a. wing of offices given over to consultation and minoz operations. On an average there were 190 young callers a. day. That ls where the dividends are earnedâ€"In the dltference made tn the llves.01.' thousands of children through the voluntary contrlhminna Firstly, the daily 'averagl dren occupying cots in the for Sick Children was 24 total cared for as ln-patit 6,397. That is equivalent population of a goodalzed town. uuring the past few months. Still they will, no doubt, Want to know something of the work accomplished by the hospital to which they have so generously contributed in the past. They are shareholders in a Mission of Mercy. Their dividends are not paid in coin of the realm May I trespass upon your space to outline what those dividpndq am? Dear Mr. Editor:â€" Your readers have prob: their appetite for statistics during the past few monti they will, no doubt, Want something of the work arr-(r 0R SALEâ€"â€"A large quantity of bailed buy pl ice $14.00 per ton, or less than that amount 75 cents per hundred. and a large quantity of hailed nal, straw $10 per ton. ISAAC VVALDERS, Mill St, Phone 35 r 3. 20-22 Hosglital *for Sick Children 67 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO anan whose husband \vns a perma- nent invalid. “\Vell. sometimes he': better and Sometimes he’s worse,†rr-pIiej Mrs. Fugger. “But from the way he growls and takes on when he‘s better. I think he’s hth’tréer’hen he’s 'l‘hursdayr'rvï¬eo.‘IKE, has bleen the date chosen by. the Sunday School Executive for their Uhrisunas S. :5. en- tertainment. W.-. e ....,,,e “unumx v1 people attended. The Challenge of the Cross was presented in a series of slides on the Life of Christ‘ It was by the way of sacriï¬ce that He brought bless- ing to the world. and His challenge is that whosoever would do likewise will also go the way of sacriï¬ce and take up his own cross and prove his divine spark of fellowship in a life of Christâ€"like ser- ‘ vice. A special duet was sweetly sung by Misses Tate and Wiltshire. Next Sunday evening Mr. Earle is ex- pected to show some slides on his work in China, and the Pike Brothers will sing. ‘ I On Thursday, Nov. 27th. the Joy Bells are putting en a tea and a lecture You will ï¬nd something xery sociable and interesting.’ L‘ome nu - I‘S ss upon your space to those dividends are? daily average of chii tots in the Hospital en was 255.4 The as ill-patients waa equivalent to the goodaized Ontario x the Way; he gmwié he’s better, I think ’5 worse." COSTS probably had L In spite of the ‘ C"'|'I}7}' Of a large numbgrl‘of I 11011013 ._ tNL;11,,, satiated 3. Stili ISchool Supplies ---This Ofnce V.v-_ wywbmv“. V ï¬IVJATiZE‘i-lgt the City of I‘m-onto the vaiuce of Ontario, this 29111 d of October. 1924. JQEN _R. HUFFMAN. nnn 1- Divnrce from his wife Myr‘ of the Village of Mimico County of York, on the adglygggnd desertion. was held I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Albert Wilson Denning, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Musician. will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session theleof. fora. Bill of Notice of Application for Divorce Phone 133 >9 Exc'elsior Lifeâ€"IiJideET‘i'c Solicitor for the Applicant Albert \Vilson Deuniz. without examining the stock of dependable lumber we are handling we feel quite certain that; you will have madea mistake. It will pay us both if you pay us a. Visit. r119 you erect a building this spring The Protective Association of Canada. and The Dominion Guuranle 8 and Accident ()0. , C. 11. BYARI AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE - ASSURANCE OF (JANA DA Phone 110 F Richmond Hi3] THE BU\LD\N(r sum Hmo» AND om (1mm gmaeg’s m DEMAND, ! ‘ W. J . Scrivener Real Estate Central Fire lns. Has For Sale Houses, Vacant Lots, Small Acreages, Farms; Also Houses to rent. NAUG mam JENKINS, 85 Richmond Stu-er. West, Toronto. Solicitors for the said Executor. 21-23 L; INNES & SONS ,i.. ..v..\_,.. IUv'l .‘uLP.’ such lust nmnlinnell dutv. lilt‘ Sulirilms for the Exvcutm- will prmawd tn distrihulv the assets (f the said de- cvnsed, among the partiw v-nlith-G [her-Pm, having regard only In the claims 0f whioh thev shall then hau’ notice. and that the Executor will nof be liable for lhe said nssels or any part- thereof to any person 01' persons of whose: claim notice shall not have heen received by his Solicitors, at the time of such dislrihution. r ‘ H, "up tnNuughrnnnnrljvnklns. smwr. \th. 'J'c-I'untu, 5 H19 EXH'IILUI‘ of {119 In Testament of [he said (is Christian names and :Iddwswss and descn] pmticulu's in waiting of SUllPlllFï¬t Hf [hr-ir ns'mnn nature (It the soumily, if th-ln, AVID TAKE NOTICE 1924, at the Viliagenfï¬ in the County of York, a nr hefm-u the ‘2!)Lh day 1924. (0 59nd bv mer m m r. ,3. 7‘ n, pul'Su-‘llll. tn SPCHUII 50', of tho Trustees’ Act. RS. 0. 1914, Chapter 121, and Amending Acts, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against, thP Estate of Lavica Ann Stung. who died on or about seventh dav of Sentpmhnr Inn. [N THE MATTER UP the LAVICA ANN STONG, In Villu'zv nf H_i(“)l:,nnr‘ um " HAY FEVE? .u..u, mm- ()I we Huge “(Ri'clï¬wnd Him. in th- lllll,_\' of York, \virlnw. deceased. \IOTICE is hPH-hy given, pursuant t ‘4‘ "" ' ' .Q;.mi.... :5 A. Get a box of RAZ-MA people feel better fron' Your druggist will refu ifa $1 box does not br; solutely harmless. Ge for 4c in stamps. Te ronto. V H ,, _.. .-.u uulu fork, .on the ground of Will spoil your summer ' 1 your company distressing friends unless you 2'91: mm 1:.i fe- Burirlidï¬iingr v'i'oro n [t 'or Sale by Summer AsihEé wife Myrtle D’éEï¬ihE tu:.\.:r. 9 1- ‘- 0f Lavica Ann Stong. who died 'mllt seventh dav of September. the Viliage hf Richmond Hill, Vouuty of York, axe rr‘quired (-n ['3 the ‘2!)Lh day of Dem-ml)“, send by ant prepaid or deliver LAN" ‘ ' ’ ‘ V Natice to Creditors , V _- “Mm, does not bring- relief. Ab- armless. Generous sample stamps. Templetons, To- r .VU'I‘IUI") Hm! after med dam lhu Suliritms :lum- will prmtwd tn ‘SNS (f the said de- Yonge Street ' â€" “'"â€â€˜65 . in the said 'orter’s ‘Drug Store a Bili of summer and 20-25 o in Clay late bfihé 2t) 21 Estate of 1d make hto your R12